Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Vote Count 1.3

Moonglow (2): tn5421, Wolfsister77
Avatar4321 (1): Sgt_Gath
House (1): CafeAuLait
CafeAuLait (1): House
Sgt_Gath (1): AyeCantSeeYou
tn5421 (1): Moonglow
RosieS (1): Avatar4321
FA_Q2 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (7): Rosie, Mertex, BobPlumb, FA_Q2, MeBelle60, Grandma, Shaitra

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
Deadline is 8/26/14, @1pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
looking at the new VC gives me a few questions.

cafe, why house? House, why cafe?

aye why sgt?

moonglow why TN?

Sam can you yell me alittle more of your reasoning about your vote for FA?
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie

40--JFC your school system needs to do something about the size of your classrooms. That is insane (and yes I know, off topic, but 40 is just too pathetic not to note)
looking at the new VC gives me a few questions.

cafe, why house? House, why cafe?

aye why sgt?

moonglow why TN?

Sam can you yell me alittle more of your reasoning about your vote for FA?

I will this evening. Just had someone stop off unexpectedly.....
looking at the new VC gives me a few questions.

cafe, why house? House, why cafe?

aye why sgt?

moonglow why TN?

Sam can you yell me alittle more of your reasoning about your vote for FA?

It is purely RVS. I was hoping it'd get him to talk more, but so far nada.
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie

You are not playing your regular town game. You are being too friendly.

part of this game is to ask questions, probe one another and annoy one another to get reactions hoping the scum will slip up. When you get defensive like that it starts making some of us think you are hiding something.

Oh yes... the fact I drive a truck for a living is TOP SECRET.

Don't tell nobody!
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie

You are not playing your regular town game. You are being too friendly.

And you are only one notch down from Grandma's belligerence in Game 4.

You are suspect.

Regards from Rosie
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie

You are not playing your regular town game. You are being too friendly.

And you are only one notch down from Grandma's belligerence in Game 4.

You are suspect.

Regards from Rosie

I don't give a shit. Joking is fine once in awhile or like we all did before the game or in the dead zone or after the game. Filling up the game with fluff distracts from the game. You are usually quite bitchy in these games as town so your are suspect to me now.

part of this game is to ask questions, probe one another and annoy one another to get reactions hoping the scum will slip up. When you get defensive like that it starts making some of us think you are hiding something.

Questions, I get... but when I'm called scum not once, but twice right out the gate with no justifiable reason... seems to me like Wolf is just trying to take out the new guy because I'm an easy mark.

Seems kinda scummy to me.

part of this game is to ask questions, probe one another and annoy one another to get reactions hoping the scum will slip up. When you get defensive like that it starts making some of us think you are hiding something.

Questions, I get... but when I'm called scum not once, but twice right out the gate with no justifiable reason... seems to me like Wolf is just trying to take out the new guy because I'm an easy mark.

Seems kinda scummy to me.

Like I said - belligerent. She is bellicose, even.

Vote: Wolfsister77

Regards from Rosie
Ok, Sam, your biker chick comment got you on my town list.

I was fierce. Managing 40 fourth graders is not for the faint of heart.

Perhaps I need to add a small seat for Hubs to the back of my powerchair? He would like that.

Grandma can show you her sense of humor herself. She has regained it for Game 5.

Looking for some humor from:





And @Shaitra who is MIA.

Regards from Rosie

I'm not MIA. I've posted a couple of times today already. Hmm, not reading the thread? ;)

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