Oh SNAP! Hannity & Fox News Throw Down the Gauntlet. Gagged Bakers Tell All.

Will you commit to turning in ANY judge suppressing Christians' 1st Amendment civil rights?

  • Yes, a civil right is a civil right. There are no favorites.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • No, LGBTs have superior civil rights to Christians.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
I hope they got paid for the interview. Their bigotry cost them quite the hefty fee after all.

Old School,...Listen it is simple... Refuse a gay person a cake....They sue...The religious nuts send load of money and the fine is paid with plenty left over....You should make $250k easy....By the way the bible is litter with plenty of reasons why it was a sin for those cake sellers not to sell that cake. Tolerance is a big part of the bible.

Yeah, but who is going to crowd-fund gays when the Christians sue their billboard makers for not printing a billboard that says "Homosexuality is a sin unto God" on principle?
I hope they got paid for the interview. Their bigotry cost them quite the hefty fee after all.

Old School,...Listen it is simple... Refuse a gay person a cake....They sue...The religious nuts send load of money and the fine is paid with plenty left over....You should make $250k easy....By the way the bible is litter with plenty of reasons why it was a sin for those cake sellers not to sell that cake. Tolerance is a big part of the bible.

Yeah, but who is going to crowd-fund gays when the Christians sue their billboard makers for not printing a billboard that says "Homosexuality is a sin unto God" on principle?
The roughly 60% of the population that knows you whiny little shits are fucking useless, and are damn sick of you crying like wet infants. And if they do it right, you'll never hear about it, they'll just cash the check and laugh all the way to the bank like I do with bigot bucks...
How am I fucked? Are you confused who we're talking about here?

The demonic Left overreached. This case is going to put an unconstitutional law before SCOTUS.

You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.
Did I say that? Or is that the Leftist movie that runs in your head?

That is exactly what you said. Getting rid of public accommodation laws legalizes the whites only lunch counter.
Now you're changing your claim to what I said. Now you're just lying.
"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

Well PA laws like the DOMA laws can be partially struck down. And this is where what I like to call "the uncomfortable conversation" comes in. That is, a conversation about the fact that homosexuality is an action, a verb and not a noun. Getting into the mechanics of that is going to happen to separate it out from the false premise of "race = behaviors".

OF COURSE people can decline to participate in behaviors-as-a-lifestyle! If not, the jews would be required to cater "Nazi Americans" gatherings. If the jews refused to participate in catering a black gathering based on race and nothing they believed in or were doing (let's say it was a puppy play party), then that would be racist and wrong.

One is doing, the other is being.
Your inability to deal with human sexuality, and human sexual orientation therefore, in a rational way is really quite disturbing. It's the product of a disturbed mind. And being the bearer of bad news, it's not the homosexuals who have a mental disturbance, it's you...
You must have never looked at the Folsum Parades, and Gay festival days in San Fran Sicko............Bondage acts in full display of the public is an okay event there but dare to put up a cross or christian Nativity Scene on public ground and the permit is denied..............Separation of Church and State.........Separation of Church and State............the Battle Cry of the Leftist Brigades.................but want a nudist event..............That's Freedom of Speech man..........dude................

Churches need not apply in the Hypocracy of the Lunatic Fringe left.................and in this case your Freedom of Religion to live your life and small business need not apply to the Heathens of the left.
I applaud Hannity for allowing them to make their side of the case heard..................and applaud those helping them out after they have lost their business over standing firm on their principles of Faith and Religion.....................A small business is an extension of their home and the way they choose to live their life...............courts ordering them to pay fines for their faith is utter BS.............and 135k after already losing their business is Ass Inine...............The Ass.........perfect symbol for the lunatic fringe of the Democratic Party..............

Obey or I'll sue............the battle cry for faggot regiments with rainbow colors of the leftist brigades..........
You think the SCOTUS is going to make homosexuals second class citizens in the area of commerce? Really?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

You honestly believe that the whites only lunch counter is coming back?

You're a fucking retard.
Did I say that? Or is that the Leftist movie that runs in your head?

That is exactly what you said. Getting rid of public accommodation laws legalizes the whites only lunch counter.
Now you're changing your claim to what I said. Now you're just lying.

Do you understand that if there were no anti-discrimination public accommodation laws then whites only businesses become legal again?
Getting rid of public accommodation laws and restoring freedom of association levels the playing field for everyone. Or has your mind been so perverted that you think homosexuality is the only thing going on in this country?

So if people want to discriminate against Blacks, Jews, Old people, etc. that's okay with you?

Or do you just want to make it okay to discriminate against gays.

You run a business, you can't discriminate. That DOES level the playing field.

If your religious conscience doesn't allow you to serve certain people, you have the option of not being in that business.
I applaud Hannity for allowing them to make their side of the case heard..................and applaud those helping them out after they have lost their business over standing firm on their principles of Faith and Religion.....................A small business is an extension of their home and the way they choose to live their life...............courts ordering them to pay fines for their faith is utter BS.............and 135k after already losing their business is Ass Inine...............The Ass.........perfect symbol for the lunatic fringe of the Democratic Party..............

Obey or I'll sue............the battle cry for faggot regiments with rainbow colors of the leftist brigades..........

They didn't lose their business. They took it on line, probably because they couldn't afford to maintain a storefront. I'm getting the feeling these people probably suck at business.

They got hit with a big fine because after numerous attempts to reach a settlement, these assholes kept upping the ante by siding with hate groups like the Family Research Council (You know, the group with the pedophile on the board that is totally against the gays.) They did things like publicize the names and addresses of the people who complained about them.
I applaud Hannity for allowing them to make their side of the case heard..................and applaud those helping them out after they have lost their business over standing firm on their principles of Faith and Religion.....................A small business is an extension of their home and the way they choose to live their life...............courts ordering them to pay fines for their faith is utter BS.............and 135k after already losing their business is Ass Inine...............The Ass.........perfect symbol for the lunatic fringe of the Democratic Party..............

Obey or I'll sue............the battle cry for faggot regiments with rainbow colors of the leftist brigades..........

They didn't lose their business. They took it on line, probably because they couldn't afford to maintain a storefront. I'm getting the feeling these people probably suck at business.

They got hit with a big fine because after numerous attempts to reach a settlement, these assholes kept upping the ante by siding with hate groups like the Family Research Council (You know, the group with the pedophile on the board that is totally against the gays.) They did things like publicize the names and addresses of the people who complained about them.
Donations are already pouring in above the level of the fine..............as they prepare to take this case to the highest court in the country............main question...............is the small business an extension of their home...........Where does Freedom of Religion end and PA begin to eventually be decided by SCOTUS on this one................

In the current SSM debate...............those voting against SSM warned this would occur.....................hell it was already occurring............

It isn't over.................not by a long shot..............Judicial Activism works both ways JOE........
Donations are already pouring in above the level of the fine..............as they prepare to take this case to the highest court in the country............main question...............is the small business an extension of their home...........Where does Freedom of Religion end and PA begin to eventually be decided by SCOTUS on this one................

Not really. The Supreme court has already refused to hear cases like this, and they'll ignore this one as well. Because once you say, "You can discriminate against gays', then you can discriminate against Jews, Mormons, Blacks, Asians, redheads, people with tatoos or any other thing you can make up a religious excuse about. Not a can of worms SCOTUS wants to open.

In the current SSM debate...............those voting against SSM warned this would occur.....................hell it was already occurring............

It isn't over.................not by a long shot..............Judicial Activism works both ways JOE........

Except, again, SCOTUS isn't going to open that can of worms.

For instance, should I be able to refuse to do business with Mormons because I think they are heretics? Of course not. (I wouldn't do business with Mormon because they are back-stabbing pieces of shit, but that's another story.) But under the logic you just laid out, I could have a religious argument to refuse service to Mormons. Or Jews because they dont' accept Jesus and killed him. Or Blacks because God Cursed Ham for looking at Noah when he was naked.

All sorts of bizarre excuses I could come up with for discriminating against people if you grant a wide religious exception.
We shall see.................in the mean time.............any who refuse to OBEY will be punished and or put out of business........................and people like you will Cheer and Jeer....................

Just as your side did attacking a WWI War memorial with the symbol of the cross..........

The ACLU............the KKK of the Democratic Party attacking Religion one case at a time..............
We shall see.................in the mean time.............any who refuse to OBEY will be punished and or put out of business........................and people like you will Cheer and Jeer....................

Just as your side did attacking a WWI War memorial with the symbol of the cross..........

The ACLU............the KKK of the Democratic Party attacking Religion one case at a time..............

Could you put up the unedited version of your post?

We shall see.................in the mean time.............any who refuse to OBEY will be punished and or put out of business........................and people like you will Cheer and Jeer....................

Just as your side did attacking a WWI War memorial with the symbol of the cross..........

The ACLU............the KKK of the Democratic Party attacking Religion one case at a time..............

Could you put up the unedited version of your post?

Sure...........no problem............here you go...........

We shall see.................in the mean time.............any who refuse to OBEY will be punished and or put out of business........................and people like you will Cheer and Jeer....................

Just as your side did attacking a WWI War memorial with the symbol of the cross..........

The ACLU............the KKK of the Democratic Party attacking Religion one case at a time..............

Your religious symbols don't belong on public land. Sorry.

It seems to me that you religious people want it both ways. You want the law to give you special carve outs like tax exemptions and free utilities that the rest of us have to pay for, but you don't want to obey the same laws the rest of us have to follow.

If the Kleins feel that their religion demands they have nothing to do with gays, then they shouldn't be in a business that gays patronize. That seems like a pretty fair and simple solution.
no one ever said or implied that whites only lunch counters should come back. as to a fuckin retard---you have that one locked up

"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

No it means that segregation and discrimination come back.

No surprise that conservatives think that means 'freedom'.

No, it doesn't. PA laws do not override the first amendment.

Sorry, but if you put a sign in the window of your business that says, in any manner,

we don't serve gays, or we don't serve blacks,

you have refused service to those people. That is against the law.

Just one question: as a gay person why would you want to do business with anyone who did not approve of your lifestyle? why would you want to increase the profit margin of a business that did not approve of gay marriage?

Answer: no reason other than to stir up shit.
"Getting rid of public accommodation laws..."

What do you think that means?

No it means that segregation and discrimination come back.

No surprise that conservatives think that means 'freedom'.

No, it doesn't. PA laws do not override the first amendment.

Sorry, but if you put a sign in the window of your business that says, in any manner,

we don't serve gays, or we don't serve blacks,

you have refused service to those people. That is against the law.

Just one question: as a gay person why would you want to do business with anyone who did not approve of your lifestyle? why would you want to increase the profit margin of a business that did not approve of gay marriage?

Answer: no reason other than to stir up shit.

Why not ask black people why they wanted to sit at the Woolworth counter? Why not ask disabled people why they want access to goods and services? Why not ask religious people why they are protected in all 50 states against discrimination?
Just one question: as a gay person why would you want to do business with anyone who did not approve of your lifestyle? why would you want to increase the profit margin of a business that did not approve of gay marriage?

Answer: no reason other than to stir up shit.
It's more important to force people to pretend gender is irrelevant. They live the lie and want everyone else to participate.
Just one question: as a gay person why would you want to do business with anyone who did not approve of your lifestyle? why would you want to increase the profit margin of a business that did not approve of gay marriage?

Answer: no reason other than to stir up shit.
It's more important to force people to pretend gender is irrelevant. They live the lie and want everyone else to participate.

yes, its another step towards thought control. The left is determined to punish non-compliant thoughts. Hate crime legislation is another example. in their small minds its a worse crime if you are killed because of your race than if you are killed to steal your money. Either way you are dead and the other person is a murderer. But liberals want more severe punishment based on what the murderer was thinking at the time.

Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. Their writings are proving true.
We shall see.................in the mean time.............any who refuse to OBEY will be punished and or put out of business........................and people like you will Cheer and Jeer....................

Just as your side did attacking a WWI War memorial with the symbol of the cross..........

The ACLU............the KKK of the Democratic Party attacking Religion one case at a time..............

Your religious symbols don't belong on public land. Sorry.

It seems to me that you religious people want it both ways. You want the law to give you special carve outs like tax exemptions and free utilities that the rest of us have to pay for, but you don't want to obey the same laws the rest of us have to follow.

If the Kleins feel that their religion demands they have nothing to do with gays, then they shouldn't be in a business that gays patronize. That seems like a pretty fair and simple solution.
Liberal logic..............Apply to put up a Nativity scene at a park to show their views............DENIED.............
BUT it's just FINE AND DANDY to allow nudist to run through Stark Assed Naked...................and they don't see a problem with it...............

The VFW gave the Cross to the Gov't.............for a MEMORIAL.................It was on PRIVATE LAND until that point..................and wasn't a problem until the Joes of the world found it OFFENSIVE.................the VFW offered to move it to PRIVATE LAND.............but that wasn't enough for the ACLU.............THEY DEMANDED IT DESTROYED.

And Liberal Garbage like Joe defend it.

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