Oh Shut Up. Enough Already, Just Shut Up Snowflakes

When I was there I had no clue it was supposed to be some sort of scary Muslim no-go zone. Infact I had no clue it was even majorly Muslim.

There isn't even a majority of Muslims in Dearborn. Arabs (not muslims) barely represent 40% of the city of Dearborn's population, and an estimated 25% of Dearborn Heights.

Who'd have known give what people are saying - it's supposed to be a massively violent no-go-zone where "christians" get stoned and sharia is the law of the land :dunno:
That is a very big strawman post. No one is claiming Dearborn is a violent no-go zone...like the ones that exist in Europe. No Christians are being stoned and Sharia is not the law of the land.

Being very familiar with Dearborn, I know it has many Muslims and Arabs but nearly all are peaceful and want to be in the USA. They do not want Sharia. There are several really great restaurants too.
You are nothing more than a nit wit, Sassy. You do not know the history, and if you equate Irish indentured servitude with African American chattel slavery, than you are a witless fool.
Get lost, retard, nobody listens to you. You're on here everyday thinking you matter and everyone knows you're a fraud.
Irish slaves were not indentured servants. There is a huge difference, the former were involuntary and the latter were voluntary.

When Oliver Cromwell sold 100,000 Irish children into slavery it was SLAVERY, not indentured servitude.

The indentured ones were rarely ever free, any infraction added years to their service to the point they never were free. Most died still being indentured.

Yeah, the masters that would cheat their servants with accounting games on debts and so forth were usually well known and so the servants would plan their escapes for years and eventually slip off during a storm or other crisis, to never be seen again....and often being no further than just the next county over under a new name.

I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.
Get lost, retard, nobody listens to you. You're on here everyday thinking you matter and everyone knows you're a fraud.
Irish slaves were not indentured servants. There is a huge difference, the former were involuntary and the latter were voluntary.

When Oliver Cromwell sold 100,000 Irish children into slavery it was SLAVERY, not indentured servitude.

The indentured ones were rarely ever free, any infraction added years to their service to the point they never were free. Most died still being indentured.

Yeah, the masters that would cheat their servants with accounting games on debts and so forth were usually well known and so the servants would plan their escapes for years and eventually slip off during a storm or other crisis, to never be seen again....and often being no further than just the next county over under a new name.

I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.

In the Islamic world they castrated male slaves. Black slaves were treated much worse there then they were here.

Families were also separated in the Islamic world, not here, with very few exceptions. History is a wonderful thing, try reading some.
Irish slaves were not indentured servants. There is a huge difference, the former were involuntary and the latter were voluntary.

When Oliver Cromwell sold 100,000 Irish children into slavery it was SLAVERY, not indentured servitude.

The indentured ones were rarely ever free, any infraction added years to their service to the point they never were free. Most died still being indentured.

Yeah, the masters that would cheat their servants with accounting games on debts and so forth were usually well known and so the servants would plan their escapes for years and eventually slip off during a storm or other crisis, to never be seen again....and often being no further than just the next county over under a new name.

I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.

In the Islamic world they castrated male slaves. Black slaves were treated much worse there then they were here.

Families were also separated in the Islamic world, not here, with very few exceptions. History is a wonderful thing, try reading some.
And that is an excuse for African American Chattel Slavery. You think slaves were not tortured, castrated, whipped, murdered in the colonies in the US. You simply don't know your history. Read, little buddy, read.
The indentured ones were rarely ever free, any infraction added years to their service to the point they never were free. Most died still being indentured.

Yeah, the masters that would cheat their servants with accounting games on debts and so forth were usually well known and so the servants would plan their escapes for years and eventually slip off during a storm or other crisis, to never be seen again....and often being no further than just the next county over under a new name.

I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.

In the Islamic world they castrated male slaves. Black slaves were treated much worse there then they were here.

Families were also separated in the Islamic world, not here, with very few exceptions. History is a wonderful thing, try reading some.
And that is an excuse for African American Chattel Slavery. You think slaves were not tortured, castrated, whipped, murdered in the colonies in the US. You simply don't know your history. Read, little buddy, read.

Show me one example of castration. Besides yours. Also I never said those things did not happened, you said I did. Please don't pull that crap with me. It is disingenuous and dishonest..
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Yeah, the masters that would cheat their servants with accounting games on debts and so forth were usually well known and so the servants would plan their escapes for years and eventually slip off during a storm or other crisis, to never be seen again....and often being no further than just the next county over under a new name.

I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.

In the Islamic world they castrated male slaves. Black slaves were treated much worse there then they were here.

Families were also separated in the Islamic world, not here, with very few exceptions. History is a wonderful thing, try reading some.
And that is an excuse for African American Chattel Slavery. You think slaves were not tortured, castrated, whipped, murdered in the colonies in the US. You simply don't know your history. Read, little buddy, read.

Show me one example of castration. Besides yours.
You did not, and I certainly won't until you put up. Until then shut up. You really don't know your history at all.
I was very fortunate, my Grandfather taught me all this about my heritage and I was lucky in HS in having a wonderful history teacher that didn't alter the facts of history.

Motormouth Fake is spewing crap he's reading off left loon sites on the internet

The very best read on the topic is White Cargo by Michael Walsh, an excellent source and our children have read it
Telling you that as bad as Irish indentured servitude was that African American slavery was worse is not fake, Sassy. You just have to get over your prejudices and look at the facts honestly.

In the Islamic world they castrated male slaves. Black slaves were treated much worse there then they were here.

Families were also separated in the Islamic world, not here, with very few exceptions. History is a wonderful thing, try reading some.
And that is an excuse for African American Chattel Slavery. You think slaves were not tortured, castrated, whipped, murdered in the colonies in the US. You simply don't know your history. Read, little buddy, read.

Show me one example of castration. Besides yours.
You did not, and I certainly won't until you put up. Until then shut up. You really don't know your history at all.

An example?
Yes, we are waiting for you to prove your comment so that I can then show that my comment was correct.

Yes, we are waiting for you to prove your comment so that I can then show that my comment was correct.


You claimed castration was a part of American slavery. It was extremely rare. Now you claimed it wasn't, now prove it or STFU.
It is. You claimed in was part of other cultures without any evidence. You lied when you said I denied that it was part of other cultures. What I said what that it was part of American slave culture. You are very poor at lying, little buddy.

Put up or shut up.

It is. You claimed in was part of other cultures without any evidence. You lied when you said I denied that it was part of other cultures. What I said what that it was part of American slave culture. You are very poor at lying, little buddy.

Put up or shut up.

The Arab slave trade typically dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves. Black boys between the age of 8 and 12 had their scrotums and penises completely amputated to prevent them from reproducing. About six of every 10 boys bled to death during the procedure, according to some sources, but the high price brought by eunuchs on the market made the practice profitable.

Some men were castrated to be eunuchs in domestic service and the practice of neutering male slaves was not limited to only Black males. “The calipha in Baghdad at the beginning of the 10th Century had 7,000 black eunuchs and 4,000 white eunuchs in his palace,” writes author Ronald Segal in his 2002 book, Islam’s Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora.
10 Facts About The Arab Enslavement Of Black People Not Taught In Schools - Atlanta Black Star
And they are still at it.

Your turn Buckwheat.
About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc. I do commend you for your source.

Never make a challenge to someone if you have not affirmed your statement first.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

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About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

. Attempted rape by a slave, however, was not yet punishable by death in Virginia. Instead, slaves convicted of the attempted rape of a white female were castrated.

That from your link. So you have to be a rapist to be castrated. The only thing you have proven is that you are an ignorant hack.that plays the race card constantly and insults our culture whenever possible.

About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

. Attempted rape by a slave, however, was not yet punishable by death in Virginia. Instead, slaves convicted of the attempted rape of a white female were castrated.

That from your link. So you have to be a rapist to be castrated. The only thing you have proven is that you are an ignorant hack.that plays the race card constantly and insults our culture whenever possible.
Attempted rape. Read carefully. I called you out, proved that you were an impostor, and have been laughing at you since the beginning of this exchange.

How is telling the truth about our culture insulting our culture?


About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

. Attempted rape by a slave, however, was not yet punishable by death in Virginia. Instead, slaves convicted of the attempted rape of a white female were castrated.

That from your link. So you have to be a rapist to be castrated. The only thing you have proven is that you are an ignorant hack.that plays the race card constantly and insults our culture whenever possible.
Attempted rape. Read carefully. I called you out, proved that you were an impostor, and have been laughing at you since the beginning of this exchange.

How is telling the truth about our culture insulting our culture?

You have exaggerated the truth. The Islamic world was far crueler and you know it. Hack.

About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

. Attempted rape by a slave, however, was not yet punishable by death in Virginia. Instead, slaves convicted of the attempted rape of a white female were castrated.

That from your link. So you have to be a rapist to be castrated. The only thing you have proven is that you are an ignorant hack.that plays the race card constantly and insults our culture whenever possible.
Attempted rape. Read carefully. I called you out, proved that you were an impostor, and have been laughing at you since the beginning of this exchange.

How is telling the truth about our culture insulting our culture?

You have exaggerated the truth. The Islamic world was far crueler and you know it. Hack.
Where did I say it wasn't, hack? You hate being easily rebutted is your problem. A false sense of pride always leads to a fall, as you just found out it. You said that castration was not part of our slave culture's history, and I so easily proved you wrong. Don't be upset; be grateful for a learning moment.

About time, little buddy.

In some few cases, castration of American black slaves would keep the "virtue" of white women safe from supposed slave attack. More often castration could be the punishment for attempt rape of white women. Death could be imposed for rape of a white woman by a slave.

Lastamender is simply as poor at this as is ChrisL, sassy, and etc etc.

Is it true that black slaves in the south were sometimes castrated?.

Diane Miller Somerville, Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South, in Rape, Race, and Castration in Slave Law in the Colonial and Early South - Oxford Scholarship

. Attempted rape by a slave, however, was not yet punishable by death in Virginia. Instead, slaves convicted of the attempted rape of a white female were castrated.

That from your link. So you have to be a rapist to be castrated. The only thing you have proven is that you are an ignorant hack.that plays the race card constantly and insults our culture whenever possible.
Attempted rape. Read carefully. I called you out, proved that you were an impostor, and have been laughing at you since the beginning of this exchange.

How is telling the truth about our culture insulting our culture?

You have exaggerated the truth. The Islamic world was far crueler and you know it. Hack.
Where did I say it wasn't, hack? You hate being easily rebutted is your problem. A false sense of pride always leads to a fall, as you just found out it. You said that castration was not part of our slave culture's history, and I so easily proved you wrong. Don't be upset; be grateful for a learning moment.

You implied it was a regular activity. It simply was not. That is how you start lies, that is what you do, the truth of the matter means 0 to you.
Only in your sieved head. The sources pointed out it was used, and the punishment was on the colonial and state statutes.

You got handled. Get over it.
Only in your sieved head. The sources pointed out it was used, and the punishment was on the colonial and state statutes.

You got handled. Get over it.
You saying that might mean something to you, me or anyone else not so much.

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