Oh How The Mighty Fiscal Conservatives Have Fallen

Oh How The Mighty Fiscal Conservatives Have Fallen

In his latest effort to plug the fiscal hole created by his mega-tax-cutting debacle Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has been reduced to drawing down Obamacare funds to balance his state's budget.


President Obama (praise be unto Him!) will save you, Sam!

America needs the input of fiscal conservatives. What we should actually be rejoicing in is how far social conservatives have fallen.
Yeah, they have fallen so far that since the passage of Obamacare, they have gained over 75 seats in the US House and sent the Senate from a 60D/40 to a 55R/45D.

Not to mention contoling over 60% of State legislatures.

We need them to fail even more at this rate!

no shit. I feel sorry for these left wingers who has to pick out some state to hate on

My advice to the op and Joe Unormal. DON'T MOVE THERE
Is there something in the kool aid that libs have been drinking? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government until January 20th of next year when republicans will control 2/3 of the government. The Tea Party ain't your problem libs. The problem is that Americans are smarter than the radical left realizes and they just kicked the rascals out of the majority.
Is there something in the kool aid that libs have been drinking? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government until January 20th of next year when republicans will control 2/3 of the government. The Tea Party ain't your problem libs. The problem is that Americans are smarter than the radical left realizes and they just kicked the rascals out of the majority.

this kind of stuff is what helped them LOSE power in just SIX years under the rein of terror from Obama, his party and their SHEEP
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Well, then, you're wrong.

The Tea (Astroturf) movement was started exclusively over fiscal conservatism. They professed to have no interest in social issues, just fiscal issues like the debt and taxes.

Doesn't TEA supposedly stand for Taxed Enough Already?

Or is that just another of their lies?

I have a solution: You let your party raise your taxes and leave ours the fuck alone.


That way everyone's happy.

You get the high taxes you crave and we get to sit back and watch you bellyache about how poor you are.

and when your house catches fire, put it out yourself.

and don't drive on our tax-paid roads.

and you can pay much higher fees on everything from DMV to Homeowner insurance.

and your bank deposits are no longer protected and insured against loss.

To start.

You know where you can stick that nonsense.

I have to pay over $30k/year in property taxes alone.
No you don't. You can sell the property, or move somewhere with a lower rate.

Like Somalia.

I've got a better idea ... why don't you put your thumb up your butt!!

I've been to Somalia. I'd rather you go there. You'd be dead inside a week.

Selling rental property these days takes time. Not that many around here have the money to buy it anymore ... no thanks to Obama. Those that can afford it know that any idiot that sells right now is distressed ... and won't give you much for it.

I figure once we get that Kenyan out of there .. things may start looking up in a few years.
Dream on. The average guy isn't going to have a secure, decent paying job until corporations have to keep the jobs here. And the real owners of the country don't want that.
I have a solution: You let your party raise your taxes and leave ours the fuck alone.


That way everyone's happy.

You get the high taxes you crave and we get to sit back and watch you bellyache about how poor you are.

and when your house catches fire, put it out yourself.

and don't drive on our tax-paid roads.

and you can pay much higher fees on everything from DMV to Homeowner insurance.

and your bank deposits are no longer protected and insured against loss.

To start.

You know where you can stick that nonsense.

I have to pay over $30k/year in property taxes alone.
No you don't. You can sell the property, or move somewhere with a lower rate.

Like Somalia.

I've got a better idea ... why don't you put your thumb up your butt!!

I've been to Somalia. I'd rather you go there. You'd be dead inside a week.

Selling rental property these days takes time. Not that many around here have the money to buy it anymore ... no thanks to Obama. Those that can afford it know that any idiot that sells right now is distressed ... and won't give you much for it.

I figure once we get that Kenyan out of there .. things may start looking up in a few years.
Dream on. The average guy isn't going to have a secure, decent paying job until corporations have to keep the jobs here. And the real owners of the country don't want that.

Well get on the Democrats who are intentionally sending regulations out into the economy that gives business the option of staying pat and losing everything or moving overseas.

And then tell those jerks to quit throwing out the red-carpet to illegals driving wages and full time jobs out.
Oh How The Mighty Fiscal Conservatives Have Fallen

In his latest effort to plug the fiscal hole created by his mega-tax-cutting debacle Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has been reduced to drawing down Obamacare funds to balance his state's budget.


President Obama (praise be unto Him!) will save you, Sam!

America needs the input of fiscal conservatives. What we should actually be rejoicing in is how far social conservatives have fallen.
Yeah, they have fallen so far that since the passage of Obamacare, they have gained over 75 seats in the US House and sent the Senate from a 60D/40 to a 55R/45D.

Not to mention contoling over 60% of State legislatures.

We need them to fail even more at this rate!

no shit. I feel sorry for these left wingers who has to pick out some state to hate on

My advice to the op and Joe Unormal. DON'T MOVE THERE
I do feel sorry for the people in Kansas that didn't vote for Governor Scumbag. They probably feel like they're on a ship of fools in the same way that I do, living in a country that continues to put rethugs in office.
Oh How The Mighty Fiscal Conservatives Have Fallen

In his latest effort to plug the fiscal hole created by his mega-tax-cutting debacle Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has been reduced to drawing down Obamacare funds to balance his state's budget.


President Obama (praise be unto Him!) will save you, Sam!

America needs the input of fiscal conservatives. What we should actually be rejoicing in is how far social conservatives have fallen.
Yeah, they have fallen so far that since the passage of Obamacare, they have gained over 75 seats in the US House and sent the Senate from a 60D/40 to a 55R/45D.

Not to mention contoling over 60% of State legislatures.

We need them to fail even more at this rate!

no shit. I feel sorry for these left wingers who has to pick out some state to hate on

My advice to the op and Joe Unormal. DON'T MOVE THERE
I do feel sorry for the people in Kansas that didn't vote for Governor Scumbag. They probably feel like they're on a ship of fools in the same way that I do, living in a country that continues to put rethugs in office.

Ahhh, to be a lying liberal.

No matter how much shit you intentionally fuck up you still blame the party that can't get one Bill or regulation into law. It's like stealing or getting away with murder. Good times to be had by all on the left.
Oh How The Mighty Fiscal Conservatives Have Fallen

In his latest effort to plug the fiscal hole created by his mega-tax-cutting debacle Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has been reduced to drawing down Obamacare funds to balance his state's budget.


President Obama (praise be unto Him!) will save you, Sam!

America needs the input of fiscal conservatives. What we should actually be rejoicing in is how far social conservatives have fallen.
Yeah, they have fallen so far that since the passage of Obamacare, they have gained over 75 seats in the US House and sent the Senate from a 60D/40 to a 55R/45D.

Not to mention contoling over 60% of State legislatures.

We need them to fail even more at this rate!

no shit. I feel sorry for these left wingers who has to pick out some state to hate on

My advice to the op and Joe Unormal. DON'T MOVE THERE
I do feel sorry for the people in Kansas that didn't vote for Governor Scumbag. They probably feel like they're on a ship of fools in the same way that I do, living in a country that continues to put rethugs in office.

Ahhh, to be a lying liberal.

No matter how much shit you intentionally fuck up you still blame the party that can't get one Bill or regulation into law. It's like stealing or getting away with murder. Good times to be had by all on the left.
The only good thing I can say about Democrats these days is that they aren't Republicans. You, on the other hand, genuinely seem to like these pieces of shit.
It just bothers me that they lied about it and stated flat out that the money didn't come from ACA. Only after they got caught did they fess up.

Way too many of the hyper-partisan idiots don't care as long as it's "their" liar.

Tea Party Movement?

Talking Points Memo (the link source)?
tea party.
Well, then, you're wrong.

The Tea (Astroturf) movement was started exclusively over fiscal conservatism. They professed to have no interest in social issues, just fiscal issues like the debt and taxes.

Doesn't TEA supposedly stand for Taxed Enough Already?

Or is that just another of their lies?

I have a solution: You let your party raise your taxes and leave ours the fuck alone.


That way everyone's happy.

You get the high taxes you crave and we get to sit back and watch you bellyache about how poor you are.

and when your house catches fire, put it out yourself.

and don't drive on our tax-paid roads.

and you can pay much higher fees on everything from DMV to Homeowner insurance.

and your bank deposits are no longer protected and insured against loss.

To start.
How about we start with getting rid of the government takeover of healthcare?
There is no government takeover of healthcare. There are new regulations.
Well, then, you're wrong.

The Tea (Astroturf) movement was started exclusively over fiscal conservatism. They professed to have no interest in social issues, just fiscal issues like the debt and taxes.

Doesn't TEA supposedly stand for Taxed Enough Already?

Or is that just another of their lies?

I have a solution: You let your party raise your taxes and leave ours the fuck alone.


That way everyone's happy.

You get the high taxes you crave and we get to sit back and watch you bellyache about how poor you are.

and when your house catches fire, put it out yourself.

and don't drive on our tax-paid roads.

and you can pay much higher fees on everything from DMV to Homeowner insurance.

and your bank deposits are no longer protected and insured against loss.

To start.

You know where you can stick that nonsense.

I have to pay over $30k/year in property taxes alone.
No you don't. You can sell the property, or move somewhere with a lower rate.

Like Somalia.

I've got a better idea ... why don't you put your thumb up your butt!!

I've been to Somalia. I'd rather you go there. You'd be dead inside a week.

Selling rental property these days takes time. Not that many around here have the money to buy it anymore ... no thanks to Obama. Those that can afford it know that any idiot that sells right now is distressed ... and won't give you much for it.

I figure once we get that Kenyan out of there .. things may start looking up in a few years.
Property is sold every day. If it's a good property you won't have any problems.

Wall St. is soaring while gas prices are at a 6 year low, and falling.

We've had 50-something straight months of growth.

You are full of shit.
I'd be hopping mad if I were a Repub and saw how many repubs backed the Cromnibus bill

The TPM is not synonymous with fiscal conservative.

Tea Party Movement?

Talking Points Memo (the link source)?
tea party.
Well, then, you're wrong.

The Tea (Astroturf) movement was started exclusively over fiscal conservatism. They professed to have no interest in social issues, just fiscal issues like the debt and taxes.

Doesn't TEA supposedly stand for Taxed Enough Already?

Or is that just another of their lies?
Hey bendog!

Sen. Cruz on tea party s social focus


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