Ohio Joins The Attempt To Shit on The Constitution and Eliminate The Electoral College

This is not an amendment.

It is illegal legislation designed to steal EC votes and throw them to a candidate that did not win that state!

Calm down Skippy.

The constitution was written to be amended from time to time.
Only in America can the candidate who wins fewer votes can get elected.

Doesn't that seem like a bad way to run a democratic republic?

How so? The EC gives smaller states a seat at the table. Popular vote would eliminate any input they have in our presidential election. Or think of it this way: New York city has over 8 million people. That's more people in one city than the nine less populated states in our country. How would it be fair that only one city has more power of a presidential election than nine states?

If the intent of our founders was a Democrat system, they would have created one. Instead, they created a representative Republic.
The EC gives small states a HUGE advantage. It's essentially a tyranny of the minority, especially when you throw in the fact that states with 450,000 people have 2 Senators and states with 25 million have 2 Senators. Throw in a healthy hunk of gerrymandering and Republicans have one party rule while having millions fewer voters

Oh really? How long have Republicans had this one-party rule?

Would you like me to show you how the lowest 12 populated states still have less electoral votes than the top populated state? So if 12 states have less electoral votes than one state, how is that having more power?

Oh, FFS; cry US a fucking river, already .........
It gives electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, how is this unfair? Unfair is my presidential vote has only counted one time in my life.

It's unfair because if we use our popular vote to give our electoral votes to a candidate which what has always been done in this country, the national popular vote wipes out all our votes. If we voted for Trump by a popular vote, and ultimately give Trump our EC votes, then the national vote (which went to Hillary) would eradicate our EC and popular votes of our state.

In other words we overwhelmingly voted for Trump and he got our EC votes. If this proposal had any chance in hell of becoming policy, then we in Ohio voted for Trump, but our votes would go to Hillary anyway.

So, what you are saying is that you & other Trump voters are actually snowflakes. haha

Objecting to un-Americans trying to cheat us out of our vote is being a snowflake?

look jack ass, in every election except for the POTUS election a vote counts for a vote; NOT a fucking representation of a goddamn vote.
If you & all of your 100 plus year old clan of jack asses wanna be living in antiquity, then you go girl but the times they are a changin' & for the better, via a Constitutional mechanism.

bla ......

Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.
OMG! we need to DO SOMETHING !!!

Wait....I know what we can do about it.....let's bitch on forums even MORE !!!! Yeah, that'll show em!

Ahhhh..there....don't ya feel better already?
Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

I do.....they're making impressive gains on the takeover...why would they quit now?

(IOW......when you reach 50 BILLION posts, you won't have even influenced ONE snowflake to change. Not ONE.

Gotta be a better way to go about this?
It gives electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, how is this unfair? Unfair is my presidential vote has only counted one time in my life.

It's unfair because if we use our popular vote to give our electoral votes to a candidate which what has always been done in this country, the national popular vote wipes out all our votes. If we voted for Trump by a popular vote, and ultimately give Trump our EC votes, then the national vote (which went to Hillary) would eradicate our EC and popular votes of our state.

In other words we overwhelmingly voted for Trump and he got our EC votes. If this proposal had any chance in hell of becoming policy, then we in Ohio voted for Trump, but our votes would go to Hillary anyway.

So, what you are saying is that you & other Trump voters are actually snowflakes. haha

Objecting to un-Americans trying to cheat us out of our vote is being a snowflake?

look jack ass, in every election except for the POTUS election a vote counts for a vote; NOT a fucking representation of a goddamn vote.
If you & all of your 100 plus year old clan of jack asses wanna be living in antiquity, then you go girl but the times they are a changin' & for the better, via a Constitutional mechanism.

bla ......

Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

Like I said dip shit; the Dems are attempting to make the change via a Constitutional mechanism.

Just because you & your fellow bed wetting Republicunts can't latch onto that; well, that is your fucking problem.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

you cannot shit on the constitution by doing something it gives the power to do
/——/ The Constitution trumps state law and the EC is the constitution

Let me type this a bit slower for you since you have such poor reading comprehension...

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

They're Russian trolls with no understanding of the Constitution so he has no clue what you're saying.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

you cannot shit on the constitution by doing something it gives the power to do
/——/ The Constitution trumps state law and the EC is the constitution

Let me type this a bit slower for you since you have such poor reading comprehension...

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

They're Russian trolls with no understanding of the Constitution so he has no clue what you're saying.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
It's unfair because if we use our popular vote to give our electoral votes to a candidate which what has always been done in this country, the national popular vote wipes out all our votes. If we voted for Trump by a popular vote, and ultimately give Trump our EC votes, then the national vote (which went to Hillary) would eradicate our EC and popular votes of our state.

In other words we overwhelmingly voted for Trump and he got our EC votes. If this proposal had any chance in hell of becoming policy, then we in Ohio voted for Trump, but our votes would go to Hillary anyway.

So, what you are saying is that you & other Trump voters are actually snowflakes. haha

Objecting to un-Americans trying to cheat us out of our vote is being a snowflake?

look jack ass, in every election except for the POTUS election a vote counts for a vote; NOT a fucking representation of a goddamn vote.
If you & all of your 100 plus year old clan of jack asses wanna be living in antiquity, then you go girl but the times they are a changin' & for the better, via a Constitutional mechanism.

bla ......

Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

Like I said dip shit; the Dems are attempting to make the change via a Constitutional mechanism.

Just because you & your fellow bed wetting Republicunts can't latch onto that; well, that is your fucking problem.

No, they are trying to change the Ohio Constitution, not the US Constitution. The problem with that is the Ohio Constitution doesn't supersede the US Constitution. It works the other way around.

So even if this passes which is a chance in hell, it will be overturned eventually.
Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

I do.....they're making impressive gains on the takeover...why would they quit now?

(IOW......when you reach 50 BILLION posts, you won't have even influenced ONE snowflake to change. Not ONE.

Gotta be a better way to go about this?

Not really. The idea is to keep the message out there.

It's like when liberals try to stop conservative speakers. They do it out of fear. When liberals want to have a town hall or rally, we welcome it. Why? We want the entire country (and world) to know what liberals are all about. They DONT' want to let the country know what conservatives are all about, because what they say will change some minds.

When liberals speak, our talk show hosts play what they say, they write what they say. The best thing for conservatives is to amplify their retarded views and opinions. When they speak, we ask if they need any help. Can we post what you say? Can we turn up the PA or something? What can we do to help you get your message out?

Liberals can't do that with conservatives, because conservatism is pragmatism.
Like I said dip shit; the Dems are attempting to make the change via a Constitutional mechanism.
Just because you & your fellow bed wetting Republicunts can't latch onto that; well, that is your fucking problem.

ONLY reason you can say some shit like this and get away with it ......
Is because the Righties really are bed wetters......nothing to worry about. You can say or do anything. You "might" get half an earful of bitch n moan is about it.
But you wouldn't talk like that to a Muslim. THEY will F you UP!
Notice how the story about the Leftist who beat the daylights out of the Conservative at UC Berkeley has gone away quietly?

Yeahhhhhh....if this is who's defending the Constitution.....I'd say the Constitution is in trouble. :gay:
Sean Hannity...."scary dude" huh? Please!:abgg2q.jpg:

fat guntard.jpg
So, what you are saying is that you & other Trump voters are actually snowflakes. haha

Objecting to un-Americans trying to cheat us out of our vote is being a snowflake?

look jack ass, in every election except for the POTUS election a vote counts for a vote; NOT a fucking representation of a goddamn vote.
If you & all of your 100 plus year old clan of jack asses wanna be living in antiquity, then you go girl but the times they are a changin' & for the better, via a Constitutional mechanism.

bla ......

Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

Like I said dip shit; the Dems are attempting to make the change via a Constitutional mechanism.

Just because you & your fellow bed wetting Republicunts can't latch onto that; well, that is your fucking problem.

No, they are trying to change the Ohio Constitution, not the US Constitution. The problem with that is the Ohio Constitution doesn't supersede the US Constitution. It works the other way around.

So even if this passes which is a chance in hell, it will be overturned eventually.
What are they looking to change dippy? How their electoral votes are counted? They have the right to do that under the US Constitution
Well when you can change the Constitution, go for it gal. But you Commies are always looking for ways to get around it because you totally hate the Constitution. I have no idea why you even stay in this country.

I do.....they're making impressive gains on the takeover...why would they quit now?

(IOW......when you reach 50 BILLION posts, you won't have even influenced ONE snowflake to change. Not ONE.

Gotta be a better way to go about this?

Not really. The idea is to keep the message out there.

It's like when liberals try to stop conservative speakers. They do it out of fear. When liberals want to have a town hall or rally, we welcome it. Why? We want the entire country (and world) to know what liberals are all about. They DONT' want to let the country know what conservatives are all about, because what they say will change some minds.

When liberals speak, our talk show hosts play what they say, they write what they say. The best thing for conservatives is to amplify their retarded views and opinions. When they speak, we ask if they need any help. Can we post what you say? Can we turn up the PA or something? What can we do to help you get your message out?

Liberals can't do that with conservatives, because conservatism is pragmatism.
You ought to look up “pragmatism”.Last time I Did it meant “doing what works”

That sure ain’t conservatism unless what you are trying to do is troll libs.
Not a lot of value in that though
Ray, what's gonna happen is things will keep going the way they've been going for 100 years or more now.

Little by little the Constitution is being made irrelevant. Little by little we lose our rights until eventually we have none. Getting close now I 'd say.
People today think it's perfectly "NORMAL" to be frisked and patted down at the airport.
People today feel it's NORMAL to have to ask for permission to carry a gun.
People today don't think twice about the fact that warrantless searches are real and police can take EVERYTHING you own by simply saying they "felt" you "might" be doing something illegal.

We're already so far gone it'd make the founding fathers scream in disbelief.
I have Zero faith now in a course change.

In 50 years, I'm sure you'll be required to be chipped at birth with trackers and permanent ID chips and you'll have to get passports just to cross state lines
If you're honest, we're headed that way and Americans don't have the will to stop it.

THANK GOD I was born when America was still America so at least I know what it WAS.
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Agree DemNazis Have been Trolling for Putin for three years straight and before that they trolled to get Uranium One passes and The Obama Russian Reset.

They still do The Kremlin Foxtrot every day on USMB!

Now they are trolling to overturn The EC so someone like Putin can rig our Elections again for The Left, like Clinton rigged her own primaries, stole debate questions, hacked in to Congressional Files, Committed Espionage and Insider Trading, and lied to Congress, The American People, The FBI, and even went in with Obama on paying Putin $12 Milkion Dollars for his help in getting her elected.

Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

you cannot shit on the constitution by doing something it gives the power to do
/——/ The Constitution trumps state law and the EC is the constitution

Let me type this a bit slower for you since you have such poor reading comprehension...

The constitution gives the states the power to choose how they select their Electors and how they will vote.

They're Russian trolls with no understanding of the Constitution so he has no clue what you're saying.

Ray, what's gonna happen is things will keep going the way they've been going for 100 years or more now.

Little by little the Constitution is being made irrelevant. Little by little we lose our rights until eventually we have none. Getting close now I 'd say.
People today think it's perfectly "NORMAL" to be frisked and patted down at the airport.
People today feel it's NORMAL to have to ask for permission to carry a gun.
People today don't think twice about the fact that warrantless searches are real and police can take EVERYTHING you own by simply saying they "felt" you "might" be doing something illegal.

We're already so far gone it'd make the founding fathers scream in disbelief.

In 50 years, I'm sure you'll be required to be chipped at birth with trackers and permanent ID chips and you'll have to get passports just to cross state lines
If you're honest, we're headed that way and Americans don't have the will to stop it.

THANK GOD I was born when America was still America so at least I know what it WAS.
What are we going to about it? We allow them to get away with.....everything.

Since what they are doing is not against the Constitution, you are right, you will do nothing about it.
Here in Ohio we will. Since it is very much against our best interests to let non-Ohioans choose our electors, if by some miracle this amendment to the Ohio constitution gets on the ballot, we will simply vote against it.

It's a non-starter in Ohio.
The electoral college was born of slave owners to protect slavery from the abolitionist north. It's origins are tainted and it's original purpose no longer exists. People like to explain that it protects rural voters from irrelevance but what it really does is make minority party votes worthless. If you vote democrat in a red state or republican in a blue state your vote has probably never counted. I want my vote to count.
False narrative. Try again kid.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

hey fuck face; Ohio is a RED STATE so, why in Hell are U bitching?

Oh, that's right; U have to bitch about everything that does not align with your right wing Nazi Trump agenda.


Sorry uninformed voter, Ohio is not a red state. We voted for DumBama twice. We are a swing state.

Ray this is a red state through and through.
Nebraska and Maine award their electoral votes by, in part, who wins a congressional district in the state. If a state can (as they have) use something other than receiving an overall plurality of votes in the state, they can arguably use something different than what ME and NE utilize to award electors.

The only change I would like to see made to the system is a requirement that the President Elect win not only the electoral collage as we have it now (270) but also get a plurality of the votes cast by voters. Anything less that and the current provisions that we have if nobody gets 270 are implemented. Under this change, the small states would still enjoy their seats at the table but you'd also ensure that the voters cast more ballots for the winner than any other candidate.

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