Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

You are scum Avatar - you have offered virtually nothing in the way of helping town but have actively argued against the 2 ideas that virtually ensure a town win - eliminating the Vampire while still town aligned and bolstering our numbers at the same time as limiting the night kill to one per night rather than two.

The ONLY thing that even makes me hesitate in calling you out as scum is that you are too obvious. I don't think you have ever been so obvious other than the fire/ice game where you outright claimed you were scummy.

Follow your instincts, there is no such thing as, "too scummy to be scum".
I want to lean town in FA, but he is basically rehashing statements I've already made.

Still null on him atm.
I get town from wolf and house. Leaning town on Cafe. Don't know about Arden. Her posting is much like the first game that Arden played here - a game where she was town.

What is your read of Grandma?
I get town from wolf and house. Leaning town on Cafe. Don't know about Arden. Her posting is much like the first game that Arden played here - a game where she was town.

What is your read of Grandma?
I don't really have a read on grandma atm.

She has been an advocate for turning the SK - a strongly town move IMHO but so obvious going against it is not an intelligent move by scum. HOWEVER, she has also downplayed how pivotal the vampire can be if they manage to convert him. Considering that it is a 50% boost to the scum numbers and a loss for us, I see that as anti-town. Basically, there really isn't enough there to read grandma yet. Null ftm.
I hope the SK and vampire take us up on our offer. I imagine scum are having a fit about now.

I don't think Arden has made a content post yet. She's in my scum pile along with Avatar.
I get town from wolf and house. Leaning town on Cafe. Don't know about Arden. Her posting is much like the first game that Arden played here - a game where she was town.

What is your read of Grandma?
I don't really have a read on grandma atm.

She has been an advocate for turning the SK - a strongly town move IMHO but so obvious going against it is not an intelligent move by scum. HOWEVER, she has also downplayed how pivotal the vampire can be if they manage to convert him. Considering that it is a 50% boost to the scum numbers and a loss for us, I see that as anti-town. Basically, there really isn't enough there to read grandma yet. Null ftm.

That's interesting, considering she posted in favor of converting the SK ten minutes before I did.

So, Serial Killer, confess and have a much better chance of winning, and everyone focus on finding the 2 ScumGhouls.
Nope we are not negotiating with the mafia. They can stick it where the sun don't shine.

Just vampires and SK's. LOL
Still pickled?

Nope, but for some reason I've got a mild headache. I'm drinking lots of water and hoping to make it through the day at work. I'm off tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Red wine usually not a problem for me but I drank just a little bit too much. LOL
White wine does for me as well as champagne, red is usually o.k. if I stay hydrated.

Oh well, I usually prefer a good margarita but didn't want to go that route last nigh since I had to work.

Still should of, LOL.

Anyway, I'll get over it sooner or later.
hmm FA sheeping house too. Preferring crazy schemes over genuine scum hunting. Why is that?

this whole let's convert the sk and ask the vampire to reveal his or herself is a distraction and doesn't help us find scum. Why? No one is going to volunteer to be killed

it just gives scum an excuse to avoid scum hunting.

and we still have scarlet and Arden saying next to nothing this game. No one finds that at all odd. Ardens cryptic random vote still has not been addressed.

so let's get back to scum hunting.
Hmmmmm..............................Do you think FA and House are scum Avi for FA sheeping him?

Do you think I am scum with House for sheeping him?

Or do you think town is trying to do something that helps town and hurts scum?

House is town Avi. He could be scum that is completely fooling me but I don't think so. FA and House suspect you. Don't you wonder about that? I don't suspect you-yet. But you aren't doing yourself any favors not liking this plan. Town should love this plan.

Arden and SR need to speak up or be replaced. Being busy in RL is completely understandable but if they go days without posting content, then that kind of sucks unless they state V/LA.
I'm not sure what to think now wolf. It's still early in day 1. I'm just making notes at this point.
I don't really have a read on grandma atm.

She has been an advocate for turning the SK - a strongly town move IMHO but so obvious going against it is not an intelligent move by scum. HOWEVER, she has also downplayed how pivotal the vampire can be if they manage to convert him. Considering that it is a 50% boost to the scum numbers and a loss for us, I see that as anti-town. Basically, there really isn't enough there to read grandma yet. Null ftm.

I'm not saying the Vampire isn't of some concern, but the SK is far more powerful and more of a danger to Town.

However the current plan gets them both on Town's side, so it's a moot point.

As for not wanting to die Day 1, nobody does, but at least with this plan, the Vampire dies a hero.

Avatar4321 - You're an attorney, you know how plea bargains work. Your resistance to this plan, you might as well be waving a 40-foot Scum flag.

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