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Oh goody, tens of thousands in Kentucky to lose their health care. Thanks GOP!

Nowhere in the constitution does it say one group of people has to support another.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.
You are lying. I have been to many doctors' offices and they to a man and woman agree with it.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.

First of all THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured Americans that wanted insurance!
Remember the Census AGREED:
10 million of the 46 million were not legal Americans!
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
the Census AGREED...
14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!
18 million people didn't want, need health insurance were bogusly counted as wanting health insurance!
That leaves less the 4 million that were legal and that WANTED and needed health insurance! 4 million

Now if you take the time and follow the above links you will see this INFLATED,fabricated PHONY number was used by Obama and he knew when he hired
Gruber, et.al. that they counted on the "Stupidity of American Voters" who don't read, can't do simple arithmetic and simply think HOPE and CHANGE"!!!
Luke Montgomery: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Luke Montgomery: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
1. Luke Montgomery Is the Founder of Deport Racism and a Bill For First Lady PAC
2. He Has Led Many Highly Controversial Activist Campaigns
3. He Changed His Name to Luke Sissyfag for Two Years
4. Montgomery Used to Work as a Male Escort, A Few Years After He Was Severely Beaten For Being Gay
5. He’s Also Actively Involved in Charity, Working at an AIDS Orphanage and Promoting Animal Adoptions
The latest add that is out "Deport Racism" has 2 Anchor Babies(that had your Tax Dollars used to bring them into the world) calling US(who want illegals to go home) RACISTS. I mean here they are stealing our money, whether using ACA, or welfare, and all they can do is insult us and use vulgar language. Really makes me want to go out and pull the lever for the Vagina<SARCASM>. I have a feeling this is going to turn off about 70% of the population, because the other 30%(Liberals) have their kids act the same way anyway. Instead of calling illegal aliens children Anchor Babies, lets put out a add calling them "ANGRY BABIES" that want more FREE STUFF from US.
healthmyths once again tells his already-debunked lies about the number of uninsured Americans.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.

You are lying. I have been to many doctors' offices and they to a man and woman agree with it.

FACTS Jake do NOT support your totally SUBJECTIVE few offices visit.
Tell me have you been in 5,000 doctors offices??? 20,000 offices???

ALSO where are YOUR FACTS Jake?? Why would anyone believe your "OPINION"???

This past February, 60 percent of more than 5,000 doctors surveyed said the Obama health law would have a negative impact on patient care, while only 22 percent thought it would be positive. And more than half thought it would have a negative impact on their relationships with patients, while only 11 percent thought the doctor-patient relationship would be better. A startling 43 percent said the health care reform itself would likely lead them to retire over the next 5 years, and only 37 percent said that was an unlikely consequence of this law. It is worth repeating that sentiment to understand the impact of ObamaCare – it is viewed as being so destructive that almost half of doctors said they would “likely” soon retire directly because of the law itself.
What Do Actual Doctors Think About Obamacare Now?

A recent survey of doctors by the Physicians Foundation finds that most give low grades to Obamacare.
Some 46% of the doctors polled gave Obamacare a grade of “D” or “F” and
29% gave it a “C.”
Only 25 percent give it an “A” or a “B,” including just 4% who gave it the highest grade.
A recent poll shows that most doctors give Obamacare low grades – but should this influence voters’ evaluation of the program?

The Physicians Foundation released a survey last fall in which 20,000 doctors responded by email to an array of questions.
Of the respondents, 46 percent gave Obamacare a D or F grade,
while 25 percent gave it an A or B grade.
In addition, two-thirds of those responding said they did not accept health insurance plans offered through the Affordable Care Act’s online insurance exchanges.
Those who oppose Obamacare say the survey is an accurate reflection of the country’s medical profession.
Is It True? Do Doctors Really Loathe Obamacare?
healthmyths once again tells his already-debunked lies about the number of uninsured Americans.

DEBUNK IT Jake with the LINKS!


Obamacare: Before and After - Discover the Networks

* From the moment President Obama and the Democrats began pushing for healthcare reform, they repeatedly emphasized the notion that approximately 45.7 million Americans—roughly 15% of the country's population—lacked insurance.

* Said the Obama website during the 2008 presidential campaign: “Forty-six million Americans—including nearly eight million children—lack health insurance with no signs of this trend slowing down.” [TTM: pp. 31-32]

* The implication was that the existing system, based on private insurance companies, was failing, and that the government could do a much better job of regulating and administering healthcare. [TTM: pp. 32]

* The 45.7 million figure was derived from a Census Bureau questionnaire known as the Current Population Survey (CPS), which has substantial margins of error.

* But even if we assume that the data are entirely accurate, it is vital to note that the Census Bureau itself states: “The CPS estimate of the number of people without health insurance more closely approximates the number of people who are uninsured at a specific point in time during the year than the number of people uninsured for the entire year.”

* In other words, it would be inaccurate to conclude that 45.7 million Americans were unable to afford health insurance and and to access healthcare for extended time periods. The figure is simply a “snapshot” of a particular moment in time. [TTM: pp. 32-34; TAO: Loc. 815-822]

* Below is an overview of who these 45.7 million uninsured people prior to Obamacare were. There is, of course, some overlap among the various categories:

* (A) Almost 18 million (39%) of the uninsured earned more than $50,000 annually, and thus, in many cases, could probably have afforded to purchase private insurance but chose not to.

* Of these 18 million, some 8 million earned between $50,000 and $75,000 per year, and the other 9.7 to 10 million earned more than $75,000. These $75,000+ earners comprised the fastest-growing segment of the uninsured population.

* By contrast, the number of households with annual incomes of less than $25,000 who lacked health insurance had been declining steadily since 1998. [TTM: pp. 35, 38-40; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30; TAO: Loc. 796-98, 839-42, 1277]

* (B) Approximately 14 million of the uninsured were low-income Americans who were fully eligible for government assistance programs like Medicaid, and SCHIP, but simply had never taken the time to enroll in these programs.

* With regard to children in particular, some 70% of uninsured youngsters were eligible for either Medicaid, SCHIP, or both programs, but their parents had never fill out the necessary paperwork.

* It is not legitimate to argue that such people had no access to health insurance. Indeed, Medicaid and children’s health programs allow patients literally to enroll in the emergency room. [TTM: pp. 37-39, 67, 93-94; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30; TAO: Loc. 798-800, 859-861, 865-870]

* (C) About 6 million people—or 13% of the uninsured—were eligible for employer-sponsored insurance but chose not to take advantage of it. [TAO: Loc. 801-802]

* (D) More than 10 million uninsured were not U.S. citizens. According to Census data, these included 5 million recently-arrived legal immigrants, and 5.2 million illegal immigrants. [TTM: p. 36; TAO: Loc. 802-805]

* (E) Many of the uninsured were unmarried 18-to-29-year-olds who were not covered by their employers and chose not to buy health insurance. Known by healthcare professionals as the “invincibles” because they are so confident that they will not require medical attention of any kind, these young people preferred to pocket the money that otherwise might have gone toward monthly insurance premiums. They comprised one of the largest and fastest-growing segments of the uninsured population. [TTM: pp. 35, 67-68; TAO: Loc. 845-51]

* Many of these “invincibles” would actually have been insured if they had had the option of purchasing a low-premium, high-deductible “catastrophic” policy to protect them from the most serious medical problems that might arise. But such policies were unavailable in many U.S. markets because of state-level laws and regulations barring insurers from tailoring policies for the young and healthy. [TTM: pp. 67-68]

* According to Pacific Research Institute president Sally Pipes: “Most of those who do not purchase health insurance make that choice not because they don’t have the resources or because they’re lazy, but because they’ve done the math and don’t want to spend their money on expensive insurance policies that don’t fit their individual or family needs.” In short, they “have chosen not to buy insurance for entirely rational reasons.” [TTM: pp. 66, 67]

* Even without any type of insurance, a person could walk into any hospital in America and be treated for an injury or illness. Not permitted to deny treatment to uninsured patients, hospitals have routinely absorbed the costs of such care into their operating budgets. [TTM: p. 94]

* Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986, virtually all hospitals are required to provide emergency care to anyone needing treatment, regardless of their citizenship status or their ability to pay. [TAO: Loc. 907-808]

* After accounting for the various categories of uninsured people enumerated in points A, B, C, D, and E above, there remained somewhere between 8 and 18 million American citizens who fell through the proverbial cracks. These individuals earned less than $50,000 per year but too much to qualify for government assistance, and remained chronically uninsured because they could not afford to purchase a policy.

* Any attempt to solve the problem of the uninsured should have focused specifically and chiefly on these people, who needed affordable policies that would cover catastrophes—which in fact has been the traditional purpose of insurance. [TTM: pp. 39, 67; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30]

* It is unlikely that these individuals numbered more than 10 million. [TAO: Loc.805-807]
There never were 46 million uninsured in this country.

That's been debunked so many times it laughable when someone insists that its true.
The thing that is really despicable is that the Democrats get their power from using the thievery of the Federal government to buy the votes of the welfare queens in this country.

Their promise of free shit (like health care subsidies) in exchange for votes to those that are too sorry to pay their own bills is nothing more than appealing to greed to get power and it is disgusting, not to mention disastrous to the economy.

Since President Shit for Brains has been elected the poverty rate in this country has increased and the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and also debt. Lots of debt. Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats can't see the correlation.

You don't create wealth or jobs by using the force of the government to take money away from those that earned the money and giving it away to those low life special interest groups that are too sorry to pay their own bills in exchange for votes.
The thing that is really despicable is that the Democrats get their power from using the thievery of the Federal government to buy the votes of the welfare queens in this country.

Their promise of free shit (like health care subsidies) in exchange for votes to those that are too sorry to pay their own bills is nothing more than appealing to greed to get power and it is disgusting, not to mention disastrous to the economy.

Since President Shit for Brains has been elected the poverty rate in this country has increased and the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and also debt. Lots of debt. Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats can't see the correlation.

You don't create wealth or jobs by using the force of the government to take money away from those that earned the money and giving it away to those low life special interest groups that are too sorry to pay their own bills in exchange for votes.
Flash, you just pissed off many of the left that visit this site. You have NO feelings for others who are less fortunate than you. So now they will come and attack you , you heartless person you. Of course, TRUTH when told, also pisses off the liberals who frequent this site, for they cannot argue against FACTS, which is why they will call you names.
Flash, you just pissed off many of the left that visit this site. You have NO feelings for others who are less fortunate than you. So now they will come and attack you , you heartless person you. Of course, TRUTH when told, also pisses off the liberals who frequent this site, for they cannot argue against FACTS, which is why they will call you names.

When I am pissing off the Libtards then I know I am doing the right thing.

The idea of using the force of government to take money away from those that earned it and give it to the sorry shitheads that didn't earn it is absolutely wrong and is thievery no matter how you look at it.

These Libtard get their power by promising to use thievery as a public policy and it is despicable.

Without this promise of thievery being used to appeal to the greed of the welfare queens to get votes then the Left would have nothing.

You are correct, Libtards never can accept the facts.
Flash, you don't piss off anyone. Folks laugh at the likes of you and healthmyths. Believe as you want, does not matter. Ese.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
What I STILL don't understand is with MAJORITY in congress and the presidency why pass such a shitty law? Why not do what I still want which is a one payer system? Sure could have patted a few dems that were against it on the back and promised to pass some of their pet bills or fund some projects to get them on board..

If your in favor of that then your an idiot.

The Govt. has never run anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

Anything the Govt. has a hand in turns into mountains of red tape, long waits and paperwork up the ass.

Imagine the Govt. running healthcare for 300 million Americans.

If you can't see a nightmare in the making then your an idiot. And a blind one to boot.

Single payer my ass.
The Military and Medicare are run very well by the government as is fire and police departments and highways locally
Remember when this was said
The Military and Medicare are run very well by the government as is fire and police departments and highways locally
Once again the FACTS slap down the liberal argument once again. They(liberals) are such stupid people. INGLES: Failed Syrian rebel training program cost US taxpayers $2 million per fighter - report
INGLES: Failed Syrian rebel training program cost US taxpayers $2 million per fighter - report
Everything a liberal touches tend to fail. Just more proof with this latest news.
The thing that is really despicable is that the Democrats get their power from using the thievery of the Federal government to buy the votes of the welfare queens in this country.

Their promise of free shit (like health care subsidies) in exchange for votes to those that are too sorry to pay their own bills is nothing more than appealing to greed to get power and it is disgusting, not to mention disastrous to the economy.

Since President Shit for Brains has been elected the poverty rate in this country has increased and the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and also debt. Lots of debt. Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats can't see the correlation.

You don't create wealth or jobs by using the force of the government to take money away from those that earned the money and giving it away to those low life special interest groups that are too sorry to pay their own bills in exchange for votes.
Flash, you just pissed off many of the left that visit this site. You have NO feelings for others who are less fortunate than you. So now they will come and attack you , you heartless person you. Of course, TRUTH when told, also pisses off the liberals who frequent this site, for they cannot argue against FACTS, which is why they will call you names.

Yup he's heartless all right.

Imagine he thinks people should be responsible for themselves.

He also thinks that no one should be forced to be responsible for anyone else.

Imagine that. Of course I agree wholeheartedly so I guess I'm a heartless bitch.

Ask me if I care? Nope I sure as hell don't.
Flash, you don't piss off anyone. Folks laugh at the likes of you and healthmyths. Believe as you want, does not matter. Ese.

I'm not sure why people are so upset. The people in the state of Kentucky knew this guys political stance on health care and voted for him anyway. This wasn't a hidden agenda they knew he would work to get rid of Obamacare. So why is the rest of the country so upset? The people spoke, they knew what they would get.
The thing that is really despicable is that the Democrats get their power from using the thievery of the Federal government to buy the votes of the welfare queens in this country.

Their promise of free shit (like health care subsidies) in exchange for votes to those that are too sorry to pay their own bills is nothing more than appealing to greed to get power and it is disgusting, not to mention disastrous to the economy.

Since President Shit for Brains has been elected the poverty rate in this country has increased and the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and also debt. Lots of debt. Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats can't see the correlation.

You don't create wealth or jobs by using the force of the government to take money away from those that earned the money and giving it away to those low life special interest groups that are too sorry to pay their own bills in exchange for votes.
Flash, you just pissed off many of the left that visit this site. You have NO feelings for others who are less fortunate than you. So now they will come and attack you , you heartless person you. Of course, TRUTH when told, also pisses off the liberals who frequent this site, for they cannot argue against FACTS, which is why they will call you names.

Yup he's heartless all right.

Imagine he thinks people should be responsible for themselves.

He also thinks that no one should be forced to be responsible for anyone else.

Imagine that. Of course I agree wholeheartedly so I guess I'm a heartless bitch.

Ask me if I care? Nope I sure as hell don't.
Back before FDR and his push for welfare, people had to take care of each other, whether it was through the family or charitable organizations. But the liberals figured that if you have people enslaved to the government by giving them just enough to survive, those same enslaved people would vote the status quo. The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Significantly, Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (and National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
He predicted this happening over 70 years ago. Liberals are the dumbest people in the world.

Yup he's heartless all right.

Imagine he thinks people should be responsible for themselves.

He also thinks that no one should be forced to be responsible for anyone else.

Imagine that. Of course I agree wholeheartedly so I guess I'm a heartless bitch.

Ask me if I care? Nope I sure as hell don't.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church.

I am a very generous person and probably give more to charity every year than any of these Moon Bats that post on here.

Liberals are usually very stingy when it comes to their own money but hell bent when it comes to giving away other people's money.

What is wrong is for the government to forcefully take money away from somebody that earned the money and give it to somebody that didn't earn it. That is thievery and should never be government policy.

Yup he's heartless all right.

Imagine he thinks people should be responsible for themselves.

He also thinks that no one should be forced to be responsible for anyone else.

Imagine that. Of course I agree wholeheartedly so I guess I'm a heartless bitch.

Ask me if I care? Nope I sure as hell don't.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church.

I am a very generous person and probably give more to charity every year than any of these Moon Bats that post on here.

Liberals are usually very stingy when it comes to their own money but hell bent when it comes to giving away other people's money.

What is wrong is for the government to forcefully take money away from somebody that earned the money and give it to somebody that didn't earn it. That is thievery and should never be government policy.
Flash, you don't piss off anyone. Folks laugh at the likes of you and healthmyths. Believe as you want, does not matter. Ese.

I'm not sure why people are so upset. The people in the state of Kentucky knew this guys political stance on health care and voted for him anyway. This wasn't a hidden agenda they knew he would work to get rid of Obamacare. So why is the rest of the country so upset? The people spoke, they knew what they would get.
And the legislature will tell him no.
The bottom line remains, who do you expect to pay for this program? The numbers and statistics were crap so what now? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this country is in serious financial straights. So raise taxes? This country is currently witnessing and living with the consequences of higher taxes and decline of the middle class. The problem with the liberal mindset is that they subscribe to the belief that more money will correct the problem and yet they don't understand the very nature of the problem is government in itself. How will health care costs decline without free market participation? The same old crap, "give us more money" continues and what you get in return is a bloated government demanding more more more. At some point you will exhaust the finances off those that work, then what?

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