Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I have never finished a game with TN scum.

Actually, I am doubting that too Sis. If you see a few posts back, Sameech having that much confidence Avatar is scum is surprising. It does make me doubt a few things.

You are just ranting I am not credible/scumover and over. Why are you concerned with my credibility if you think I am scum?

I am considering both Avatar and Sameech as scum but that's a stretch.

Not ranting. Just stating. You are dominating the thread so I am warning others about you. I am almost certain you are scum so I am calmly stating my case and seeing if others follow while doing my best to stop town derp.

Avatar and Sameech IMO is ridiculous. More than likely a 1-1 ratio.
You want me to shut up Mathblade, best not to say I am scum every post you make.

Your case needs thorough reexamination as you should know that if a scum is roleblocked they cannot kill even if they target a macho cop.

And who was roleblocked? Was it the green or all abilities. Post number please.
Day abilities were not roleblocked. They cannot be. Lol. The Central hood knows who, if anyone, was blocked.

I was using an example there to show you that there are ways of "protecting" Mertex that do not require a doctor.
Wtf...simple question requires simple answer.
Was Avatar roleblocked from making the Rosie kill? That was your point about me having to reevaluate. Tell me where. Not an example of what could have happened. I only care about what did happen.

It is possible all the players are hydras with Zergling opposition players. Irrevelant unless they talk about doing stuff for the hive.
Aye, I agree that it doesn't excuse him from being here, but you did ask where he was so I told you. :dunno:

ScarletRage, I don't know that I can vote Mertex just yet. I've been reading TN as town and you are linking both Mertex and TN as scum.

Ok. Let's talk then. I have hydraed with TN townand this does not look like his town game.

Why do you think TN is town?

It seems too much an obvious play to protect Mertex the way he did. It does make it look like they are scum partners and I just think he's a better player than being so obvious like that. Also, he has been posting more in this game than in his previous scum games.
Wtf...simple question requires simple answer.
Was Avatar roleblocked from making the Rosie kill? That was your point about me having to reevaluate. Tell me where. Not an example of what could have happened. I only care about what did happen.

It is possible all the players are hydras with Zergling opposition players. Irrevelant unless they talk about doing stuff for the hive.
Lol. Nope. You teally are fucking hopeless this game. I never postulated Avatar made any sort of kill. Sameech has.

The roleblocker comes out as a method of saving a macho cop. That is all.
Aye, I agree that it doesn't excuse him from being here, but you did ask where he was so I told you. :dunno:

ScarletRage, I don't know that I can vote Mertex just yet. I've been reading TN as town and you are linking both Mertex and TN as scum.

Ok. Let's talk then. I have hydraed with TN townand this does not look like his town game.

Why do you think TN is town?

It seems too much an obvious play to protect Mertex the way he did. It does make it look like they are scum partners and I just think he's a better player than being so obvious like that. Also, he has been posting more in this game than in his previous scum games.

Assume tn is lost scum. He has zero idea on who he wants dead. So he picks Mertex and gambles no link.

At the end of Day 1, I said Moonglow is town. Let's lynch Mertex instead. Do you know who disagreed by clicking the red X. Tn.
Gee thanks...that is now to not get personal.

And you didn't state a name. So I went with the flow of conversation be clear.

Secondly you think Mertex,TN,House,and myself are scum. Please do explain how Sameech killed anyone?
The simple narrative is often the truth.

TN and Mertex protect each other bc buddies. TN gives Mertex the elemental bonus bc it leaves their killing options open. Mertex uses her shield but refuses to say who on. Her saying so would make someone a lot less likelyto be ice scum. Why eon't she say. No clearing people. She townreads TN. TN townreads her.

Buddies in sync.


I never said Sameech killed anyone. If any of my msin list are town, it is likely you. You would be replaced w one of Avatar Sameech.
I have never finished a game with TN scum.

Actually, I am doubting that too Sis. If you see a few posts back, Sameech having that much confidence Avatar is scum is surprising. It does make me doubt a few things.

You are just ranting I am not credible/scumover and over. Why are you concerned with my credibility if you think I am scum?

I am considering both Avatar and Sameech as scum but that's a stretch.

Not ranting. Just stating. You are dominating the thread so I am warning others about you. I am almost certain you are scum so I am calmly stating my case and seeing if others follow while doing my best to stop town derp.

Avatar and Sameech IMO is ridiculous. More than likely a 1-1 ratio.
You want me to shut up Mathblade, best not to say I am scum every post you make.

Your case needs thorough reexamination as you should know that if a scum is roleblocked they cannot kill even if they target a macho cop.
Explain the last paragraph without pronouns then please. Who do I need to reevaluate and why.
@MathBlade, your case on me needs reevaluation. You know that if scum are roleblocked while attacking the Macho Cop, the kill will not go through. That is because the ability is considered to be stopping scum, not a protection action. Shield should work the same way. Your case on me rests on me "lying" rather than this being a philosphical disagreement.
.....Back to this again?? Shield to me reads like bodyguard like House explained it earlier. To me you are confirmed liar. Pretty damn simple. You lying is one part of it.

The other parts which you forgot which were acting strange and telling me to do things with little to no justification. If I told anyone to "fake a dayvig" in the thread wouldn't that be suspicious.

I'm pretty sure you are scum and my vote is staying here. If Mertex gets lynched which I hope to God not we need to look at the people on that train.
Why do you want me to reveal who I shielded? Obviously it wasn't Rosie, or I would be dead.
Because a one shot ability is helpful to town to know who was targeted and does not help scum at all. You not revealing is simply asinine.

for some reason you like strife and confusing town. Even of you are not scum you are toxic to town :slap:
No one in the Central QT knew that Rosie was the Cop. Neither Aye nor myself told them.

Keep spinning, Mertex.
That's only half true. Aye REPEATEDLY stated how important it was that Rosie stayed alive when such was simply not necessary.

That clearly highlights her for the NK.
I agree it most certainty can be used by scum and I believe it has been.

I am not sure what you mean about 'me barking up the wrong tree with her' though. I was addressing Avatar's statement no one else.

The biggest person who kept coming up as having a PR on this thread was Mertex. I know many were questioning if Rosie was scum here too due to meta change though, I don't recall PR being mentioned for Rosie though. I will state again I may have missed it in Central where it was claimed she was an investigator. IIRC it was mentioned she may need to be protected though but no reason was given other than she had a PR IIRC.
It was never claimed that she was an investigator. It WAS beaten over and over and over again that Rosie needed to stay alive at least through day 2 by Aye.

That is a pretty revealing statement though...
I'm the oldest by one whole minute. I have not played anywhere near as much mafia as my sister. For her it's a passion.

And about the neighbor thread...It is like a cult where everyone uses acronyms and asks my opinion and are ..."oh yeah we have to translate..."

The parts that are intelligible seem to be really stupid ideas like dayvig for example. I don't lie in mafia. 1) It's stupid to me. 2) It's almost always obvious when I do lie, reinforcing my belief in rule 1.
Are you claiming twins!

Usually twins know each-other very well....

And you are calling SR (Scarlet Rage) scum...

Things that make you go hmmm....
I wanted to get away from the setup spec and I explained in thread why I wanted you to fake that. It wasn't Sameech's ability and it would have generated reactions.
scarlet you asked for my leans at the moment.

I am still suspecting TN. His lack of activity has been bothering me. I think I'll wait until I see his response to decide..

I think we seriously need to consider aye and grandma. I don't see grandma as obviously town. The fact that they spread the word of rosies role makes me wonder though. I'm leaning more toward grandma of the two. She has been focused solely on mertex practically the whole game. I could see a set up situation.

I'm thinking mertex is probably town. But I haven't completely exhonorated her at this point.

Sam is the hardest for me right now. I was getting a completely town read in him day one. He didn't say anything about his suspicions in the group during the night and suddenly he is claiming I am scum bases on being L1 on moonglows wagon. Not only that but he is dead certain. I've seen him claim people are scum before to get a reaction but he isn't changing. But usually he is trying to get his subject to talk and give away their partner. Instead he wants me vigilante killed rather than lynched. It's unusual for him. It's a scummy move for him. Especially since he isn't really doesn't have a good reason for his suspicion.

sgt is flying under the radar. That has me concerned. Not sure if it's cause he is newb or scum.

still early for mathblade. I like what she has to say so far but I don't know her tells as well.

cafe comes off as town to me. Wolf too.

not sure with house and shaitra.

I think we probably should keep our focus on those who knew Rosie had a pr.
She wouldn't even know if icescum had attacked her, according to Wake.

The people who were targeted were not informed if the attack failed.
Wake said that you are not informed if you are targeted. SR claims that wake informed here that she is no longer immune. Those are two different things and I can see how both might very well be true. SR is assuming that her one shot protection is gone because it was used. I think that is a fair assumption. That said, SR is playing VERY differently than usual and much of the neighborhood chatter with her has made me very suspicious of her for the same reasons that Math has.

BTW, we still have no claims of jailers last night. Can you confirm that you did not target Rosie with one of those keys? If you didn't then we have 2 jailers out there and I am going to assume that neither selected a target because they are not mentioning if they did.

Keeping silent about selecting a target at this point is very damaging to town and dumb. If you are a jailer AND used your ability then let us know who you protected - it could very well lend us some information on who was targeted.

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