Oh CRAP, George Zimmerman a hero again

Martin did make a run for it. Zimmerman told us that while the police were recording him. Why do you think the police told him to stop following Martin? What did Zimmerman mean when he said Martin just "ran" off. He used the work "ran". Could it be any more clear? Zimmerman said "They always get away". What did he mean?

Well Clearly if George,I ate one donut too many, Zimmerman killed Martin he DIDN'T just run off or he didn't just keep on running. At some point Martin MUST have encountered Zimmerman or Zimmerman wouldn't have shot him. Do you REALLY think Zimmerman could keep up with Martin in a chase? Actually didn't Zimmerman also say he was on his way back to the truck when he was attacked? So according to what you are saying Trayvon Martin runs like a fat out of shape 25 year old or Martin ran away,came back, Stalked and attack Zimmerman when he could have gotten away? Only one is believeable. BTW I seriously doubt Trayvon could have given Zimmerman the can of kick ass he gave him if he was as out of shape Zimmerman was. Just Sayin

Good point.......that Martin kid looked like he could easily chase down a cheeta if he had to. Zman? Not so much. Im just shocked Zman only put one slug in him......that's nuts. Frankly, he got lucky with where his shot went........Zman could be very dead right now. And funny......nobody would have ever heard of him.

But he's not:up:

You're right,If Zimmerman had been killed by Martin nobody would have given a rats ass. Could you imagine what it would be like if every time a non black gets killed by a black man the non blacks play the race card to the media?
What's the "again" part?

Murdering a black kid makes him a hero to racist creepy ass crackers.

Well, call me a creepy ass cracker because if some black "kid" knocked me to the ground and beat me the way the "kid" did to George, I would have wasted the motherfucker too. I wouldn't give my assailant any special consideration just because he's Black.

Zimmerman is alive and Martin is decomposing. That's fair.

Or would you prefer that Zimmerman be dead?

What's the "again" part?

Murdering a black kid makes him a hero to racist creepy ass crackers.

Well, call me a creepy ass cracker because if some black "kid" knocked me to the ground and beat me the way the "kid" did to George, I would have wasted the motherfucker too. I wouldn't give my assailant any special consideration just because he's Black.

Zimmerman is alive and Martin is decomposing. That's fair.

Or would you prefer that Zimmerman be dead?

I would prefer if Zimmerman was serving a sentence for manslaughter.
The PC whores would yawn if Zimmerman died that night. That's the way they are wired. For black people and the PC whores, the black person is ALWAYS the victim......the facts be damned.:up:

Meanwhile, two brothers, who were white, were gunned down by a group of blacks over a Zimmerman sticker they had on their truck........

Brothers Murdered Over ?Free Zimmerman? Sticker, Critics Cry Hate Crime Cover-Up

The PC whores could care less.......

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