Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Anyone have any guesses on who they targeted?

You know they targeted me..............

Both Mafia teams now know I am the Town Doc. They can't coordinate without tipping Town off, so they were hoping that one or the other would target someone else, like what happened on Night one, but only because just one Mafia Team knew Rosie was Cop. Ice failed because TN had protected me, but I'm sure that Ice aimed for me on Night 1 and that is why they didn't get anything.

Grandma is getting so angry that I'm pointing the finger at her that she's going around "disliking" all my posts. And all because I am adamant that she is Mafia. She acted the same in Game 4 when she was Mafia, she can't take the heat without getting angry. I was paying her back, until it hit me, she's angry, cause I came after her.

If we don't lynch her now, she's going to get away like she did in Game 4.


I agree you were likely the target. I also have thought you town for awhile despite your hinky play on Day 1. Could you please summarize what the lie was and what the implication of the lie was. To be honest, anytime I saw that back and forth on the alleged lie I soon tuned it out as cat fighting drama and have gotten confused about it in my head. What would have happened if we believed the lie.

I only have a minute as I am at work so I will look at your response later this evening if I don't get another chance before then. I guess since I believe you are town and I have no read on Grandma one way or the other, I need to practice what I preached D2 and take a leap of faith here that this lie I can't see was a lie and it somehow means something as to the game that was not pro-town.
Have ya'll forgotten that Sameech outed himself as a watcher? He could have been targeted as well.

However, if Avi is to be believed when he said it was his partner that make the kill on Rosie, that would make Sameech scum.
Ice did not target you night one. You're immunity was public.

They targeted either SR or Avi. I belive they targeted avi and failed in the gambit in trying to get town to lynch him without raising suspicions.

This is possible. I read somewhere that scum does find out if they targeted the other team that an elemental power cancelled the attack. So, if ice hit Avi, they knew he was fire scum. Avi told me he didn't kill Rosie. Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie. He got Avi lynched. Is he a town PR? Is he scum? Scum targeted Mertex, but they certainly could of targeted Sameech if he was a tracker or something similar, but didn't. So yeah, this makes Sameech suspect as much as Aye and Grandma are for being in Rosie's hood where her cop status was announced.

Of course, I could be missing something.
They targeted either SR or Avi. I belive they targeted avi and failed in the gambit in trying to get town to lynch him without raising suspicions.

If they had targeted Avi or SR, then SR must be Mafia, that's the only way they could get a no-kill.

They could have also targeted the person I protected, and it wasn't Avi, but one that many thought was Ice.
I disagree with Mertex being the target. Mertex has a lot of people who thought her claim was shit. I still do.

We know it wasn't me. Ice scum shooting me would be stupid.

Shooting Grandma doesn't make sense either due to Mertex voting her. If scum wanted Grandma dead, they could sheep Mertex.

We would be looking for unquestioned town as the target.

I think Sameech is the closest to that.

Vote: Mertex
Have ya'll forgotten that Sameech outed himself as a watcher? He could have been targeted as well.

However, if Avi is to be believed when he said it was his partner that make the kill on Rosie, that would make Sameech scum.

I'm not inclined to believe that Avi was being truthful, but rather wanted to throw us off-track.
Quick thoughts as I have to get to house cleaning in a bit.

1) I think Mertex was the likely target of the scum.
2) I think Sameech is town and that some of the pressure on him is likely scum trying to get rid of a helpful PR.
3) I think one of Wolf,Grandma, or Scarlet Rage should be the lynch today.
This is possible. I read somewhere that scum does find out if they targeted the other team that an elemental power cancelled the attack. So, if ice hit Avi, they knew he was fire scum. Avi told me he didn't kill Rosie. Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie. He got Avi lynched. Is he a town PR? Is he scum? Scum targeted Mertex, but they certainly could of targeted Sameech if he was a tracker or something similar, but didn't. So yeah, this makes Sameech suspect as much as Aye and Grandma are for being in Rosie's hood where her cop status was announced.

Of course, I could be missing something.
Statements in central male me sure of it. The claim he made in central was that his power is only available on odd nights - I don't see that in this setup. Either he was trying to avoid drawing the NK (and that is a possibility) or he is lying and trying to cover his tracks.
I am not certain on Sameech or anyone. The original fire and scum has 2 fire and ice goons, 1 doc, 1 cop and the rest vt.

I know that setup has changed. Scum having no prs and the same numbers makes zero sense.
They targeted either SR or Avi. I belive they targeted avi and failed in the gambit in trying to get town to lynch him without raising suspicions.

If they had targeted Avi or SR, then SR must be Mafia, that's the only way they could get a no-kill.

They could have also targeted the person I protected, and it wasn't Avi, but one that many thought was Ice.

No SR was ice immune, and it sounds like you protected TN.
If they had targeted Avi or SR, then SR must be Mafia, that's the only way they could get a no-kill.

They could have also targeted the person I protected, and it wasn't Avi, but one that many thought was Ice.
No, SR claims immunity. That means it would have resulted in a no kill as well.

Without anyone jailed that is the only possibility. The assumption is that no one was jailed because no one stepped forward.
I agree you were likely the target. I also have thought you town for awhile despite your hinky play on Day 1. Could you please summarize what the lie was and what the implication of the lie was. To be honest, anytime I saw that back and forth on the alleged lie I soon tuned it out as cat fighting drama and have gotten confused about it in my head. What would have happened if we believed the lie.

I only have a minute as I am at work so I will look at your response later this evening if I don't get another chance before then. I guess since I believe you are town and I have no read on Grandma one way or the other, I need to practice what I preached D2 and take a leap of faith here that this lie I can't see was a lie and it somehow means something as to the game that was not pro-town.

Grandma, Rosie, Aye and myself were in the same neighborhood. Because I didn't check in right away, everyone's posts in the QT indicated suspicion that I might be Scum.

Aye suggested that since we were all town we should reveal our powers. I thought she was referring to my Doc power and it made me nervous (remember I'm not an experienced player) so I disappeared without giving a response. Later I realized they were talking about abilities, and figured it was okay to reveal. Mine was "Nimble fingers", I could steal someone else's. I wasn't feeling vulnerable, so stealing Grandma's (protection N1) was not even considered. I then stole Shaitra's, who was identical to my Doc power, except with that one, I would die instead of the person I shielded. I could only use one or the other....why would I use the one that could kill me?

Then Grandma brought it to the main game thread that I was Scum because I was the only one that had not revealed their abililty when Aye, Rosie and her had. When I posted that I had indeed revealed, she changed her story to "did not reveal before you activated". When Aye and Rosie confirmed that I had revealed before I activated, she changed her story again to "revealing and activating in a short period is the same as not revealing". Then Rosie even posted in the QT that I revealed 1 1/2 hours before activating and asked her why she was making such a big deal over it, since I didn't have to do either.

That is the big lie. Why even manufacture such a lie unless she wanted to have me lynched? And why would she want me lynched if she is not Scum?

Then she posted that she doesn't believe I'm the Town Doc after I claimed. If she really believes that, she would vote for me and start a wagon on me, but she doesn't because she's afraid that when it is revealed that I am Town Doc, her game is over. I'm not afraid to start a wagon on her, because I know that she is Scum.
Changed my mind on Sameech. I'm a little bit wary of the neighborhood after finding out one of my neighbors was scum when I thought we were all town but I'd rather look at who knew Rosie was a cop because the reason she is dead is because scum knew.
Changed my mind on Sameech. I'm a little bit wary of the neighborhood after finding out one of my neighbors was scum when I thought we were all town but I'd rather look at who knew Rosie was a cop because the reason she is dead is because scum knew.
Sam could not be part of that particular kill though. There is zero chance he is fire scum and die targeted rosie.
Grandma, Rosie, Aye and myself were in the same neighborhood. Because I didn't check in right away, everyone's posts in the QT indicated suspicion that I might be Scum.

Aye suggested that since we were all town we should reveal our powers. I thought she was referring to my Doc power and it made me nervous (remember I'm not an experienced player) so I disappeared without giving a response. Later I realized they were talking about abilities, and figured it was okay to reveal. Mine was "Nimble fingers", I could steal someone else's. I wasn't feeling vulnerable, so stealing Grandma's (protection N1) was not even considered. I then stole Shaitra's, who was identical to my Doc power, except with that one, I would die instead of the person I shielded. I could only use one or the other....why would I use the one that could kill me?

Then Grandma brought it to the main game thread that I was Scum because I was the only one that had not revealed their abililty when Aye, Rosie and her had. When I posted that I had indeed revealed, she changed her story to "did not reveal before you activated". When Aye and Rosie confirmed that I had revealed before I activated, she changed her story again to "revealing and activating in a short period is the same as not revealing". Then Rosie even posted in the QT that I revealed 1 1/2 hours before activating and asked her why she was making such a big deal over it, since I didn't have to do either.

That is the big lie. Why even manufacture such a lie unless she wanted to have me lynched? And why would she want me lynched if she is not Scum?

Then she posted that she doesn't believe I'm the Town Doc after I claimed. If she really believes that, she would vote for me and start a wagon on me, but she doesn't because she's afraid that when it is revealed that I am Town Doc, her game is over. I'm not afraid to start a wagon on her, because I know that she is Scum.

Do you recall giving any hints in your neighborhood or the GT about who you would protect, or more importantly that you would not be protecting Rosie? Seems odd fire did not move on you when they had a chance to not run into a conflict with ice. seems odder that they moved directly on the more or less outed cop instead knowing there was a doctor in the game. Feels almost like they knew you would not be protecting Rosie and didn't need to move on you Night 1 because they felt they could get you mislynched.
Grandma, Rosie, Aye and myself were in the same neighborhood. Because I didn't check in right away, everyone's posts in the QT indicated suspicion that I might be Scum.

Aye suggested that since we were all town we should reveal our powers. I thought she was referring to my Doc power and it made me nervous (remember I'm not an experienced player) so I disappeared without giving a response. Later I realized they were talking about abilities, and figured it was okay to reveal. Mine was "Nimble fingers", I could steal someone else's. I wasn't feeling vulnerable, so stealing Grandma's (protection N1) was not even considered. I then stole Shaitra's, who was identical to my Doc power, except with that one, I would die instead of the person I shielded. I could only use one or the other....why would I use the one that could kill me?

Then Grandma brought it to the main game thread that I was Scum because I was the only one that had not revealed their abililty when Aye, Rosie and her had. When I posted that I had indeed revealed, she changed her story to "did not reveal before you activated". When Aye and Rosie confirmed that I had revealed before I activated, she changed her story again to "revealing and activating in a short period is the same as not revealing". Then Rosie even posted in the QT that I revealed 1 1/2 hours before activating and asked her why she was making such a big deal over it, since I didn't have to do either.

That is the big lie. Why even manufacture such a lie unless she wanted to have me lynched? And why would she want me lynched if she is not Scum?

Then she posted that she doesn't believe I'm the Town Doc after I claimed. If she really believes that, she would vote for me and start a wagon on me, but she doesn't because she's afraid that when it is revealed that I am Town Doc, her game is over. I'm not afraid to start a wagon on her, because I know that she is Scum.

Do you recall giving any hints in your neighborhood or the GT about who you would protect, or more importantly that you would not be protecting Rosie? Seems odd fire did not move on you when they had a chance to not run into a conflict with ice. seems odder that they moved directly on the more or less outed cop instead knowing there was a doctor in the game. Feels almost like they knew you would not be protecting Rosie and didn't need to move on you Night 1 because they felt they could get you mislynched.

My first response was that I probably wouldn't be using it. Then Grandma suggested that I should use it on Rosie. She might have made that request here on the thread, too. When pressed why I wouldn't use it, they suggested that I considered myself more valuable than Rosie. I didn't know how to answer without revealing that I was Doc, and they had a good argument, why I finally had to hint at my Pr.

It would have been a magnificent tactic for Grandma, because by shielding Rosie (with Shaitra's shield) and considering Fire targeted Rosie, I would have ended up dead, too, because Rosie could not be protected.

I didn't protect Rosie with my Doc protect because I was leery that Rosie was even PR, considering that she was so willing to share her role in the neighborhood where we had no idea if our neighbors were indeed Town.

And, the way I see it, a Cop is way more valuable than a Doc because all I can do is protect...I could be protecting Mafia for all I know. Rosie as the Cop, can investigate, and if she did get suspicious of Grandma because of Grandma's lie, she would probably have investigated Grandma and known why she was lying....but you should know this, already.
@Wolfsister77 What specifically changed your mind about Sameech?

I changed my mind think he was ice scum who targeted Avi because that would mean I have to believe Avi is telling the truth and because Avi is scum, that just makes no sense. I also believe, if Sam is a PR, he needs to be kept alive, just like Mertex does if she is a PR. Town needs these two alive. Even if either of them are scum for some reason, there are other suspects that are better choices. I think someone else from Rosie's neighborhood is a likely suspect. Either Grandma or Aye. There's also the possibility of someone from Central being guilty. And, Sameech did help us bring down scum. I never would of voted for Avi without him saying what he did. Plus, there's the likelihood of two scum being in my neighborhood when I thought we were all town is just not my first choice. I'd rather get one from another neighborhood.
Right now, Aye, Mertex, Grandma, and Sam are all seeming pretty scummy to me in terms of attitude, actions, and general behavior. TN is also lingering on my radar simply because he's been absent for so long.



Can we get a mod prod for TN?

Apart from that, it's frankly kind of hard to decide which one to go after at this point. To get the ball rolling, however, I think I'll restate my question from D2.

Vote: Mertex


Did you use your shield ability? If so, on whom?
Ice did not target you night one. You're immunity was public.

They targeted either SR or Avi. I belive they targeted avi and failed in the gambit in trying to get town to lynch him without raising suspicions.

This is possible. I read somewhere that scum does find out if they targeted the other team that an elemental power cancelled the attack. So, if ice hit Avi, they knew he was fire scum. Avi told me he didn't kill Rosie. Sameech said he saw Avi kill Rosie. He got Avi lynched. Is he a town PR? Is he scum? Scum targeted Mertex, but they certainly could of targeted Sameech if he was a tracker or something similar, but didn't. So yeah, this makes Sameech suspect as much as Aye and Grandma are for being in Rosie's hood where her cop status was announced.

Of course, I could be missing something.

Why don't you ask Grandma why she manufactured that lie about me? That should be interesting to know.

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