Oh, no! Beto, how could you?

All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Betos just pissed away about 80 million in radical LIB campaign contributions. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Cruz is up by eight-ten points today with a massive advance REP vote not yet counted.
Reminds me of when HRC pissed away 1.2 BILLION making a fool of herself.
It will be hilarious to watch Betos attempt to squeeze another dollar out of the Hollywood elite in 2020.
What's he going to run for? The fucking school janitor???????
I don't like either candidate, but don't live in Tex (thank God) But if O'Rourke serves to show the most left wing of the Dem party the danger of demanding very liberal economic and social policies, then it may not be a waste in 20. And if the dems only lose two Senate seats tomorrow, the Senate will still be in play in 20. The danger is the Senate becoming solely on party rule like the House was before Gingrich
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Betos just pissed away about 80 million in radical LIB campaign contributions. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Cruz is up by eight-ten points today with a massive advance REP vote not yet counted.
Reminds me of when HRC pissed away 1.2 BILLION making a fool of herself.
It will be hilarious to watch Betos attempt to squeeze another dollar out of the Hollywood elite in 2020.
What's he going to run for? The fucking school janitor???????
Dan, this Texas race is too close to guess. And I think Cruz is favored. But I hope you are wrong about a Cruz win.
I don't like either candidate, but don't live in Tex (thank God) But if O'Rourke serves to show the most left wing of the Dem party the danger of demanding very liberal economic and social policies, then it may not be a waste in 20. And if the dems only lose two Senate seats tomorrow, the Senate will still be in play in 20. The danger is the Senate becoming solely on party rule like the House was before Gingrich
"FAKO O'Rourke" Should lose if the people have enough sense to see through this phony huckster.
Project Veritas has been discredited long before this. They should be disregarded always. It's the price we pay for freedom, (snicker) or the price we pay for allowing unknown money sources into our politics.

I'll vote Beto over Lyin' Ted any day. After all Cruz's dad help kill Kennedy I heard.........
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Once again proving that sarcasm doesn't work well on the 'net. :04:
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Once again proving that sarcasm doesn't work well on the 'net. :04:

ThAt's bEcauSe hE foRgoT tO uSe The sArcAsm fonT. . . dERp. . DerP. :auiqs.jpg:
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:

We will just as soon as the Democrats take the house.--------oh, you mean Beto-------That's already been checked. He didn't do anything wrong.
i was wrong on the video i posted and glad it got moved to conspiracy theory. i really didn't pay much attention to okeefe before this but i will now. well, maybe less to be honest. but if all beto's crew did was spend $300 on some humanitarian supplies, correct the "mistake" as needed and move on. but we all need to quit making every little event be THE defining event.

if this was wrong, and it likely is somewhere, it's not a kill the man event by any stretch of the imagination and it certainly isn't beto funding the caravan as presented.
Cruz is up by about 7 points.

The $80 million was a fucking waste.

Beto is nothing. A socialist who skateboards? Big fucking deal.
All above board according to the article and duly reported to the FEC. $300 in aid to a charity, call out the FEDS!!!! :rolleyes:
I was being sarcastic, konrad. If this is the worst that manipulative conniver O'Keefe can come up with, his campaign against O'Rourke is toast. I'm surprised the issue got public, since it shows a compassionate bunch and O'Keefe is so anti-good will towards the needy.
Once again proving that sarcasm doesn't work well on the 'net. :04:

ThAt's bEcauSe hE foRgoT tO uSe The sArcAsm fonT. . . dERp. . DerP. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey! I put a 'snicker' in there. I figured that was enough. Mea culpa!
Beto will lose today and go back on the garbage heap.

He is a middle aged slacker white guy who skateboards.

Why the fuck do Dimms have a hard on for this guy? He should be working at the bar at TGI Friday’s, not in the Senate.

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