Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

That would make sense Grandma.

What does everyone think of Avatar's confession. Is this a short day where we lynch Sameech?
Anyone have any guesses on who they targeted?

You know they targeted me..............

Both Mafia teams now know I am the Town Doc. They can't coordinate without tipping Town off, so they were hoping that one or the other would target someone else, like what happened on Night one, but only because just one Mafia Team knew Rosie was Cop. Ice failed because TN had protected me, but I'm sure that Ice aimed for me on Night 1 and that is why they didn't get anything.

Grandma is getting so angry that I'm pointing the finger at her that she's going around "disliking" all my posts. And all because I am adamant that she is Mafia. She acted the same in Game 4 when she was Mafia, she can't take the heat without getting angry. I was paying her back, until it hit me, she's angry, cause I came after her.

If we don't lynch her now, she's going to get away like she did in Game 4.

Thank you, Scum!

I'm glad to see everyone made it through the Night!

Sure Grandma, you're Scum and you know that you failed. You can't get a message across to the other Mafia team, otherwise I would have been gone.

Anyone who thinks that Mafia wouldn't try to take out the Town Doc is kidding themselves.....they just hoped that one of the Mafia teams would aim for someone else. It's going to be interesting to see how they dance around trying to figure out how to take me out while trying to get another Townie out at the same time.
They probably both went for Mertex being she claimed Doc. Outside of a cop, scum would want a doc dead. If I was on one of those teams I would of
Anyone have any guesses on who they targeted?

You know they targeted me..............

Both Mafia teams now know I am the Town Doc. They can't coordinate without tipping Town off, so they were hoping that one or the other would target someone else, like what happened on Night one, but only because just one Mafia Team knew Rosie was Cop. Ice failed because TN had protected me, but I'm sure that Ice aimed for me on Night 1 and that is why they didn't get anything.

Grandma is getting so angry that I'm pointing the finger at her that she's going around "disliking" all my posts. And all because I am adamant that she is Mafia. She acted the same in Game 4 when she was Mafia, she can't take the heat without getting angry. I was paying her back, until it hit me, she's angry, cause I came after her.

If we don't lynch her now, she's going to get away like she did in Game 4.


I would not assume ice targeted you N1. You were not outed as the doc then. Rosie was hit because fire knew she was the cop which is why her neighborhood is highly suspect. But ice could of targeted another scum like Avi claimed when he pointed the finger as Sameech or they could of targeted someone with ice protection like you or SR. Since they knew you had ice immunity, I doubt they went for you. I'm pretty sure they both aimed for you last night, since you came out as the doc.
That would make sense Grandma.

What does everyone think of Avatar's confession. Is this a short day where we lynch Sameech?

Shaitra, Grandma is Avatar's partner. That little stunt he did saying "she" was just for us to think that he wouldn't be that obvious and make us think that his partner was a "he".

Who has lied in this thread? Who was in the neighborhood with Rosie? Who broadcasted in another neighborhood that Rosie needed protection. It all adds up, if you are willing to consider it.

How likely is it that both Mafia Teams would target the same person unless that person has claimed to have a PR?

Of course those that are not Town are going to try and argue against it.
Mertex, there's another person in your 'hood. Aye has been very helpful this game, almost too helpful. Are you sure she's not scum buddying up to you?
They probably both went for Mertex being she claimed Doc. Outside of a cop, scum would want a doc dead. If I was on one of those teams I would of

I would not assume ice targeted you N1. You were not outed as the doc then. Rosie was hit because fire knew she was the cop which is why her neighborhood is highly suspect. But ice could of targeted another scum like Avi claimed when he pointed the finger as Sameech or they could of targeted someone with ice protection like you or SR. Since they knew you had ice immunity, I doubt they went for you. I'm pretty sure they both aimed for you last night, since you came out as the doc.

Go back and read the posts, Wolf. I had hinted enough that I was PR. I didn't claim until Day 2, but enough people had picked up on it on Day 1. Remember, I stole Shaitra's ability and you all were thinking I was Scum because of it and I had to bend over backwards to try and convince you all that I had a more valuable asset and why I didn't need Shaitra's ability. Fire knew that Rosie had a PR because Grandma and Aye took that information to the other neighborhood. I believe Avatar was in that neighborhood that Cafe created because he was the one that said Grandma and Aye mentioned that Rosie needed protection.

Who else could Ice have targeted that would have yielded a no-kill on N1? I had protection from Tn and that's why they weren't able to kill me.

I didn't have protection last night, but fortunately they couldn't tell each other who they were going for.

If we take out Grandma, we'll only have one Mafia team left and an opportunity for Town to finally win.
That would make sense Grandma.

What does everyone think of Avatar's confession. Is this a short day where we lynch Sameech?
Yes and no. Sam is definitely scum IMHO BUT a short lynch is almost always bad for town.

We should take this game because scum has royally screwed up. 2 nights down and only 2 Townes down with one scum down - that is excellent for us.

The only thing that bothers me with avatars claim is that Sam played a risky game with Mertex protect our there and the ice kill failing against Avatar. He might have been the one protected.

TN or SR, do you know if it is typical for the scum team in a setup like this to know if the attack failed because it hits scum? That matters A TON because it would clarify weather or not the ice team had complete verification of avatars scum status and Wake has not been clear if scum is notified their kill failed because elements canceled out.

I would agree with grandma that Mertex was targeted but that is rather dumb-she was to obvious a target and it was too likely they would both target her. It does reinforce her town status though - I don't see any other likely targets that would have been targeted by both scum. It's too unlikely they both targeted another player.

Avatars move makes a TON of sense though. If fire losses a player they are at a massive disadvantage to ice. It's only natural that they would want to put themselves on equal ground by outing the ice scum. He outed himself early too ensure we would take it as well. The loss they took was not worth the gamble to kill just one towniee even if he was a PR. Further, Sam claims an odd night power. Considering that Rosie's power was not divided, there are vanilla towniees and Wake used one time powers to give us all a power I am inclined to belive there are no odd/even night powers. That makes Sam's claims sink to high heaven.

Wasn't a player just complaining that we are not willing to lynch false claimed PR roles? Here is an actual false claim. ..

PS- forgive errors, I'm on my phone.
Mertex, there's another person in your 'hood. Aye has been very helpful this game, almost too helpful. Are you sure she's not scum buddying up to you?

No, I'm not sure. That's true.

But, Aye, if she was Scum could have let everyone believe that what Grandma was saying was true and I could have been lynched Day 1. And she didn't. She spoke up, so did Rosie, who turned out to be Town.

Grandma continued to argue in the neighborhood, trying to make her accusation appear more reasonable, but even Rosie told her that it didn't make sense for her to say that "revealing 1 and 1/2 hours before activating was the same as not revealing" - but Grandma insisted that it was. It's way too obvious for me.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.
Mertex, there's another person in your 'hood. Aye has been very helpful this game, almost too helpful. Are you sure she's not scum buddying up to you?

I think this should at least be explored. Grandma is almost too obvious.

Bingo....and if we let her escape again, then we deserve to lose. I'm not afraid of dying, because I know I will flip Town and everyone will know I'm telling the truth, I am Doc. But Grandma gets very aggressive, when she feels the noose near.
They probably both went for Mertex being she claimed Doc. Outside of a cop, scum would want a doc dead. If I was on one of those teams I would of

I would not assume ice targeted you N1. You were not outed as the doc then. Rosie was hit because fire knew she was the cop which is why her neighborhood is highly suspect. But ice could of targeted another scum like Avi claimed when he pointed the finger as Sameech or they could of targeted someone with ice protection like you or SR. Since they knew you had ice immunity, I doubt they went for you. I'm pretty sure they both aimed for you last night, since you came out as the doc.

Go back and read the posts, Wolf. I had hinted enough that I was PR. I didn't claim until Day 2, but enough people had picked up on it on Day 1. Remember, I stole Shaitra's ability and you all were thinking I was Scum because of it and I had to bend over backwards to try and convince you all that I had a more valuable asset and why I didn't need Shaitra's ability. Fire knew that Rosie had a PR because Grandma and Aye took that information to the other neighborhood. I believe Avatar was in that neighborhood that Cafe created because he was the one that said Grandma and Aye mentioned that Rosie needed protection.

Who else could Ice have targeted that would have yielded a no-kill on N1? I had protection from Tn and that's why they weren't able to kill me.

I didn't have protection last night, but fortunately they couldn't tell each other who they were going for.

If we take out Grandma, we'll only have one Mafia team left and an opportunity for Town to finally win.

Well, they knew you had ice immunity because of TN and didn't know you were a doc. I agree they likely both targeted you N2. We need to consider that ice may have hit someone else N1. It's impossible to know for sure but they could have hit SR who is saying she was ice immune also or a fire scum and therefore found out who one of the other scum team members are. If so, Avi's claims may have more merti. Unfortunately, trying to figure out what happened is WIFOM. Also, the neighborhood thing is concerning that so many knew about Rosie and you both. That hurts us trying to narrow down suspects.
Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

I wonder if he wasn't talking about the original hoods. Central was created by Cafe. That one is big enough to have both scum from the same team in it. And therefore if Avi was saying it isn't possible, his team mate could be in there. I'd love to take out the second fire scum. That would mean only one townie shot at every night and a much better chance of a town win. But hey, are odds are upped anyway because we got Avi already.
That would make sense Grandma.

What does everyone think of Avatar's confession. Is this a short day where we lynch Sameech?
Yes and no. Sam is definitely scum IMHO BUT a short lynch is almost always bad for town.

We should take this game because scum has royally screwed up. 2 nights down and only 2 Townes down with one scum down - that is excellent for us.

The only thing that bothers me with avatars claim is that Sam played a risky game with Mertex protect our there and the ice kill failing against Avatar. He might have been the one protected.

TN or SR, do you know if it is typical for the scum team in a setup like this to know if the attack failed because it hits scum? That matters A TON because it would clarify weather or not the ice team had complete verification of avatars scum status and Wake has not been clear if scum is notified their kill failed because elements canceled out.

I would agree with grandma that Mertex was targeted but that is rather dumb-she was to obvious a target and it was too likely they would both target her. It does reinforce her town status though - I don't see any other likely targets that would have been targeted by both scum. It's too unlikely they both targeted another player.

Avatars move makes a TON of sense though. If fire losses a player they are at a massive disadvantage to ice. It's only natural that they would want to put themselves on equal ground by outing the ice scum. He outed himself early too ensure we would take it as well. The loss they took was not worth the gamble to kill just one towniee even if he was a PR. Further, Sam claims an odd night power. Considering that Rosie's power was not divided, there are vanilla towniees and Wake used one time powers to give us all a power I am inclined to belive there are no odd/even night powers. That makes Sam's claims sink to high heaven.

Wasn't a player just complaining that we are not willing to lynch false claimed PR roles? Here is an actual false claim. ..

PS- forgive errors, I'm on my phone.

FA, you are confusing was is being said. Grandma has not agreed with me that I was targeted. She is saying that she thinks I'm Scum. And no, it isn't unlikely that both Mafia teams both would target me. Fire took out Rosie (remember Grandma knew that Rosie was Cop), but Ice did not know that. Now either Ice targeted me (and I had protection from tn) or they targeted the person that I protected.

I think it is highly likely that they both targeted me N2. Everyone knows that I am Town Doc. It would make sense that they would both want me out, but they are not able to communicate to each other who to target.

N1 turned out that way because Fire (someone in Avatar's neighborhood, most likely the one that Cafe created) knew that Rosie had PR. Both Grandma and Aye claim they didn't reveal her role, but they both asked that Rosie receive protection. So most likely Fire Mafia's other member is in that neighborhood.

After I hinted that I might be more useful alive than dead and that I didn't need Shaitra's ability, I'm sure that Ice picked up on the fact that I had a PR and probably targeted me (N1), but I had protection that night from tn, ergo no-kill.

After all the lies that Grandma manufactured about me that were confirmed lies by both Aye and Rosie (Town Cop), the most likely to be Fire Mafia is Grandma.

I didn't have protection last night, and both Mafia teams can't communicate to each other who they are going to target, so they both targeted me and cancelled each other out. That is the most likely scenario, than for them to target someone else. Who else stands out as much as I do?
FA, you are confusing was is being said. Grandma has not agreed with me that I was targeted. She is saying that she thinks I'm Scum. And no, it isn't unlikely that both Mafia teams both would target me. Fire took out Rosie (remember Grandma knew that Rosie was Cop), but Ice did not know that. Now either Ice targeted me (and I had protection from tn) or they targeted the person that I protected.

I think it is highly likely that they both targeted me N2. Everyone knows that I am Town Doc. It would make sense that they would both want me out, but they are not able to communicate to each other who to target.

N1 turned out that way because Fire (someone in Avatar's neighborhood, most likely the one that Cafe created) knew that Rosie had PR. Both Grandma and Aye claim they didn't reveal her role, but they both asked that Rosie receive protection. So most likely Fire Mafia's other member is in that neighborhood.

After I hinted that I might be more useful alive than dead and that I didn't need Shaitra's ability, I'm sure that Ice picked up on the fact that I had a PR and probably targeted me (N1), but I had protection that night from tn, ergo no-kill.

After all the lies that Grandma manufactured about me that were confirmed lies by both Aye and Rosie (Town Cop), the most likely to be Fire Mafia is Grandma.

I didn't have protection last night, and both Mafia teams can't communicate to each other who they are going to target, so they both targeted me and cancelled each other out. That is the most likely scenario, than for them to target someone else. Who else stands out as much as I do?
Ice did not target you night one. You're immunity was public.

They targeted either SR or Avi. I belive they targeted avi and failed in the gambit in trying to get town to lynch him without raising suspicions.

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