Oh No the sky is falling in N.C.

Its not our fault Dem's pack together like sardines in just a few congressional districts.
Districts drawn by republicans and struck down as unconstitutional, pending a Supreme Court ruling next year.

When they’re redrawn it will increas our House majority by a bit in 2020 :thup:

Dem's don't gerrymander districts? What are you smoking lib. :itsok:
File a lawsuit. Reps have 3 from 3 states currently sitting in the Supreme Court that have been ruled unconstitutional.

I had to show my ID every time I voted in Georgia.
Just about every example of voter fraud which the tards have presented as evidence we need Voter ID has turned out to be in a state which already has Voter ID.

"Voter ID" is a hoax. It does not stop the types of fraud which occur.

Therefore, the effort to get everyone to carry identity papers has a totally different purpose.

"You can't buy milk at the grocery store without papers!"
Voter fraud, colluding with foreign countries to encourage millions of illegals to flood into the USA for the purpose of canceling out the votes of Americans. Now that's voter fraud on a massive scale.
Say it ain't so Maude in N.C. voter fraud and none other than republican's. Man I am going to crap my depends today Maude.

Certification in limbo in N.C. House race as fraud investigation continues

Paid Democratic voter fraud ring uncovered in Texas

Those damn cheating dems. What it boils down to in the U.S. both parties are cheaters, does it surprise you? Doesn't me after working for high level management dems and repubs in my lifetime. I came to this conclusion about 40 years ago. It's alright to do anything to get a head just don't get caught.
Proof that there IS voter fraud and we as a nation have to make sure that doesn't happen.
Voter ID requirements would stifle the problem once and for all.

Did you read the article? Mail in ballots? I don's show my id when I mail mine in but I have to vote in person.
I blame Obama!
Not Obama.....Bush
No. The proper response when catching Trump or any Republican up to no good is to blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" or "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!" ;)
No, no, it could never be Obama....that would automatically default back to Bush.

Blame Washington...

He had to win that damn war and now we must worry about voter fraud...

NO, it's Napoleon's fault.
In 46 years of voting the only trouble I had was a special election in which politicians wanted to change terms of office in the city from 2 to 4 years. The measure had failed a couple of times, but they were determined and brought it up again. A week before the election signs went up and mailings went out to vote "YES" for strict term limits (city already had term limits). When I showed up at the polling place my name wasn't on the voting register and so they had me cast a provisional ballot. I wasn't heart broke that the proposition finally past, but a view months later I received a letter stating that my ballot SHOULD have been counted that made me question things. Since it was Republicans in office and Republicans running the election from this 1st hand experience I've been suspect of any GOP election reforms.
Voter fraud, colluding with foreign countries to encourage millions of illegals to flood into the USA for the purpose of canceling out the votes of Americans. Now that's voter fraud on a massive scale.

Here's the difference: The former is actually happening, as we can see by the indictments, the guilty pleas, and the cooperation agreements. The latter is a figment of right wing imaginations, which they then use for an excuse for voter suppression tactics.

Yet every time we've actually seen voter fraud and voter suppression, it's always the Republicans who are attempting to disenfranchise the American voters who have a legal RIGHT to vote. Their tactics aren't preventing voter fraud, they designed to keep voters from casting ballots they're unlikely to be receiving. That's the worst kind of election fraud.
Voter fraud, colluding with foreign countries to encourage millions of illegals to flood into the USA for the purpose of canceling out the votes of Americans. Now that's voter fraud on a massive scale.

Here's the difference: The former is actually happening, as we can see by the indictments, the guilty pleas, and the cooperation agreements. The latter is a figment of right wing imaginations, which they then use for an excuse for voter suppression tactics.

Yet every time we've actually seen voter fraud and voter suppression, it's always the Republicans who are attempting to disenfranchise the American voters who have a legal RIGHT to vote. Their tactics aren't preventing voter fraud, they designed to keep voters from casting ballots they're unlikely to be receiving. That's the worst kind of election fraud.

My earlier post proved different.
My goodness, if you thought this was a sign of Zionism in the GOP getting out of control....

Mark HARRIS.....

you are "anti-semitic" to notice the CHEATER is another ZIONIST....

Bet your bottom dollar that Mr. Harris did very well $$$$$$$$$$$ investing in 2001.....
Remember how Trump fauxraged some tweets about the elections in Florida and Georgia and made bogus claims of fraud?

Has he tweeted in anger about the fraud by Republicans in NC?

Didn't think so.
Voter fraud, colluding with foreign countries to encourage millions of illegals to flood into the USA for the purpose of canceling out the votes of Americans. Now that's voter fraud on a massive scale.

Here's the difference: The former is actually happening, as we can see by the indictments, the guilty pleas, and the cooperation agreements. The latter is a figment of right wing imaginations, which they then use for an excuse for voter suppression tactics.

Yet every time we've actually seen voter fraud and voter suppression, it's always the Republicans who are attempting to disenfranchise the American voters who have a legal RIGHT to vote. Their tactics aren't preventing voter fraud, they designed to keep voters from casting ballots they're unlikely to be receiving. That's the worst kind of election fraud.

My earlier post proved different.

No, your earlier post said differently but had no proof. No evidence, no charges and no witnesses.
Isn’t that what we already have at the voting sign-in? They ask for my papers - my drivers license.
When I first began voting back in the olden days of wooden ships and quill pens, I would just walk into a dusty room in the basement of City Hall, tell the volunteer Daughter of the American Revolution lady my name, and she would find my name on a list of registered voters, check me off, and then point me to the bank of voting booths.

I would go in, pull the handle to close the curtains, find the lever to vote the straight GOP ticket and pull it down.

And that was it. No ID. No fuss. No muss.
That was before Republicans drummed up a fake issue to rail against.

They started this nonsense. Time to take it to it’s logical conclusion: National ID cards.
National identity papers are not "logical" in any sense. Unless you are a despot who desires to track and control the movements of the proles.
If everyone wants to vote and the only way to vote is by having a drivers license or state-issued id, what’s the difference?
Voter ID is not necessary to vote. This was proven for two centuries.
Yet it’s becoming a requirement in each state.

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