Official USMB -- Walls 101 Course for Week of Jan 14th, 2019 -- DO NOT DUPLICATE TOPIC.

Broken System? Ya think?!

The idea of allowing foreigners to enter the United States through official authorized ports of entry, apply for Asylum, AND THEN LETTING THEM GO WITH A FUTURE COURT DATE TO ATTEND TO DETERMINE IF THEY CAN STAY IN THE US OR NOW - to go anywhere unchecked, unmonitored, to 'get lost' amongst our population, and HOPE they come back for that court date - and if not tasking ICE with tracking them down and deporting them...has GOT to be one of THE DUMBEST ideas ever conceived.

Anyone wanting to come to the US should apply within their own country. If it is 'too dangerous' and they legitimately have to flee their country, they should do so, stopping in the 1st country they come to and file for Asylum there. 'Fleeing' Honduras, immigrants must travel through Guatemala, enter the southern tip of Mexico, and travel all the way up to our southern border. Once in Mexico, they are out of 'harm's way'

Liberals are often 'Globalists'; yet, when it comes to 'Asylum Seeking' laws they reject the EU's law which requires 'Asylum Seekers' to file for asylum in the 1st country they come to, which would be Mexico for the thousands and thousands of illegals coming up from South America.

Allowing illegals who break our laws by illegally crossing the border to file for asylum, give them a court date and then releasing them into the US, as the article said, is giving them exactly what they wanted....not to mention that their 1st act in this country was to break our laws to get in, and then you just release the criminal with his promise he will come back to court to hear if he can legally stay or now. Bwuhahahahah. He's already here - he's not going to come back to get your permission to stay.

Our laws are so f*ed up!

Why Shouldn't Central Americans Have to Apply for Asylum in Mexico?
wow, excellent!!! so the only way, the only way to reduce debt is to cut spending. PERIOD
That actually doesn't even REDUCE the debt, as the interest rate n what we owe keeps the debt number ticking higher.

STOP SPENDING is only the 1st step.
PAYING OFF THAT DEBT / MAKING PAYMENTS ON THE DEBT is what really reduces that debt.
Who said all debt was from the tax cut you God damn assfuck.

You people are dumber than shit.
I asked was there debt prior to the tax cuts and again you didn't answer. see, dishonest as the day is long. no sincerity at all. dude a conversation isn't possible when facts can't even be acknowledged. too bad.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

Dude, all I'm pointing out is that taxes isn't the issue, it is purely the spending. until that is resolved it doesn't matter. not one iota.
The deficit is how far the country's finances are out of balance.

You create debt when you spend more than you receive. And receiving less means more debt.
wow, excellent!!! so the only way, the only way to reduce debt is to cut spending. PERIOD

who said that???

spend all you want as long as the money is available,,,but if you dont have the money dont spend it
wow, excellent!!! so the only way, the only way to reduce debt is to cut spending. PERIOD
That actually doesn't even REDUCE the debt, as the interest rate n what we owe keeps the debt number ticking higher.

STOP SPENDING is only the 1st step.
PAYING OFF THAT DEBT / MAKING PAYMENTS ON THE DEBT is what really reduces that debt.
well again, halting what goes out allows use to pay down the debt. but you have to stop spending first.
You asked a really stupid irrelevant question.

Of course there was debt before the tax cuts. How does that make the tax cuts not create more,.
do you think increased taxes would stop the debt?

not if spending isnt cut
EXACTLY!! So really, the politicians don't care about the debt. Taking the tax rate to 70% isn't going to resolve the spending issue. So now the politicians merely want to take our money. That is exactly what you can say. Want my vote, let me keep my money. figure out the debt via spending cuts, cause it doesn't matter. debt is debt.

So, increasing revenues will not reduce the deficit. Wow, you should write a book "Economics for Dummies".

I understand how you Trupettes don't want to support your own country.
that is correct, number one the revenue will drop, people will stop working, no tax revenue at this point and then more welfare will be paid out for those who stopped working. so you have no idea what economics are. but thanks for playing.
You know ecion0mics? Bull Fucking Shit.

Economics tell you that Tax Cuts without Spending cuts add to the deficit.

You increase the deficit by:

Tax Cuts without spending cuts
Spending increases without tax increases

Or do what Trump did - cut taxes & increase spending.
Illegals can't vote. Democrats don't want illegals coming into our country.

We don't want a fucking 40' concrete wall.
sure they do, Sanctuary cities proves that point. you lose on that subject alone. not to mention the fact that you don't think illegals come across an open border. When the agents that patrol it say they do. insincerity is truly a remarkable commodity in you losers.
You don;t know what a sanctuary city is & the purpose behind it.

I never said no illegals cross the open border. Are you really this big of an asshole or what. Are you saying this 40' concrete Trump wall will stop all illegals?
nope not at all. what it will do is funnel the 98% of them to controlled entry points and deter any further caravans of thousands of people from walking thousands of miles and saving women and children from rape and harm.

Really. Trump is going to cover the entire border with his wall? They will climb over it, go under it, go around it.

How will it stop people coming here & seeking asylum?

Sop Trump's wall will stop 98% of all illegals crossing outside of border points?
so do bank vaults stop bank robberies? what an insane statement you make. I want you to name one thing that is 100% fool proof. one thing? do walls, locks, doors and windows stop houses from burglars? Come on stupid name something.

So you think Trump's wall seals the entire border like a door to a vault? You said the wall would stop 98%.

Building Trump's wall is not a cost effective method of reducing illegal immigration. What party of that don't you get?
Trump will not cut spending. Spending cuts would hurt the US economy & make his numbers look bad.
Americans are getting killed by illegals, hence border security is a high priority. The left just cringed they have no come back to that.

Yup the same left that was for the wall a few years ago.

Now because Trump wants it, it isn't needed??

You can't cure stupid.
They built fences, not 40' concrete walls. You can't cure your kind of stupid.

Around the world many countries are building walls, they built 800 miles of walls in Europe just this year. :itsok:
Americans are getting killed by illegals, hence border security is a high priority. The left just cringed they have no come back to that.

Yup the same left that was for the wall a few years ago.

Now because Trump wants it, it isn't needed??

You can't cure stupid.
They built fences, not 40' concrete walls. You can't cure your kind of stupid.

Around the world many countries are building walls, they built 800 miles of walls in Europe just this year. :itsok:
no they didn't, they don't work. it's why everyone builds fences in their yards cause they don't work.
Dems have a policy? Hilarious.

Trump's wall is a tangible item that's useful. You think it's a waste because your avatar is the exact opposite your head. You're nothing but a partisan parrot.

Dems. only practice politics and racism. Their ideas are for appearances only. They're a waste of time and money.

And don't tell people not to duplicate. You're not even in control of your own brain less ours. Why would someone duplicate your BS to begin with?
Dems have a policy? Hilarious.

Trump's wall is a tangible item that's useful. You think it's a waste because your avatar is the exact opposite your head. You're nothing but a partisan parrot.

Dems. only practice politics and racism. Their ideas are for appearances only. They're a waste of time and money.
and use up good air.
this is not about a wall. this about the future of America. this is about life and death, my friends
Walls 101: Democrat Demagoguery Disclosed!!!
Democrats: You have to use the catchphrase to their constituents: "Vanity Project" from now on!!!! Don't leave home without it!!!!

The tax cuts mean thousands of dollars to me.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.

well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.

because its the spending thats the problem...

is english your first language??? cause if not so got problems
well thanks for admitting youre only in it for personal gain,,,and putting youre debt on your children to pay

and you failed to account for the increase in goods and sevices that make that tax cut meaningless
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.
BTW, I'd like to know what is worse, debt or debt. I think debt is bad, but I can't control it, everyone I've ever voted for increases spending. everyone. is there actually anyone who believes in cutting spending.
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.

because its the spending thats the problem...

is english your first language??? cause if not so got problems
so then it doesn't matter if we got a tax cut or not. so really,what you meant in your original post was spending is a problem. Not sure why you mentioned tax cuts then.
You are full of shit. My children and grandchildren will inherit everything I save + the proceeds from investing it.

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.
BTW, I'd like to know what is worse, debt or debt. I think debt is bad, but I can't control it, everyone I've ever voted for increases spending. everyone. is there actually anyone who believes in cutting spending.
well no one I ever voted for increased the debt,,, maybe the problem is who you vote the problem is you

and yes there are those at the POTUS level that would cut spending,,,they are just not in the democrat or republican party
it didnt effect l

th world doesnt revolve around you
No matter what the world revolves around, I will still always vote in my best interests nonetheless.

And your all caps notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cuts to cause debt because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.
what I said was tax cuts without spending cuts increases the debt,,,

try to keep up

You are full of shit.

For the aforementioned reason, tax cuts never increase the debt under any circumstances, Mr. hard learner.

because its the spending thats the problem...

is english your first language??? cause if not so got problems
so then it doesn't matter if we got a tax cut or not. so really,what you meant in your original post was spending is a problem. Not sure why you mentioned tax cuts then.[/QUOTE

it didnt effect my life,,,

and my first comment was responding to anothers comment

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