Officials: Biden Campaign Event Canceled In Texas After President trump Supporters Surround Bus

What makes these motherfuckers any different than the "thugs" in Portland and Seattle that these wimpy-assed Trumptoids like to point fingers at????
Did you see any fires burning in the videos? Any riots? Any looting? Hear of any murder? Hear of any cops being murdered?

There's your difference.

Then explain what they were doing, fuckface, that wasn't criminal.
Why were they armed, asswipe?

Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
So you condone and support political violence and intimidation? You don't think that Trump's rival has a right to peacefully campaign without be accosted by Trumps moronic minions in pickup trucks endangering the public? What the fuck is wrong with you people. Then you have the fucking nerve to bitch about left wing violence. Clearly you hate the ide of a free an d fair election campaign and want to turn this country into a banana republic.
What you fail to understand is that TEXANS, old Texas Texans, don't think criminals selling out the country and raping children have the right to be in TEXAS whether they are running for office or not.

Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes.
I lived too many years in Houston and know what I am talking about.
These Trump fucks who did this should be arrested and charged for criminal acts, endangering lives, using a vehicle as a deadly weapon.
The FBI is on this and I hope we hear about arrests SOON.
The license plates were clearly visible in the video.
If I went by you, I’d believe that all Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes but fortunately you don’t speak for all Texans, just your own ignorant self. I didn’t get past your stupid, ignorant, arrogant first sentence to read the rest of your stupidity.

Go crawl back up Trump's ass.
It's missing an idiot.
I just said what the article, that you are to lazy to read said at the beginning of the thread. I’m not a leftist, in fact my point was that had the allegations are true then the group would have been taken down by the secret service. Since it didn’t happen the story was fishy at best. Talk about you not understanding what you read.
I understood what I read and the stories offer no evidence of what you claimed.

Yeah, I’m a lefty, lol. Good for you. The story is pretty much a phony, it’s more drama drummed up by the left.
Yeah, I'm with you on this...way too much drama..for some goofs. Had someone gotten hurt it it'd be different..but I'm inclined to laugh and move on.

If those Texas guys knew how much hot air is being spilled in their direction..they'd be right happy!
The Leftists are easily triggered. Looting and burning businesses is no big deal to them when THEIR fellow Leftists are doing it. But a little driving problem, now THERE'S big trouble for girliemen.

Antifa special forces.png
Trump is encouraging violence and you fucking TrumpTards think that is OK.
Never seen such blind hypocrisy and cultism to a flagrant grifting con man who doesn't not give a shit about you.
You all are too stupid to see it.
What makes these motherfuckers any different than the "thugs" in Portland and Seattle that these wimpy-assed Trumptoids like to point fingers at????
Did you see any fires burning in the videos? Any riots? Any looting? Hear of any murder? Hear of any cops being murdered?

There's your difference.

Then explain what they were doing, fuckface, that wasn't criminal.
Why were they armed, asswipe?

Well, if a Quid Pro Joe lackey tweets something, it must be true.
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Yeah who Texans were such a drama queens over a bus driving on a public highway?
The thing's boring in Texas..out on the plain--messing with the bus is most fun these guys have seen in a long time!

The bus should have continued to Austin..they like-em some Biden there!

You dumb fucking commie, Austin is deep blue and is in the TX Hill Country. And you wonder why we call you idiots low information voters. LMAO

You dumb fucking Trumphead, I know that..which is why the bus should have stopped there--not that knowing anything about Texas is all that me.

I do wonder..given the extensive history of your ignorance that's on constant display. For example, you wouldn't know a 'commie' if you stepped on one.

What are you losers going to do when your tin God loses?
Jesus people. This was a violent act and an attack on democracy. And you folks and Trump encourage it

Thank you. The replies in this thread are just disgusting.

The actions by these trump people can get someone hurt or killed.

This shouldn't be legal or tolerated. Much less cheered by anyone.

Yet here we have people who claim to be pro life, who claim to love law and order, who claim to love liberty, freedom and America, cheering on people who are putting other people in jeopardy only because they have a different view.

There is no low too low for these people.

I'm ashamed we have such people in our nation.
Oh but only if it happened that way
No bus was impeded, stopped, stoned , vandalized with occupants dragged out and fearing for their lives
That’s scum slime liberal tactics.

The protest was largely peaceful!
Oh Christ they were trying to run cars off the road to to get the bus. Only you idiots would defend these degenerate, red neck fucktards.
Bulllshit. That's Dim propaganda. I saw video of a Biden support running his car into the pickup of a Trump supporter. The local news tried to blame the Trump supporter, but it was clearly the fault of the Biden supporter.

Stuff like that is why we automatically assume TDS morons are lying out their ass about stuff like this.
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
So you condone and support political violence and intimidation? You don't think that Trump's rival has a right to peacefully campaign without be accosted by Trumps moronic minions in pickup trucks endangering the public? What the fuck is wrong with you people. Then you have the fucking nerve to bitch about left wing violence. Clearly you hate the ide of a free an d fair election campaign and want to turn this country into a banana republic.
What you fail to understand is that TEXANS, old Texas Texans, don't think criminals selling out the country and raping children have the right to be in TEXAS whether they are running for office or not.

Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes.
I lived too many years in Houston and know what I am talking about.
These Trump fucks who did this should be arrested and charged for criminal acts, endangering lives, using a vehicle as a deadly weapon.
The FBI is on this and I hope we hear about arrests SOON.
The license plates were clearly visible in the video.
If I went by you, I’d believe that all Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes but fortunately you don’t speak for all Texans, just your own ignorant self. I didn’t get past your stupid, ignorant, arrogant first sentence to read the rest of your stupidity.

Go crawl back up Trump's ass.
It's missing an idiot.
Your keyboard isn't.
Trump is encouraging violence and you fucking TrumpTards think that is OK.
Never seen such blind hypocrisy and cultism to a flagrant grifting con man who doesn't not give a shit about you.
You all are too stupid to see it.
Trump is encouraging violence

Link, Buttercup?
The Leftists are easily triggered. Looting and burning businesses is no big deal to them when THEIR fellow Leftists are doing it. But a little driving problem, now THERE'S big trouble for girliemen.

View attachment 409771

"a little driving problem"""

God, you people are fucking sick.
The video I watched showed the SUV swerving all over the road. Probably stoned out of his mind.

Typical Dimwinger.
Trump is encouraging violence and you fucking TrumpTards think that is OK.
Never seen such blind hypocrisy and cultism to a flagrant grifting con man who doesn't not give a shit about you.
You all are too stupid to see it.
After a summer of left wing violence you think you have any room to talk? Lol! Moron.

Sideswiping a vehicle on the highway is an ATTACK

This is insane.

Trumpers are violent nutjobs
Still no video supporting your lies despite everything being filmed by dozens of people.
Then you're fucking blind. That Trumper SUV clearly sideswipped the white SUV



Facts always have a way of destroying Dimwinger lies.
What makes these motherfuckers any different than the "thugs" in Portland and Seattle that these wimpy-assed Trumptoids like to point fingers at????
Did you see any fires burning in the videos? Any riots? Any looting? Hear of any murder? Hear of any cops being murdered?

There's your difference.

Then explain what they were doing, fuckface, that wasn't criminal.
Why were they armed, asswipe?

Where's you evidence of ANYTHING illegal?

The damage on that vehicle is a self inflicted wound. They should learn how to drive.

Again, prove me wrong........ If you can, cupcake. Insults and name calling is all you have, and it's not very convincing.
Don't Mess With Texas.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
So you condone and support political violence and intimidation? You don't think that Trump's rival has a right to peacefully campaign without be accosted by Trumps moronic minions in pickup trucks endangering the public? What the fuck is wrong with you people. Then you have the fucking nerve to bitch about left wing violence. Clearly you hate the ide of a free an d fair election campaign and want to turn this country into a banana republic.
What you fail to understand is that TEXANS, old Texas Texans, don't think criminals selling out the country and raping children have the right to be in TEXAS whether they are running for office or not.

Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes.
I lived too many years in Houston and know what I am talking about.
These Trump fucks who did this should be arrested and charged for criminal acts, endangering lives, using a vehicle as a deadly weapon.
The FBI is on this and I hope we hear about arrests SOON.
The license plates were clearly visible in the video.
If I went by you, I’d believe that all Texans are arrogant, ignorant assholes but fortunately you don’t speak for all Texans, just your own ignorant self. I didn’t get past your stupid, ignorant, arrogant first sentence to read the rest of your stupidity.

Go crawl back up Trump's ass.
It's missing an idiot.
Dumb fuck, I don’t support Trump or Biden, I just know an asshole when you post.

Sideswiping a vehicle on the highway is an ATTACK

This is insane.

Trumpers are violent nutjobs
Still no video supporting your lies despite everything being filmed by dozens of people.
Then you're fucking blind. That Trumper SUV clearly sideswipped the white SUV


Nice still shot. The truck is in a clearly marked lane of traffic, the white vehicle is side swiping it.

Sideswiping a vehicle on the highway is an ATTACK

This is insane.

Trumpers are violent nutjobs
Still no video supporting your lies despite everything being filmed by dozens of people.
Then you're fucking blind. That Trumper SUV clearly sideswipped the white SUV


That Biden staffer is breaking all kinds of laws.................just like Quid Pro Joe hissownself.
The trump people are now following and harassing the Biden campaign.

The trump car with armed trump followers has been following the Biden bus around the nation. They surrounded and rammed the bus in Texas and blocked the road. Apparently eric trump has been on facebook inciting this violence.

Some events in Texas have had to be canceled because it's not safe due to trump followers harassing Biden people.

This is getting way out of hand.

What is with the trump people? Why do you people believe it's ok to do such things to people? Why is violence always your first reaction to everything?

What makes these motherfuckers any different than the "thugs" in Portland and Seattle that these wimpy-assed Trumptoids like to point fingers at????


Fucking Trump-ass-kissing hypocrites.

And has Trump denounced this bunch who did this??


The dog whistle to the Proud Boys and other militia groups is what is fomenting this kind of criminal activity.

Trump is a crime boss. This is what they allow to happen. This is what they encourage.
This is supposedly excused by something that happened a couple thousand miles away months ago?

WTF are you talking about

How far are these thugs willing to go?

Are they Gonna start hunting liberals next?

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