Oh NO... say it ain't So..Trump said 2 Corinthians when most people says "Second Corinthians"

If it were Hillary Clinton instead of Trump saying "2 Corinthians", she would be CRUCIFIED by every. single. conservative in this thread that's currently claiming it's no big deal.

This is showing me, actually PROVING what I've been saying for years. That self-proclaimed conservative Christians who've always been pushing so-called "Christian values" as a litmus test for political candidates are simply full of it.

To be honest, I don't hate Trump at all. He's highly entertaining, and most importantly, he's liberal at his core. I believe you self-proclaimed conservatives are in for a WHOPPING surprise with this man. Watch.

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What is a "self-proclaimed conservative"?
I've been going to church all my life every week, multiple times sometimes. Been to churches across the US and in various parts of the world. I've never, NEVER heard a preacher or anyone on the pulpit refer to 2nd Corinthians as "two Corinthians", never.

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YOU go to church? wow!
I don't get the joke.

Trump is not psing as an evangelical. He is trying to establish that he do share some common beliefs with them

Everyone knows he is not one of the serious devout, and for him to imitate when we, and .he, know this is faud.

In other words, this minor slip maybe intentional on his part.

Stop thinking Trump is an idiot. His ability to gain supporters is diverse, more so than some of these argue and accuse politicians.

If Trump every print it, I want to buy the book on his speeches. A true masterpiece of praxis
lol, even I know enough to say second Corinthians and I'm a heathen.

It proves that Trump is pretending to be some sort of devout Christian, for pandering sake, just likes every other pretense he's acquired.
I know Obama claimed to be a christian when he is really a Muslim. Go figure.

62% of Republicans can't be wrong

If they say Obama is a Muslim, it must be so
His own actions proves he is. Sorry you are blind.
I don't get the joke.

Trump is not psing as an evangelical. He is trying to establish that he do share some common beliefs with them

Everyone knows he is not one of the serious devout, and for him to imitate when we, and .he, know this is faud.

In other words, this minor slip maybe intentional on his part.

Stop thinking Trump is an idiot. His ability to gain supporters is diverse, more so than some of these argue and accuse politicians.

If Trump every print it, I want to buy the book on his speeches. A true masterpiece of praxis

You said "A true masterpiece of praxis."

What is this "masterpiece (of the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realised. "Praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas)"?
lol, even I know enough to say second Corinthians and I'm a heathen.

It proves that Trump is pretending to be some sort of devout Christian, for pandering sake, just likes every other pretense he's acquired.
I know Obama claimed to be a christian when he is really a Muslim. Go figure.

62% of Republicans can't be wrong

If they say Obama is a Muslim, it must be so
His own actions proves he is. Sorry you are blind.

What mosque does he attend?
The problem for Trump with what should be considered a minor mistake, is that Trump has been bragging about his religious values, his church attendance, his love of the bible that he carries constantly

Then he goes to Liberty University in an attempt to pander to the evangelical right and openly displays how little he knows

Will evangelicals just ignore it or will they go to someone who is sincerely religious?
Trump went to Liberty University and did a standard issue, hackneyed, boilerplate, 'Christianity is under seige' speech, even to the comical point of tossing in some worn out war on Christmas material.
The only reason this bothers me is b/c I am perfect and have never once made a verbal slip up in my entire life. :rolleyes:

Folks that harp on these little verbal snafus are as dull as they are partisan.

The point, and there is a point, is that Trump posing as a devout, knowledgeable, well read Christian is pure bullshit pandering.

So what of it?

Are you going to sit home and not vote if Hillary gets the Democrat nod because you don't like pandering, posing, bullshitting, politicos?

Because if that is the case, she wins top honors, doesn't she?

Oh, I'm sorry, I got the impression Trump was different. About 10,000 posts worth of conveying that impression.

Well, yes and no.

In some ways he is, and in others he isn't.

The media isn't trying to destroy other politicians.

Trump isn't taking obscene amounts of money from different industries, but then, neither is Bernie, so he isn't much different than Bernie.

But then, no other Candidate is actually being shunned from other politicians in other nations. . . . so there is that.

You have to admit, if you want someone to shake up the status quo, he has more street cred. than any one else. You can't debate that.

Obama ran on a platform of change, but the establishment LOVED him! Why? Because they knew he wasn't going to change a thing. Why would the establishment want a guy that would change things? The status quo is always good for those in power, right? The people in control of things never want REAL change, yes?

So is Trump for real when he says he is going to work for the people, or is he a false flag candidate, or a Trojan Horse, a distraction?
Trump went to Liberty University and did a standard issue, hackneyed, boilerplate, 'Christianity is under seige' speech, even to the comical point of tossing in some worn out war on Christmas material.

I liked the part where he was going to mandate people say Merry Christmas
When I first read the whole "two Corinthians" story it occurred to me that "two" has fewer syllables than "second," and it made me think of this:

If it were Hillary Clinton instead of Trump saying "2 Corinthians", she would be CRUCIFIED by every. single. conservative in this thread that's currently claiming it's no big deal.

This is showing me, actually PROVING what I've been saying for years. That self-proclaimed conservative Christians who've always been pushing so-called "Christian values" as a litmus test for political candidates are simply full of it.

To be honest, I don't hate Trump at all. He's highly entertaining, and most importantly, he's liberal at his core. I believe you self-proclaimed conservatives are in for a WHOPPING surprise with this man. Watch.

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He has New York values. lol
This is like the fourth thread on this. You all realize it's not going to take Trump down, right? Talk about grasping at straws while Trump is steam rolling

It's funny that you think Trump is really representative of your views.
It's not so funny as it is sad. Pathetic really.

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Meh, it's a nothing but you and fellow loons will hope beyond hope it takes Trump down. That is sad and pathetic LOL

Can't you just imagine the conversation between the liberals on this?

He did what?

He said 'two' instead of 'second' for 2 Corinthians!

So? Isn't that right?

Nooo... it's supposed to be "Second" Corinthians!

Really? You sure? Shouldn't it say "2nd" then?

No, really... that is how you say it... "second!"

Get outta here? For realz?

Ya... I know, right? Crazy-ass churshtins!

Wow.. who'd've thunk it? Hey Ed, did you know about this two corinthians thing?

Huh? What about?

How you're supposed to say "two corinthians" ...

NOOO... wait... it's SECOND Corinthians you're supposed to say!

Really? Are you SURE? You're not pulling our leg, right?

It's never funny when it's your guy is it?
I could care less about how devout any politician is in regard to their religious beliefs...
The only reason this bothers me is b/c I am perfect and have never once made a verbal slip up in my entire life. :rolleyes:

Folks that harp on these little verbal snafus are as dull as they are partisan.

The point, and there is a point, is that Trump posing as a devout, knowledgeable, well read Christian is pure bullshit pandering.

So what of it?

Are you going to sit home and not vote if Hillary gets the Democrat nod because you don't like pandering, posing, bullshitting, politicos?

Because if that is the case, she wins top honors, doesn't she?

Oh, I'm sorry, I got the impression Trump was different. About 10,000 posts worth of conveying that impression.

Well, yes and no.

In some ways he is, and in others he isn't.

The media isn't trying to destroy other politicians.

Trump isn't taking obscene amounts of money from different industries, but then, neither is Bernie, so he isn't much different than Bernie.

But then, no other Candidate is actually being shunned from other politicians in other nations. . . . so there is that.

You have to admit, if you want someone to shake up the status quo, he has more street cred. than any one else. You can't debate that.

Obama ran on a platform of change, but the establishment LOVED him! Why? Because they knew he wasn't going to change a thing. Why would the establishment want a guy that would change things? The status quo is always good for those in power, right? The people in control of things never want REAL change, yes?

So is Trump for real when he says he is going to work for the people, or is he a false flag candidate, or a Trojan Horse, a distraction?

Are you wearing your tin foil hat this morning?
When I first read the whole "two Corinthians" story it occurred to me that "two" has fewer syllables than "second," and it made me think of this:

Trump is for the more efficient way of communicating and one syllable "two" takes less energy then two syllable "sec-ond"!
Again Trump efficiency on display!
When I first read the whole "two Corinthians" story it occurred to me that "two" has fewer syllables than "second," and it made me think of this:

Trump is for the more efficient way of communicating and one syllable "two" takes less energy then two syllable "sec-ond"!
Again Trump efficiency on display!


Not even paying attention, are you?

The Flesch–Kincaid readability tests are readability tests designed to indicate how people understand what they read or hear by the grade level.
And this is a good test of American readership level because
the "average" American reads at a 7th or 8th grade level which is also consistent with recommendations, guidelines, and norms of readability for medication directions, product information, and popular ...
Literacy in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So good for Trump because he like Obama is a good communicator
President’s 2011 SOTU speech was written at more than a half a grade level lower than 2010’s score, which was the 4th lowest in 75+ years
Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 11.13.20 AM.png
Keeping It Simple: Obama Records 2nd Lowest Flesch-Kincaid SOTU Grade Level Score Since FDR | Smart Politics

Thinking about readability after Michelle Obama, Ann Romney speeches

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