Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Had MeBelle been more focused Cafe would not have been lynched in just over an hour. She may have made a better final vote in the game as well.

vote: MeBelle

Well, for once you are making a decision that sounds town to me, can't understand why you were coming after me when people that don't participate seem more apt. Perhaps you are Town, or, you have just made the wisest post and caused me to re-focus.

vote: MeBelle
You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

She has been high on my Scum list, but since most don't think so, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not arrogant to not admit that I may be wrong. Why are you so quick to defend MeBelle? Is she Scum with you and you are trying to defend her non-play that has gotten her a pass in prior games.

You're beginning to sound more and more like Scum yourself. Perhaps you and MeBelle are one of the Scum Teams? Your actions make real Scum sense.

No, they are not scum as I can tell you for sure...

@Moonglow please explain how you know "for sure" that FA and MeBelle are not scum?
am I the only one who thinks no lynching to replace mebelle is essentially wasting our day?

I've always heard that a NL is bad for town and good for Scum, but it has always been in a game scenario where it is one for one. We don't lynch one, and Scum kill one, but it's not a big loss at the very beginning and we can figure more from what Scum killed, if we were on the right or wrong track.

In this game, if we lynch a Townie, and Scum get lucky and are able to each kill one Townie, we've lost 3 Townies in the wake of one day/night. There is the possibility that both Scum will attempt to kill the same person and their efforts will be for naught and we don't lose anyone on the first night. In that case, we will be as lost the 2nd day as we are the first. We just get another 2 weeks or however long the 2nd day is try and figure out who is Scum.....:(
Aye, that was very clever, and I have noticed that about Wolf. She doesn't read all the posts, makes rash decisions and jumps to conclusions, a detriment to Town.

I can understand tn's cussing rampage.....when you see Townies falling in step with Scum and voting for other townies without giving much thought to why, it's enough to cause anyone to cuss. tn is a valuable player to Town and Scum wants to see him gone. I'm surprised that one of them didn't just hammer him, but I guess that would have been to obvious.

Frustration can happen to anyone. I apologize for my attitude, but my points still stand.


Y'know what would be hilarious?

If Wake hadn't put scum in the game, just to watch us running around all paranoid and lynching ourselves off.

I so gotta become a mod one day.

As long as you advertise the game as bastard that's totally fine.


You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

She doesn't believe she can get a strong enough wagon on Grandma based on resistance to Grandma's wagon last game and this game.


Moonglow,you've been saying you think I'm scum since the beginning. You can't vote TN so why not me? I don't give a shit if you think I'm scum. I could care less.

I'm reading this as frustrated town.


First post of the game, it states:
  • No Positive/Negative repping.
In previous games, that was directed towards people NOT in the game. I'm not sure if it includes players now.


I have asked for a PL and mentioned it to Wake. This game is not for me. I won't be signing up again. Good luck guys.

I will

Because I messed up and it was explained to me why. I don't see much benefit to keeping me in the game. I should go. And does nobody read around here why TN is a horrible candidate? I have mentioned it to Wake as well that this game is just not for me. I should not keep signing up. I'm not the right personality type for it.

I will even be willing to vote myself if needed to help with a NL. This is not drama but honesty.

Please don't.


Would anyone be opposed if my sister joined this game as a replacement? It appears we need a few.

Back to game. I was in a minor fender bender. I am ok. Posting should not decline, be patient with me please today.

I don't like lurker lynches day 1. However, I would like a volunteer with an unused ability they hate to claim they hate their ability. I can swap them with the lynchee if the lynchee has not usef their power.

1) I'm glad you're okay, even if your car isn't.
2) I don't have a problem with that at all.


I lost the context on this, que?


The earlier version of pos/neg repping was disallowed because hidden messages could be passed along by players within the current game.

OK, I'll play but consider force-replacing mebelle with SR's sister please.

I can agree with this.



Sounds like a net benefit. Day 1 ends in a NL, but we would start Day 2 with a player that actually posts.

Although I would request making the replacement immune to NK for Day 1 since she'd be a sitting duck because both scum teams would know without a doubt that she's not protected... or am I misreading how replacements work?

I disagree since there are multiple nightkills in play.


So why can't we bring in the replacement so we can get going with the game and not have to worry about this NL, vote out mebelle buisness and still get a lynch by the 30th? Aren't replacements brought in after multiple prods and given deadline extensions all the time?

Replacements brought in close to a deadline cause an automatic deadline extension to either 48 or 72 hours from time of replacement.


If anyone finds out how you can keep this stupid forum from automatically saving things you try to delete and including them on future posts and bringing it back after you delete and refresh before you post, let me know cuz it's driving me crazy!!

Yes, Mertex has it right. We have until the 30th to make a choice between lynching someone or replacing mebelle and ending the day with a NL.

It sucks she keeps sticking her posts that say nothing in because then she can get away with being away without being force-replaced. It's up to us. I get roundly criticized for doing something I think will be helpful and told I'm anti-town and need to go and she does this and people are worried about losing her.

Makes zero sense.

I say we let the replacement happen naturally.
You have to make some kind of post with the quoted stuff, even if it doesn't use the quotes. Then the system will mark it as used and remove it from your reply area.


am I the only one who thinks no lynching to replace mebelle is essentially wasting our day?

I agree with you completely; MeBelle is going to be replaced anyway, no need to throw our lynch away too.


If anyone can tell me how to use
tag here, that would be excellent.
For the volunteer, we'll need to to claim your ability somewhere so we have a record of what we're losing if we just lynch Mebelle.
I'm thinking that MeBelle may be Scum. She doesn't say anything and all of a sudden when she's about to be axed she shows up, with a promise to be more active? Also, weren't some taking exception to her being PL'd? Are they asking for a replacement? If she is PL'd her alignment will be exposed, while if she is replaced, they don't lose their scum partner?

I think we need to explore this.

Generally people who are lurking like that post before they are threatened to be replaced. That being said, her ability should be swapped with a more active poster to give active posters more power. :nod:
am I the only one who thinks no lynching to replace mebelle is essentially wasting our day?

I've always heard that a NL is bad for town and good for Scum, but it has always been in a game scenario where it is one for one. We don't lynch one, and Scum kill one, but it's not a big loss at the very beginning and we can figure more from what Scum killed, if we were on the right or wrong track.

In this game, if we lynch a Townie, and Scum get lucky and are able to each kill one Townie, we've lost 3 Townies in the wake of one day/night. There is the possibility that both Scum will attempt to kill the same person and their efforts will be for naught and we don't lose anyone on the first night. In that case, we will be as lost the 2nd day as we are the first. We just get another 2 weeks or however long the 2nd day is try and figure out who is Scum.....:(

NLing day 1, even in this setup is bad. We can start counting bodies on day 2 and strategizing then.
For the volunteer, we'll need to to claim your ability somewhere so we have a record of what we're losing if we just lynch Mebelle.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your post. What volunteer? If we lynch MeBelle there wouldn't be a replacement, to my understanding. If we replace MeBelle, I'm sure that Wake would provide whatever role/abilities MeBelle had to the new person.

Not sure if that is what you were trying to say.
Mertex, I've claimed in thread that my ability is to swap the unused abilities of two players. I was going to use this on a lurker with someone active. The lurker (not being around) would have little say. The volunteer just needs to document the lost ability for analysis purposes in case it does not flip.
Documenting in the hood(s) is sufficient enough as I think there's enough overlap to get the message to me.
Mertex, I've claimed in thread that my ability is to swap the unused abilities of two players. I was going to use this on a lurker with someone active. The lurker (not being around) would have little say. The volunteer just needs to document the lost ability for analysis purposes in case it does not flip. it. I've already activated mine, so I couldn't volunteer.
am I the only one who thinks no lynching to replace mebelle is essentially wasting our day?

I believe it's a waste of Day 1. I'd rather hunt and lynch scum. Voting to replace MeBelle won't change anything come Day 2, since most people will forget just about everything from Day 1. It's happened in every game here so far, other than the micro game.
For the volunteer, we'll need to to claim your ability somewhere so we have a record of what we're losing if we just lynch Mebelle.

you can trade my ability if you'd like. My power is worthless. With so many abilities already used mine is fairly worthless.
I still say we could of lynched a suspicious vote on TN's wagon. There is nothing new we would of learned from his flip. We already know who voted for him and why and where they were and we know scum was on that wagon. I am getting crap for doing it so close to deadline but I'd rather lynch scum than town and we still had time and enough people around to avoid NL. And we would of had new analysis of the new wagon. Now, deadline is extended so why not go with this again?

If not, give me another idea then. Let's hear it, since no one wants to hear me.
Keep looking at his wagon for scum then at the very least as the game goes on. You know when they form like that, there is scum there. Screw you guys that were criticizing me BTW. We have an extended deadline. If you want to leave mebelle in the game, pick a new target from where I tried to get us to look and go from there. Keep doing it as the game progresses. Town should not let every opportunity fall through their fingers.

I have no better ideas. ISO who you pick and add to it to make a choice. Or tell me a better plan.

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