Oh My God: U.S. Army Forcing Male Soldiers To Wear Womens Clothing As Part Of New Mandatory Training

this isn't rotc

Oh, upon reading the article, I learned it is an ROTC battalion. Otherwise, I would say this is ludicrous.

Now it makes sense. Considering the amount of sexual harassment, and the way they use sexual stereo types to denigrate everything and everyone that isn't alpha male killing machines in basic training, this is probably a good exercise in empathy training. These men are participating in this by choice. The army is probably sick of bad press and black eyes. This will go a long way to get their officers to understand the men in the closet. If they don't want to be an officer, they can always opt out.

That video said, "All that command staff and all the guys."

I still believe that those aren't just your average run of the mill enlisted soldiers. Those are all officers. Nothing below a cadet to be found in that group.

I found it very interesting that the name of the unit that the reporters were embedded in was specifically designed as a propaganda unit.

If you paid attetnion to that video closely, you would have noticed she was reporting from the, "121st public affairs detachment." That right there should tell you something. Have you watched the television and movies that the cultural elites at the CFR have been putting out lately? If you don't know what the elites have been trying to do, you have to have just woke up from a coma. Seriously.
I must be in a coma, then. Mine filling us in?

this isn't rotc

Oh, upon reading the article, I learned it is an ROTC battalion. Otherwise, I would say this is ludicrous.

Now it makes sense. Considering the amount of sexual harassment, and the way they use sexual stereo types to denigrate everything and everyone that isn't alpha male killing machines in basic training, this is probably a good exercise in empathy training. These men are participating in this by choice. The army is probably sick of bad press and black eyes. This will go a long way to get their officers to understand the men in the closet. If they don't want to be an officer, they can always opt out.

That video said, "All that command staff and all the guys."

I still believe that those aren't just your average run of the mill enlisted soldiers. Those are all officers. Nothing below a cadet to be found in that group.

I found it very interesting that the name of the unit that the reporters were embedded in was specifically designed as a propaganda unit.

If you paid attetnion to that video closely, you would have noticed she was reporting from the, "121st public affairs detachment." That right there should tell you something. Have you watched the television and movies that the cultural elites at the CFR have been putting out lately? If you don't know what the elites have been trying to do, you have to have just woke up from a coma. Seriously.
This has to be Obama's idea, the pussification of the military.

The Muslim Agent Obama is doing this to incite extra Islamic hatred against our Soldiers. Muslims stone gays to death, and now putting our soldiers in a faggot outfit will be EXCELLENT propaganda to torture and stone any of our captured soldiers to death.
This has to be Obama's idea, the pussification of the military.

The Muslim Agent Obama is doing this to incite extra Islamic hatred against our Soldiers. Muslims stone gays to death, and now putting our soldiers in a faggot outfit will be EXCELLENT propaganda to torture and stone any of our captured soldiers to death.

Idiot alert
Why can't men be men and women be women? If a women chooses to wear those goddamn things. Well, that is their choice. Why is it mens fault that they do?

Fucking stupid bastards.
This has to be Obama's idea, the pussification of the military.

The Muslim Agent Obama is doing this to incite extra Islamic hatred against our Soldiers. Muslims stone gays to death, and now putting our soldiers in a faggot outfit will be EXCELLENT propaganda to torture and stone any of our captured soldiers to death.

Idiot alert

Are you claiming that ISIS won't use these photos as justification for torturing US Soldiers?
This has to be Obama's idea, the pussification of the military.

The Muslim Agent Obama is doing this to incite extra Islamic hatred against our Soldiers. Muslims stone gays to death, and now putting our soldiers in a faggot outfit will be EXCELLENT propaganda to torture and stone any of our captured soldiers to death.

Idiot alert

Are you claiming that ISIS won't use these photos as justification for torturing US Soldiers?

Hell, shit like this strengthens the isis and makes people generally want to kill. Identity politics really stinks.
What sucks about identity politics is it makes it impossible for us all to work together as Americans. Every little bitch has to be armed into a bullet to piss another group off.

This shit is the most disgusting form of crap ever developed. I wouldn't be surprised if wars start over it.
All of this started when they let known lezbo's and fudge packers openly serve in the military.

It's only going to get worse......... :evil:

I sincerely believe it's time to take the Muslim approach towards these fornicating fecal faggot fiends.

Now I can see why the Levites stoned these perverts to death. They seek to dominate and pervert all society.

Think that sounds crazy? How has a group of LBGT perverts, consisting less than 1% of the American population, managed to take total control of the politics and media narrative of the entire Union?

We have NSA (fourth amendment death), gun grabbing at the state level (NY Safe Act and second amendment death), IRS scandals (1st amendment petition of grievances death), Net Neutrality (1st amendment press death), Gay Wedding Cakes (1st amendment religion death), Free Speech Zones (1st amendment speech death), wild asset forfeiture (amendment IV, V, VI, VII due process death), tracking devices in every modern gadget and infinity + 1 proxy wars around the world, and THE FAGGOTS have made FAGDOM the #1 issue.
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This has to be Obama's idea, the pussification of the military.

The Muslim Agent Obama is doing this to incite extra Islamic hatred against our Soldiers. Muslims stone gays to death, and now putting our soldiers in a faggot outfit will be EXCELLENT propaganda to torture and stone any of our captured soldiers to death.
No, it won't. You are mentally ill, seriously so.
But, Matthew . . . your pet peeve is race, nu? And you go all skewey with it.

My peeve is crime and violence that certain groups seem to get a double standard for. Blacks can commit half the crime, kill twice as many whites and all we ever hear is how evil whites are. In away this is identity politics as it seeks to incite one group against another...There's a big difference between criticism that is based on fact and identity politics that is used to incite anger for political advancement that is based on lies.
Imagine being courtmartialed for disobeying orders. Your crime is refusing to parade around in public dressed like a woman. That's what the left is doing to this country under our homosexual president and his transsexual wife/husband whatever it is.
We didn't have any queers in our unit.

If there was one.......he didn't tell anyone........because friendly fire is a bitch.

Those were the good ole days........ :thup:
The good old days were when you sucked dick in the barracks head in the middle of the night? :suck: SunniFag?

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