Oh ... NOW He's Sorry ...

I feel a Borking coming on. And guess what is even better. A certain Democrat senator was present then and still is. He voted "Nay" or no for Mr. Bork and in fact supported "Borking", Mr. Bork. And, as a matter of fact he issued a rebuke a couple days ago stating that not voting for Mr. Obama's pick for the SC would be a very improper thing to do. You have probably guessed who that might be. His initials are Harry Reid and he is a Senator from Nevada. 29 years after "Borking", Bork guess who now is going to get "Borked"? Yep, you guessed it, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Not only Reid, but, our Vice President also as well a posthumous "Borking" for Senator Ted Kennedy. This gets better and better it would seem. As for Mr. Obama, "sorry" indeed, in more respects than one. I love it, as Karma truly is a bummer! Bork, Bork, Bork away, (to be hummed to the tune Row, Row, Row your boat).

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