Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

Ummm no Grandma, the Vampire is not useless for scum. It gives scum another member to get a majority for the win and a 3rd person to scheme with in the QT. The fact that you are so quick to dismiss the vampire really bugs me a lot.

I'm not dismissing the vampire, but I'm not going to prioritize him/her right now. The SK is a MUCH bigger issue.
The vampire being able to talk in the Mafia QT isn't a threat, and only the original Scums can carry out a kill. The only real threats from the Vampire are wagon votes, and possible endgaming.

I say we do both. Convert the SK and take out the vampire. The SK is being taken care of as soon as Arden, Wake, and SR hypoclaim and the SK comes forward. Killing the vampire only hurts scum. I am all for doing both of these things. Anyone that hesitates will make me wonder. Plus, we can still scumhunt while this is going on so we have good reads to use to get scum also. I'm giving reads and voting. I suggest everyone else does this too.

I would hold off on voting. It can lead to an inadvertent mislynch by opportunistic scum in an effort to preempt the SK claim.

That would be bad.
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

Ummm no Grandma, the Vampire is not useless for scum. It gives scum another member to get a majority for the win and a 3rd person to scheme with in the QT. The fact that you are so quick to dismiss the vampire really bugs me a lot.

I'm not dismissing the vampire, but I'm not going to prioritize him/her right now. The SK is a MUCH bigger issue.
The vampire being able to talk in the Mafia QT isn't a threat, and only the original Scums can carry out a kill. The only real threats from the Vampire are wagon votes, and possible endgaming.

I say we do both. Convert the SK and take out the vampire. The SK is being taken care of as soon as Arden, Wake, and SR hypoclaim and the SK comes forward. Killing the vampire only hurts scum. I am all for doing both of these things. Anyone that hesitates will make me wonder. Plus, we can still scumhunt while this is going on so we have good reads to use to get scum also. I'm giving reads and voting. I suggest everyone else does this too.

I would hold off on voting. It can lead to an inadvertent mislynch by opportunistic scum in an effort to preempt the SK claim.

That would be bad.

OK well we should all probably unvote then just to be sure.


But my vote is still technically on Wake.
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If I am the Doctor I will protect the SK.
If I am the Psychiatrist I will cure the SK.

I have a lot of pages to catch up on, and I'm feeling drained. Been thinking of keeping a journal just to stay sane with the influx. Working 10 hours starting at 5AM tomorrow, so I need my sleep. Waiting to find a pocket of time where I'm well-rested and available to spend some time playing. I'll not be replacing out.
Oh, neat. I see wisdom quotes in VCs. It's been awhile.

I forgot I had my vote on House. Ha. Unvote: House.
I have a lot of pages to catch up on, and I'm feeling drained. Been thinking of keeping a journal just to stay sane with the influx. Working 10 hours starting at 5AM tomorrow, so I need my sleep. Waiting to find a pocket of time where I'm well-rested and available to spend some time playing. I'll not be replacing out.

That's because you are not like me. I just don't sleep. There, I can easily fit everything in if I do that. :biggrin:
Right now I'm functioning on 2.5 hours of sleep. If I drink any caffeine it'll wreak havok.

It's not as bad as that one time where my employer had me working for 36 hours without sleep. Had dark rings around my eyes that hurt to the touch. I think it'd be wise to catch some Zzzs now in time for the 10-er early next morning.
Right now I'm functioning on 2.5 hours of sleep. If I drink any caffeine it'll wreak havok.

It's not as bad as that one time where my employer had me working for 36 hours without sleep. Had dark rings around my eyes that hurt to the touch. I think it'd be wise to catch some Zzzs now in time for the 10-er early next morning.
Yes indeed, the times I've done that it was hard to focus ...
Right now I'm functioning on 2.5 hours of sleep. If I drink any caffeine it'll wreak havok.

It's not as bad as that one time where my employer had me working for 36 hours without sleep. Had dark rings around my eyes that hurt to the touch. I think it'd be wise to catch some Zzzs now in time for the 10-er early next morning.

Had times like that up in college. Would drink the bottomless pot of coffee at Perkins and study all night.

Yeah, I partied too much and that was also a problem. Those were the days. Anyway...........................

Get some sleep Wake. Talk to you tomorrow.
Idea: After all the hypoclaiming is done, if the SK and Vampire do not come forward, should people say if they are NOT one of these roles or would that just narrow down choices for recruitment for scum or would it give us better lynch choices.

I've had wine so I don't know if I make sense. :wine:
Idea: After all the hypoclaiming is done, if the SK and Vampire do not come forward, should people say if they are NOT one of these roles or would that just narrow down choices for recruitment for scum or would it give us better lynch choices.

I've had wine so I don't know if I make sense. :wine:

No, scum will get to them and make the game easier for them to pick the Vampire, giving them a better scum to town ratio for them to win, the only advantage I can see is scum being able to kill the other threat to us, the SK. Either way it is dangerous IMO. If the SK refuses to claim then our head doc needs to really start to read. No more wine Wolf.
Players Needing To Agree:
ScarletRage ♀
Arden ♀

ScarletRage arden[/QUOTE]
Idea: After all the hypoclaiming is done, if the SK and Vampire do not come forward, should people say if they are NOT one of these roles or would that just narrow down choices for recruitment for scum or would it give us better lynch choices.

I've had wine so I don't know if I make sense. :wine:

No, scum will get to them and make the game easier for them to pick the Vampire, giving them a better scum to town ratio for them to win, the only advantage I can see is scum being able to kill the other threat to us, the SK. Either way it is dangerous IMO. If the SK refuses to claim then our head doc needs to really start to read. No more wine Wolf.
The real problem is that the SK and Vamp will simply claim they are not the SK or Vamp. When every player does this, what have we gained?

Nothing. It would be a waste of time more than anything.
Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.

The arguments in this post cannot be broken
Preface that with: We are right, they are wrong :D
if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?
I HOPE that scum does that. While we would miss day one, it would outright tell us they were scum and therefore would allow us a guaranteed scum kill day 2. That is HALF the scum - basically ruining their chances for a win.
You are scum Avatar - you have offered virtually nothing in the way of helping town but have actively argued against the 2 ideas that virtually ensure a town win - eliminating the Vampire while still town aligned and bolstering our numbers at the same time as limiting the night kill to one per night rather than two.

The ONLY thing that even makes me hesitate in calling you out as scum is that you are too obvious. I don't think you have ever been so obvious other than the fire/ice game where you outright claimed you were scummy.

We shouldn't be tempting fate by putting our PRs at risk.

Considering that this has not been suggested, EVER, you are also reading scum to me. No one anywhere is asking, hinting at or advocating that town PR's out anything at all. We are simply discussing the absolute best use of those powers for day one. I think that the current plan is not only logical but very obviously pro town.

I get town from wolf and house. Leaning town on Cafe. Don't know about Arden. Her posting is much like the first game that Arden played here - a game where she was town.
Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.

The arguments in this post cannot be broken
Preface that with: We are right, they are wrong :D

I see you in a whole new light.

Forum List
