Official USMB -- Walls 101 Course for Week of Jan 14th, 2019 -- DO NOT DUPLICATE TOPIC.

I know you keep saying that. why are you shouting? the implied comment however makes that the scenario was there was no debt ahead of the tax cut, you haven't answered why? see the tax cut doesn't matter, it is only the spending cuts that matter. that is what causes debt, whether or not there is or isn't a tax cut. spending is the boogeyman.

Wow. Stupidity has made quit the home in your brain.

If you quit your job & took a job that only pays half of your previous job and your bills pile up. What caused this?

You quitting your job.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.
the debt before the tax cut was trillions of dollars less than it is now and increasing at about a million dollars a minute and still growing

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
again, the question was, was there debt ahead of the tax cuts. yes or fking no!! why won't you answer?
I just did
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.

Billy, I have spoken with a state administrative-level educator, and here's the deal: in this border state, the costs of school to educate children who come here at every age over the border, with or without parents has been grossly dismissed in the political decision-making branch of the Democrat Party.. Taking a child into the fold when he is the age of fourth-graders, but he cannot speak English, has never learned to read nor write nor use a computer--he may be severely malnourished and have cognitive issues for any one of a thousand reasons. To diagnose and deal with, the schools must teach this child to read, write, do math and get him able to junior high school not in six years, but 2 years, which means they have to have bilingual teachers, with health and age-appropriate education, social worker assistive knowledge, strong cultural knowledge of the Latin Americas, of which there are several nations segmenting off native populations and shipping them off to other countries, more in the last 10 years than ever before, in other words, they have to put these children first, raise taxes on the middle class, and put middle class childrens' needs after the crying needs of these children on basically, the same budget with more demands made on the educational background of average teachers who were only responsible for objective learning before, and handling these kinds of children require more Master and Doctorate-level teachers, without the ability to compensate the extra college required to know all these specialty skills to deal with merging several cultures coming over the border with the culture already here. She said the net result that she has seen is teacher exhaustion and leaving education to do anything else at lower pay due to burnout, frustration, and all that goes with the stress of more responsibilities piled on them by the burgeoning requirements made at this time.

That said, the situation is not helped by educators dreading more refugees pouring over the border with parents who see not asylum, but better pay over here, so the goalset of the people crossing is one of moving up, not getting freed from mistreatment. I heard this from the Horse's mouth, not from someone who gloats on gossip. It's the real deal. The education is so costly, the school systems in border states have critical care issues of teachers beleaguered with excessive responsibilities.

If you're hitting on a President or a political party or on teachers in general, you're hitting on the wrong target. You should be looking on that culture that is greedily ridding themselves of people they have no intention in this world of helping, dismissing them as Pisanos.

The target of America's losing the ability to help its own children in this unpleasant scenario of neglecting and displacing the education of American children to accommodate another group of cultures' kids is not fair. They're our country's children getting sidelined to make good things happen for people are ambitious to extract any benefit from another culture than their own irresponsibilie one that doesn't even allow certain classes to get educations.

For a party that claims it's the only one who can help working people, they're not taking care of American teachers burdened with this unnecessary double load. You're not seeing it from America's viewpoints.

So may I make a suggestion for you to pass up to your leadership? Please stop the political rancor against Republicans and the President over the border issue, that their position puts America's finest in hardship, and support the building of the wall without further adieu.

Please encourage your DNC Party leaders to help the teachers. Well, that's all I know on the subject. Goodnight. It's past my bedtime, but I saw your post later and am hoping you will appeal to your political community to do some budgetary rearrangement of using campaign money to destroy people, and channel it to helping these kids without causing them unhappiness.

We need the wall. We're on a no-win situation course the average bird parent has when a cuckoo places its eggs in their nest so she won't have to work.
you don't get it, these fks don't care about american citizens, they look at potential voters. the illegals. think about it, they believe in political power over safety of a nation. Why else would they fight so hard for someone that isn't even a citizen? really, these fks don't care about your safety. they'd rather shoot you themselves for voting differently than them. they are truly the evilest of all human life in the world. Demolosers, it's what makes them losers.

Illegals can't vote. Democrats don't want illegals coming into our country.

We don't want a fucking 40' concrete wall.
sure they do, Sanctuary cities proves that point. you lose on that subject alone. not to mention the fact that you don't think illegals come across an open border. When the agents that patrol it say they do. insincerity is truly a remarkable commodity in you losers.
You don;t know what a sanctuary city is & the purpose behind it.

I never said no illegals cross the open border. Are you really this big of an asshole or what. Are you saying this 40' concrete Trump wall will stop all illegals?
I know you keep saying that. why are you shouting? the implied comment however makes that the scenario was there was no debt ahead of the tax cut, you haven't answered why? see the tax cut doesn't matter, it is only the spending cuts that matter. that is what causes debt, whether or not there is or isn't a tax cut. spending is the boogeyman.

Wow. Stupidity has made quit the home in your brain.

If you quit your job & took a job that only pays half of your previous job and your bills pile up. What caused this?

You quitting your job.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.

Billy, I have spoken with a state administrative-level educator, and here's the deal: in this border state, the costs of school to educate children who come here at every age over the border, with or without parents has been grossly dismissed in the political decision-making branch of the Democrat Party.. Taking a child into the fold when he is the age of fourth-graders, but he cannot speak English, has never learned to read nor write nor use a computer--he may be severely malnourished and have cognitive issues for any one of a thousand reasons. To diagnose and deal with, the schools must teach this child to read, write, do math and get him able to junior high school not in six years, but 2 years, which means they have to have bilingual teachers, with health and age-appropriate education, social worker assistive knowledge, strong cultural knowledge of the Latin Americas, of which there are several nations segmenting off native populations and shipping them off to other countries, more in the last 10 years than ever before, in other words, they have to put these children first, raise taxes on the middle class, and put middle class childrens' needs after the crying needs of these children on basically, the same budget with more demands made on the educational background of average teachers who were only responsible for objective learning before, and handling these kinds of children require more Master and Doctorate-level teachers, without the ability to compensate the extra college required to know all these specialty skills to deal with merging several cultures coming over the border with the culture already here. She said the net result that she has seen is teacher exhaustion and leaving education to do anything else at lower pay due to burnout, frustration, and all that goes with the stress of more responsibilities piled on them by the burgeoning requirements made at this time.

That said, the situation is not helped by educators dreading more refugees pouring over the border with parents who see not asylum, but better pay over here, so the goalset of the people crossing is one of moving up, not getting freed from mistreatment. I heard this from the Horse's mouth, not from someone who gloats on gossip. It's the real deal. The education is so costly, the school systems in border states have critical care issues of teachers beleaguered with excessive responsibilities.

If you're hitting on a President or a political party or on teachers in general, you're hitting on the wrong target. You should be looking on that culture that is greedily ridding themselves of people they have no intention in this world of helping, dismissing them as Pisanos.

The target of America's losing the ability to help its own children in this unpleasant scenario of neglecting and displacing the education of American children to accommodate another group of cultures' kids is not fair. They're our country's children getting sidelined to make good things happen for people are ambitious to extract any benefit from another culture than their own irresponsibilie one that doesn't even allow certain classes to get educations.

For a party that claims it's the only one who can help working people, they're not taking care of American teachers burdened with this unnecessary double load. You're not seeing it from America's viewpoints.

So may I make a suggestion for you to pass up to your leadership? Please stop the political rancor against Republicans and the President over the border issue, that their position puts America's finest in hardship, and support the building of the wall without further adieu.

Please encourage your DNC Party leaders to help the teachers. Well, that's all I know on the subject. Goodnight. It's past my bedtime, but I saw your post later and am hoping you will appeal to your political community to do some budgetary rearrangement of using campaign money to destroy people, and channel it to helping these kids without causing them unhappiness.

We need the wall. We're on a no-win situation course the average bird parent has when a cuckoo places its eggs in their nest so she won't have to work.
you don't get it, these fks don't care about american citizens, they look at potential voters. the illegals. think about it, they believe in political power over safety of a nation. Why else would they fight so hard for someone that isn't even a citizen? really, these fks don't care about your safety. they'd rather shoot you themselves for voting differently than them. they are truly the evilest of all human life in the world. Demolosers, it's what makes them losers.

Illegals can't vote. Democrats don't want illegals coming into our country.

We don't want a fucking 40' concrete wall.
sure they do, Sanctuary cities proves that point. you lose on that subject alone. not to mention the fact that you don't think illegals come across an open border. When the agents that patrol it say they do. insincerity is truly a remarkable commodity in you losers.
You don;t know what a sanctuary city is & the purpose behind it.

I never said no illegals cross the open border. Are you really this big of an asshole or what. Are you saying this 40' concrete Trump wall will stop all illegals?
nope not at all. what it will do is funnel the 98% of them to controlled entry points and deter any further caravans of thousands of people from walking thousands of miles and saving women and children from rape and harm.
I know you keep saying that. why are you shouting? the implied comment however makes that the scenario was there was no debt ahead of the tax cut, you haven't answered why? see the tax cut doesn't matter, it is only the spending cuts that matter. that is what causes debt, whether or not there is or isn't a tax cut. spending is the boogeyman.

Wow. Stupidity has made quit the home in your brain.

If you quit your job & took a job that only pays half of your previous job and your bills pile up. What caused this?

You quitting your job.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

Dude, all I'm pointing out is that taxes isn't the issue, it is purely the spending. until that is resolved it doesn't matter. not one iota.
Wow. Stupidity has made quit the home in your brain.

If you quit your job & took a job that only pays half of your previous job and your bills pile up. What caused this?

You quitting your job.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
EXACTLY!! So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.
Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.
the proof is in the pudding
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.
the proof is in the pudding
what proof? you think they will cut spending? nope, they want the rich guys money. to do what, create more spending. it's what the politicians do. fk they gave the tax cuts and increased spending, just think if they increased the tax rate. anyone who believes a politician has no brain.
Asylum seekers or economic opportunists?

New immigrants “gamed” the system so much during the Obama era, according to new data, that there has been a 1,350 percent increase in deportation orders from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2017 for those let into the United States after claiming “credible fear” but who never followed through or whose claims were rejected.

The statistics are the latest evidence that claiming asylum during the lenient Obama era was seen as a free pass into the United States.

(Obama policies ENCOURAGED Illegal Immigration and LED TO AN INCREASE IN IT.)

“These figures show clearly that most of those who crossed illegally to take advantage of the lenient Obama policies had no intention of actually applying for asylum – an astonishing 65 percent of the border asylum cases now pending never even bothered to complete the asylum application.

Why would they? They got what they wanted, which was to be allowed into the United States,” said
immigration expert Jessica M. Vaughan, the director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.

She added, “It’s clear that the Obama policies created an irresistible magnet for Central Americans and others around the world to cross our border illegally, say the magic word ‘asylum,’ and the immigration bureaucracy would be told to look the other way.”

From 2012 to 2017, for example, asylum claims from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, increased from 8,519 to 76,023, up 892 percent. Those countries are the source of the current "crisis" on the border.

Typically the claims are made by immigrants pouring through established border crossing areas.

But the data from Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review showed a huge surge in those crossing the U.S. border illegally also trying to claim asylum.

The data shows that in some cases only about one third eventually are granted asylum, forcing Immigration and Customs Enforcement to then track down those denied but who are still in the U.S."

1,350% jump in deportation orders for sham asylum claims by illegal immigrants

The tax cuts were 1,000,000 times more important than getting a wall built, jackass.
tax cuts mean nothing without spending cuts,,,in fact they cause more long term harm
The tax cuts mean thousands of dollars to me.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
tax cuts mean nothing without spending cuts,,,in fact they cause more long term harm
The tax cuts mean thousands of dollars to me.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Billy, I have spoken with a state administrative-level educator, and here's the deal: in this border state, the costs of school to educate children who come here at every age over the border, with or without parents has been grossly dismissed in the political decision-making branch of the Democrat Party.. Taking a child into the fold when he is the age of fourth-graders, but he cannot speak English, has never learned to read nor write nor use a computer--he may be severely malnourished and have cognitive issues for any one of a thousand reasons. To diagnose and deal with, the schools must teach this child to read, write, do math and get him able to junior high school not in six years, but 2 years, which means they have to have bilingual teachers, with health and age-appropriate education, social worker assistive knowledge, strong cultural knowledge of the Latin Americas, of which there are several nations segmenting off native populations and shipping them off to other countries, more in the last 10 years than ever before, in other words, they have to put these children first, raise taxes on the middle class, and put middle class childrens' needs after the crying needs of these children on basically, the same budget with more demands made on the educational background of average teachers who were only responsible for objective learning before, and handling these kinds of children require more Master and Doctorate-level teachers, without the ability to compensate the extra college required to know all these specialty skills to deal with merging several cultures coming over the border with the culture already here. She said the net result that she has seen is teacher exhaustion and leaving education to do anything else at lower pay due to burnout, frustration, and all that goes with the stress of more responsibilities piled on them by the burgeoning requirements made at this time.

That said, the situation is not helped by educators dreading more refugees pouring over the border with parents who see not asylum, but better pay over here, so the goalset of the people crossing is one of moving up, not getting freed from mistreatment. I heard this from the Horse's mouth, not from someone who gloats on gossip. It's the real deal. The education is so costly, the school systems in border states have critical care issues of teachers beleaguered with excessive responsibilities.

If you're hitting on a President or a political party or on teachers in general, you're hitting on the wrong target. You should be looking on that culture that is greedily ridding themselves of people they have no intention in this world of helping, dismissing them as Pisanos.

The target of America's losing the ability to help its own children in this unpleasant scenario of neglecting and displacing the education of American children to accommodate another group of cultures' kids is not fair. They're our country's children getting sidelined to make good things happen for people are ambitious to extract any benefit from another culture than their own irresponsibilie one that doesn't even allow certain classes to get educations.

For a party that claims it's the only one who can help working people, they're not taking care of American teachers burdened with this unnecessary double load. You're not seeing it from America's viewpoints.

So may I make a suggestion for you to pass up to your leadership? Please stop the political rancor against Republicans and the President over the border issue, that their position puts America's finest in hardship, and support the building of the wall without further adieu.

Please encourage your DNC Party leaders to help the teachers. Well, that's all I know on the subject. Goodnight. It's past my bedtime, but I saw your post later and am hoping you will appeal to your political community to do some budgetary rearrangement of using campaign money to destroy people, and channel it to helping these kids without causing them unhappiness.

We need the wall. We're on a no-win situation course the average bird parent has when a cuckoo places its eggs in their nest so she won't have to work.
you don't get it, these fks don't care about american citizens, they look at potential voters. the illegals. think about it, they believe in political power over safety of a nation. Why else would they fight so hard for someone that isn't even a citizen? really, these fks don't care about your safety. they'd rather shoot you themselves for voting differently than them. they are truly the evilest of all human life in the world. Demolosers, it's what makes them losers.

Illegals can't vote. Democrats don't want illegals coming into our country.

We don't want a fucking 40' concrete wall.
sure they do, Sanctuary cities proves that point. you lose on that subject alone. not to mention the fact that you don't think illegals come across an open border. When the agents that patrol it say they do. insincerity is truly a remarkable commodity in you losers.
You don;t know what a sanctuary city is & the purpose behind it.

I never said no illegals cross the open border. Are you really this big of an asshole or what. Are you saying this 40' concrete Trump wall will stop all illegals?
nope not at all. what it will do is funnel the 98% of them to controlled entry points and deter any further caravans of thousands of people from walking thousands of miles and saving women and children from rape and harm.

Really. Trump is going to cover the entire border with his wall? They will climb over it, go under it, go around it.

How will it stop people coming here & seeking asylum?

Sop Trump's wall will stop 98% of all illegals crossing outside of border points?
tax cuts mean nothing without spending cuts,,,in fact they cause more long term harm
The tax cuts mean thousands of dollars to me.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.

You're happy & fuck the country. I get it., And when the increased debt sends us into a recession. will you still be happy?
Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
EXACTLY!! So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.

So, increasing revenues will not reduce the deficit. Wow, you should write a book "Economics for Dummies".

I understand how you Trupettes don't want to support your own country.
you don't get it, these fks don't care about american citizens, they look at potential voters. the illegals. think about it, they believe in political power over safety of a nation. Why else would they fight so hard for someone that isn't even a citizen? really, these fks don't care about your safety. they'd rather shoot you themselves for voting differently than them. they are truly the evilest of all human life in the world. Demolosers, it's what makes them losers.

Illegals can't vote. Democrats don't want illegals coming into our country.

We don't want a fucking 40' concrete wall.
sure they do, Sanctuary cities proves that point. you lose on that subject alone. not to mention the fact that you don't think illegals come across an open border. When the agents that patrol it say they do. insincerity is truly a remarkable commodity in you losers.
You don;t know what a sanctuary city is & the purpose behind it.

I never said no illegals cross the open border. Are you really this big of an asshole or what. Are you saying this 40' concrete Trump wall will stop all illegals?
nope not at all. what it will do is funnel the 98% of them to controlled entry points and deter any further caravans of thousands of people from walking thousands of miles and saving women and children from rape and harm.

Really. Trump is going to cover the entire border with his wall? They will climb over it, go under it, go around it.

How will it stop people coming here & seeking asylum?

Sop Trump's wall will stop 98% of all illegals crossing outside of border points?
so do bank vaults stop bank robberies? what an insane statement you make. I want you to name one thing that is 100% fool proof. one thing? do walls, locks, doors and windows stop houses from burglars? Come on stupid name something.
tax cuts mean nothing without spending cuts,,,in fact they cause more long term harm
The tax cuts mean thousands of dollars to me.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
EXACTLY!! So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.

So, increasing revenues will not reduce the deficit. Wow, you should write a book "Economics for Dummies".

I understand how you Trupettes don't want to support your own country.
that is correct, number one the revenue will drop, people will stop working, no tax revenue at this point and then more welfare will be paid out for those who stopped working. so you have no idea what economics are. but thanks for playing.
Wow. Stupidity has made quit the home in your brain.

If you quit your job & took a job that only pays half of your previous job and your bills pile up. What caused this?

You quitting your job.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

Dude, all I'm pointing out is that taxes isn't the issue, it is purely the spending. until that is resolved it doesn't matter. not one iota.
The deficit is how far the country's finances are out of balance.

You create debt when you spend more than you receive. And receiving less means more debt.
so stupid fk, was there debt before the tax cut? it's a yes or no answer. why can't you write one or the other? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
See no honesty in a leftist turd.

Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

Dude, all I'm pointing out is that taxes isn't the issue, it is purely the spending. until that is resolved it doesn't matter. not one iota.
The deficit is how far the country's finances are out of balance.

You create debt when you spend more than you receive. And receiving less means more debt.
wow, excellent!!! so the only way, the only way to reduce debt is to cut spending. PERIOD

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