Oh Shut Up. Enough Already, Just Shut Up Snowflakes

Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.
It is very PREVALENT in Muslim countries. Are you arguing this FACT?

Steeped in cultural and religious acceptance, child marriage has become one of the most pervasive and enduring forms of sexual exploitation of young girls in the Middle East and North Africa.13 Within the region, child marriage takes many forms. Most commonly, these “marriages” resemble business transactions wherein very young girls are sold to much older men, often strangers, for a substantial dowry or forgiveness of a family debt.14 The practice of baad is a traditional method of settling disputes in Pakistan and Afghanistan where a young girl is traded as payment for a financial dispute.15 Some countries also recognize the Islamic practice of siqueh, or temporary marriages, and other forms of short-term contract marriages between young girls and wealthy older men.16 Often, these temporary “marriages” are used as a front for child prostitution, luring young girls away from their homes and into sexual and domestic slavery.17 In certain cultures, most prevalently in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Yemen, young girls are abducted and raped most often by young men and older widowers, and subsequently forced to marry their captors to protect their families’ honor.18 C


It's very prevalent in other parts of the world such as India.

Not a peep out of you.

You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.
what does it mean to "defend a belief system"??

to defend it's right to merely exist?

you are confusing a religious belief system with harming others.

no one but terrorists defend harming others in the name of religion.

it is important for dignified diplomats to refrain from certain policies and terminology which disparages entire religions on account of radicals who claim to represent said religion, but your emo ilk is stuck on stoopid insisting our president stoop to appease your fears.

we defend the right for Westboro Baptist speech for example...

we don't defend their belief system but we defend their right to exist and express themselves.

and we don't pretend their extreme beliefs represent Christianity.
It is very PREVALENT in Muslim countries. Are you arguing this FACT?

Steeped in cultural and religious acceptance, child marriage has become one of the most pervasive and enduring forms of sexual exploitation of young girls in the Middle East and North Africa.13 Within the region, child marriage takes many forms. Most commonly, these “marriages” resemble business transactions wherein very young girls are sold to much older men, often strangers, for a substantial dowry or forgiveness of a family debt.14 The practice of baad is a traditional method of settling disputes in Pakistan and Afghanistan where a young girl is traded as payment for a financial dispute.15 Some countries also recognize the Islamic practice of siqueh, or temporary marriages, and other forms of short-term contract marriages between young girls and wealthy older men.16 Often, these temporary “marriages” are used as a front for child prostitution, luring young girls away from their homes and into sexual and domestic slavery.17 In certain cultures, most prevalently in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Yemen, young girls are abducted and raped most often by young men and older widowers, and subsequently forced to marry their captors to protect their families’ honor.18 C


It's very prevalent in other parts of the world such as India.

Not a peep out of you.

You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

Lol! No I'm not. I was just pointing out the misogyny of Islam. Are you saying it's not one of the most misogynist religions that oppresses women?
It is very PREVALENT in Muslim countries. Are you arguing this FACT?

Steeped in cultural and religious acceptance, child marriage has become one of the most pervasive and enduring forms of sexual exploitation of young girls in the Middle East and North Africa.13 Within the region, child marriage takes many forms. Most commonly, these “marriages” resemble business transactions wherein very young girls are sold to much older men, often strangers, for a substantial dowry or forgiveness of a family debt.14 The practice of baad is a traditional method of settling disputes in Pakistan and Afghanistan where a young girl is traded as payment for a financial dispute.15 Some countries also recognize the Islamic practice of siqueh, or temporary marriages, and other forms of short-term contract marriages between young girls and wealthy older men.16 Often, these temporary “marriages” are used as a front for child prostitution, luring young girls away from their homes and into sexual and domestic slavery.17 In certain cultures, most prevalently in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Yemen, young girls are abducted and raped most often by young men and older widowers, and subsequently forced to marry their captors to protect their families’ honor.18 C


It's very prevalent in other parts of the world such as India.

Not a peep out of you.

You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.

I don't think you have a clue what the "true practice" of Islam and I've doubt you've even talked to a Muslim about his or her religion.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

The only one moving goal posts here is you with your Jew hating posts and Christian hating posts. You just cannot admit that Islam is not a good "religion" if that is what you would call it. It encourages hate and violence. That is a fact.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

Lol! No I'm not. I was just pointing out the misogyny of Islam. Are you saying it's not one of the most misogynist religions that oppresses women?

As to misgogyny - it depends on how it is followed don't you think? Hinduism can also be pretty damn misogynist as can orthodox Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity.
It is very PREVALENT in Muslim countries. Are you arguing this FACT?

Steeped in cultural and religious acceptance, child marriage has become one of the most pervasive and enduring forms of sexual exploitation of young girls in the Middle East and North Africa.13 Within the region, child marriage takes many forms. Most commonly, these “marriages” resemble business transactions wherein very young girls are sold to much older men, often strangers, for a substantial dowry or forgiveness of a family debt.14 The practice of baad is a traditional method of settling disputes in Pakistan and Afghanistan where a young girl is traded as payment for a financial dispute.15 Some countries also recognize the Islamic practice of siqueh, or temporary marriages, and other forms of short-term contract marriages between young girls and wealthy older men.16 Often, these temporary “marriages” are used as a front for child prostitution, luring young girls away from their homes and into sexual and domestic slavery.17 In certain cultures, most prevalently in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Yemen, young girls are abducted and raped most often by young men and older widowers, and subsequently forced to marry their captors to protect their families’ honor.18 C


It's very prevalent in other parts of the world such as India.

Not a peep out of you.

You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.

I don't think you have a clue what the "true practice" of Islam and I've doubt you've even talked to a Muslim about his or her religion.

I don't have to. It's said that they are allowed to lie to us too. Lol! You don't really know much about this religion that you defend, do you?
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

The only one moving goal posts here is you with your Jew hating posts and Christian hating posts. You just cannot admit that Islam is not a good "religion" if that is what you would call it. It encourages hate and violence. That is a fact.

What Jew hating posts?

What Christian hating posts?

Be specific or admit you're just flailing.
It's very prevalent in other parts of the world such as India.

Not a peep out of you.

You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.

I don't think you have a clue what the "true practice" of Islam and I've doubt you've even talked to a Muslim about his or her religion.

I don't have to. It's said that they are allowed to lie to us too. Lol! You don't really know much about this religion that you defend, do you?

Oh brother.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

Lol! No I'm not. I was just pointing out the misogyny of Islam. Are you saying it's not one of the most misogynist religions that oppresses women?

As to misgogyny - it depends on how it is followed don't you think? Hinduism can also be pretty damn misogynist as can orthodox Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity.

Sorry, but we don't see the same problems with the Jewish or the Christians. And if you think I'm not critical of Christians and other religions, then perhaps you should ask around about that. Lol! :D
You will twist and turn to avoid facing the facts, won't you? How pathetic. And you claim that you have "integrity" and you accuse others of moving the goal posts and going off.

hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.

I don't think you have a clue what the "true practice" of Islam and I've doubt you've even talked to a Muslim about his or her religion.

I don't have to. It's said that they are allowed to lie to us too. Lol! You don't really know much about this religion that you defend, do you?

Oh brother.

An expected response from you. :D No substance, no point because you've got nothing, as usual.
Okay? So there it is. I've posted only facts. The two of you have posted emotional drivel and NO facts. You have avoided facing and confronting the facts that I've posted, trying to blame Jews and Christians and anyone and everyone else besides the Islamic terrorists. It's really kind of sad that you cannot even face reality. You are SO concerned with being "politically correct" that you have become willfully ignorant.

You're confusing allowing men and women to worship together (or not - their choice after all) with terrorism and then throwing in "blaming" of others (for what exactly?) and putting it all into some kind of delusional rant rather than a coherent topic.

You're moving goalposts each time your argument gets countered.

Make up your mind.

Lol! No I'm not. I was just pointing out the misogyny of Islam. Are you saying it's not one of the most misogynist religions that oppresses women?

As to misgogyny - it depends on how it is followed don't you think? Hinduism can also be pretty damn misogynist as can orthodox Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity.

Sorry, but we don't see the same problems with the Jewish or the Christians. And if you think I'm not critical of Christians and other religions, then perhaps you should ask around about that. Lol! :D

Oh really? You don't see domestic violence? You don't see women having to pray seperately from men (that seems to be one of your definitions for misogyny), you don't see women keeping their heads covered or having to dress modestly? Or...you don't notice?
hmmm...they say if you throw a stone in a pack of dogs...the one that is hit yelps loudest. You're yelping.

Show us where you've gone off on child marriages in non-Mualim cultures. Otherwise, you've no integrity. You post a false image claiming to be Dearborn, you demonize American Muslims. Meh.

A false image? It's not a false image, dummy. Lol!

I think a lot of people who are westerners and Muslims are not practicing the TRUE religion of Islam. The true practitioners of Islam are ISIS. They practice a religion that has never been modified. There is no modifier to the Quran. The Christians have the NT which does not condone violence, does not glorify marrying children, etc.

I don't think you have a clue what the "true practice" of Islam and I've doubt you've even talked to a Muslim about his or her religion.

I don't have to. It's said that they are allowed to lie to us too. Lol! You don't really know much about this religion that you defend, do you?

Oh brother.

An expected response from you. :D No substance, no point because you've got nothing, as usual.

It's all your idiocy deserves.

As for refugees, Trump’s action “is a response to a phantom menace.”

Over the last four decades, 20 out of 3.25 million refugees welcomed to the United States have been convicted of attempting or committing terrorism on U.S. soil, and only three Americans have been killed in attacks committed by refugees—all by Cuban refugees in the 1970s.

Zero Americans have been killed by Syrian refugees in a terrorist attack in the United States.

Between 1975 and 2015, the “annual chance of being murdered by somebody other than a foreign-born terrorist was 252.9 times greater than the chance of dying in a terrorist attack committed by a foreign-born terrorist...

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