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Oh goody, tens of thousands in Kentucky to lose their health care. Thanks GOP!

why have the number of disabled gone up so much under obama left-wing idiot?

number of people on SSI or some disability NOT related to military service or just being old is at a recod high

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Unless you're Woody Johnson, you can't afford to pay for your health insurance, and the rest of us are already subsidizing you if you have employer sponsored insurance, because we kick in to pay for your employer's tax deduction.

I am sorry but I am not Woody Johnson and I have always been able to pay for my own welfare, including health insurance.

If you can't pay for your own bills then work harder or smarter or spend less. Don't be an asshole and get the government to steal my money to give you what you are unable to provide for yourself..

The Liberals have destroyed the free market of health care by imposing regulations, stupid requirements and restricting free trade and then they bitch about the cost.

I am sorry but I am not sympathetic to you welfare queens.
So you pay entirely out of pocket, with no employer sponsored insurance, and if you're a senior you take no medicare benefit?

you're conflating people who paid in some with people who pay nothing bentard
They're all disabled or unlucky, hater dupe ignoramus...cutting training is STUPID.

are you sure leftard????

no you're not sure

cuz ur stupid!1


So you pay entirely out of pocket, with no employer sponsored insurance, and if you're a senior you take no medicare benefit?

I have earned my health care by working. It was part of my compensation plan.

You sorry ass Libtards should try working sometimes. It is not as lucrative as using the government to steal money from others on your behalf but it is the moral and responsible thing to do.
and the rest of us paid for your employer's tax break.

and the rest of us paid for your employer's tax break.

I am sorry Moon Bat to inform you of this but all the money that exist in the US does not belong to the frigging government. A legitimate expense tax deduction does not mean that money belonged to the government. In fact the law prevents the government from taking the money so it was never was "paid for by the rest of us".

You didn't pay jackshit. Typical Libtard confusion and delusion.

However, the thing that is paid for by the rest of us is the filthy ass welfare and subsidies doled out the government to the welfare queesn, which is thievery.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

If they do like the idea, why did they vote for the guy? You really make no sense. The states need to decide for themselves who they want and what they want. Not the federal government.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
You're correct. If this governor has his way, then a lot of people will get screwed, but that's par for the course when states elect Tea Party candidates.

Saying no to expanded Medicaid means tens of thousands of people in the state will be without insurance. Maybe Tea Party people would see that as a victory, however I doubt a family 4 with an income $30,000/yr would agree. 19 states have rejected expanded medicaid, 18 of them are red states citing the high cost. However the fact is there is no cost to the states for next two years. After that the cost is maximum 10% to the state and the average cost is projected at only 7%. States are turning down the Medicaid expansion for purely political reasons

The governor is considering dropping the state healthcare exchange, a good example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. The state healthcare exchanges are paid for with federal grants. After going through all the work of establishing the exchange, to transfer to the feds is insane. States that opt for the federal exchange are transferring control to a federal agency. It then becomes the federal government deciding which insurance companies are allowed to sell insurance in the state through the exchange. In addition the state lose the ability tailor healthcare offerings to the needs of the state.
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
Stupid is as stupid votes, you pulled the lever for Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, the lower'er of oceans and healer of the planet, and he and Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid , behind closed doors, have now taken away the RIGHT of people to choose whether to have healthcare or not. So with Obummer care collapsing all around(the plan of the liberals all along) dupshits like you just go and blame the GOP, who did nothing to stop the trainwreck, and did nothing to stop Obama from fulfilling his dream of control. Jonathan Gruber is correct for what he called you liberals. Obfuscatedcare
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Obamacare only passed due to the "stupidity" of the LIBERAL American voter and a lack of "transparency," and video footage of his remarks was deleted from the Internet in an attempt to hide it.
A box of rocks is smarter than a liberal.

View attachment 53877

Obamacare is not collapsing, it's working well in KY.

So what are you going to tell all these people when you pull their insurance?
Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

yupp!! thanx O'Husseinbama..,

The cost of Obamacare could rise for millions of Americans next year, with one insurer proposing a 50 percent hike in premiums, fueling the controversy about just how “affordable” the Affordable Care Act really is.

The eye-popping 50 percent hike by New Mexico insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield is an outlier, and state officials may not allow it to go through. But health insurance experts are predicting that premiums will rise more significantly in 2016 than in the first two years of Obamacare exchange coverage. In 2015, for example, premiums increased by an average of 5.4 percent, according to PwC’s Health Research Institute.

Read more: socialHeadline

i hope you are one of those whose premiums will increase by 50%.., yessir!!, that intelligent
beats you liberfools every time, i'll bet you all "HOPE" it "CHANGES" :lmao:
Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!

yupp!! thanx O'Husseinbama..,

The cost of Obamacare could rise for millions of Americans next year, with one insurer proposing a 50 percent hike in premiums, fueling the controversy about just how “affordable” the Affordable Care Act really is.

The eye-popping 50 percent hike by New Mexico insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield is an outlier, and state officials may not allow it to go through. But health insurance experts are predicting that premiums will rise more significantly in 2016 than in the first two years of Obamacare exchange coverage. In 2015, for example, premiums increased by an average of 5.4 percent, according to PwC’s Health Research Institute.

Read more: socialHeadline

i hope you are one of those whose premiums will increase by 50%.., yessir!!, that intelligent
beats you liberfools every time, i'll bet you all "HOPE" it "CHANGES" :lmao:
A few things you left out of your post, Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico did ask for a 50% increase however 20% was approved. Molina Healthcare of New Mexico dropped premiums 2%. Presbyterian Health Plan: increased 3-6%, and New Mexico Health Connections: 4-17% depending on plan. Other plans being offered had no increase. You also neglected the fact that BCBSNM is not offering insurance on the exchange.

New Mexico: What the heck is going on with Blue Cross Blue Shield??
Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader | Kentucky.com

The number of uninsured Kentuckians dropped from 14.3 percent in 2013 to 8.5 percent in 2014, according to census data released last month. That's the biggest drop in the rate of uninsured for any state. Meanwhile, Kentucky's health insurance market for individuals and small businesses is its most robust in years.

Election Day: Bevin wins in Kentucky, Ohio rejects pot - CNNPolitics.com

The wealthy businessman has pledged to shutdown the state's healthcare exchange and he's also expressed concerns about the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky under the Affordable Care Act.


That's what I like to see. The GOP leadership screwing over their base. And just in time for the presidential elections. Thanks GOP! See ya in 2016!
What I STILL don't understand is with MAJORITY in congress and the presidency why pass such a shitty law? Why not do what I still want which is a one payer system? Sure could have patted a few dems that were against it on the back and promised to pass some of their pet bills or fund some projects to get them on board..

Single payer system may work in smaller countries and has been tried in some states.
What you are in favor though of is :
1) Destroying 1,400 companies that PAY $100 billion a year in taxes (you prepared to pick up the slack?) and 450,000 people become unemployed with 99 weeks
of payments at $400/week or $18 billion in unemployment checks?
2) And I am more experience in dealing with federal government health care administration then ANYONE on this board and believe me are you in favor
of a program that forces hospitals to charge $10/aspirin? This happens because of Medicare. Again almost all of you have very very limited knowledge of
how health care finances work and yet you favor a "single payer"????
Unbelievable how grossly NAIVE people like you are!

Single payer "works" only in the same sense that the Soviet Gulag "worked." So long as you don't mind being treated like a lump of meat in a sausage machine, it works great.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.
Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

It's easy to talk that way until you find yourself in a position where you could lose your health insurance. Get laid off of work, times get tough, and next thing you can no longer afford your insurance, then you get sick. This happens to more people than you think, but of course they don't "deserve" healthcare. They should just find somewhere to die so they don't bother all the healthy people. We have become a country of greedy mother fuckers who could give a shit about our fellow man, so long as we are doing okay, but damn it's funny how people's ideals change when things start going wrong for them.
Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

It's easy to talk that way until you find yourself in a position where you could lose your health insurance. Get laid off of work, times get tough, and next thing you can no longer afford your insurance, then you get sick. This happens to more people than you think, but of course they don't "deserve" healthcare. They should just find somewhere to die so they don't bother all the healthy people. We have become a country of greedy mother fuckers who could give a shit about our fellow man, so long as we are doing okay, but damn it's funny how people's ideals change when things start going wrong for them.

I would not get into a position where I would lose my health insurance.
If I got laid off, which wouldn't happen but I'm playing along here, I'd get another job, one with health insurance.
No one deserves healthcare, no one.
They don't have to die, but they do have to get their own healthcare.
It has nothing to do with greed, that's just a meaningless word you lefties use when you can't back up your point with anything but irrational emotion.
Things don't go wrong for me because I'm a man who counts on only himself. If I run into a problem I fix it. I don't go looking to leech off of others.
Your post is full of emotional irrational garbage. The undisputable point is that NO ONE deserves healthcare, not even me. I have to pay for it as should everyone else.
Thus ends the lesson.

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