Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Sam, so you are advocating no lynching for most of the game? That would definitely present some problems for our scum teams. Since they can't NK each other, they have to have lynches to take out their scum opponents. How does town best use this tidbit to our advantage?

I am not advocating for anything, certainly not no-lynching days in a row. I am just contemplating possibilities that we should be open to discussing. If I were to advocate for something, it would probably be policy lynching one of the non-contributing players. We don't have a lot of room for non-participation with these potential 3 death days. People need to stop sitting in the corner with their noses in the air in this set up like they do in other games expecting others to deliver into them information for their consideration IMO.
I may cancel the idea of opposing Mafia teams not being able to kill one another.

If so, will test it at the main site first, and if results are good I'll implement it in a later game.
Says the Grandma who tries to pass store-bought Keebler cookies off as home-made. :eusa_sick:

Too boring in here and now it is sprinkling outside which messes up my plans for the day.

For those pondering why I have considered No lynch as an option it should be obvious:

12-4 Day 1
9-4 Day 2
6-4 day 3
3-4 We lost

Our history of getting scum early is not great so I don't really like that the game is on hyperdrive against us with so little information to go on and the possible numbers above. Not lynching on one of Day 1-3 might give us an extra day if scum is successful in not hitting each other or the same target at night. We have the least information on day 1 ergo....

But, if you are all intent on rolling the dice, then that is fine too. It was just an idea for discussion. I'll go sit quietly in the corner with all the other wallflowers.
I don't think it is 12-4. I believe that it is 12-2-2. I don't have the scum win condition BUT I really would not see the point if scum was unified in winning but in separate teams - that would not make any sence. As a side note - that means that town is actually vital to scums win condition because they do not posses the ability to kill each other. Basically, your little chart is entirely meaningless. Not only are the chances of scum hitting town every single time virtually nonexistent, they also cannot simply kill town off - they need them to vote the other side off. That and at no time should we ever no lynch unless the circumstances are correct and those circumstances will never be present on day 1.
Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)
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Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)

I'm not out to get you for no reason. This is my town play. You just aren't used to it.
Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)

I'm not out to get you for no reason. This is my town play. You just aren't used to it.

You sure seem compelled to point out that this is your "town play" every chance you get.

Me thinks she doth protest too much.
If what I've read is right, and scum can't kill scum, it'd make sense for you to duplicate your town play as scum because scum has to rely on town to lynch their opposing scum team.

So your insistence of this being your town play only makes me more suspicious of you.
Go look at my scum play. It's markedly different. There's no way I could pull this off as scum.
Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)

I'm not out to get you for no reason. This is my town play. You just aren't used to it.

You sure seem compelled to point out that this is your "town play" every chance you get.

Me thinks she doth protest too much.

How would you know otherwise?
Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)

I'm not out to get you for no reason. This is my town play. You just aren't used to it.

You sure seem compelled to point out that this is your "town play" every chance you get.

Me thinks she doth protest too much.

How would you know otherwise?

From the other posts you've made saying as much?
Go look at my scum play. It's markedly different. There's no way I could pull this off as scum.

And as I've pointed out...

If what I've read is right, and scum can't kill scum, it'd make sense for you to duplicate your town play as scum because scum has to rely on town to lynch their opposing scum team.

So your insistence of this being your town play only makes me more suspicious of you.
Sam, so you are advocating no lynching for most of the game? That would definitely present some problems for our scum teams. Since they can't NK each other, they have to have lynches to take out their scum opponents. How does town best use this tidbit to our advantage?

I am not advocating for anything, certainly not no-lynching days in a row. I am just contemplating possibilities that we should be open to discussing. If I were to advocate for something, it would probably be policy lynching one of the non-contributing players. We don't have a lot of room for non-participation with these potential 3 death days. People need to stop sitting in the corner with their noses in the air in this set up like they do in other games expecting others to deliver into them information for their consideration IMO.
With that,

Where the hell is bob - he has made 3 posts I think and one was a quote with nothing else, another simple confirmation and the third (and only real post) included absolutely nothing of value with one single sentence....


Speak up man or you are simply going to be lynched.
Since I'm getting tossed under the bus by Wolf yet again (screw scum verbiage, I've been using that phrase for decades), allow me to point out that, as a truck driver, I'm seldom in the same time zone for more than a few hours.

As such, there are times when it may be impossible for me to get online between driving, sleeping, and being in dead zones.

Now... feel free to continue demonizing me.

Edit to add: Pickup Truck Drivers | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (lest I be called a liar... Wolf seems like she's out to get me for no reason)

I'm not out to get you for no reason. This is my town play. You just aren't used to it.

You sure seem compelled to point out that this is your "town play" every chance you get.

Me thinks she doth protest too much.

How would you know otherwise?

From the other posts you've made saying as much?

You are irritated with me and saying so. I'm telling you why I'm being this way. I'm not concerned with being polite in a mafia game.
Go look at my scum play. It's markedly different. There's no way I could pull this off as scum.

And as I've pointed out...

If what I've read is right, and scum can't kill scum, it'd make sense for you to duplicate your town play as scum because scum has to rely on town to lynch their opposing scum team.

So your insistence of this being your town play only makes me more suspicious of you.

Tell me why you think I'm scum. Because I'm drawing attention to myself? LOL
Go look at my scum play. It's markedly different. There's no way I could pull this off as scum.

And as I've pointed out...

If what I've read is right, and scum can't kill scum, it'd make sense for you to duplicate your town play as scum because scum has to rely on town to lynch their opposing scum team.

So your insistence of this being your town play only makes me more suspicious of you.

Tell me why you think I'm scum. Because I'm drawing attention to myself? LOL

Hiding in plain sight. It's a sound tactic.
Go look at my scum play. It's markedly different. There's no way I could pull this off as scum.

And as I've pointed out...

If what I've read is right, and scum can't kill scum, it'd make sense for you to duplicate your town play as scum because scum has to rely on town to lynch their opposing scum team.

So your insistence of this being your town play only makes me more suspicious of you.

Tell me why you think I'm scum. Because I'm drawing attention to myself? LOL
It is rather suspicious that you keep referring to the fact you are town.

I don't think I stated more than a few times that I was town in game 3. Grandma as well. BOTH of us stated it all the time in game 4. Guess what our alignments were then....

Things that make you go hmmmm.

Of course, everyone is different. Mertex likes to say she is town all the time and is usually telling the truth.
No lynch is acceptable some of the time.
Sam is talking about it now when it is not acceptable AND distracting.

Your strong reaction to the mere idea that town play smartly by giving up a shot in the dark to have an extra day when we will be more informed to hit scum is noted. Your thinking town sharing their thought processes is also noted. That you think it is only acceptable to plan ahead once town has no choice is also noted. That you felt a need to point out that it is 12-2-2 shows that you really are not town. Town wins by killing scum. It doesn't matter if it is 12-4, 12-2-2, 12-3-1, or 12-1-1-1-1.

No lynch is acceptable some of the time.
Sam is talking about it now when it is not acceptable AND distracting.

Your strong reaction to the mere idea that town play smartly by giving up a shot in the dark to have an extra day when we will be more informed to hit scum is noted. Your thinking town sharing their thought processes is also noted. That you think it is only acceptable to plan ahead once town has no choice is also noted. That you felt a need to point out that it is 12-2-2 shows that you really are not town. Town wins by killing scum. It doesn't matter if it is 12-4, 12-2-2, 12-3-1, or 12-1-1-1-1.

You are not advocating town play smartly Sam. Talking about no lynching on day one is idiotic and distracting. Go ahead though - not one poster here is going to fall for that tripe.

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