Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.
I'm swamped.

Got called in @10PM last night to work an emergency hospice case until 6AM this morhning. That's after a 12-hour shift yesterday. Please be patient with me.
@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

Good call.

Go for it vampire-claim now, scum will try to recruit you, we can lynch you first, you win with town.

We get the vampire and the SK, we got this.
I'm swamped.

Got called in @10PM last night to work an emergency hospice case until 6AM this morhning. That's after a 12-hour shift yesterday. Please be patient with me.

The day is young. :)
I'm swamped.

Got called in @10PM last night to work an emergency hospice case until 6AM this morhning. That's after a 12-hour shift yesterday. Please be patient with me.

Don't worry about it. RL is first. Get back to us when you can. I never count RL against anyone and no one else should either.

Take care of yourself.
The only qualms I have with rl claims is that scum can hide their inactivity with it, but there are just some things that can't be helped.

I have more doubts about those who claim rl but post than those who simply aren't around.

Looking forward to your return, Wake.
@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today
Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.
@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today

I'd rather lynch the vampire before it is recruited by scum, convert the SK before he can kill anyone, and lynch scum D2 and D3 and win this thing in record time. Wouldn't any townie? Right Avi?
@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today

I'd rather lynch the vampire before it is recruited by scum, convert the SK before he can kill anyone, and lynch scum D2 and D3 and win this thing in record time. Wouldn't any townie? Right Avi?

you seem to be sheeping house a bit this game.

I don't see how these tactics are pro town. Or how they are going to be effective. You guys are asking people to claim so they can be killed. Suicide is contrary to our win conditions in most cases.

I feel like we are wasting time with useless tactics when we could be hunting scum
@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today

I'd rather lynch the vampire before it is recruited by scum, convert the SK before he can kill anyone, and lynch scum D2 and D3 and win this thing in record time. Wouldn't any townie? Right Avi?

you seem to be sheeping house a bit this game.

I don't see how these tactics are pro town. Or how they are going to be effective. You guys are asking people to claim so they can be killed. Suicide is contrary to our win conditions in most cases.

I feel like we are wasting time with useless tactics when we could be hunting scum

I am scumhunting. I gave reads on everyone, gave a case on a few, am voting Wake but willing to lynch Moonglow.

I'm also advocating curing the SK to reduce the NK's to one and give town another player and kill the vampire before it can be recruited by scum but still giving it a chance to win with town.

And I'm townblocing with another townie.

I'm doing it all Avi!! :biggrin:
If I am the doctor, I will protect the SK.
If I am psyche, I will cure the SK.

You guys do realize the doc has to use one of their 2 shot doctors abilities protecting someone who will be killed by scum eventually for being conftown don't you?

I really don't like that because there are only 2 chances for doc to protect people and one shot will be wasted on someone who is going to be killed anyway.

However, I'm going to agree, because it takes away one NK every night and that's worth it.

Us having a confirmed townie is the best thing IMO and taking away the threat of losing 2 of us each night. The biggest problem you state is keeping scum from NKing the SK. But, like you said he or she will be a target and even if scum do target our confirmed town- we have one less threat to worry about with an extra NK. I hope our head shrink is paying attention to posts, and looking for anything suspicious- (if the SK does not claim), if they are paying attention they can cure tonight and we won't waste a doc shot.
Sounding pretty scummy, Avatar.

1) Everything we do to undermine scum helps town.
2) Preventing scum from recruiting another member undermines scum.
3) Lynching the vampire is more productive than mislynching a townie.
4) Much of day one is going to recruiting the sk and outing the vamp because scum hunting day one is almost always fruitless.
5) What happens today will yield a bounty of information to scum hunt with day 2, further increasing our odds.

Get on board or meet my scum list.

The arguments in this post cannot be broken
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.
I will conditionally agree with the plan as long as long as it is not altered to help us Townies..lose, since the one making the plan has not been their role..


I don't understand how it can be altered Moon. SK claims, our head doc cures. I don't get how it could hurt us at all.
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.
I will conditionally agree with the plan as long as long as it is not altered to help us Townies..lose, since the one making the plan has not been their role..

The role of any individual player is irrelevant in this plan, that is why posting agreement with the plan requires a hypoclaim for both roles, to show the SK that town is united in their desire to work together with the SK.
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.
I will conditionally agree with the plan as long as long as it is not altered to help us Townies..lose, since the one making the plan has not been their role..

The role of any individual player is irrelevant in this plan, that is why posting agreement with the plan requires a hypoclaim for both roles, to show the SK that town is united in their desire to work together with the SK.
Well ok, I am willing to try it out and see if it works...

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