Oh My God: U.S. Army Forcing Male Soldiers To Wear Womens Clothing As Part Of New Mandatory Training

Imagine being courtmartialed for disobeying orders. Your crime is refusing to parade around in public dressed like a woman. That's what the left is doing to this country under our homosexual president and his transsexual wife/husband whatever it is.

So true. Both sides have lost their ever loving fucking mind. Extremes one way or the other and with that you get crazy shit.
Identity politics by the freaks on the far right being played on the Board.

The topic of this thread freak is identity politics being played by the far left. This is one time the freaks on the other side aren't playing it.

A man should never have to dress like a goddamn woman.
What makes identity politics suck is the reality that it is either based on lies(no factful data backing it up) or stomping on others for no real reason. This is stomping on another group for no real reason!
Matthew is a champion for the ageist, sexist, and racist identity politics of the far right. A typical Rushbot move: accuse the opposition of what he is doing.
This is so sad...
What the hell is going on here.
Bad enough someone came up with this idea.
Even worse someone let this happen.
It's sad, this ongoing wimpification of the American conservative. Look at this board. They're always crying hard about something.

Back in my day, when I was a conservative, conservatives were tough. Not anymore. They're all pissy little victims now. That's one of the reasons I left.
That was probably before you started dressing up in women's clothes and hang around in bars.
cadets, not lumberjacks
I find making men do shit like this rather sexist! Why can't men be men??? Is that really wrong.
How is pointing out the crime stats of police departments and the fbi = identity politics. The slaughter is real and a real problem that we as a nation need to fix. It has nothing what so fucking ever to do with identity politics.

this isn't rotc

Oh, upon reading the article, I learned it is an ROTC battalion. Otherwise, I would say this is ludicrous.

Now it makes sense. Considering the amount of sexual harassment, and the way they use sexual stereo types to denigrate everything and everyone that isn't alpha male killing machines in basic training, this is probably a good exercise in empathy training. These men are participating in this by choice. The army is probably sick of bad press and black eyes. This will go a long way to get their officers to understand the men in the closet. If they don't want to be an officer, they can always opt out.

That video said, "All that command staff and all the guys."

I still believe that those aren't just your average run of the mill enlisted soldiers. Those are all officers. Nothing below a cadet to be found in that group.

Is there anything below a cadet?
This is not Audie Murphy's army. How demoralizing.

Army HUMILIATES Male Soldiers Forces Them To Wear Women s Clothing As Part Of Mandatory Training UFP NEWS



Why are you trying to say our soldiers are weak you piece of shit. You think they are weak because you are a sad and pathetic weakling.
Command staff in Kosovo? You didn't watch the video through to the end.

this isn't rotc

Oh, upon reading the article, I learned it is an ROTC battalion. Otherwise, I would say this is ludicrous.

Now it makes sense. Considering the amount of sexual harassment, and the way they use sexual stereo types to denigrate everything and everyone that isn't alpha male killing machines in basic training, this is probably a good exercise in empathy training. These men are participating in this by choice. The army is probably sick of bad press and black eyes. This will go a long way to get their officers to understand the men in the closet. If they don't want to be an officer, they can always opt out.

That video said, "All that command staff and all the guys."

I still believe that those aren't just your average run of the mill enlisted soldiers. Those are all officers. Nothing below a cadet to be found in that group.

Is there anything below a cadet?

Actually, that is sexist for them to assume that all women wear high heels. They are stereotyping women by making us all look like fragile little princesses. Most women they would encounter on military bases will be wearing combat boots or other uniform similar to theirs. Some women want to go into combat with men and resent being treated like the weaker sex. Isn't this just a way of telling men that women are the weaker sex? High heels don't represent who women are. I'm surprised they didn't make them put lipstick on while they were at it. Or maybe borrow some of Melissa Perry's tampon earrings.

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