Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I am wondering if he threw that out there given scum will get to night kill 2 and if we mislynch today, that is three town dead.
Sure but that is not really relevant because a no lynch results in the exact same scenario just with a worse town to scum ratio the next day. It is really scummy to me when anyone starts hinting at no lynches. Sameech has done this before though so I am not so sure that it is a scummy tell from him. This time it is coming out awfully early though - something not very characteristic of him. Moonglow is still the best scum selection right now but there is a lot of time left. Not enough things have been said by everyone yet for any real reads.

My vote for Avatar wasn't doing anything. Is there anyone we haven't heard from yet?
I agree with Moonglow being the best vote right now but House is now a FoS for me. He was active and participating and suddenly got nervous and disappeared when the spotlight was shown on him. I did try to make the thread exciting folks to see if I could read a few people and I think I got a couple town and a couple who are suspicious. Town hunting is important in a game like this also. Maybe even more so. Town blocs can be powerful tools against scum. But even if I am town reading someone I am still going to be looking at their posts. Scum mani fooled me in game 3 because I put him in the town group and didn't figure him out until it was too late. So still look at the posts for anything suspicious, even your town reads. That's it for me. I don't have much else to add.
Those who haven't said much need to give your opinion at this point. Vote casting will help generate discussion. I will be stepping back for awhile unless I absolutely need to address something.
I agree with Moonglow being the best vote right now but House is now a FoS for me. He was active and participating and suddenly got nervous and disappeared when the spotlight was shown on him. I did try to make the thread exciting folks to see if I could read a few people and I think I got a couple town and a couple who are suspicious. Town hunting is important in a game like this also. Maybe even more so. Town blocs can be powerful tools against scum. But even if I am town reading someone I am still going to be looking at their posts. Scum mani fooled me in game 3 because I put him in the town group and didn't figure him out until it was too late. So still look at the posts for anything suspicious, even your town reads. That's it for me. I don't have much else to add.

I knew you would crack if left you to bake.....note the use of the word if when clearly before she pronounced her role as a Townie.....I rest my case your honor...
LOLOL! Aw-right, aw-right, aw-right! Let's converse, then, shall we?

<got wine, snuggling in>

Regards from Rosie

just saw your post Sam. I haven't had alot to saw on the ongoing drama because I think it's mostly a distraction.

I had this problem game three as well. It's hard to pick up who the scum is when drama is going on. I figured getting Rosie talking will get others as well and flush out the scum

lol sounds .ore like a date than a scum hunt
Gah, I wish someone would come in here and do something scummy.

Says the Grandma who tries to pass store-bought Keebler cookies off as home-made. :eusa_sick:

Too boring in here and now it is sprinkling outside which messes up my plans for the day.

For those pondering why I have considered No lynch as an option it should be obvious:

12-4 Day 1
9-4 Day 2
6-4 day 3
3-4 We lost

Our history of getting scum early is not great so I don't really like that the game is on hyperdrive against us with so little information to go on and the possible numbers above. Not lynching on one of Day 1-3 might give us an extra day if scum is successful in not hitting each other or the same target at night. We have the least information on day 1 ergo....

But, if you are all intent on rolling the dice, then that is fine too. It was just an idea for discussion. I'll go sit quietly in the corner with all the other wallflowers.
I agree with Moonglow being the best vote right now but House is now a FoS for me. He was active and participating and suddenly got nervous and disappeared when the spotlight was shown on him. I did try to make the thread exciting folks to see if I could read a few people and I think I got a couple town and a couple who are suspicious. Town hunting is important in a game like this also. Maybe even more so. Town blocs can be powerful tools against scum. But even if I am town reading someone I am still going to be looking at their posts. Scum mani fooled me in game 3 because I put him in the town group and didn't figure him out until it was too late. So still look at the posts for anything suspicious, even your town reads. That's it for me. I don't have much else to add.

I knew you would crack if left you to bake.....note the use of the word if when clearly before she pronounced her role as a Townie.....I rest my case your honor...

Even if I am town reading someone has nothing to do with me. It's called town reading a person. Hello? You can scum read a person also. You want me labelled as scum because I am voting you.
Sam, so you are advocating no lynching for most of the game? That would definitely present some problems for our scum teams. Since they can't NK each other, they have to have lynches to take out their scum opponents. How does town best use this tidbit to our advantage?
Sam, so you are advocating no lynching for most of the game? That would definitely present some problems for our scum teams. Since they can't NK each other, they have to have lynches to take out their scum opponents. How does town best use this tidbit to our advantage?

Interesting thought here. We'll never get scum but they'll never get each other without a lynch.

Seems like a stale-mate situation with townies still being killed by scum at night. Not sure what to think of this because scum can't win with just town dead but town can't win without scum dead.

Broken set-up? No offense Wake.
That's where the abilities come into play. If any of you have investigative abilities and can use them, then do so! Also, if any of you are in neighborhoods, figure out who you can and can't trust in there. As town, we must be a little more trusting with each other in this game.
Gah, I wish someone would come in here and do something scummy.

#yolo #swag #2012

Sure but that is not really relevant because a no lynch results in the exact same scenario just with a worse town to scum ratio the next day. It is really scummy to me when anyone starts hinting at no lynches. Sameech has done this before though so I am not so sure that it is a scummy tell from him. This time it is coming out awfully early though - something not very characteristic of him. Moonglow is still the best scum selection right now but there is a lot of time left. Not enough things have been said by everyone yet for any real reads.

No lynch is acceptable some of the time.

Says the Grandma who tries to pass store-bought Keebler cookies off as home-made. :eusa_sick:

Too boring in here and now it is sprinkling outside which messes up my plans for the day.

For those pondering why I have considered No lynch as an option it should be obvious:

12-4 Day 1
9-4 Day 2
6-4 day 3
3-4 We lost

Our history of getting scum early is not great so I don't really like that the game is on hyperdrive against us with so little information to go on and the possible numbers above. Not lynching on one of Day 1-3 might give us an extra day if scum is successful in not hitting each other or the same target at night. We have the least information on day 1 ergo....

But, if you are all intent on rolling the dice, then that is fine too. It was just an idea for discussion. I'll go sit quietly in the corner with all the other wallflowers.

If we haven't mo-capped at least one scum AND the maximum number of mafiakills have happened then we should no-lynch on day 3.

Sam, so you are advocating no lynching for most of the game? That would definitely present some problems for our scum teams. Since they can't NK each other, they have to have lynches to take out their scum opponents. How does town best use this tidbit to our advantage?

No-lynching should not be done often. See my above quote.

Interesting thought here. We'll never get scum but they'll never get each other without a lynch.

Seems like a stale-mate situation with townies still being killed by scum at night. Not sure what to think of this because scum can't win with just town dead but town can't win without scum dead.

Broken set-up? No offense Wake.

Setup isn't broken. We definitely have a chance to kill us some scum.
that would create an interesting scenario wolf. But wouldn't it be contrary to our win conditions to just let the scum kill us to stalemate them?
i agree with tn. I think we can beat the scum this game. We need to just play wisely
that would create an interesting scenario wolf. But wouldn't it be contrary to our win conditions to just let the scum kill us to stalemate them?

Probably which is why I was thinking this out loud to see what everyone thought about it. It could result in a draw where no one wins, which isn't ideal.

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