Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

So many pages. I don't know what's going on but I'll be back later when I'm available.
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.
I will conditionally agree with the plan as long as long as it is not altered to help us Townies..lose, since the one making the plan has not been their role..
Moonglow you have to post what we did about curing or protecting the SK. Check previous posts. When everyone has done that, the SK can claim. No one votes for the SK once that happens.
I see the SK being alive or not turned benefitting scum- Less people they all have to NK and the quicker we lose. Why would scum want to kill the SK after he or she turned, they revert to VT, right? So its just a townie then, right? They no longer possess killing abilities, or am I wrong? In my head I have been treating the SK like the usurper from last game- but this one is deadly. So in my estimation, they would want to kinda work with scum until they thought they could win the game, then start killing those they pegged as scum.

SK can kill scum, and scum can't stand to lose as many as town.

SK is a threat to scum.

Okay, I get that. But the SK mission is to kill them and us. So when he or she targets their scum choices at first, but is wrong- We still take the hit until they get it right. And if I recall our psychologist only works on odd nights, this mean unless the SK hits scum or the scum hit the SK- we lose two off the bat night 1.

I'm fine with SK taking out Avatar. He might think twice about advocating SK hunting in the future.

so you want the serial killer to kill a townie? Odd considering you were asking him to confess to be cured.

maybe you are the serial killer and this is all a ruse to deflect attention
If you truly believed that, your post would have included a vote, as much of a hard-on as you have for the sk.

You want to paint me as lynch bait and hope others start the wagon, leaving your hands clean.


stop being so overdramatic and defensive. You were the ones who brought up the sk. I've been responding to your discussion.

and when have I ever had a problem starting a wagon? I'm scum hunting, and yes if I thought you were scum id vote for you. But posing theories is part of the game. We need to get in the heads of other players. We need to get them to react. And then understand their reaction. That's how we find scum.
House-Can you please lay out your case for Avi scum like I did for Wake? I'm not seeing it right now.
if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?
If I am the doctor, I will protect the SK.
If I am psyche, I will cure the SK.

I too am interested to see if this works.
if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?

The real SK can cc. It's too risky a move for scum to do that.
if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?

The real SK can cc. It's too risky a move for scum to do that.

possibly. If they wanted to be dead. Course the scum would get lynched the next day so it's not likely
or what if the vampire claimed to be the serial killer to be recruited?
or what if the vampire claimed to be the serial killer to be recruited?

The real SK will cc, be protected and cured, and the vampire will be lynched. Town would never claim to be the SK. I consider the vampire dangerous because it can be recruited to help scum, reads town to the cop, and as soon as it's presence is known by scum, they will recruit it. The vampire would be stupid to claim SK.
I'm embroiled elsewhere at the moment.

Will be here later today.
We shouldn't be tempting fate by putting our PRs at risk.
if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?

Failed cure = conf scum.

Let them fake a claim.
If I am the doctor, I will protect the SK.
If I am psyche, I will cure the SK.

You guys do realize the doc has to use one of their 2 shot doctors abilities protecting someone who will be killed by scum eventually for being conftown don't you?

I really don't like that because there are only 2 chances for doc to protect people and one shot will be wasted on someone who is going to be killed anyway.

However, I'm going to agree, because it takes away one NK every night and that's worth it.

Exactly, and it stands to benefit the sk by allowing them to win even if they are killed.

It is win/win for both sides. Scum are the only ones that lose if the sk joins town.

Those who show refuse to comply are making a scum claim, and if the SK doesn't claim, that also provides information, so there is no way this is a waste of time.
Well, House is so town it hurts. Don't know why you are scumreading Avi House, but he leans town for me and Shaitra does too. Cafe too although she is my weakest townread.

Wake and Moonglow lean scum right now big time. Grandma is a possibility here but not sure. Arden is active lurking so she falls in here now until I hear more.

SR and FA are completely null.

This will all change when/if a SK claims but this is where my head is at right now.
Well, House is so town it hurts. Don't know why you are scumreading Avi House, but he leans town for me and Shaitra does too. Cafe too although she is my weakest townread.

Wake and Moonglow lean scum right now big time. Grandma is a possibility here but not sure. Arden is active lurking so she falls in here now until I hear more.

SR and FA are completely null.

This will all change when/if a SK claims but this is where my head is at right now.

I wouldn't read Wake or MoonGlow as scum just yet, they might be hesitant SK.

If the day ends without a SK claim, I'll be running after them with a rope myself if they don't agree to the plan soon.

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