Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.

Maybe not totally useless, but not much more than a warm body.

And whoever it is will have to be one hell of a good actor to be able to switch alliances without drawing mega suspicion.
I am unsure if I see the vampire being totally "useless to scum" TBH, it gives scum one more in numbers to outnumber us for a win and one more person trying to confuse us, wagon and vote for lynches with scum and create havoc and distrust amongst us.

Maybe not totally useless, but not much more than a warm body.

And whoever it is will have to be one hell of a good actor to be able to switch alliances without drawing mega suspicion.

I vant to suck your bloo.... j/k
Those who agree with the plan to convert the sk if they claim, please post:

If I am doctor, I will protect the sk.
If I am psyche, I will cure the sk.

Those that don't post: that is a scum claim, as this plan benefits town in a way that scum can't prevent as long as it is done N1.

I agree to those terms:

If I am doctor, I will protect the sk.
If I am psyche, I will cure the sk.

But I think it needs to come with a condition if there is some outing of one of our PRs ( I know it should not happen, but I am thinking of past games) where the doc can protect that person just in case too. Our head doc can still cure the SK and we can keep a PR. Trying to think of all possibilities here.
PRs need to keep their heads low today.

Recruiting the sk is too beneficial to town to split hairs, and N1 is or only guaranteed shot at it.
PRs need to keep their heads low today.

Recruiting the sk is too beneficial to town to split hairs, and N1 is or only guaranteed shot at it.

(emphasis added)

I agree.

Its just we all have seen the consequences and it was not pretty- that's why I mentioned it. Was not trying to split hairs, I believe I overthink at times. I'll shutup now, running off to go find the duck tape for my fingers. :D
I don't get your reputation. The only PR the JoaT can protect is the psyche.
Players Needing To Agree:
Moonglow ♂
Wolfsister77 ♀
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀
Arden ♀
Wake ♂
Shaitra ♀
Message to the sk: If you happen to want to join town, don't use your NK because that would ultimately undermine your own win con in the long run.

I'm not sure that's true. Until the sk is cured his or her win condition is still killing anyone. And he or she could kill the scum at night.

I tend to think the serial killer outing his or herself on the hope to get cured only helps scum. Because they won't have him or her nk them and then they can kill him so we lost any advantage there is to the town

I see the SK being alive or not turned benefitting scum- Less people they all have to NK and the quicker we lose. Why would scum want to kill the SK after he or she turned, they revert to VT, right? So its just a townie then, right? They no longer possess killing abilities, or am I wrong? In my head I have been treating the SK like the usurper from last game- but this one is deadly. So in my estimation, they would want to kinda work with scum until they thought they could win the game, then start killing those they pegged as scum.

SK can kill scum, and scum can't stand to lose as many as town.

SK is a threat to scum.
Then why the plan to cure them...

That really seems a rather strange road to take - demanding that the SK is actually a threat to scum rather than town yet advocating for the SK to be cured...

For the most part - I see the SK as a massive threat to town because two kills a night might get town numbers to the point where we cant win very quickly. Curing the SK gives us the numbers advantage that help greatly AND gives the SK a much better chance at winning. I do wonder though as to why they have not declared themselves though.
Message to the sk: If you happen to want to join town, don't use your NK because that would ultimately undermine your own win con in the long run.

I'm not sure that's true. Until the sk is cured his or her win condition is still killing anyone. And he or she could kill the scum at night.

I tend to think the serial killer outing his or herself on the hope to get cured only helps scum. Because they won't have him or her nk them and then they can kill him so we lost any advantage there is to the town

I see the SK being alive or not turned benefitting scum- Less people they all have to NK and the quicker we lose. Why would scum want to kill the SK after he or she turned, they revert to VT, right? So its just a townie then, right? They no longer possess killing abilities, or am I wrong? In my head I have been treating the SK like the usurper from last game- but this one is deadly. So in my estimation, they would want to kinda work with scum until they thought they could win the game, then start killing those they pegged as scum.

SK can kill scum, and scum can't stand to lose as many as town.

SK is a threat to scum.
Then why the plan to cure them...

That really seems a rather strange road to take - demanding that the SK is actually a threat to scum rather than town yet advocating for the SK to be cured...

For the most part - I see the SK as a massive threat to town because two kills a night might get town numbers to the point where we cant win very quickly. Curing the SK gives us the numbers advantage that help greatly AND gives the SK a much better chance at winning. I do wonder though as to why they have not declared themselves though.

SK is a threat to scum. And to town.

SK's chances of winning solo are slim, but they can cripple town before they die. By working together, SK can be cured and stand a much greater chance of winning WITH town, and we don't lose people in the process.
Message to the sk: If you happen to want to join town, don't use your NK because that would ultimately undermine your own win con in the long run.

I'm not sure that's true. Until the sk is cured his or her win condition is still killing anyone. And he or she could kill the scum at night.

I tend to think the serial killer outing his or herself on the hope to get cured only helps scum. Because they won't have him or her nk them and then they can kill him so we lost any advantage there is to the town

I see the SK being alive or not turned benefitting scum- Less people they all have to NK and the quicker we lose. Why would scum want to kill the SK after he or she turned, they revert to VT, right? So its just a townie then, right? They no longer possess killing abilities, or am I wrong? In my head I have been treating the SK like the usurper from last game- but this one is deadly. So in my estimation, they would want to kinda work with scum until they thought they could win the game, then start killing those they pegged as scum.

SK can kill scum, and scum can't stand to lose as many as town.

SK is a threat to scum.
Then why the plan to cure them...

That really seems a rather strange road to take - demanding that the SK is actually a threat to scum rather than town yet advocating for the SK to be cured...

For the most part - I see the SK as a massive threat to town because two kills a night might get town numbers to the point where we cant win very quickly. Curing the SK gives us the numbers advantage that help greatly AND gives the SK a much better chance at winning. I do wonder though as to why they have not declared themselves though.

Quite possibly because all of town hasn't committed to the deal. Or maybe they haven't been online yet.

Give it time for people to read & respond.
@mod: Does the shrink's target get notified of an action on them and by whom if it fails?

If so, the shrink shouldn't act unless they are sure.

You need to use the @ in front of my name for it to work. :)

NO; the only person that will know is the serial killer ONLY if that is the target. The serial killer will not know who the psychiatrist is.
@mod: Will the night actions have flavor so we know which faction killed which player?

Yes, you will know what role killed who.
Certainly a third Scumteam member is not a good thing for Town, but in the case of the Vampire, it's nearly useless for Scum.

The Vampire has Night Talk in the QT, but no kill powers, and he/she cannot Endgame on his/her own:

If recruited, you will have Night Talk with the Ghouls, and if both Ghouls are lynched, you commit Suicide.
Investigation results on you will always return Town.
Win Condition:
Your win condition depends upon your alignment at the end of the game.
If not targeted for a Night Kill, your alignment and win condition is Town - You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
If recruited by the Ghouls, you win when the Ghouls obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occuring.

Ummm no Grandma, the Vampire is not useless for scum. It gives scum another member to get a majority for the win and a 3rd person to scheme with in the QT. The fact that you are so quick to dismiss the vampire really bugs me a lot.
I had to read his response a couple times and you are right. He seems to think the SK not turning helps scum. It most assuredly does not help scum. SK can kill scum if not turned. What threat are they to scum cured? They are a VT at that point. And the Psych becomes VT also.

Something else we should be hunting is the vampire. Scum will want to find and recruit that persona and if they do, if the SK is still alive, town is screwed. Almost as screwed as they would be if the JOAT died. Another thing I'm surprised by is there isn't a back-up JOAT to take over the remainder of the abilities if the original dies.

Yeah, you are also right about the Psych only working odd nights. So at the end of the day, we should put up who we want the Psych to target, who we want the Cop or Dr. to target and hope for the best.

Okay. The Shrink is basically a Vanilla Townie anyway - all he/she can do PR-wise is convert the SK.

With the SK as SK there will be 2 kills each Night, unless Scum get lucky and kill the SK or the SK gets VERY lucky and kills both Scum over 2 Nights. Most likely it'll be Townies that end up dead.

With the SK as converted Townie, Town has an extra expendable member AND an extra vote, with the bonus of 1 less kill per Night.

It's possible but not likely that the SK will endgame, so SK as SK is pretty much a suicide role.

I think a claim an conversion are in order.

Also, Wolf, "we should put up who we want the Psych to target, who we want the Cop or Dr. to target and hope for the best" kinda bugs me. I'd like to think that the PRs can decide for themselves in the first place, in the second, "we," at least this early in the Game, includes Scum.

WTF? Why should the PR's decide for themselves when there are other folks who have eyes that might have picked out things they didn't? The final decision is still up to them. These are suggestions and very useful and very commonly done. The fact that you once again are shutting down something that is helpful to town is really raising red flags for me about you Grandma.
If I am the doctor, I will protect the SK.
If I am psyche, I will cure the SK.

You guys do realize the doc has to use one of their 2 shot doctors abilities protecting someone who will be killed by scum eventually for being conftown don't you?

I really don't like that because there are only 2 chances for doc to protect people and one shot will be wasted on someone who is going to be killed anyway.

However, I'm going to agree, because it takes away one NK every night and that's worth it.

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