Ohio gov Kasich blasts trump for enforcing immigration laws. Kasich is a repub!!!

We can only hope. He’s disgusting

I wouldn't worry about Kasich. Nobody in Ohio even pays attention to him anymore. The only thing I thank him for is our new bridges going in and out of downtown. The old one going eastbound was so bad they didn't even allow trucks on it. Today those bridges are beautiful with five lanes going in each direction.

I heard somewhere that he wants to make a split-ticket presidential run with Hickenlooper.


I think by the time the next election is up Kasich will be burned out or doing something else. Kasich was humiliated by Trump and there's no sense of getting humiliated twice.
Pohahaha most rapists are US born. Illegal immigrants risk their lives, work hard to provide foe their families.

Work hard?? HAHAHA. Most illegals are on welfare. All they need is one anchor baby and the whole household gets a fortune.
Kasich is not a Republican.

Republicans Protect the Republic. He is FAR from a Republican.
These "Beasts" in Congress that call themselves "Republican" are infiltrators.
It's the way the enemy steals a nations. From the INSIDE.
When illegal, criminal parents drop you on U.S. soil and in the laps of good, hard working REAL Americans to fund...You are legal by illegal means...you are an anchor baby...you are ...yep, BARELY LEGAL.

No - anchor babies are not legal at all. The 14th amendment says the kid must be subject to the political jurisdiction of america and if the mother is an illegal then the kid inherits her nationality.
Kasich has never had a real job in his life. Politician, investment banker, and newsreader on TV.
Kasich has never had a real job in his life. Politician, investment banker, and newsreader on TV.

His big plan was to cut funding to cities and towns across the state. He did so right after the recession. The idea was to bring the state out of the red that the Democrat Governor put us in.

It worked like he planned. However cities and towns went in the red instead. Afterwards, he gave us a state tax cut because we had the funds to do so.

It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. My suburb never recovered and we are still in the red with services cut to the bare bone. Now he wants to bring in all the illegals he can????
Why would a republican support illegals knowing that 99% are gonna vote for the welfare party??. Answer - he's taking corporate bribes or bribes from the mexican govt. Actually, it could be blackmail too. Does mexico have pics of him with a 6 year old boy? This is insane. No repub should ever support illegals.

'That's Not My Country': John Kasich Calls ICE Agents 'Dead Wrong' for Enforcing Law - Breitbart

feb 2 2018 Ohio Governor John Kasich says federal immigration officials following federal laws by deporting illegal aliens is “not my country.”
In an interview with open borders activist and journalist Jorge Ramos, Kasich said Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were “dead wrong” for enforcing federal immigration laws by deporting illegal aliens back to their native countries.

Ramos asked Kasich if he believed the current 12 to 30 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States should be allowed to stay in the country permanently. Kasich responded:

I don’t think they should be citizens, but I think they should be able to be here, yes, and live in our country. But the idea that we would try to just go round them up… and look, these stories where these ICE agents are going into people’s homes, to me, that’s not my country. That’s not the way that I think we should handle these things. I think it’s dead wrong.

Earlier in the interview, Kasich said he opposed President Trump’s popular, pro-American views on immigration, favoring a multicultural society.

“I happen to believe that a society that allows people to come in with kind of different views, different attitudes, different beliefs, strengthens your country, it doesn’t weaken your country,” Kasich said.

He is a butt hurt clown who is trying to earn brownie points so he can run again.
"Republicans are not cruel for enforcing immigration law. Both parties are cruel for bickering over political nonsense for 30 years and allowing children to grow into adults with no legal status and suddenly demanding a resolution." - President Trump
"Republicans are not cruel for enforcing immigration law. Both parties are cruel for bickering over political nonsense for 30 years and allowing children to grow into adults with no legal status and suddenly demanding a resolution." - President Trump

Sounds like trump is an illegal alien appeaser. If you want to blame anyone blame the illegals who invaded america and brought their kids with them.

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