Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

God I need to draw scum here :(

Right, and how do I know you didn't?

@all I'd like everyone to give ideas of who could be scum on the wagon and who you think would be a good vote. Or if you'd rather replace mebelle, I could totally go for that also.
Also, TN is very likely town due to our interactions last night so this analysis will help.

I'm fine Grandma, thank you.
Since when did you become FA's mouthpiece?

Also, FA calling out Aye doesn't make FA innocent. Scum needs town to kill scum.

Vote: Moonglow
FA can't be cause he says that you are scum....

When are you going to post something to help town? So far, you've avoided questions being asked of you and have been posting nonsense.
Since the deadline's extended, I can wait. I want to see if he does a "Look over there!"

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