Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Right now, Aye, Mertex, Grandma, and Sam are all seeming pretty scummy to me in terms of attitude, actions, and general behavior. TN is also lingering on my radar simply because he's been absent for so long.



Can we get a mod prod for TN?

Apart from that, it's frankly kind of hard to decide which one to go after at this point. To get the ball rolling, however, I think I'll restate my question from D2.

Vote: Mertex


Did you use your shield ability? If so, on whom?

No, I didn't use it. Everyone knows now that I have claimed to be Town Doc. As Town Doc I have the same ability to protect someone without dying. I can only use one per night, and as long as I'm alive the Doc protect is available for me to use.

Which one would you use if you were me?
And, I have used my Doc protect each night, and not on you.

And voting for someone that has claimed to be Doc puts you as a suspect, you know that, don't you? I'm not afraid of being lynched because I know I will flip town and everyone will know I'm speaking the truth, you, however, will have some questioning your reasons.

And, the way I see it, a Cop is way more valuable than a Doc because all I can do is protect...I could be protecting Mafia for all I know. Rosie as the Cop, can investigate, and if she did get suspicious of Grandma because of Grandma's lie, she would probably have investigated Grandma and known why she was lying....but you should know this, already.

Sure I was hoping you would restate your position in a less heated light. See this bolded part is what confuses me. If you protected scum as doc, it would make no difference as they cannot kill each other. It feels like you are not willing to protect anybody for any real sound reason. If you have a power, you should at least try to use it to help us out whether it is the most ideal situation for your survival or not IMO.

And, the way I see it, a Cop is way more valuable than a Doc because all I can do is protect...I could be protecting Mafia for all I know. Rosie as the Cop, can investigate, and if she did get suspicious of Grandma because of Grandma's lie, she would probably have investigated Grandma and known why she was lying....but you should know this, already.

Sure I was hoping you would restate your position in a less heated light. See this bolded part is what confuses me. If you protected scum as doc, it would make no difference as they cannot kill each other. It feels like you are not willing to protect anybody for any real sound reason. If you have a power, you should at least try to use it to help us out whether it is the most ideal situation for your survival or not IMO.

I have used my Doc power, both nights. But it is true, I have no idea if the people I protected will turn out to be Scum. I know Scum cannot kill each other, but obvviously N1, Ice didn't target Rosie, and why would they, they were not privvy to the info (protect Rosie) that Grandma/Aye broadcasted in Cafe's neighborhood where Avi, Grandma and Aye were neighbors.. Fire targeted Rosie and we still haven't figured out who Ice targeted, we just know that they didn't kill anyone.

It is highly likely they both targeted me N2, because neither Mafia got anything. You said once that the probability that both Mafia teams would target the same player was very low due to the number of players, but knowing that I am Doc, makes it way more likely that both Mafia teams would target me.

Do you now no longer think that it is highly improbable that both Mafia Teams would target the same player, one that has not outed themselves as a PR?
Vote: Grandma

I like Wolf's answer but I think finding the scum in Wolf/Grandma/Aye is probably the best move. Townie vibe on Aye.

Wolf and Grandma were a toss up to me and Wolf's switch seemed rather convenient, but they had a good explanation.

I still think Scarlet Rage is the best vote but no one is seeming to pressure her :(
I have used my Doc power, both nights. But it is true, I have no idea if the people I protected will turn out to be Scum. I know Scum cannot kill each other, but obvviously N1, Ice didn't target Rosie, and why would they, they were not privvy to the info (protect Rosie) that Grandma/Aye broadcasted in Cafe's neighborhood where Avi, Grandma and Aye were neighbors.. Fire targeted Rosie and we still haven't figured out who Ice targeted, we just know that they didn't kill anyone.

It is highly likely they both targeted me N2, because neither Mafia got anything. You said once that the probability that both Mafia teams would target the same player was very low due to the number of players, but knowing that I am Doc, makes it way more likely that both Mafia teams would target me.

Do you now no longer think that it is highly improbable that both Mafia Teams would target the same player, one that has not outed themselves as a PR?

Glad you are using it. I was afraid you were not obviously. I have no idea what scum are doing. I am just as WIFOM as most everybody else at this point. We all know what fire did N1, but not sure if ice did a no kill like scum did in game 2 I think it was, targeted SR if SR is telling the truth as she seems to have changed stories on her immunity, targeted the other scum, or were blocked some other way. On night 2, logically they may have gone for either you or me, but I would assume they would go for you first to clear the possible protection on me out of the way. I doubt they just both randomly picked the exact same town player for no reason other than they thought it was a safe kill because the other team wouldn't be going there too. I'll probably sit on you tonight so if they come, I will see it. You just don't tell anybody what you will be doing here or in your neighborhood.
And voting for someone that has claimed to be Doc puts you as a suspect, you know that, don't you? I'm not afraid of being lynched because I know I will flip town and everyone will know I'm speaking the truth, you, however, will have some questioning your reasons.

The doc claim you magically pulled out of your butt all of the sudden when you were at L1?

Needless to say, it's rather suspect in and of itself.

Keeping that in mind, however, you have answered my question in an at least somewhat plausible manner.


Vote: Grandma

I like Wolf's answer but I think finding the scum in Wolf/Grandma/Aye is probably the best move. Townie vibe on Aye.

Wolf and Grandma were a toss up to me and Wolf's switch seemed rather convenient, but they had a good explanation.

I still think Scarlet Rage is the best vote but no one is seeming to pressure her :(

Frankly, I get a worse vibe on Aye than Grandma. However, I agree with your reasoning.

We need to narrow down our list of suspects here.

Vote: Grandma
[Vote]Sgt. Gath[/vote]

Does no one seem to realize this guy just autovotes the popular wagons?

Mertex, why were you stating or at least not correcting us in assuming, that you used your shield? Why don't you out who you healed n1? Why does your claim change everytime I go to sleep?
I can definitely clear Aye of being fire mafia. I was given jailer's keys and I used them last night on Aye. I was hoping to be able to clear her totally of being mafia, but the second ice mafia scum could have been the one to carry out the night kill.
I can definitely clear Aye of being fire mafia. I was given jailer's keys and I used them last night on Aye. I was hoping to be able to clear her totally of being mafia, but the second ice mafia scum could have been the one to carry out the night kill.
How were you given jailor keys? I thought the keys were given out n1?
Mertex, there's another person in your 'hood. Aye has been very helpful this game, almost too helpful. Are you sure she's not scum buddying up to you?

Doesn't compute. Mertex would have likely been lynched D1 had it not been for Aye.

I don't get why scum would buddy up to a doc. Town, yes... doc, not so much.
Seriously, look at that bad unvote on Mertex. She basically said voting me makes you look scummy Sgt. He then unvotes and votes Grandma because Mertex's answer was plausible? When he spent Day 1 asking about the shield and he forgets to ask who Mertex healed n1?
[Vote]Sgt. Gath[/vote]

Does no one seem to realize this guy just autovotes the popular wagons?

Mertex, why were you stating or at least not correcting us in assuming, that you used your shield? Why don't you out who you healed n1? Why does your claim change everytime I go to sleep?

As far as I'm aware, it's called scum hunting. It's just as valid a strategy as any other.

Votes pressure players. When players are pressured, they occasionally slip up and let valuable information go.

Unfortunately, there's simply not a whole lot more that a vote on Mertex is going to get out of her, as far as I can tell.
Mertex, there's another person in your 'hood. Aye has been very helpful this game, almost too helpful. Are you sure she's not scum buddying up to you?

I think this should at least be explored. Grandma is almost too obvious.

What does it take???

You throw out accusations at the drop of a hat, but turn around and refuse to really believe anyone is scum unless they up and say, "I am scum". You even don't even believe a person is scum when they are (by your own admission in this post) OBVIOUS.

Vote: Grandma (cuz I only took my vote off her to lynch firescum Avi)
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.
Have ya'll forgotten that Sameech outed himself as a watcher? He could have been targeted as well.

However, if Avi is to be believed when he said it was his partner that make the kill on Rosie, that would make Sameech scum.

Ice and fire wouldn't team target a suspected scum.

If that player is town, it would serve scum better to let town do their job for them, giving them more latitude to target other townies.

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