Official USMB Mafia Game #9: Battle for Cityville

My reads right now:

Every player is SCUM except me. I know I'm town, scum knows I'm town, so to hell with those of you that think or insinuate I'm not. What you think doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to buddy up with anyone, especially when I have no idea of what alignment anyone else is.

So my game play isn't like it was in other games, right?

Since when am I required to play exactly as I have in the past? My game play is evolving; like it or not. If it bothers some so much, maybe they need to ask themselves why.

To address those that think I should be posting more:

I work. I worked while playing the other games and that hasn't changed. I don't get to sit with the game up 24/7. Those that do, good for you. I prefer to do my actual real life job (that pays my bills) before posting in this game or any other, just like always. It wasn't a problem before, so why now? When I hosted a game, I wasn't on 24/7 either. Work was first then as well.

Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.
VOTE: House

That OMGUS is terribad.

So? It was bad on you for voting for someone that was in bed last night when the game officially started and that hadn't had a chance to check in yet.


What? You don't know the truth unless you have to make it up as scum?

That has to be about the dumbest post I've ever seen from Aye.

You need to learn what the term "tongue in cheek" means.

The paranoia in this post is overwhelming, though.

What makes you think my post was from paranoia?

I can tell you with 100% truth that I was nowhere near being paranoid about anything when I posted that. I was actually posting it in a joking manner, which doesn't quite come through on here.
Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.

Since when is telling the truth being overly defensive? OH yeah, that's only when you play as scum and don't want to be found out - I remember how you play as scum. You try as hard as you can not to slip, but you always accuse others of being scum, especially when you know they aren't.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.

Since when is telling the truth being overly defensive? OH yeah, that's only when you play as scum and don't want to be found out - I remember how you play as scum. You try as hard as you can not to slip, but you always accuse others of being scum, especially when you know they aren't.

Every one of your posts is overly defensive. Every single one.
Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.

Since when is telling the truth being overly defensive? OH yeah, that's only when you play as scum and don't want to be found out - I remember how you play as scum. You try as hard as you can not to slip, but you always accuse others of being scum, especially when you know they aren't.

Every one of your posts is overly defensive. Every single one.

I really don't care that you think that.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.
Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.

Since when is telling the truth being overly defensive? OH yeah, that's only when you play as scum and don't want to be found out - I remember how you play as scum. You try as hard as you can not to slip, but you always accuse others of being scum, especially when you know they aren't.

Every one of your posts is overly defensive. Every single one.

I really don't care that you think that.

Yet you responded anyway.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

You have no reason to be townreading Wake because he's barely said anything and your scumread on me because I went to look at the list of players in this game before giving reads is stupid. If you have other reasons, explain them. Avi is the scum of the Earth and it's obvious.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

Oh wait, you think my strategy of not wanting to act like a raving bitch because I'm trying to tone that down is scummy? And you being new does make my strategy different. I also don't like flying off the handle in these games and am trying not to do that any more. There's nothing fucking scummy about it. It's called playing the game without making it toxic. It's better for me. It's better for everyone else.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

You have no reason to be townreading Wake because he's barely said anything and your scumread on me because I went to look at the list of players in this game before giving reads is stupid. If you have other reasons, explain them. Avi is the scum of the Earth and it's obvious.
--->I am scum reading you because you can't take "it" out of "bitch" (sorry, just think that is funny)<---. You claim that you are being docile because I am a noob...I don't believe that. Does anyone else think Wolf would lower her standards for a noob? You are using me as smoke and mirrors.

But you are right about Wake

~mod note: none of this please. user warned.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

Oh wait, you think my strategy of not wanting to act like a raving bitch because I'm trying to tone that down is scummy? And you being new does make my strategy different. I also don't like flying off the handle in these games and am trying not to do that any more. There's nothing fucking scummy about it. It's called playing the game without making it toxic. It's better for me. It's better for everyone else.
But do we both agree on Rosie?
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

I'm not giving anyone a free pass, including you. Tell me why I should believe you are town.

I can't answer "Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a noob". I don't know what her alignment is, but I do know I don't trust her any more than the other players at this point. It's too early in the game to say with 100% certainty that I trust any person in this game. Not enough info has been given.

Rosie's post you are mentioning is typical of how she posts in these games. As far as what side she's on, I don't know. I need to see more from her before making up my mind. At times in other games, she tended to give slight hints in her posts as to what her role was, but I haven't seen that yet. The only way you could 'throw her under the bus' is if you are both scum and you post something that implicates her as being one of the bad guys.

I don't see my post to you saying I'm town as being defensive. I simply told you the truth.
Your overly defensive attitude and explanation for things no one was even accusing you of is noted.

You can be scum with Avi then.

My job here is done.

Since when is telling the truth being overly defensive? OH yeah, that's only when you play as scum and don't want to be found out - I remember how you play as scum. You try as hard as you can not to slip, but you always accuse others of being scum, especially when you know they aren't.

Every one of your posts is overly defensive. Every single one.

I really don't care that you think that.

Yet you responded anyway.

And your point is?
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

Oh wait, you think my strategy of not wanting to act like a raving bitch because I'm trying to tone that down is scummy? And you being new does make my strategy different. I also don't like flying off the handle in these games and am trying not to do that any more. There's nothing fucking scummy about it. It's called playing the game without making it toxic. It's better for me. It's better for everyone else.
Oh yeah...and that wasn't your original reasoning for being nice.
You don't care and yet you've talked about nothing else since we started this conversation. I've already told you why I think house is town already. Saying I haven't makes no sense whatsoever.

It seems like you are reaching to justify a vote for me and conveniently move off rosie when people started asking questions about your rosie vote.

WTF? Are you being deliberately obtuse or what? Of course I've talked about nothing else because I don't like your reads-I feel they don't make sense and conflict and it's scummy.

And your defensive attitude trying to make it about me, makes me perfectly happy with my vote right where it is.

if I was scum do you think id be trying to make enemies?
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

I'm not giving anyone a free pass, including you. Tell me why I should believe you are town.

I can't answer "Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a noob". I don't know what her alignment is, but I do know I don't trust her any more than the other players at this point. It's too early in the game to say with 100% certainty that I trust any person in this game. Not enough info has been given.

Rosie's post you are mentioning is typical of how she posts in these games. As far as what side she's on, I don't know. I need to see more from her before making up my mind. At times in other games, she tended to give slight hints in her posts as to what her role was, but I haven't seen that yet. The only way you could 'throw her under the bus' is if you are both scum and you post something that implicates her as being one of the bad guys.

I don't see my post to you saying I'm town as being defensive. I simply told you the truth.
Vote Wolfsister.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

You have no reason to be townreading Wake because he's barely said anything and your scumread on me because I went to look at the list of players in this game before giving reads is stupid. If you have other reasons, explain them. Avi is the scum of the Earth and it's obvious.
I am scum reading you because you can't take "it" out of "bitch" (sorry, just think that is funny). You claim that you are being docile because I am a noob...I don't believe that. Does anyone else think Wolf would lower her standards for a noob? You are using me as smoke and mirrors.

But you are right about Wake

It's not lowering my standards. It's raising them. I knew if I tried a less fighty and bitchy attitude, I'd be scumread for it because every fucking expects the exact same shit from me as town and if I don't play exactly like that, I'm scum.

It's a bunch of fucking bullshit. I'm trying not to be an extremely unpleasant person to play with because it makes the game un-fun for everyone including me.

And my attitude was different because I was giving you pointers on how to play which in not alignment indicative of anything but is different from how I play without newbs in the game.

I don't care if you or anyone believe me and if you lynch me over that, then you are all a bunch of fucking idiots who couldn't find scum if they held a neon sign over their heads saying they were scum.
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

I'm not giving anyone a free pass, including you. Tell me why I should believe you are town.

I can't answer "Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a noob". I don't know what her alignment is, but I do know I don't trust her any more than the other players at this point. It's too early in the game to say with 100% certainty that I trust any person in this game. Not enough info has been given.

Rosie's post you are mentioning is typical of how she posts in these games. As far as what side she's on, I don't know. I need to see more from her before making up my mind. At times in other games, she tended to give slight hints in her posts as to what her role was, but I haven't seen that yet. The only way you could 'throw her under the bus' is if you are both scum and you post something that implicates her as being one of the bad guys.

I don't see my post to you saying I'm town as being defensive. I simply told you the truth.
Vote Wolfsister.

Why did you quote Aye's post and put down a naked vote for me?

Are you scum?
I'm not anyone's buddy. As town, I don't know who the other townies are, just like I don't know who the scum are. I don't trust anyone at this point.
Aye did it in the library with a candlestick...wrong game, but I think she is scum.

You'd be dead wrong. I'm not scum. You, however, could very well be, since you are quick to say you think I am without any half-assed decent reason.
I have pretty much pointed my finger at everyone at this point...and considering everyone wants to give me a free should be using me as a resource.Sort of like Wolfsister, saying her strategy is different because I am a you really believe that? Or Rosie trying to implicate me by talking about me throwing her under the bus. Then there is you...with the defensive post. Wake is Town. Avi is town. House is town.

Oh wait, you think my strategy of not wanting to act like a raving bitch because I'm trying to tone that down is scummy? And you being new does make my strategy different. I also don't like flying off the handle in these games and am trying not to do that any more. There's nothing fucking scummy about it. It's called playing the game without making it toxic. It's better for me. It's better for everyone else.
Oh yeah...and that wasn't your original reasoning for being nice.

I don't fucking give a shit if you believe me or not. You are being an idiot. You don't want to be treated like a newb then fucking grow up and learn to read someone correctly. Being nice is not scummy but if you want mean Wolfie, you got it.

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