Oh look, more Global Warming heading across the United States. Sure am glad i live in Floor E. Da.

Conservative progression on Global Warming

1. It does not exist...nothing to do about it
2. It does exist but man has nothing to do with it.....nothing to do about it
3. Man may have caused it......But it is too late to do anything about it

Liberal progression on Global Warming

1. It exists, pay more taxes.

2. It exists, pay more taxes, we only have 20 years.

3. (25 years later) It exists, pay more taxes, we're doomed in 12 years.

4. Nuclear would work, but it's worse than being doomed in 12 years.
what is in didpute is the liberal man-made-global-warming-doomsday hoax

Only conservatives dispute it.
93 percent of Climate Scientists support it
Trump and his ilk oppose it because any changes will cost 'em money, and the only thing he cares about
is lining his pockets, global warming be damned. Only the uneducated or uninformed truly believe it is a hoax. I hope it is a hoax but logic tells a different story.
Funny how a prog will say it is the rights fault, while the prog masters are lining their pockets with our tax dollars. Such stupid people like bob here.

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a pool?

Actually, it is the fossil fuel masters who are lining their pockets with our tax dollars, and some of 'em are progs and some of 'em are fools like you.
Bwaaaaahhaaaaaa......Have you ever heard of the carbon credit exchange?
Yes I have and what is your point?
Chicago Climate Exchange Names Founding Members (freerepublic.com)

Sure am glad i live in Floor E. Da.

A little snow ain't nothin' except for little pussies. Everyone's glad they fled to Floor E Da until the AC breaks and the next hurricane hits.
Hey, i moved out of Manassas Va, where they voted the 1st man with tits to be elected into fag office. Also they were raising my taxes, i can pay for a broken A/C with all the $20,000 i would of had to pay in taxes...Shit i could buy 3 or 4 new ones... a year....
Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

Last edited:
Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

View attachment 432683

How many trillions do we need to spend on windmills to stop the rise in temperature?
How will we know when we've built enough?
Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

View attachment 432683

How many trillions do we need to spend on windmills to stop the rise in temperature?
How will we know when we've built enough?
We need to reduce our reliance on oil.

Solar, wind, conservation can all ease the burden

Even a ten percent reduction s a start. Why are you afraid to start?
No one denies that the temperature of the earth could be rising

it was risen and fallen naturally since Creation

what is in dispute is the liberal man-made-global-warming-doomsday hoax
Why does it matter if global warming is man-made or not, won't the effects be exactly the same?

How many windmills do we need to stop natural global warming?
Exactly the same number we need to stop man-made global warming.

Exactly the same number we need to stop man-made global warming.

So what's the split between man-made and natural warm
Beats me, do you know? Again, why does it matter?
Look everyone!
It snows in the winter
Actually it record weekend COLD temperatures being expected----but the libs keep saying we have been globabally warmed.
The verbiage is "climate change" and not global warming which is ahappenin' as a part of climate change.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Global Warming was the whole idea of the progressive masters who knew they could make a fortune when they could blame a clear harmless gas CO2 then tax the shit out of it, where people like Al Jazeera Gore, the godfather of GW, told us by 2016 it would be too late if CO2 wasnt eliminated. Yet here we are, still having back to back winter storms bringing tremendous cold, yet boneheads like, you accept that the Global Warming Alarmists were wrong, because now you claim it is "climate change", which has been happening since the formation of Earth. You are such a stupid petulant person, who has no clue about science..

Do you believe that men with tits are women?
Actually, it is the fossil fuel masters who are lining their pockets with our tax dollars, and some of 'em are progs and some of 'em are fools like you.
We dont give taxpayers money to fossil fuel producers
That's because they don't pay taxes. Any start-up may need government help to survive at first.
Did not government dollars go to the Covid vaccine producing companies? You are looking for excuses
when new forms of energy will make your life better unless you are an old fart.
Are you serious

the oil companies pay billions in taxes
Are you serious? the oil companies got a huge decrease in taxes and environmental protections from trump. The pollution created
by the after-effects of the oil production will have a negative everlasting effect on you. You are right, for now in that they do pay taxes and that will change as companies that produce alternate forms of energy will be paying the billions. With trump it is all about the money for him and the super-wealthy and you will not participate in that windfall.

the oil companies got a huge decrease in taxes and environmental protections from trump.

You said they already paid zero.
Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
The problem with you trumpty dumpties is that you take everything literally. My guess is that after
the huge tax relief and the ongoing write-offs, their taxes are a lot lower than they would have you believe. And I do not lie. Trump lies because he makes shit up as he pontificates.
Look everyone!
It snows in the winter
Actually it record weekend COLD temperatures being expected----but the libs keep saying we have been globabally warmed.
The verbiage is "climate change" and not global warming which is ahappenin' as a part of climate change.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Global Warming was the whole idea of the progressive masters who knew they could make a fortune when they could blame a clear harmless gas CO2 then tax the shit out of it, where people like Al Jazeera Gore, the godfather of GW, told us by 2016 it would be too late if CO2 wasnt eliminated. Yet here we are, still having back to back winter storms bringing tremendous cold, yet boneheads like, you accept that the Global Warming Alarmists were wrong, because now you claim it is "climate change", which has been happening since the formation of Earth. You are such a stupid petulant person, who has no clue about science..

Do you believe that men with tits are women?
That explains it.

Okay, who is the person in the 3 pictures below that has a vagina?

No, you cant have 2 out of 3 choices, only 1 has the female organ.
Chaz_Bono_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg b5e82fa5b9ab0a2638a8768a56fdc10609-18-CaitlynJenner.rsquare.w700.jpg download.jpg

Choose wisely...
God forbid if people have to make sacrifices
Sacrifices for the sake of a lie?

all your dire predictions over the past 40 years add up to nothing

No, sacrifices for the sake of life

Our dire predictions over the last 40 years have been ignored. Our climate change has gotten worse

You forgot this thread?

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

Stop spreading lies!

Climate change is a FACT
Look everyone!
It snows in the winter
Actually it record weekend COLD temperatures being expected----but the libs keep saying we have been globabally warmed.
The verbiage is "climate change" and not global warming which is ahappenin' as a part of climate change.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Global Warming was the whole idea of the progressive masters who knew they could make a fortune when they could blame a clear harmless gas CO2 then tax the shit out of it, where people like Al Jazeera Gore, the godfather of GW, told us by 2016 it would be too late if CO2 wasnt eliminated. Yet here we are, still having back to back winter storms bringing tremendous cold, yet boneheads like, you accept that the Global Warming Alarmists were wrong, because now you claim it is "climate change", which has been happening since the formation of Earth. You are such a stupid petulant person, who has no clue about science..

Do you believe that men with tits are women?
That explains it.

Okay, who is the person in the 3 pictures below that has a vagina?

No, you cant have 2 out of 3 choices, only 1 has the female organ.
View attachment 432718 View attachment 432719 View attachment 432720

Choose wisely...
Why should I care?

I‘m not fucking any of them
Hmm, Bob? Can you tell who the person in the picture above that has a Vagina? I mean, come on man, there is only one that actually has a womb.
Scientific predictions are much more accurate than American Conservative predictions that call it all a myth
We have been bombarded with scientific predictions for 40 years and nothing happened
Plenty has happened
We are seeing global warming

View attachment 432683

Who said it isn't warming.

no shit Sherlock

It IS warming
Why should we contribute to it?

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