Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

I figured it out. She was fired because she only voted for Obama once. In Ohio, the Obamanoids wanted people to vote multiple times for The Won.
Again, you're getting awfully defensive here.

Frankly, I don't give you the benefit of the doubt.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.
I've seen people fired because they got pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they ran up medical bills...

on the other hand-

I've seen inept employees kept because they are pals with the boss or a relative.
I saw a guy who was retained on the payroll even though he was mentally ill and was slowely melting down, but the management was afraid to fire him.

So, no, I don't give managers and bosses the benefit of the doubt.

You want to fire someone and make me pick up his unemployment and his medical as a taxpayer, you'd better damned well prove it was justified.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.

Apparently you have no clue.
She worked for a defense contractor. She voted for someone who cut spending to defense contractors. She basically voted herself out of a job. Now she can suck off the government tit without having to do any work. Why is she pissed?
She worked for a defense contractor. She voted for someone who cut spending to defense contractors. She basically voted herself out of a job. Now she can suck off the government tit without having to do any work. Why is she pissed?
She's just pretending to be pissed, it'll look better in her lawsuit.
How am I fucking things up for you exactly? The only person fucking up your life is you.

And I have 10 employees because that is how many people I need to stay in business any less and customer service suffers any more and i become unprofitable.

But I'm sure if you ran a business that you would hire everyone who applied for a job and never ever fire (or as you call it, murder) anyone no matter if you could afford it or not right?

And you think you have the fucking brains to tell other people how to run their businesses.

I'd laugh if you weren't so retarded because it's not nice to laugh at retards.

You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge. It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

Again, the problem with your economic thinking is that the economy is too important to be trusted to your greed and selfishness.
Bush crashed it? Who told you that?
Was it his admin's spending on social programs? If you say yes, your argument ends there because you would be a hypocrite. Obama has proposed increases in social entitlements and of course we now have the largest entitlement program of all..Obama care.

Produce direct evidence of this....I will spot you the wars. Now, get to work.

We don't spend enough of social programs in this country.

Of course, putting two wars on a credit card had a lot to do with it.

So did taking Clinton's 400 billion dollar surplus and giving it to Billionaires in the form of tax cuts.

Deregulating the banks and letting them take bad mortgages and sell them as investments set us up for a fall.

So did letting the housing market run amok.
How am I fucking things up for you exactly? The only person fucking up your life is you.

And I have 10 employees because that is how many people I need to stay in business any less and customer service suffers any more and i become unprofitable.

But I'm sure if you ran a business that you would hire everyone who applied for a job and never ever fire (or as you call it, murder) anyone no matter if you could afford it or not right?

And you think you have the fucking brains to tell other people how to run their businesses.

I'd laugh if you weren't so retarded because it's not nice to laugh at retards.

You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge.

The lottery? Hey douche bag I didn't win anything. Nothing was given to me by anyone. I have been on my own since i was 17. I have paid my own bills and saved my money.

So stop your incessant whining about how people are mean to you. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself for once.

It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

That's your fault for depending on someone else to provide you a job. You chose to live life on someone else's terms. And from what I have learned of your business acumen I know why you have to depend on other people for a job.

Again, the problem with your economic thinking is that the economy is too important to be trusted to your greed and selfishness.

You have no clue as to what my thinking is.
The reality is. Gore got more votes. if we didn't have this abortion of an election system, he'd have been president.
You're full of shit. They counted the fucking votes 3 times and Gore lost 3 times. Where the fuck do you get your information, stupid?

1) Bush lost nationally. That's pretty much the end of the discussion for me.

2) We never, ever got an accurate count of the vote in Florida.

3) All the things Jeb did to suppress the vote before the election also contributed.
You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge.

The lottery? Hey douche bag I didn't win anything. Nothing was given to me by anyone. I have been on my own since i was 17. I have paid my own bills and saved my money.

So stop your incessant whining about how people are mean to you. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself for once.

Ooooh, that really stung, didn't it.

Guy, I've been working since I was 16. Again, you got some lucky breaks. You are not morally better than the people who work for you or anyone else for that matter. Nor are you really just that much smarter. Frankly, judging by your inhumane comments here, you make the dickhead who fired employees for medical bills look like a saint. He was just a moral coward. I'm not sure what your problem is, you have all this supposed success, and you still are full of a shitload of hate.

It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

That's your fault for depending on someone else to provide you a job. You chose to live life on someone else's terms. And from what I have learned of your business acumen I know why you have to depend on other people for a job.

Guy, your sides ability to brag they know what they are doing in business ENDED September, 2008. You never, ever get to claim you know what you are doing again.

Guess what, guy, there are more of us who collect paychecks than collect them.

You put your philosophy on the ballot last November- AND IT LOST!

Oh bullshit. The disputed vote counts were in democrat controlled districts. Plus the DNC was able to convince a judge to throw out all absentee ballots from military personnel stationed over seas.
Also, it was Joe Lieberman who INSISTED the decision was best left to the courts.
Also, those dimpled chads....Yeah, the only way that condition could be recreated was if there were more than one card inserted into the voting machine.
Please, it's over. The correct person won the election.
You are just bitter.

I keep explaining to you guys, until 2008 when the asshole fired me over the medical bills, I was as rightwing, angry and mean-spirited as the rest of you are. Then that guy showed me who my real enemies were.

I voted for Bush in 2000. And 2004. And I truly lived to regret it. Because I was voting against my own economic interests. Had Gore continued the Clinton economy and avoided the Bush wars, we'd have all been better off.

Now, you can come up with all sort of excuses why the abortion was legitimate, but the fact is, it was still an Abortion. We got a president most of the people who voted didn't want. he proceeded to fuck up, well, everything.

Tell ya what. The GOP establishment is acting too much like democrats. That's why the last two GOP candidates lost to Obama.
As far as the rest of the thing is concerned, your death knell claim is pure bullshit.
THere are 30 states with GOP governors. There are 24 states with GOP controlled legislatures. And those are not all in the South.
A bunch of dicks? How so? Explain.

I love this excuse. The No True Scotsman Fallacy. Romney and McCain lost because they weren't real conservatives. They didn't nearly hate gays and commies enough. Or something.

Personally, I think McCain got a bad deal. He paid dearly for what a complete fuckwad Bush was. He'd have probably made an okay president.

Romney was everything you guys wanted. He was the "let's screw the working man for polo ponies" ideal.

And he lost.
You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge.

The lottery? Hey douche bag I didn't win anything. Nothing was given to me by anyone. I have been on my own since i was 17. I have paid my own bills and saved my money.

So stop your incessant whining about how people are mean to you. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself for once.

Ooooh, that really stung, didn't it.

Guy, I've been working since I was 16. Again, you got some lucky breaks. You are not morally better than the people who work for you or anyone else for that matter. Nor are you really just that much smarter. Frankly, judging by your inhumane comments here, you make the dickhead who fired employees for medical bills look like a saint. He was just a moral coward. I'm not sure what your problem is, you have all this supposed success, and you still are full of a shitload of hate.

Working? Living at home with mommy and bagging groceries?

At 16 I was supporting myself. At 17 I was moved out and 100% on my own. I put myself through school with no financial aid and no help from my parents.

And I have never claimed moral superiority that is your thing not mine.

I do not expect any more from anyone than I do from myself. People like you don't understand those kind of standards. I don't have patience for whining or incompetence.

There we go with the hate bullshit again. I don't hate anyone. Not even you. i just don't believe in telling other people how to live their lives and I really don't like people telling me how to live mine.

You might like the security of people telling you what to do all the time but don't think that everyone is like you please.

It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

That's your fault for depending on someone else to provide you a job. You chose to live life on someone else's terms. And from what I have learned of your business acumen I know why you have to depend on other people for a job.

Guy, your sides ability to brag they know what they are doing in business ENDED September, 2008. You never, ever get to claim you know what you are doing again.

Guess what, guy, there are more of us who collect paychecks than collect them.

You put your philosophy on the ballot last November- AND IT LOST!

I don't have a side. No one is looking out for me but me. I don't depend on anyone. You might want to try that someday. it is liberating.

And again the way you would run a business, never firing incompetent people and hiring people you don't need etc. I'd love to see you put your money where your mouth is and see how long you last in the real world.
I could probably respond to your drivel by pointing out how many time you use first person pronouns to show how selfish and egotistical you are, but that would be a waste of time. You still wouldn't get the point.


Working? Living at home with mommy and bagging groceries?

Both of my parents died when I was 19. Sorry, man. But please don't let that stand in your way.

At 16 I was supporting myself. At 17 I was moved out and 100% on my own. I put myself through school with no financial aid and no help from my parents.

And I have never claimed moral superiority that is your thing not mine.

No, you just think it's okay to fire people because they looked at you funny one morning.

I do not expect any more from anyone than I do from myself. People like you don't understand those kind of standards. I don't have patience for whining or incompetence.

The only standards I see from you are greed, selfishiness and ego. Frankly, you haven't said anything that impresses me. You are a small businessman. Frankly, as a buyer, small businessmen kiss my ass all day. Most of them talk a big game and shake a lame ass.

There we go with the hate bullshit again. I don't hate anyone. Not even you. i just don't believe in telling other people how to live their lives and I really don't like people telling me how to live mine..

In short, you are angry when anyone calls you on your bad behavior. Got it.

You might like the security of people telling you what to do all the time but don't think that everyone is like you please.

NO, there are a lot of two-faced lying assholes out there. I'd like the security of knowing that if I enter into an agreement, you keep up your end if I keep up mine. That means, you don't fire me for running up medical bills after I opted for the good health insurance. That means if you tell me that after I've completed the project that will eliminate my position, you will find a new position for me, you actually do that. And frankly, if you as an employer are incapable of integrity, then I have no problem with unions and government making you do the right thing.

I don't have a side. No one is looking out for me but me. I don't depend on anyone. You might want to try that someday. it is liberating.

And again the way you would run a business, never firing incompetent people and hiring people you don't need etc. I'd love to see you put your money where your mouth is and see how long you last in the real world.

Yawn, I deal with you small businessmen in the real world all day. You are all a bunch of laughable tinpots. As evil as I think corporations are, small businessmen are far worse. All the ego and little of the accomplishment.

You voted for the guy who called the half of us that work for a living "Moochers" (actually, a lot more than half) and bragged about how he liked to fire people and how Corporations were people to.

In short, we finally got a Republican who didn't slather the Plutocracy with a healthy dose of Jesus (mostly because the Mormon Jesus is a totally different character than the Christian Jesus.)

Don't go disowning him because he lost.
I could probably respond to your drivel by pointing out how many time you use first person pronouns to show how selfish and egotistical you are, but that would be a waste of time. You still wouldn't get the point.


Working? Living at home with mommy and bagging groceries?

Both of my parents died when I was 19. Sorry, man. But please don't let that stand in your way.

You said you were working at 16 big deal. And at 19 you were an adult so you should have had no problem being on your own.

At 16 I was supporting myself. At 17 I was moved out and 100% on my own. I put myself through school with no financial aid and no help from my parents.

And I have never claimed moral superiority that is your thing not mine.

No, you just think it's okay to fire people because they looked at you funny one morning.

No I said a business owner doesn't need a reason to eliminate a job.

The only standards I see from you are greed, selfishiness and ego. Frankly, you haven't said anything that impresses me. You are a small businessman. Frankly, as a buyer, small businessmen kiss my ass all day. Most of them talk a big game and shake a lame ass.

I don't deal with buyers in my business. Vendors deal with me.
In short, you are angry when anyone calls you on your bad behavior. Got it.

What bad behavior? I have never once broken a law. You just want to push your idea of morals on everyone else even by force.

You might like the security of people telling you what to do all the time but don't think that everyone is like you please.

NO, there are a lot of two-faced lying assholes out there. I'd like the security of knowing that if I enter into an agreement, you keep up your end if I keep up mine. That means, you don't fire me for running up medical bills after I opted for the good health insurance. That means if you tell me that after I've completed the project that will eliminate my position, you will find a new position for me, you actually do that. And frankly, if you as an employer are incapable of integrity, then I have no problem with unions and government making you do the right thing.

Poor baby. Someone was mean to you. Man the fuck up.

I don't have a side. No one is looking out for me but me. I don't depend on anyone. You might want to try that someday. it is liberating.

And again the way you would run a business, never firing incompetent people and hiring people you don't need etc. I'd love to see you put your money where your mouth is and see how long you last in the real world.

Yawn, I deal with you small businessmen in the real world all day. You are all a bunch of laughable tinpots. As evil as I think corporations are, small businessmen are far worse. All the ego and little of the accomplishment.

Go ahead and think that but. I'm doing just fine whether or not you believe it. I will retire financially secure because that is my plan and I always do whatever it takes to finish what I start.

You however blame everyone else for your problems.

A serious character flaw.

You voted for the guy who called the half of us that work for a living "Moochers" (actually, a lot more than half) and bragged about how he liked to fire people and how Corporations were people to.

In short, we finally got a Republican who didn't slather the Plutocracy with a healthy dose of Jesus (mostly because the Mormon Jesus is a totally different character than the Christian Jesus.)

Don't go disowning him because he lost.

Who did i vote for? You have no idea who I voted for. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a republican or a democrat.

And since i am an atheist I don't give a shit about Jesus.

Who did i vote for? You have no idea who I voted for. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a republican or a democrat.

And since i am an atheist I don't give a shit about Jesus.

I know guy, even though Romney was your everything, you claim you didn't vote for him. Really.

Man, I've never seen the GOP disown their losers this fast. It's amazing to me.

Guy, if it weren't for the "Jesus" bullshit, your philosophy wouldn't fly. We wouldn't have people voting for the interests of the 1%.

And that's what really scares you. It isn't "socialism", it's Democracy. As awesome as a businessman you think you are, your worst nightmare would be the wage slaves (who are probably more responsible for your success than you are) actually having a say in things.

Who did i vote for? You have no idea who I voted for. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a republican or a democrat.

And since i am an atheist I don't give a shit about Jesus.

I know guy, even though Romney was your everything, you claim you didn't vote for him. Really.

Man, I've never seen the GOP disown their losers this fast. It's amazing to me.

See you're doing it again. You're projecting your need to follow on everyone else.

No wonder you can't make it on your own.

Guy, if it weren't for the "Jesus" bullshit, your philosophy wouldn't fly. We wouldn't have people voting for the interests of the 1%.

And that's what really scares you. It isn't "socialism", it's Democracy. As awesome as a businessman you think you are, your worst nightmare would be the wage slaves (who are probably more responsible for your success than you are) actually having a say in things.

You have no idea what my philosophy is because you are incapable of thinking outside of your 2 dimensional pigeonhole.

And no one who works for me gets paid less than 16 dollars an hour and i have 3 out of the ten making over 75K a year. So don't you worry about my employees. The last thing they need is an idiot like you looking out for them.
How am I fucking things up for you exactly? The only person fucking up your life is you.

And I have 10 employees because that is how many people I need to stay in business any less and customer service suffers any more and i become unprofitable.

But I'm sure if you ran a business that you would hire everyone who applied for a job and never ever fire (or as you call it, murder) anyone no matter if you could afford it or not right?

And you think you have the fucking brains to tell other people how to run their businesses.

I'd laugh if you weren't so retarded because it's not nice to laugh at retards.

You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge. It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

Again, the problem with your economic thinking is that the economy is too important to be trusted to your greed and selfishness.

"Winning the lottery of life"....I have questions. How do you make this conclusion?
Does hard work and dedication to a goal not enter the equation?
Does risk taking with the possibility of failure and all the stress that go with those things matter?
Have you ever taken a risk or have you always relied on others for your financial well being, i.e. "the need for a steady paycheck"?
The debunked theory of "lottery of life" presupposes that one just happens to land on the right square of the checkerboard. This theory renounces the idea of talent and the willingness to achieve vs great odds.
So, tell us about the lottery of life.
And please, no yammering about trust fund babies. Obviously Skull Pilot is not one of them.
Bush crashed it? Who told you that?
Was it his admin's spending on social programs? If you say yes, your argument ends there because you would be a hypocrite. Obama has proposed increases in social entitlements and of course we now have the largest entitlement program of all..Obama care.

Produce direct evidence of this....I will spot you the wars. Now, get to work.

We don't spend enough of social programs in this country.

Of course, putting two wars on a credit card had a lot to do with it.

So did taking Clinton's 400 billion dollar surplus and giving it to Billionaires in the form of tax cuts.

Deregulating the banks and letting them take bad mortgages and sell them as investments set us up for a fall.

So did letting the housing market run amok.

WHAT?!!! The federal government spends over 50% of annual outlays( in excess of $1.75 trillion on social spending. Cut the bullshit. Tel ya what, you'll get a thumbs up on social spending just as soon as the federal government researches every single program, weeds our all who game the system, find non essential workers and lets them go, finds all the managers who's job it is to figure out ways to keep their jobs and get rid of them, THEN and ONLY THEN will the clamor over waste fraud and confiscatory taxation to pay for this shit come to an end. Got it? Good.
Or you can stop this incessant whining about how everyone else does not pay enough toward your precious social programs, whip out your checkbook and fire away.
Bush crashed it? Who told you that?
Was it his admin's spending on social programs? If you say yes, your argument ends there because you would be a hypocrite. Obama has proposed increases in social entitlements and of course we now have the largest entitlement program of all..Obama care.

Produce direct evidence of this....I will spot you the wars. Now, get to work.

We don't spend enough of social programs in this country.

Of course, putting two wars on a credit card had a lot to do with it.

So did taking Clinton's 400 billion dollar surplus and giving it to Billionaires in the form of tax cuts.

Deregulating the banks and letting them take bad mortgages and sell them as investments set us up for a fall.

So did letting the housing market run amok.

Explain "run amok" as it applies to this idea you have that Bush crashed the economy.
BTW genius, long before the mortgage meltdown were regulations on banks and other financial institutions relaxed. In fact, this very same deregulation you curse was in part responsible for our robust economy in the 1990's and the just past decade.
And that tax cut thing is utter nonsense. That is simply a liberal class envy talking point.
All these things you point out go right back to actions of the federal government. Your precious all hallowed government.
The reality is. Gore got more votes. if we didn't have this abortion of an election system, he'd have been president.
You're full of shit. They counted the fucking votes 3 times and Gore lost 3 times. Where the fuck do you get your information, stupid?

1) Bush lost nationally. That's pretty much the end of the discussion for me.

2) We never, ever got an accurate count of the vote in Florida.

3) All the things Jeb did to suppress the vote before the election also contributed.

You are indeed a true believer. In the things that permit you to live in your miserable little comfort zone. "Woe is me" you say. And you point fingers at everyone else for your problems.
Do you not have any mirrors in your home?
You know what, guy, I've had to listen to know it alls who just because they won life's lottery happened to be in charge.

The lottery? Hey douche bag I didn't win anything. Nothing was given to me by anyone. I have been on my own since i was 17. I have paid my own bills and saved my money.

So stop your incessant whining about how people are mean to you. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself for once.

Ooooh, that really stung, didn't it.

Guy, I've been working since I was 16. Again, you got some lucky breaks. You are not morally better than the people who work for you or anyone else for that matter. Nor are you really just that much smarter. Frankly, judging by your inhumane comments here, you make the dickhead who fired employees for medical bills look like a saint. He was just a moral coward. I'm not sure what your problem is, you have all this supposed success, and you still are full of a shitload of hate.

It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

That's your fault for depending on someone else to provide you a job. You chose to live life on someone else's terms. And from what I have learned of your business acumen I know why you have to depend on other people for a job.

Guy, your sides ability to brag they know what they are doing in business ENDED September, 2008. You never, ever get to claim you know what you are doing again.

Guess what, guy, there are more of us who collect paychecks than collect them.

You put your philosophy on the ballot last November- AND IT LOST!
This is classic stuff right here...."there are more of us who collect paychecks than collect them."....HUH?....I think you wanted to type "than issue them"...What is this some kind of "workers unite, bring pitchforks to the factory gates kind of shit? The fact is you have depended upon others for a source of income and you've grown to view a paycheck as an entitlement. You use the word "promise" as though it were chiseled into stone. Forget it. There are no promises. There are agreements. The type of agreement a worker enters is up to that worker. When a person agrees to take employment they and the employer enter an agreement which has terms and conditions. You like to think of the terms but like to ignore the conditions.
Unless one has a signed contract for a designated term, employment is "at will".

Another classic...." your sides ability to brag they know what they are doing in business ENDED September, 2008. You never, ever get to claim you know what you are doing again. " There no longer any successful businesses? Yer kidding, right?
2008? 'Scuse me, care to explain?
LOST? LOST what? You lefties idea of victory seems to end at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. You ignore the sweeping GOP wins in the states. When told of these you dismiss these GOP wins as a "southern thing"...That's crap.
When I read your responses, I see a bitter used up pissed off individual who was brainwashed into believing the world owed him something. Well here's a little dose of reality for you, nobody owes anyone anything.
And please, don't repeat your "I know people who have been fired for..." In this day of political correctness and risk averse do you really expect people to believe you got shit canned for using your employer provided medical insurance? Stop it.
If that were the case, you'd have done something about it. Because you would have a case.
The bottom line is you go through your day "I'm pissed off" and you want everyone to feel sorry for you. You seek absolution. You want someone to tell you that you don't have to go to school today.
You are nothing nut a chronic complainer and a whiner. No wonder you can't keep a job. Who the fuck would want to work with you?

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