Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

They get them after visiting the latrine.
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

Here's your first problem.

Bush didn't win two elections. He LOST in 2000. Al Gore got more votes. He won because his brother manipulated the vote count in Florida, really cheezy third world shit. Had things played out normally, the last GOP win would have been 1988.

The GOP is in real danger of becoming a regional party restricted to the south (ironically enough). Unless it gets back in touch with working people and reaches out to minorities and otherwise stops being a bunch of dicks.
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

They get them after visiting the latrine.

Or from common sense.

Let's review- shall we?

1992- LOST
1996- LOST
2000- Cheated
2004- Won, but only because there was a war going on.
2008- LOST
2012- LOST
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

Here's your first problem.

Bush didn't win two elections. He LOST in 2000. Al Gore got more votes. He won because his brother manipulated the vote count in Florida, really cheezy third world shit. Had things played out normally, the last GOP win would have been 1988.

The GOP is in real danger of becoming a regional party restricted to the south (ironically enough). Unless it gets back in touch with working people and reaches out to minorities and otherwise stops being a bunch of dicks.

The fact that you guys are still clinging to this only makes me happier...to know it eats at your soul is like Christmas morning every day for me.
Can you say bitter and resentful...
I knew that you could. :clap2:
Bush didn't win two elections. He LOST in 2000. Al Gore got more votes. He won because his brother manipulated the vote count in Florida, really cheezy third world shit. Had things played out normally, the last GOP win would have been 1988.


The fact that you guys are still clinging to this only makes me happier...to know it eats at your soul is like Christmas morning every day for me.
Can you say bitter and resentful...
I knew that you could. :clap2:

Guy, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.

The only thing I'm resentful of is that he so badly mismanaged the country that I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars investments, property values and salary because he crashed the whole thing into the wall.

I just wonder how you aren't?

(Oh, this will be the point where you are going to tell me you got rich under Bush and you are doing wonderfully today and you own a Lexus, because no one can check your claims on the internet.)

It doesn't take away from the fact that HAD one Supreme Court justice ruled the other way, Al Gore would have won in 2000 and probably won re-election in 2004.
(Oh, this will be the point where you are going to tell me you got rich under Bush and you are doing wonderfully today and you own a Lexus, because no one can check your claims on the internet.)

It doesn't take away from the fact that HAD one Supreme Court justice ruled the other way, Al Gore would have won in 2000 and probably won re-election in 2004.

Drive a 2008 Nissan Sentra that I got by taking a loan against my 401K plan.
Figure I better get something from my retirement account before the Democrats confiscate it.

As for the election if it went the other way I would have accepted it by now...
Again, you're getting awfully defensive here.

Frankly, I don't give you the benefit of the doubt.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.
I've seen people fired because they got pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they ran up medical bills...

on the other hand-

I've seen inept employees kept because they are pals with the boss or a relative.
I saw a guy who was retained on the payroll even though he was mentally ill and was slowely melting down, but the management was afraid to fire him.

So, no, I don't give managers and bosses the benefit of the doubt.

You want to fire someone and make me pick up his unemployment and his medical as a taxpayer, you'd better damned well prove it was justified.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.

Probably because the length of payment was nearly quadrupled!

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.

What employers pay into unemployment insurance is a fuckin' pittance.

Frankly, I'd have no problem with you firing whoever you want, as long as you pay his unemployment full boat until he finds a job. And if you paid for all the services that benefit your business instead of relying for the rest of us to pay for it while you get all sorts of tax breaks.

It's thousands of dollars a year for my small business. What do you think it is for a really big company?

And what tax breaks do I get? I guarantee you that I pay a higher percentage of my gross income to the fucking government than you ever did.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.

That's the government's fault for allowing people to not work for 2 years not the employers fault.

My unemployment taxes go up every year like clockwork so I am footing more of that bill than any of you sheep even though I haven't laid anyone off.

Nope, that's your fault for not hiring people.

Here's the tragedy of this recession. Employers laid people off when business was down. They made the people who were left work that much harder, didn't give them raises that kept up with inflation, and when things did get better, they didn't hire new people. This is why this recovery has taken so long to take off.

I haven't laid anyone off. And I have enough people right now I don't need to hire more. That's something else you don't understand because you know nothing about running a business.

Now, I count myself blessed in that I got laid off before the crash of 2008, was able to get into a company that was in flux (Still sorting out a lot of aquisitions). But my department that employed 8 people doing the work in 2008 only has four people doing about the same volume of work in 2013.

This is the problem when you have a system that considers profits for the owners/investors to be a higher priority than putting people back to work. (Which is what most of the other industrialized nations did.)

I have no obligation to hire anyone. I hire as many people as I need and not a person more. That's how i stay in business.

So until you risk every dime you have to open a business and put in 100 hours a week for a few years, hire a bunch of people, deal with all their crap, pay the taxes, pay the workman's comp, comply with all the government red tape etc ad nauseum and you have a business that does better than mine, don't tell me how to run my business.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.

What employers pay into unemployment insurance is a fuckin' pittance.

Frankly, I'd have no problem with you firing whoever you want, as long as you pay his unemployment full boat until he finds a job. And if you paid for all the services that benefit your business instead of relying for the rest of us to pay for it while you get all sorts of tax breaks.

It's thousands of dollars a year for my small business. What do you think it is for a really big company?

And what tax breaks do I get? I guarantee you that I pay a higher percentage of my gross income to the fucking government than you ever did.

It's a totally different ballpark..when you talk about small and large businesses.

I was taxed into oblivion at my bar..which is why I had to give it up.
(Oh, this will be the point where you are going to tell me you got rich under Bush and you are doing wonderfully today and you own a Lexus, because no one can check your claims on the internet.)

It doesn't take away from the fact that HAD one Supreme Court justice ruled the other way, Al Gore would have won in 2000 and probably won re-election in 2004.

Drive a 2008 Nissan Sentra that I got by taking a loan against my 401K plan.
Figure I better get something from my retirement account before the Democrats confiscate it.

As for the election if it went the other way I would have accepted it by now...

It isn't a matter of accepting or not accepting.

The reality is. Gore got more votes. if we didn't have this abortion of an election system, he'd have been president.

So the only way for a Republican to get elected at this point in history is to cheat. Which works exactly once.
I have no obligation to hire anyone. I hire as many people as I need and not a person more. That's how i stay in business.

So until you risk every dime you have to open a business and put in 100 hours a week for a few years, hire a bunch of people, deal with all their crap, pay the taxes, pay the workman's comp, comply with all the government red tape etc ad nauseum and you have a business that does better than mine, don't tell me how to run my business.

Man, you know why I left the republican party?

I Just got tired of hearing whiny shit about how much we should appreciate the people who are fucking it up for the rest of us.

If you wont hire people, we take your shit and give it to someone who will.

Works for me.
It's thousands of dollars a year for my small business. What do you think it is for a really big company?

And what tax breaks do I get? I guarantee you that I pay a higher percentage of my gross income to the fucking government than you ever did.

Not high enough. I frankly think there should be HUGE penalties for laying off employees.
I have no obligation to hire anyone. I hire as many people as I need and not a person more. That's how i stay in business.

So until you risk every dime you have to open a business and put in 100 hours a week for a few years, hire a bunch of people, deal with all their crap, pay the taxes, pay the workman's comp, comply with all the government red tape etc ad nauseum and you have a business that does better than mine, don't tell me how to run my business.

Man, you know why I left the republican party?
i have never been a member of any political herd of sheep unlike you who can't seem to think for yourself.

I Just got tired of hearing whiny shit about how much we should appreciate the people who are fucking it up for the rest of us.

If you wont hire people, we take your shit and give it to someone who will.

Works for me.

How am I fucking things up for you exactly? The only person fucking up your life is you.

And I have 10 employees because that is how many people I need to stay in business any less and customer service suffers any more and i become unprofitable.

But I'm sure if you ran a business that you would hire everyone who applied for a job and never ever fire (or as you call it, murder) anyone no matter if you could afford it or not right?

And you think you have the fucking brains to tell other people how to run their businesses.

I'd laugh if you weren't so retarded because it's not nice to laugh at retards.
It's thousands of dollars a year for my small business. What do you think it is for a really big company?

And what tax breaks do I get? I guarantee you that I pay a higher percentage of my gross income to the fucking government than you ever did.

Not high enough. I frankly think there should be HUGE penalties for laying off employees.

I haven't laid anyone off and I still get penalized.
(Oh, this will be the point where you are going to tell me you got rich under Bush and you are doing wonderfully today and you own a Lexus, because no one can check your claims on the internet.)

It doesn't take away from the fact that HAD one Supreme Court justice ruled the other way, Al Gore would have won in 2000 and probably won re-election in 2004.

Drive a 2008 Nissan Sentra that I got by taking a loan against my 401K plan.
Figure I better get something from my retirement account before the Democrats confiscate it.

As for the election if it went the other way I would have accepted it by now...

It isn't a matter of accepting or not accepting.

The reality is. Gore got more votes. if we didn't have this abortion of an election system, he'd have been president.

So the only way for a Republican to get elected at this point in history is to cheat. Which works exactly once.
HA! If we didn't have the Electoral College winner take all system, Romney would be the POTUS now.
There are several states with large cities with large minority populations combined with upper middle class white liberals. The suburbs and rural areas of these sates vote GOP..
For example. New York. Invariably, the democrat candidate wins all the New York City precincts. At that point, 100% of the votes from the remainder of the precincts could go GOP and the democrat will ALWAYS win NY's electoral votes.
If the votes were apportioned county by county, the GOP candidate would at least have a decent shot at winning.
I would object to any system that would tip the balance one way or the other.
A straight popular vote would not work as it would relegate small states to second class status. We cannot have that.
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

They get them after visiting the latrine.
Is that before or after they ask whether or not the person washed their hands after using the toilet?
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....

Here's your first problem.

Bush didn't win two elections. He LOST in 2000. Al Gore got more votes. He won because his brother manipulated the vote count in Florida, really cheezy third world shit. Had things played out normally, the last GOP win would have been 1988.

The GOP is in real danger of becoming a regional party restricted to the south (ironically enough). Unless it gets back in touch with working people and reaches out to minorities and otherwise stops being a bunch of dicks.

Oh bullshit. The disputed vote counts were in democrat controlled districts. Plus the DNC was able to convince a judge to throw out all absentee ballots from military personnel stationed over seas.
Also, it was Joe Lieberman who INSISTED the decision was best left to the courts.
Also, those dimpled chads....Yeah, the only way that condition could be recreated was if there were more than one card inserted into the voting machine.
Please, it's over. The correct person won the election.
You are just bitter.
Tell ya what. The GOP establishment is acting too much like democrats. That's why the last two GOP candidates lost to Obama.
As far as the rest of the thing is concerned, your death knell claim is pure bullshit.
THere are 30 states with GOP governors. There are 24 states with GOP controlled legislatures. And those are not all in the South.
A bunch of dicks? How so? Explain.
The reality is. Gore got more votes. if we didn't have this abortion of an election system, he'd have been president.
You're full of shit. They counted the fucking votes 3 times and Gore lost 3 times. Where the fuck do you get your information, stupid?
Bush didn't win two elections. He LOST in 2000. Al Gore got more votes. He won because his brother manipulated the vote count in Florida, really cheezy third world shit. Had things played out normally, the last GOP win would have been 1988.


The fact that you guys are still clinging to this only makes me happier...to know it eats at your soul is like Christmas morning every day for me.
Can you say bitter and resentful...
I knew that you could. :clap2:

Guy, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.

The only thing I'm resentful of is that he so badly mismanaged the country that I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars investments, property values and salary because he crashed the whole thing into the wall.

I just wonder how you aren't?

(Oh, this will be the point where you are going to tell me you got rich under Bush and you are doing wonderfully today and you own a Lexus, because no one can check your claims on the internet.)

It doesn't take away from the fact that HAD one Supreme Court justice ruled the other way, Al Gore would have won in 2000 and probably won re-election in 2004.

Bush crashed it? Who told you that?
Was it his admin's spending on social programs? If you say yes, your argument ends there because you would be a hypocrite. Obama has proposed increases in social entitlements and of course we now have the largest entitlement program of all..Obama care.

Produce direct evidence of this....I will spot you the wars. Now, get to work.

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