Ohio GOP sticks voters with $3 million bill after refusing to fund postage for mail-in ballots

These Republican Trump bootlickers are hellbent on voter suppression

Looking out for the common voter huh?
For the sake of your credibility here...link us to your condemnation of Mexifornia spending $25 BILLION per year on their pet human wetbacks. Thanks in advance.

What is Election Mail?

It’s any item mailed to or from authorized election officials that enables citizens to participate in the voting process — including ballots, voter registration cards, absentee voting applications and polling place notifications.


I would say that the issue is well covered by USPS..
you forgot the worst of all election mail.....the political bullshit that the candidates mail out....
If you read the USPS website POLITICAL MAIL is NOT covered... Only official balloting is.
i dont need to read it i delivered the shit for many years and you asked what is election mail.....the shit that the candidates send out is election mail....
Not according to USPS.. Political mail is differnt. The ballots all have a bar code on them which triggers marking just as all official voting mail does.. The readers and sorters use this bar code for fast tracking and delivery.
ELECTION mail is anything that is coming out concerning the election...when election mail comes in it is labeled with big red tags that say...ELECTION MAIL....please expedite....and it will also give you the law concerning said mail and the penalties for obstructing it.....
The courts will fix this. You can't charge people to vote.
No different than paying for gas to vote in person.

And yet it is. Watch. The state will pay.
No, it isn’t. If I have to buy the gas to vote in person I am being charged to vote. You are trying to have it both ways.
If I have to take off work to vote and my company doesn't pay for my time, I'm being charged.

If you vote by mail you will not have that problem.
Hence absentee voting, which we've had for a long time. No need to monkey with that at all.

It was always free and should stay that way. The Republitards in office are only trying to carry out Trump's bidding to suppressing mail in voting.
its not free, someone is paying the postage.....

Its for voting, so regardless no one should be paying for s stamp to vote.
so who is paying that postage?.....it doesnt move for free through the PO....
The courts will fix this. You can't charge people to vote.
No different than paying for gas to vote in person.

And yet it is. Watch. The state will pay.
No, it isn’t. If I have to buy the gas to vote in person I am being charged to vote. You are trying to have it both ways.
If I have to take off work to vote and my company doesn't pay for my time, I'm being charged.

If you vote by mail you will not have that problem.
Hence absentee voting, which we've had for a long time. No need to monkey with that at all.

It was always free and should stay that way. The Republitards in office are only trying to carry out Trump's bidding to suppressing mail in voting.
its not free, someone is paying the postage.....

Its for voting, so regardless no one should be paying for s stamp to vote.
bass someone is paying for that postage.....who is it?.....
The courts will fix this. You can't charge people to vote.
No different than paying for gas to vote in person.

And yet it is. Watch. The state will pay.
No, it isn’t. If I have to buy the gas to vote in person I am being charged to vote. You are trying to have it both ways.
If I have to take off work to vote and my company doesn't pay for my time, I'm being charged.

If you vote by mail you will not have that problem.
Hence absentee voting, which we've had for a long time. No need to monkey with that at all.

It was always free and should stay that way. The Republitards in office are only trying to carry out Trump's bidding to suppressing mail in voting.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants in the corner again? Seriously, the absentee ballot and voting in person systems have worked for a long time, why mess with them? I can tell you why, it's a cynical attempt to introduce more chaos and opportunities for fraud. Expect to hear about "discoveries" of boxes of democrat marked ballots for weeks after the election.
The courts will fix this. You can't charge people to vote.
No different than paying for gas to vote in person.

And yet it is. Watch. The state will pay.
No, it isn’t. If I have to buy the gas to vote in person I am being charged to vote. You are trying to have it both ways.
If I have to take off work to vote and my company doesn't pay for my time, I'm being charged.

If you vote by mail you will not have that problem.
Hence absentee voting, which we've had for a long time. No need to monkey with that at all.

It was always free and should stay that way. The Republitards in office are only trying to carry out Trump's bidding to suppressing mail in voting.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants in the corner again? Seriously, the absentee ballot and voting in person systems have worked for a long time, why mess with them? I can tell you why, it's a cynical attempt to introduce more chaos and opportunities for fraud. Expect to hear about "discoveries" of boxes of democrat marked ballots for weeks after the election.
Without an official postmark or received time/date stamp at the polling center they will not be valid. Polls in my state are required to log them and have two poll worker signatures (One democrat and one republican) to accept the ballot. IF this simple step is taken magical ballots will be few and far between.
I hope this puts a kibosh to most of those magical ballots appearing.

What is Election Mail?

It’s any item mailed to or from authorized election officials that enables citizens to participate in the voting process — including ballots, voter registration cards, absentee voting applications and polling place notifications.


I would say that the issue is well covered by USPS..
you forgot the worst of all election mail.....the political bullshit that the candidates mail out....
If you read the USPS website POLITICAL MAIL is NOT covered... Only official balloting is.
i dont need to read it i delivered the shit for many years and you asked what is election mail.....the shit that the candidates send out is election mail....
Not according to USPS.. Political mail is differnt. The ballots all have a bar code on them which triggers marking just as all official voting mail does.. The readers and sorters use this bar code for fast tracking and delivery.
ELECTION mail is anything that is coming out concerning the election...when election mail comes in it is labeled with big red tags that say...ELECTION MAIL....please expedite....and it will also give you the law concerning said mail and the penalties for obstructing it.....
I was simply pointing out what USPS policy is. Over sight is a real problem it seems.

What is Election Mail?

It’s any item mailed to or from authorized election officials that enables citizens to participate in the voting process — including ballots, voter registration cards, absentee voting applications and polling place notifications.


I would say that the issue is well covered by USPS..
you forgot the worst of all election mail.....the political bullshit that the candidates mail out....
If you read the USPS website POLITICAL MAIL is NOT covered... Only official balloting is.
i dont need to read it i delivered the shit for many years and you asked what is election mail.....the shit that the candidates send out is election mail....
Not according to USPS.. Political mail is differnt. The ballots all have a bar code on them which triggers marking just as all official voting mail does.. The readers and sorters use this bar code for fast tracking and delivery.
ELECTION mail is anything that is coming out concerning the election...when election mail comes in it is labeled with big red tags that say...ELECTION MAIL....please expedite....and it will also give you the law concerning said mail and the penalties for obstructing it.....
I was simply pointing out what USPS policy is. Over sight is a real problem it seems.
and i was pointing out what election mail is....and when it comes to political mail,there is lots of oversight ......
The courts will fix this. You can't charge people to vote.
No different than paying for gas to vote in person.

And yet it is. Watch. The state will pay.
No, it isn’t. If I have to buy the gas to vote in person I am being charged to vote. You are trying to have it both ways.
If I have to take off work to vote and my company doesn't pay for my time, I'm being charged.

If you vote by mail you will not have that problem.
Hence absentee voting, which we've had for a long time. No need to monkey with that at all.

It was always free and should stay that way. The Republitards in office are only trying to carry out Trump's bidding to suppressing mail in voting.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding behind the potted plants in the corner again? Seriously, the absentee ballot and voting in person systems have worked for a long time, why mess with them? I can tell you why, it's a cynical attempt to introduce more chaos and opportunities for fraud. Expect to hear about "discoveries" of boxes of democrat marked ballots for weeks after the election.
Without an official postmark or received time/date stamp at the polling center they will not be valid. Polls in my state are required to log them and have two poll worker signatures (One democrat and one republican) to accept the ballot. IF this simple step is taken magical ballots will be few and far between.
I hope this puts a kibosh to most of those magical ballots appearing.
I remember a lot of wailing in 2000 about "the will of the voter" in an attempt to count ineligible ballots. I can hear the consternation now when these are "discovered". If the ballot was cast by Mickey Mouse, they'll want it counted if it was for Biden.
The only nail-in ballots that should even be accepted are Absentee Ballots requested by the voter personally, with an explanation of why they cannot appear in-person to vote.

We need to be making it more DIFFICULT for the 90% of the American public thst shouldn’t be allowed to vote to begin with.

What was Trump's excuse? Other presidents were able to vote on election day.
And if he flew to Florida to vote in person you would piss your Depends about him wasting tax dollars instead of voting absentee.


Every other president has been able to vote in person. Do you have examples where anyone complained?
The only nail-in ballots that should even be accepted are Absentee Ballots requested by the voter personally, with an explanation of why they cannot appear in-person to vote.

We need to be making it more DIFFICULT for the 90% of the American public thst shouldn’t be allowed to vote to begin with.

What was Trump's excuse? Other presidents were able to vote on election day.
And if he flew to Florida to vote in person you would piss your Depends about him wasting tax dollars instead of voting absentee.


Every other president has been able to vote in person. Do you have examples where anyone complained?
Trump isn't every other President. Don't try to deny you would whine, piss, and moan no matter how Trump voted.
I can't believe this thread is still going. It has to be one of the dumbest lines of attack against ANYONE.

And not a single leftist nut job ever responded to my question asking if the Dems paid for your gas/cab/bus to go vote.

Owning a firearm is a right. Should the government pay for it? Does the government drive you to spend your foodstamps or cash your welfare check?

Asinine how fucking lazy and infantile the morons can be.

These Republican Trump bootlickers are hellbent on voter suppression
You can still vote. Get off your dead ass and go to a polling place like Americans have done for 250 years.idiot.

Exactly. And if he wants the convenience of absentee voting, he can buy a stamp. I mean OMG these people are lazy and cheap

These Republican Trump bootlickers are hellbent on voter suppression
You can still vote. Get off your dead ass and go to a polling place like Americans have done for 250 years.idiot.

Exactly. And if he wants the convenience of absentee voting, he can buy a stamp. I mean OMG these people are lazy and cheap
Worse, they're corrupt and hate this country.
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No desperation and cheating monies paid for by us for the PO to have more workers to accommodate the fraud
Luckily our mail-in ballots don't require a stamp here in Arizona. For voters its more a matter of convenience than costs. Knowing Ohio, for sure during the weeks when ballots can be returned the Democrats will be providing stamps in locations where they're strong. Then come election day it'll be free transportation for those needing a ride to the polling place.
The only nail-in ballots that should even be accepted are Absentee Ballots requested by the voter personally, with an explanation of why they cannot appear in-person to vote.

We need to be making it more DIFFICULT for the 90% of the American public thst shouldn’t be allowed to vote to begin with.

What was Trump's excuse? Other presidents were able to vote on election day.
And if he flew to Florida to vote in person you would piss your Depends about him wasting tax dollars instead of voting absentee.


Every other president has been able to vote in person. Do you have examples where anyone complained?
Trump isn't every other President. Don't try to deny you would whine, piss, and moan no matter how Trump voted.

I'm not the one complaining how people vote. You are.

These Republican Trump bootlickers are hellbent on voter suppression
Voters got stuck with a $3 million bill?


That's the same as saying voters got stuck with a $300 Billion Navy Fleet upgrade, except the government actually took money from voters to build the ships.

To vote by mail, one must pay.....what....$0.50 for a stamp?

Wouldn't a more accurate statement be, GOP stuck voters with a $0.50 bill?
The only nail-in ballots that should even be accepted are Absentee Ballots requested by the voter personally, with an explanation of why they cannot appear in-person to vote.

We need to be making it more DIFFICULT for the 90% of the American public thst shouldn’t be allowed to vote to begin with.

What was Trump's excuse? Other presidents were able to vote on election day.
And if he flew to Florida to vote in person you would piss your Depends about him wasting tax dollars instead of voting absentee.


Every other president has been able to vote in person. Do you have examples where anyone complained?
Trump isn't every other President. Don't try to deny you would whine, piss, and moan no matter how Trump voted.

I'm not the one complaining how people vote. You are.
I am? Show the post of mine complaining how people vote.

And it is YOU complaining how Trump votes, Dummy.

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