Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

so let's get back to scum hunting.

Hollow words. If you were sincere, you would have been scum hunting, or at the very least, started.

How about being the change you want to see in the game?

I have been. I'd you haven't noticed I am voting for someone I find suspicious and who hasn't answered questions. I've been directing you to people who have been hiding, sheeping, using this tangent as cover not to hunt at all. I've also been trying to divert you away from schemes you are conceiving which are designed to fail back to the task at hand.

when you start voting again, or asking questions talk to me about my "failure" yo scum hunt. Until then your just helping the scum.
I don't really have a read on grandma atm.

She has been an advocate for turning the SK - a strongly town move IMHO but so obvious going against it is not an intelligent move by scum. HOWEVER, she has also downplayed how pivotal the vampire can be if they manage to convert him. Considering that it is a 50% boost to the scum numbers and a loss for us, I see that as anti-town. Basically, there really isn't enough there to read grandma yet. Null ftm.

I'm not saying the Vampire isn't of some concern, but the SK is far more powerful and more of a danger to Town.

However the current plan gets them both on Town's side, so it's a moot point.

As for not wanting to die Day 1, nobody does, but at least with this plan, the Vampire dies a hero.

Avatar4321 - You're an attorney, you know how plea bargains work. Your resistance to this plan, you might as well be waving a 40-foot Scum flag.

plea bargains dont usually require Simone put their head in a noose or stand in front of a firing squad
Why is it only one or the other? Why can't we scumhunt and put forward this plan Avi?

I am superwolf. I can do it all. :wink:
because you guys are so absorbed in this plan that you aren't hunting.

has the sk claimed? Has the vampire claimed? It's not as though we haven't been talking about it for several pages. But neither has said anything. Why? They don't want to die.

meanwhile you aren't scum hunting. You guys say your doing both but you aren't. You've invited and sitting around waiting for people to claim.

let's end this. If the vampire wants to get lynched to help town, announce yourself and lets get back to playing.
so let's get back to scum hunting.

Hollow words. If you were sincere, you would have been scum hunting, or at the very least, started.

How about being the change you want to see in the game?

I have been. I'd you haven't noticed I am voting for someone I find suspicious and who hasn't answered questions. I've been directing you to people who have been hiding, sheeping, using this tangent as cover not to hunt at all. I've also been trying to divert you away from schemes you are conceiving which are designed to fail back to the task at hand.

when you start voting again, or asking questions talk to me about my "failure" yo scum hunt. Until then your just helping the scum.

You really want me to work on my current project, because when I am through, you are going to have your work cut out for you.
has the sk claimed? Has the vampire claimed? It's not as though we haven't been talking about it for several pages. But neither has said anything. Why? They don't want to die.

1) The SK dying as town instead of being third-party in a democrat/republican election increases his/her chances of winning exponentially.
2) The vampire claim appeal would be an added bonus, it is not something we are actively pursuing.
3) You are eating rope today if the vamp doesn't claim, so you should be praying they do.
has the sk claimed? Has the vampire claimed? It's not as though we haven't been talking about it for several pages. But neither has said anything. Why? They don't want to die.

1) The SK dying as town instead of being third-party in a democrat/republican election increases his/her chances of winning exponentially.
2) The vampire claim appeal would be an added bonus, it is not something we are actively pursuing.
3) You are eating rope today if the vamp doesn't claim, so you should be praying they do.

so you'd rather lynch a town player than scum hunt. Duly noted. Maybe you aren't as town as I thought.
so let's get back to scum hunting.

Hollow words. If you were sincere, you would have been scum hunting, or at the very least, started.

How about being the change you want to see in the game?

I have been. I'd you haven't noticed I am voting for someone I find suspicious and who hasn't answered questions. I've been directing you to people who have been hiding, sheeping, using this tangent as cover not to hunt at all. I've also been trying to divert you away from schemes you are conceiving which are designed to fail back to the task at hand.

when you start voting again, or asking questions talk to me about my "failure" yo scum hunt. Until then your just helping the scum.

You really want me to work on my current project, because when I am through, you are going to have your work cut out for you.

why? Because you are opposing me for calling your plan pointless? Can't stand someone disagreeing with you can you?

or is it because you want me out of the way again?

please tell me why you should suspect me over say about Arden, scarlet, FA or grandma?

tell me what offends you so much about scum hunting that you get so angry when I ask you to start?
Vote: Arden

Stop active lurking and I'll take my vote off. Also, explain why your vote is still on me.
Avatar4321 - You're an attorney, you know how plea bargains work. Your resistance to this plan, you might as well be waving a 40-foot Scum flag.

plea bargains dont usually require Simone put their head in a noose or stand in front of a firing squad

True dat, but this isn't a normal case.

(@ everyone - Is it me, or does Avi look like the Vamp?)
Avatar4321 - You're an attorney, you know how plea bargains work. Your resistance to this plan, you might as well be waving a 40-foot Scum flag.

plea bargains dont usually require Simone put their head in a noose or stand in front of a firing squad

True dat, but this isn't a normal case.

(@ everyone - Is it me, or does Avi look like Vamp?)

I am not the vamp. Though I doubt if be coming forward if I was. I'd be playing the game. Half the fun would be trying to draw the recruit.

no. This time I am town. So I am going to hunt scum. Not an unexciting role. Trying to figure out how to change your minds when your wrong and figuring who is deceiving the group. The fun of playing is figuring people out
Okay, a few thoughts about what I am seeing, yeah it may be wifomy but here goes. I recall a post by House I made a mental note of where it said to look out for those seemingly hunting the SK or the Vampire IIRC. It makes total sense, scum will be hunting both, one is a threat the other is a help to them.

However, I have wondered or have questioned in my mind if we are not unknowingly hunting those roles out in the open (with all the discussion this plan has generated so far) and the SK or Vampire might slip up and scum notes it so they can recruit them or NK them- it’s been the main discussion for pages and pages. Of course we can catch it too, but for this scenario I am assuming we might miss a “tell” and scum catches it.

Grandma zeroed in on a post made by Avatar where he talks of someone not wanting to put their head in a noose (which I thought was good catch by Grandma) BUT, Avatar denies accusation. This is exactly what I spoke of last night when Wolf asked her question. If we have people deny and they seem credible it is only going to have scums choices for SK and Vampire possibly pared down IMO.

Also. For the Vampire I keep thinking of “king of the world”-everybody wants to be one. So why would they out themselves if they think they have a chance at winning and beating us if they are out of the game on the first day? ( Something I think Avatar was trying to say, correct me if I am wrong though) Again, scum can pick up on something we miss by accident.

People logically signed up for the game to play, they don’t want to get lynched the 1st day- and unfortunately, while I’ve been playing this game we inevitably have a few town players who look out for themselves first and town second- making it for an impossibly irritating game at times and It’s been the case in a few games I have played unfortunately.

Anyway, my major point is I just want to be sure we are hunting for us and our reasons. Not hunting the SK or Vampire for scum and or doing their work for them -even if by accident, especially if it goes unnoticed by us. Does this make sense all?
right now FA sheeping house is really bothering me. I haven't really seen any scum hunting from him at all.
I can understand why the vampire would not say anything. They would be killed outright by town D1. If they are going to win with town, they'll just work with town unless recruited. If recruited by scum, they can try to win with scum, therefore staying alive longer. So yeah, we can't really expect the vampire to come forward realistically.

The SK plan is still a good one. Arden and SR have to hypoclaim first before the SK can be safe coming forward. They need to get here and do something anyway. This is still a good plan and should continue.

In the meantime we only have so many days until D1 ends and we need a lynch candidate still. So let's scumhunt then. And I'm keeping my vote on Arden for active lurking and her RVS vote on me for the 3rd day now.

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