Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Grandma, Rosie, Aye and myself were in the same neighborhood. Because I didn't check in right away, everyone's posts in the QT indicated suspicion that I might be Scum.

Aye suggested that since we were all town we should reveal our powers. I thought she was referring to my Doc power and it made me nervous (remember I'm not an experienced player) so I disappeared without giving a response. Later I realized they were talking about abilities, and figured it was okay to reveal. Mine was "Nimble fingers", I could steal someone else's. I wasn't feeling vulnerable, so stealing Grandma's (protection N1) was not even considered. I then stole Shaitra's, who was identical to my Doc power, except with that one, I would die instead of the person I shielded. I could only use one or the other....why would I use the one that could kill me?

Then Grandma brought it to the main game thread that I was Scum because I was the only one that had not revealed their abililty when Aye, Rosie and her had. When I posted that I had indeed revealed, she changed her story to "did not reveal before you activated". When Aye and Rosie confirmed that I had revealed before I activated, she changed her story again to "revealing and activating in a short period is the same as not revealing". Then Rosie even posted in the QT that I revealed 1 1/2 hours before activating and asked her why she was making such a big deal over it, since I didn't have to do either.

That is the big lie. Why even manufacture such a lie unless she wanted to have me lynched? And why would she want me lynched if she is not Scum?

Then she posted that she doesn't believe I'm the Town Doc after I claimed. If she really believes that, she would vote for me and start a wagon on me, but she doesn't because she's afraid that when it is revealed that I am Town Doc, her game is over. I'm not afraid to start a wagon on her, because I know that she is Scum.

Do you recall giving any hints in your neighborhood or the GT about who you would protect, or more importantly that you would not be protecting Rosie? Seems odd fire did not move on you when they had a chance to not run into a conflict with ice. seems odder that they moved directly on the more or less outed cop instead knowing there was a doctor in the game. Feels almost like they knew you would not be protecting Rosie and didn't need to move on you Night 1 because they felt they could get you mislynched.

My first response was that I probably wouldn't be using it. Then Grandma suggested that I should use it on Rosie. She might have made that request here on the thread, too. When pressed why I wouldn't use it, they suggested that I considered myself more valuable than Rosie. I didn't know how to answer without revealing that I was Doc, and they had a good argument, why I finally had to hint at my Pr.

It would have been a magnificent tactic for Grandma, because by shielding Rosie (with Shaitra's shield) and considering Fire targeted Rosie, I would have ended up dead, too, because Rosie could not be protected.

I didn't protect Rosie with my Doc protect because I was leery that Rosie was even PR, considering that she was so willing to share her role in the neighborhood where we had no idea if our neighbors were indeed Town.

And, the way I see it, a Cop is way more valuable than a Doc because all I can do is protect...I could be protecting Mafia for all I know. Rosie as the Cop, can investigate, and if she did get suspicious of Grandma because of Grandma's lie, she would probably have investigated Grandma and known why she was lying....but you should know this, already.

( emphasis added)

I thought Wake cleared this up. If you had used the shield on Rosie she could have lived, you would have died.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

She was in the hood that Cafe created and Avatar was in that one, too. I know because Avatar posted that Grandma and Aye had asked for protection for Rosie in that QT.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

She was in the hood that Cafe created and Avatar was in that one, too. I know because Avatar posted that Grandma and Aye had asked for protection for Rosie in that QT.

As I posted before, that hood is irrelevant regarding Avatar's statement because he was referring to the odds of players landing in there via randomizer.

Central was cherry picked.
You guys are making it ridiculously hard to keep up with the thread.

I am still catching up on some pieces of the game. I encourage you to just play and give it a shot. :) You may see things others like myself miss because we are in the weeds.
( emphasis added)

I thought Wake cleared this up. If you had used the shield on Rosie she could have lived, you would have died.

No Cafe, Rosie could not be protected. She had unique Cop role where she could not be protected. Had I used the shield on Rosie, she still would have been dead, and I would have been dead, too. Wake said, whoever you "shield" - if they would die, you die instead. At least that was my understanding. Rosie even posted that on the neighborhood QT. She said, "don't waste it on me - I can't be protected".
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

You're just pissed that I left the bandwagon you were trying to get rolling on Mertex.
( emphasis added)

I thought Wake cleared this up. If you had used the shield on Rosie she could have lived, you would have died.

No Cafe, Rosie could not be protected. She had unique Cop role where she could not be protected. Had I used the shield on Rosie, she still would have been dead, and I would have been dead, too. Wake said, whoever you "shield" - if they would die, you die instead. At least that was my understanding. Rosie even posted that on the neighborhood QT. She said, "don't waste it on me - I can't be protected".

No. Wake cleared that up, she could have been protected by the meat shield.

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Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.

Because it was a scummy move. We had Mertex, still one of the single most suspicious players in the game, at L1, and all of the sudden someone rode up and dropped an ability to distract attention away from her.

It might as well have been one of those smoke bomb capsules you always see in cartoons. lol
Shiatra cleared Aye from being Fire Mafia, we know Avi was Fire Mafia, and here he is FOS at Aye. Aye, I believe you are Town, all the way. Nobody should be voting for Aye.

aye could still be scum. I wish that ability could make it clear wolf. Wake says the abilities are randomized
I am still catching up on some pieces of the game. I encourage you to just play and give it a shot. :) You may see things others like myself miss because we are in the weeds.

I was up to date until they decided to spam 30+ pages of 25 posts in 2 RL days.
Vote: Grandma

I like Wolf's answer but I think finding the scum in Wolf/Grandma/Aye is probably the best move. Townie vibe on Aye.

Wolf and Grandma were a toss up to me and Wolf's switch seemed rather convenient, but they had a good explanation.

I still think Scarlet Rage is the best vote but no one is seeming to pressure her :(

Why you keep including me is beyond me but whatever. I happen to have Sameech as a neighbor where he has explained some things. I am not going to vote PR's. I'm not going to target my neighborhood again when there's a scum in there we already lynched. And I'd like to look at who killed Rosie.

I do not see scum in SR. She's gone out of her way to figure things out. You haven't convinced me she's scum so I see no reason to pressure her.

I am going to go figure out how many votes Grandma has before I cast a vote and derp hammer or something. She's gotten a lot awfully fast.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

I'm pretty sure that Avatar was in the hood that Cafe started, if that's called Central. @CaféAuLait can you clarify if Avatar was in your ability-created neighborhood? I know for a fact that Grandma was because both Grandma and Aye were in my neighborhood when they were asked to be part of the Cafe one.

reread the neighborhood thread. Cafe is right. They didn't outrigrht say investigative. One of she's posts stated Rosie was looking for targets for her pr. It seemed implied there was investigation. Atleast I read it that way. It's why I stopped pushing for Rosie on day one.

needless to say it was obvious Rosie had a pr role so I think central people should be looked at as well

Well I think I am stating the obvious. She only was outed as a cop to her neighbors. Fire killed Rosie, thus my speculation fire is in her neighborhood. She was outed as a possible PR to central, not as a cop. This is why I believe one of her neighbors to be fire mafia. Ice may or may not have learned she was a possible cop but a possible PR. Therefore they would not have know her importance to us in the game, but fire would have. Given both ice and fire did not target Rosie ( if both had she would be alive) it makes me think this may even be a bigger reason to believe such as well. I maybe far off, but it just seemed to make sense to me.
( emphasis added)

I thought Wake cleared this up. If you had used the shield on Rosie she could have lived, you would have died.

No Cafe, Rosie could not be protected. She had unique Cop role where she could not be protected. Had I used the shield on Rosie, she still would have been dead, and I would have been dead, too. Wake said, whoever you "shield" - if they would die, you die instead. At least that was my understanding. Rosie even posted that on the neighborhood QT. She said, "don't waste it on me - I can't be protected".

No. Wake cleared that up, she could have been protected by the meat shield.

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Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 89 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cafe, your first link takes me to this post by Grandma:
You did. That's why MeBelle voted for you. She thought you were Scum.
*walks away from bait*

And, again, Rosie could not be protected. Instead of posting useless links, +quote the quotes and insert them in your post so we know that you are not just posting to create confusion.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

I'm pretty sure that Avatar was in the hood that Cafe started, if that's called Central. @CaféAuLait can you clarify if Avatar was in your ability-created neighborhood? I know for a fact that Grandma was because both Grandma and Aye were in my neighborhood when they were asked to be part of the Cafe one.

reread the neighborhood thread. Cafe is right. They didn't outrigrht say investigative. One of she's posts stated Rosie was looking for targets for her pr. It seemed implied there was investigation. Atleast I read it that way. It's why I stopped pushing for Rosie on day one.

needless to say it was obvious Rosie had a pr role so I think central people should be looked at as well

Well I think I am stating the obvious. She only was outed as a cop to her neighbors. Fire killed Rosie, thus my speculation fire is in her neighborhood. She was outed as a possible PR to central, not as a cop. This is why I believe one of her neighbors to be fire mafia. Ice may or may not have learned she was a possible cop but a possible PR. Therefore they would not have know her importance to us in the game, but fire would have. Given both ice and fire did not target Rosie ( if both had she would be alive) it makes me think this may even be a bigger reason to believe such as well. I maybe far off, but it just seemed to make sense to me.

Yes, she is in Central so is Aye.

However, I am changing my statement above, with further reading, it was almost clear she was a an investigative role of some sort. I found posts which say she is looking for suggestions, which I missed before while on V/la

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