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Oh goody, tens of thousands in Kentucky to lose their health care. Thanks GOP!

They won, Sealy. Get over it.
"They won" interesting phrasing from the Republican Jake.
Yes, they, the Republican Party, won, Papa. They, the lefties, lost. Do you understand now?

And we, the Republicans and our far right, are always yelling about the lefties stealing elections with almost no evidence of anything other than a very few isolated incidents.
I understand Jake, just commenting on your phrasing. Instead of "we," you said "they." Interesting choice of words. I don't care about the stealing BS.
I agree. Why do you far righties want to be Republicans.? We in the mainstream will never accept your political and social nonsense.
They won, Sealy. Get over it.
"They won" interesting phrasing from the Republican Jake.
Yes, they, the Republican Party, won, Papa. They, the lefties, lost. Do you understand now?

And we, the Republicans and our far right, are always yelling about the lefties stealing elections with almost no evidence of anything other than a very few isolated incidents.
I understand Jake, just commenting on your phrasing. Instead of "we," you said "they." Interesting choice of words. I don't care about the stealing BS.
I agree. Why do you far righties want to be Republicans.? We in the mainstream will never accept your political and social nonsense.

What is my political and social nonsense?
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The GOP did not establish ObamaCare, rdeany.

Not even 6% voted for it.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.
It's pretty obvious the number of uninsured is falling. Before Obamacare we were looking at 50 million uninsured. You say 30 million are still uninsured. However, what you aren't saying is the number of uninsured is rapidly falling. At the beginning of 2014, 18% of the people were without health insurance. By the first quarter of 2014, that percentage had fallen to 11.4%.

One of the primary reason's the uninsured rate isn't lower is that 19 states, 18 of which are red states have rejected expanded Medicaid. Even thou the cost for the first 3 years is picked up by the federal government and after that state cost are limited to less than 10%, these states are willing to deny insurance to millions of their people for purely political reasons.

More doctors are seeing patients on Medicaid than ever before because the reimbursement rates are rising and the wait time for payment is falling in most states.

I agree deductions are too high. We have too many catastrophic plans with a deductible of $6,000 and yearly maximum of $6,000 which means these plans pay either nothing or 100% of medical costs. However, these are individual plans which are used by only 15% of of the population. Most people have insurance through their employer which generally has lower premiums and deductibles plus most employers pickup part of the premium.. In states with expanded Medicaid, those with low income are sheltered from these costs through Medicaid.. In most states a family of 4 with an income of about $33,000 or less qualify for Medicaid. The children qualify in a number states if family income is less than about $50,400.

There are a number of shortcomings in Obamacare that should be addressed, however regardless of it's faults, the number of uninsured is dropping rapidly and for the poorest Americans it is providing affordable healthcare.

ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers
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Obama care is going to cost way more than they predicted. 2 Trillion according the the CBO

This country is broke and 2 Trillion is one hell of a lot of money for the taxpayers to come up with.

Such a fucking deal the Dems have saddled us with.

Where will the governments get the $100 billion a year in Federal/State/local and property taxes IF the trend continues that Obama wanted, i.e. "single payer health insurance"....BECAUSE what will happen to the 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 450,000 people and pay those taxes?
That calculation has NEVER been included in the supposed savings ACA was offering.
You are wrong Flopper and I am amazed at the baseless determination of libs to lie about the success of obamacare.

ObamaCare’s Medicaid Enrollment Vastly Exceeding Expectations

Obamacare is imploding. We have 30 million people still,without insurance and the reality is that just having health insurance does not mean you have health care. Deductibles are too high for poor people to pay. And no matter what rate you want to quote premiums are going up. Doctors are refusing to see patients on Medicaid.Medicaid is being abused and overwhelmed. The whole program is a disaster and the eventuality is that the poor will be further hurt by obamacare at the same time that taxpayers will be hosed during this anarchy.

As th article states, the states have more and more responsibility for Medicaid and because of obamacare more people in the 50/50 category are signing up for Medicaid and going to the er, with huge cost overruns. Like all dems here lately, you would have us believe that failure is really success. Obamacare is destroying the healthcare institution in the US., and article after article is being published admitting that, even by liberal writers. And let me just add this for icing. I have been to a lot of doctors offices lately and to,a person, they universally despise Obamacare. You dems own Obamacare lock stock and barrel and you solely own it's epic failure.
It's pretty obvious the number of uninsured is falling. Before Obamacare we were looking at 50 million uninsured. You say 30 million are still uninsured. However, what you aren't saying is the number of uninsured is rapidly falling. At the beginning of 2014, 18% of the people were without health insurance. By the first quarter of 2014, that percentage had fallen to 11.4%.

One of the primary reason's the uninsured rate isn't lower is that 19 states, 18 of which are red states have rejected expanded Medicaid. Even thou the cost for the first 3 years is picked up by the federal government and after that state cost are limited to less than 10%, these states are willing to deny insurance to millions of their people for purely political reasons.

More doctors are seeing patients on Medicaid than ever before because the reimbursement rates are rising and the wait time for payment is falling in most states.

I agree deductions are too high. We have too many catastrophic plans with a deductible of $6,000 and yearly maximum of $6,000 which means these plans pay either nothing or 100% of medical costs. However, these are individual plans which are used by only 15% of of the population. Most people have insurance through their employer which generally has lower premiums and deductibles plus most employers pickup part of the premium.. In states with expanded Medicaid, those with low income are sheltered from these costs through Medicaid.. In most states a family of 4 with an income of about $33,000 or less qualify for Medicaid. The children qualify in a number states if family income is less than about $50,400.

There are a number of shortcomings in Obamacare that should be addressed, however regardless of it's faults, the number of uninsured is dropping rapidly and for the poorest Americans it is providing affordable healthcare.

ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers

NO there NEVER were 50 million or as Obama said "46 million uninsured Americans"!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE BELOW FACTS BECAUSE Obama knew he had to lie and blow the real number up 10 times what it really is!
Why did he count 10 million illegals? Why did he count 14 million that his MEDICAID administration admitted all the eligible people need do is REGISTER!!!
9 million of the 14 million were kids!
WHY did he count 18 million people THAT DIDN"T WANT health insurance???
To pump up the numbers.... Remember he hired Gruber who admitted it took the "Stupidity of the American Voter"..(YOU maybe!!!) to pass ACA!!!
How many times do you have to be told that number is bogus!

Obamacare: Before and After - Discover the Networks

* From the moment President Obama and the Democrats began pushing for healthcare reform, they repeatedly emphasized the notion that approximately 45.7 million Americans—roughly 15% of the country's population—lacked insurance.

* Said the Obama website during the 2008 presidential campaign: “Forty-six million Americans—including nearly eight million children—lack health insurance with no signs of this trend slowing down.” [TTM: pp. 31-32]

* The implication was that the existing system, based on private insurance companies, was failing, and that the government could do a much better job of regulating and administering healthcare. [TTM: pp. 32]

* The 45.7 million figure was derived from a Census Bureau questionnaire known as the Current Population Survey (CPS), which has substantial margins of error.

* But even if we assume that the data are entirely accurate, it is vital to note that the Census Bureau itself states: “The CPS estimate of the number of people without health insurance more closely approximates the number of people who are uninsured at a specific point in time during the year than the number of people uninsured for the entire year.”

* In other words, it would be inaccurate to conclude that 45.7 million Americans were unable to afford health insurance and and to access healthcare for extended time periods. The figure is simply a “snapshot” of a particular moment in time. [TTM: pp. 32-34; TAO: Loc. 815-822]

* Below is an overview of who these 45.7 million uninsured people prior to Obamacare were. There is, of course, some overlap among the various categories:

* (A) Almost 18 million (39%) of the uninsured earned more than $50,000 annually, and thus, in many cases, could probably have afforded to purchase private insurance but chose not to.

* Of these 18 million, some 8 million earned between $50,000 and $75,000 per year, and the other 9.7 to 10 million earned more than $75,000. These $75,000+ earners comprised the fastest-growing segment of the uninsured population.

* By contrast, the number of households with annual incomes of less than $25,000 who lacked health insurance had been declining steadily since 1998. [TTM: pp. 35, 38-40; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30; TAO: Loc. 796-98, 839-42, 1277]

* (B) Approximately 14 million of the uninsured were low-income Americans who were fully eligible for government assistance programs like Medicaid, and SCHIP, but simply had never taken the time to enroll in these programs.

* With regard to children in particular, some 70% of uninsured youngsters were eligible for either Medicaid, SCHIP, or both programs, but their parents had never fill out the necessary paperwork.

* It is not legitimate to argue that such people had no access to health insurance. Indeed, Medicaid and children’s health programs allow patients literally to enroll in the emergency room. [TTM: pp. 37-39, 67, 93-94; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30; TAO: Loc. 798-800, 859-861, 865-870]

* (C) About 6 million people—or 13% of the uninsured—were eligible for employer-sponsored insurance but chose not to take advantage of it. [TAO: Loc. 801-802]

* (D) More than 10 million uninsured were not U.S. citizens. According to Census data, these included 5 million recently-arrived legal immigrants, and 5.2 million illegal immigrants. [TTM: p. 36; TAO: Loc. 802-805]

* (E) Many of the uninsured were unmarried 18-to-29-year-olds who were not covered by their employers and chose not to buy health insurance. Known by healthcare professionals as the “invincibles” because they are so confident that they will not require medical attention of any kind, these young people preferred to pocket the money that otherwise might have gone toward monthly insurance premiums. They comprised one of the largest and fastest-growing segments of the uninsured population. [TTM: pp. 35, 67-68; TAO: Loc. 845-51]

* Many of these “invincibles” would actually have been insured if they had had the option of purchasing a low-premium, high-deductible “catastrophic” policy to protect them from the most serious medical problems that might arise. But such policies were unavailable in many U.S. markets because of state-level laws and regulations barring insurers from tailoring policies for the young and healthy. [TTM: pp. 67-68]

* According to Pacific Research Institute president Sally Pipes: “Most of those who do not purchase health insurance make that choice not because they don’t have the resources or because they’re lazy, but because they’ve done the math and don’t want to spend their money on expensive insurance policies that don’t fit their individual or family needs.” In short, they “have chosen not to buy insurance for entirely rational reasons.” [TTM: pp. 66, 67]

* Even without any type of insurance, a person could walk into any hospital in America and be treated for an injury or illness. Not permitted to deny treatment to uninsured patients, hospitals have routinely absorbed the costs of such care into their operating budgets. [TTM: p. 94]

* Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986, virtually all hospitals are required to provide emergency care to anyone needing treatment, regardless of their citizenship status or their ability to pay. [TAO: Loc. 907-808]

* After accounting for the various categories of uninsured people enumerated in points A, B, C, D, and E above, there remained somewhere between 8 and 18 million American citizens who fell through the proverbial cracks. These individuals earned less than $50,000 per year but too much to qualify for government assistance, and remained chronically uninsured because they could not afford to purchase a policy.

* Any attempt to solve the problem of the uninsured should have focused specifically and chiefly on these people, who needed affordable policies that would cover catastrophes—which in fact has been the traditional purpose of insurance. [TTM: pp. 39, 67; DOHL: Loc. 1514-17, 1526-30]

* It is unlikely that these individuals numbered more than 10 million. [TAO: Loc.805-807]
Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

It's easy to talk that way until you find yourself in a position where you could lose your health insurance. Get laid off of work, times get tough, and next thing you can no longer afford your insurance, then you get sick. This happens to more people than you think, but of course they don't "deserve" healthcare. They should just find somewhere to die so they don't bother all the healthy people. We have become a country of greedy mother fuckers who could give a shit about our fellow man, so long as we are doing okay, but damn it's funny how people's ideals change when things start going wrong for them.

I would not get into a position where I would lose my health insurance.
If I got laid off, which wouldn't happen but I'm playing along here, I'd get another job, one with health insurance.
No one deserves healthcare, no one.
They don't have to die, but they do have to get their own healthcare.
It has nothing to do with greed, that's just a meaningless word you lefties use when you can't back up your point with anything but irrational emotion.
Things don't go wrong for me because I'm a man who counts on only himself. If I run into a problem I fix it. I don't go looking to leech off of others.
Your post is full of emotional irrational garbage. The undisputable point is that NO ONE deserves healthcare, not even me. I have to pay for it as should everyone else.
Thus ends the lesson.
so if someone with a family gets laid off there should not be something he can get for a period of time until things get better?.....
It seems to me the Kentucky vote hinged less on economic ideology than Kim Davis.
Kentucky is in the heart of the Bible Belt and the number one state in production of whisky. Like partaking of the devils brew, homosexuality is ok as long as long as the good folks of Kentucky can ignore it.
One of the reasons for skyrocketi
Obama care is going to cost way more than they predicted. 2 Trillion according the the CBO

This country is broke and 2 Trillion is one hell of a lot of money for the taxpayers to come up with.

Such a fucking deal the Dems have saddled us with.

The sad thing about Obamacare is that it was never needed.

We sure as hell did not need the stupid government requirements that Obamacare put on all health care polices. For instance, elderly people sure don't need a policy that requires birth control converge.

The requirements that Obamacare imposed on all health care policies reflected a stupid Libtard agenda and had nothing to do with quality health care.

The welfare queens did not need the Obamacare subsidies to get health care. Being without insurance in America did not mean that you didn't get health care. It just meant you had to get it through other programs. Nobody in the US was ever denied health care because of the ability to pay.

What this filthy ass Obamacare does is give the insurance to the welfare queens that the productive people in the US had. It took the welfare queens out of the free clinics and put them in the doctor's office with the paying customers.

It established a stupid entitlement and that was the wrong thing to do. The cost of doing that was enormous. To get the welfare queens the subsidizes the cost for premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed for the paying customers. It was a bad all around.

The idiots that voted for Obama in 2008 and the shithead Democrats that passed the stupid program really screwed this country. That is what happens you allow idiots the right to vote. They screw everything up because of their greed.

The only winners will be those the rest of us subsidize.

My benefit costs went up by 30% this year because of Obamacare.

I have to pay for my benefits and my tax dollars are being used to bankroll every freeloader in America who can't take care of themselves.

Deductables are ridiculous and its going to cost us 2 Trillion dollars.

Every Dem who passed this POS should be shot.

One of the reasons for your costs going up was the stupid inclusion of "pre-existing conditions" which simply means an insurance company now can't adjust premiums based on risk. So they simply jack up everyone those without "pre-existing conditions" to pay for those "WITH" pre-existing.
And when Obama told Americans the following to justify inclusion of "pre-existing...
he lied when he said:
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million.
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance because of "pre-existing conditions"!
THESE FACTS point out the LIE!!!
1) 85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
Why Obamacare fails poor and middle class - CNN.com

First, thank youmhealthmyths for all your research, evidence, and factual posts that support the Obamacare failure and fraud. I admit I have neither the patience or the time or the background to research so thoroughly. i find myself working the case more to improve my debating abilities in other situations rather than to convince the unconvincibles on usmb. I wish there was a silver bullet for health care in general and I support moving in that direction but Obamacare is not it and actually it is hurting our overall medical care instead of helping. The poor are going to be hurt more,than any other segment, but as with everything Obama the damage will be done before,the root cause is acknowledged.
Meh, healthcare they didn't earn or deserve in the first place. Bravo Kentucky.

It's easy to talk that way until you find yourself in a position where you could lose your health insurance. Get laid off of work, times get tough, and next thing you can no longer afford your insurance, then you get sick. This happens to more people than you think, but of course they don't "deserve" healthcare. They should just find somewhere to die so they don't bother all the healthy people. We have become a country of greedy mother fuckers who could give a shit about our fellow man, so long as we are doing okay, but damn it's funny how people's ideals change when things start going wrong for them.

I would not get into a position where I would lose my health insurance.
If I got laid off, which wouldn't happen but I'm playing along here, I'd get another job, one with health insurance.
No one deserves healthcare, no one.
They don't have to die, but they do have to get their own healthcare.
It has nothing to do with greed, that's just a meaningless word you lefties use when you can't back up your point with anything but irrational emotion.
Things don't go wrong for me because I'm a man who counts on only himself. If I run into a problem I fix it. I don't go looking to leech off of others.
Your post is full of emotional irrational garbage. The undisputable point is that NO ONE deserves healthcare, not even me. I have to pay for it as should everyone else.
Thus ends the lesson.

When you lose your job because you are sick for a year or two fighting cancer, then get back to me on how you would just go get another job. Secondly, not all Americans are fortunate enough to have enough savings to cover a long spell being out of work due to illness. Anyway, you have your right to your opinion, but the tide is turning as more and more Americans disagree with your thinking.

I have insurance idiot, ever heard of something called FMLA, ever heard of it nit wit?

It isn't "fortunate" to have savings it's smart. If you have no savings, it's no one's fault but your own. None or your mindless emitional ranting changes the fact that no one deserves healthcare.

As far as the tide turning, you might be right temporarily, but very soon everyone will know what a disaster that idea is. Many people already are finding out with Obamacare screwing them over left and right.

When people like you decide they would rather not think and instead simply feel, life bites them in their stupid asses. Good luck, and watch your back.
Only way to insure everyone without single payer, transparent competition will lower costs. The hell with hater dupes- no Pub "disasters" have happened.. Jeesh.
Only way to insure everyone without single payer, transparent competition will lower costs. The hell with hater dupes- no Pub "disasters" have happened.. Jeesh.

Wow FRANCO! Hate to say but you ARE right about competition. But here is the problem.
Insurance companies pay claims. The facts are 80% of all revenues coming into an insurance company on AVERAGE goes out in claims.
So the more claims you have the more the insurance companies pay out.
To make a profit they raise the premiums. Which makes insurance more expensive. A vicious cycle.

FACT: These people asked doctors if the doctors practiced "defensive medicine".

ANSWER: Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!

--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

BUT 52% of the doctors that were contracted by the Federal government DIDN"T practice defensive medicine.
BECAUSE they can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.

"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

WHY did these federally contracted doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!

So if a doctor that is contracted by the Federal government can not be sued, GUESS WHAT?
THEY DON"T order duplicate tests, referrals to specialists! They have NO fear of being SUED!

So there never was any truly meaningful Tort Reform in ACA.
Now ACA does TAX tanning salons 10% because tanning is shown to cause cancer. Wow!
So why didn't Obamacare tax lawyers' their $270 BILLION because fear of lawsuits is what generates the $850 billion in wasted,duplicate tests!

Results if lawyers were taxed would be $27 billion per year which is directly used to fund the Uninsured Health Insurance Co. UHIC.
Then the truly 4 million uninsured people that would go to the hospitals for care would be means tested to see if they qualified for UHIC insurance.
THEN the hospital would send the claims to UHIC....AND NOT absorb the uninsured costs.
U.S. hospitals provided a record-high $45.9 billion in unreimbursed care to indigent and underinsured patients in 2012, an 11.7 percent increase over 2011, according to a new American Hospital Association (AHA) report Hospitals Provided $45.9 Billion in Uncompensated Care in 2012 at 340bfacts.com
Now they are forced by Medicare if they get paid by Medicare they have to see these uninsured and thus the hospitals "absorb" these costs.
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? His answer" Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.
They pass it on in the form of billing insurance companies and those that pay!

So UHIC would pay the claims. Hospitals would be audited to make sure they weren't padding the claims if they were sending uninsured claims to UHIC.

This would then in turn LOWER the claims numbers and amounts of money paid by insurance companies and many people aren't aware but state insurance
regulators approve premiums based on the medical liability ratio. If it was below 80% i.e. meaning less money as percent of premiums being paid out...NO rate
increase! And so insurance companies would compete to get their premiums in line with the lower claims costs.
One of the reasons for skyrocketi
Obama care is going to cost way more than they predicted. 2 Trillion according the the CBO

This country is broke and 2 Trillion is one hell of a lot of money for the taxpayers to come up with.

Such a fucking deal the Dems have saddled us with.

The sad thing about Obamacare is that it was never needed.

We sure as hell did not need the stupid government requirements that Obamacare put on all health care polices. For instance, elderly people sure don't need a policy that requires birth control converge.

The requirements that Obamacare imposed on all health care policies reflected a stupid Libtard agenda and had nothing to do with quality health care.

The welfare queens did not need the Obamacare subsidies to get health care. Being without insurance in America did not mean that you didn't get health care. It just meant you had to get it through other programs. Nobody in the US was ever denied health care because of the ability to pay.

What this filthy ass Obamacare does is give the insurance to the welfare queens that the productive people in the US had. It took the welfare queens out of the free clinics and put them in the doctor's office with the paying customers.

It established a stupid entitlement and that was the wrong thing to do. The cost of doing that was enormous. To get the welfare queens the subsidizes the cost for premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed for the paying customers. It was a bad all around.

The idiots that voted for Obama in 2008 and the shithead Democrats that passed the stupid program really screwed this country. That is what happens you allow idiots the right to vote. They screw everything up because of their greed.

The only winners will be those the rest of us subsidize.

My benefit costs went up by 30% this year because of Obamacare.

I have to pay for my benefits and my tax dollars are being used to bankroll every freeloader in America who can't take care of themselves.

Deductables are ridiculous and its going to cost us 2 Trillion dollars.

Every Dem who passed this POS should be shot.

One of the reasons for your costs going up was the stupid inclusion of "pre-existing conditions" which simply means an insurance company now can't adjust premiums based on risk. So they simply jack up everyone those without "pre-existing conditions" to pay for those "WITH" pre-existing.
And when Obama told Americans the following to justify inclusion of "pre-existing...
he lied when he said:
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million.
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance because of "pre-existing conditions"!
THESE FACTS point out the LIE!!!
1) 85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
Actually what Obama said is correct."Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," which means one pre-existing condition. Under the point system being used by most insurance companies to determine who get's insured, common health problems such as asthma was good 200 or 300 points. A cancer or a heart attack within 5 years was good for at least 500 points. These two pre-existing conditions meant you would be denied insurance in most states. In some, but not all states you could apply to the high risk pool operated by state. However, most of those policies excluded the pre-existing conditions and cost as well as costing a small fortune. Thus, those that needed healthcare insurance the most were being excluded.

1.5 million Americans being denied insurance is a huge number when you consider that they are very likely to need extensive healthcare.

There are also others problems in using pre-existing conditions to screen customers. When people develop chronic healthcare problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD, they were usually denied insurance. So if you had a heart attack and decided you would retire early, you would likely find yourself uninsurable . Likewise a person with chronic diseases who wanted to start his own business would face the problem of no health insurance available. As a result, millions of people were locked into jobs they hated.

Excluding pre-existing conditions was a tactic of insurance companies to make sure they had only the healthiest customers, fulfilling the prime directive of insurance companies, maximize premiums and minimize claims.
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One of the reasons for skyrocketi
Obama care is going to cost way more than they predicted. 2 Trillion according the the CBO

This country is broke and 2 Trillion is one hell of a lot of money for the taxpayers to come up with.

Such a fucking deal the Dems have saddled us with.

The sad thing about Obamacare is that it was never needed.

We sure as hell did not need the stupid government requirements that Obamacare put on all health care polices. For instance, elderly people sure don't need a policy that requires birth control converge.

The requirements that Obamacare imposed on all health care policies reflected a stupid Libtard agenda and had nothing to do with quality health care.

The welfare queens did not need the Obamacare subsidies to get health care. Being without insurance in America did not mean that you didn't get health care. It just meant you had to get it through other programs. Nobody in the US was ever denied health care because of the ability to pay.

What this filthy ass Obamacare does is give the insurance to the welfare queens that the productive people in the US had. It took the welfare queens out of the free clinics and put them in the doctor's office with the paying customers.

It established a stupid entitlement and that was the wrong thing to do. The cost of doing that was enormous. To get the welfare queens the subsidizes the cost for premiums, co payments and deductibles sky rocketed for the paying customers. It was a bad all around.

The idiots that voted for Obama in 2008 and the shithead Democrats that passed the stupid program really screwed this country. That is what happens you allow idiots the right to vote. They screw everything up because of their greed.

The only winners will be those the rest of us subsidize.

My benefit costs went up by 30% this year because of Obamacare.

I have to pay for my benefits and my tax dollars are being used to bankroll every freeloader in America who can't take care of themselves.

Deductables are ridiculous and its going to cost us 2 Trillion dollars.

Every Dem who passed this POS should be shot.

One of the reasons for your costs going up was the stupid inclusion of "pre-existing conditions" which simply means an insurance company now can't adjust premiums based on risk. So they simply jack up everyone those without "pre-existing conditions" to pay for those "WITH" pre-existing.
And when Obama told Americans the following to justify inclusion of "pre-existing...
he lied when he said:
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Half would be 155 million people of the then 310 million.
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance because of "pre-existing conditions"!
THESE FACTS point out the LIE!!!
1) 85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
Actually what Obama said is correct."Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," which means one pre-existing condition. Under the point system being used by most insurance companies to determine who get's insured, common health problems such as asthma was good 200 or 300 points. A cancer or a heart attack within 5 years was good for at least 500 points. These two pre-existing conditions meant you would be denied insurance in most states. In some, but not all states you could apply to the high risk pool operated by state. However, most of those policies excluded the pre-existing conditions and cost as well as costing a small fortune. Thus, those that needed healthcare insurance the most were being excluded.

1.5 million Americans being denied insurance is a huge number when you consider that they are very likely to need extensive healthcare.

There are also others problems in using pre-existing conditions to screen customers. When people develop chronic healthcare problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD, they were usually denied insurance. So if you had a heart attack and decided you would retire early, you would likely find yourself uninsurable . Likewise a person with chronic diseases who wanted to start his own business would face the problem of no health insurance available. As a result, millions of people were locked into jobs they hated.

Excluding pre-existing conditions was a tactic of insurance companies to make sure they had only the healthiest customers, fulfilling the prime directive of insurance companies, maximize premiums and minimize claims.

155 million with pre-existing conditions is a HUGE number and was used to SCARE people.
And while he was correct in saying that the purpose was to totally bloat the problem and scare people!
In truth 1.5 million LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama exaggerations are what he was counting on for people to support ACA...remember he hired Gruber who said ACA depended on the "Stupidity of American
voter" to pass! YOU one of those "stupid" people?

See you also did what Obama did... exaggerate and didn't support with the facts as I've done!
You said "As a result, millions of people were locked into jobs they hated." How do you know? Exactly how many "millions"???
See you just don't obviously understand you can't put subjective statements like that up and then think people will simply believe YOU???

Finally don't take my word!!
FACT CHECK Says Obama is wrong!
Q: Is it true — as the Obama administration claims — that "129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition could be denied coverage without new health reform law"?

A: No. The number who would be truly at risk of losing health insurance or paying more money is much smaller.

This figure comes from an analysis released by the Department of Health and Human Services as House Republicans were preparing a vote to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The administration was making the argument that these millions of Americans would be at risk of losing (or not obtaining, or paying more money for) insurance if the health care law were to be repealed. The headline on the HHS press release said: "129 million Americans with a pre-existing condition could be denied coverage without new health reform law."

Democrats have repeated that assertion. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims on her website that "Health and Human Services has found up to half of Americans under 65 have preexisting conditions and could lose their health coverage under repeal." But it’s not true that if the law didn’t exist, 129 million persons would all be at risk of losing their insurance, and that becomes clear when reading the full administration report.
Millions with Preexisting Conditions

Actually what Obama said is correct."Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," which means one pre-existing condition. Under the point system being used by most insurance companies to determine who get's insured, common health problems such as asthma was good 200 or 300 points. A cancer or a heart attack within 5 years was good for at least 500 points. These two pre-existing conditions meant you would be denied insurance in most states. In some, but not all states you could apply to the high risk pool operated by state. However, most of those policies excluded the pre-existing conditions and cost as well as costing a small fortune. Thus, those that needed healthcare insurance the most were being excluded.

1.5 million Americans being denied insurance is a huge number when you consider that they are very likely to need extensive healthcare.

There are also others problems in using pre-existing conditions to screen customers. When people develop chronic healthcare problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD, they were usually denied insurance. So if you had a heart attack and decided you would retire early, you would likely find yourself uninsurable . Likewise a person with chronic diseases who wanted to start his own business would face the problem of no health insurance available. As a result, millions of people were locked into jobs they hated.

Excluding pre-existing conditions was a tactic of insurance companies to make sure they had only the healthiest customers, fulfilling the prime directive of insurance companies, maximize premiums and minimize claims.

You have no idea what insurance is, do you?

It is not a welfare program. It is a pool where you pay in at certain rate when you don't need the benefits and you get reimbursements when you do need it.

Insurance rates are based upon there being a balance between what comes in and what goes out.

When you allow people that never paid into the system to come into the program with an expensive pre existing condition then somebody else has to pay for it and that is not right.

The government mandate to require per-existing conditions in all insurance policies is one of the main reasons why the cost of insurance has sky rocketed under Obamacare. After all, their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

This idea of pre existing conditions crap encourages shitheads to not not pay into insurance pools when they are healthy and then when they do get sick run and sign up somebody else to pay their bills get somebody else to pay their bills.

I would be in favor of insurance companies allowing transfer of pre existing conditions between different companies if somebody wants to change policies but to require the companies to have to accept pre existing conditions is the wrong thing to do.

This idea that your are entitled to have somebody else pay your bills simply because you are alive is bullshit.

By the way, Obama never got anything right in life.
The tide has turned irreversibly against the anti-ACA crowd. The far righties now wants to make it "better" and cheaper, just like they wanted to with FDR's social security.

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