Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

The article says she was hired as a part timer, DID A GOOD job for the company so the company made her a full time employee, continued to do a good job till they fired her? And they fired her, 2 days after the company's head boss brought employees in to a conference room and LURED who the employees voted for out of them in this meeting?

I think she has a case for a lawsuit.... whether she wins the 25k she's asking for, is another story....

Was this a 'right to work' state?
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The article says she was hired as a part timer, DID A GOOD job for the company so the company made her a full time employee, continued to do a good job till they fired her? And they fired her, 2 days after the company's head boss brought employees in to a conference room and LURED who the employees voted for out of them in this meeting?

I think she has a case for a lawsuit.... whether she wins the 25k she's asking for, is another story....

The 25k number is just to make sure this goes to trial. Anything less and it's small claims court, I believe.
So what if they did run their business into the ground? That business was theirs because their family built it with their money, and their hard work. Sorry Comrade, but that business did not ever belong to the people simply because they weren't good business people, we don't live in a collective society that takes personal property and gives it to those in need.

You see, here's the problem, guy.

At this company, the one that SHOULD have taught me Republican political idealogy was bullshit, (It took another 11 years to figure that one out.) I remember me and my team working until 4 AM to get all the loads out because these two geniuses didn't want to invest in enough employees to get the job done. I remember working on Saturdays, once in a while working on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Son A was out having Coke Parties and Son B was a bible thumping moron who spent the few times he visited the plant talking about Jay-a-sus.

The best argument for unions and strong worker laws is that it makes managers better managers. They actually have to think about what they are doing.
The new big thing being put out there by the left is the talking point that republicans don't win elections.Like the GOP hasn't won any election in the last 20 years....

What a crock o'shit.

And yet they will say that everything wrong in the country is not their fault it is the fault of the party that can't win elections.
Let me see... I was "fired" from a job 6 years ago. I die next year. So the guy who fired me 7 years earlier is "evil".

Yeah right.

Look, I have fired people, I have been fired, and I have quit jobs.

No one was "evil". Stupid decisions maybe, but "evil"? Nah.. Not even the guy who fired me.

I was specifically talking about a guy who was fired, lost his health insurance, was put under a lot of financial strain and died of a heart attack at a relatively young age.

Said company went out of business a year later, because the evil dickheads running it ran it into the ground after inheriting it from Mommy and Daddy.

Yes, firing people is an evil thing. And when you nominated a guy who says, "I like to fire people", I think it shows how far the GOP has degenerated as a party.

You have no proof that the guy wouldn't have dropped dead if he kept his job.

I know people who have had fatal coronaries at young ages too in fact i think everyone does. Heart disease is the number one cause of death after all.

Yes, firing people is an evil thing. And when you nominated a guy who says, "I like to fire people", I think it shows how far the GOP has degenerated as a party.

If you didn't understand what Romney said that's fine....
But you look like you are just a Left wing hack when you try to distort the facts...
And that's fine because there are plenty of us out there that know what the guy said.
And as for firing people,it happens.Employers are not responsible for the fate of their employees after they quit or get fired.

Any way I'm adding something that might refresh your memory about the Romney quote if you are interested in the truth or just the crap that Liberal media sends your way.

Mitt Romney: "I like being able to fire people" for bad service - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
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If you didn't understand what Romney said that's fine....
But you look like you are just a Left wing hack when you try to distort the facts...
And that's fine because there are plenty of us out there that know what the guy said.
And as for firing people,it happens.Employers are not responsible for the fate of their employees after they quit or get fired.

Any way I'm adding something that might refresh your memory about the Romney quote if you are interested in the truth or just the crap that Liberal media sends your way.

I understood perfectly what Mittens said.

he said he likes to fire people. He likes being a rich douchebag who can push people around and he thinks that the world would be great if everyone did that.

Now, much like the 47% comments, he said it to a room full of his fellow rich douchebags, and figured no one would break bad on him.

Of course, what he said was absurd. for the majority of us who get health care through our employers, we don't have the option of firing them no matter how bad the service level is. 20 years ago, we all thought HMO's were awful, today we'd pray for an HMO. Now they are talking about the HSA scam (Let the big banks hold your money in case you get sick!)
My fellow co workers were able to change our insurance carrier every time the rates when up.
As long as there were enough of us to agree on the carrier.So I know it can be done.
As far as the 47% quote goes.Romney was right on the mark when he said it didn't make sense from a political campaign strategy to go after the 47% of the people he didn't have a chance of winning over.

The left and the left controlled media twisted that quote 7 ways from Sunday to make sure their guy ( Obama ) won the election.

It's a shame we have people who get sucked into this stuff,believing what they hear from Bill Maher and the other guys over at Comedy Central.

If you didn't understand what Romney said that's fine....
But you look like you are just a Left wing hack when you try to distort the facts...
And that's fine because there are plenty of us out there that know what the guy said.
And as for firing people,it happens.Employers are not responsible for the fate of their employees after they quit or get fired.

Any way I'm adding something that might refresh your memory about the Romney quote if you are interested in the truth or just the crap that Liberal media sends your way.

I understood perfectly what Mittens said.

he said he likes to fire people. He likes being a rich douchebag who can push people around and he thinks that the world would be great if everyone did that.

Now, much like the 47% comments, he said it to a room full of his fellow rich douchebags, and figured no one would break bad on him.

Of course, what he said was absurd. for the majority of us who get health care through our employers, we don't have the option of firing them no matter how bad the service level is. 20 years ago, we all thought HMO's were awful, today we'd pray for an HMO. Now they are talking about the HSA scam (Let the big banks hold your money in case you get sick!)

Here is what he said, compare it to what you have been told to say:

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said at a Monday breakfast in New Hampshire, when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

I guess YOU and the rest of the liberals don't mind getting the shaff with poor services? If the waitress spits in your food, no problem you'll come back for more. If your roof blows off after being replaced, no problem just do it again.

Obama should have been fired so I guess the left wing really doesn't mind poor service.

See how the MSM and the liberals treated this very logical statement by Romney is why we on the right call them the propaganda arm of the DNC. Hard to win elections when 47 percent don't really know what is going on, low information, and only vote for more hand outs. Romney was right about that also.
My fellow co workers were able to change our insurance carrier every time the rates when up.
As long as there were enough of us to agree on the carrier.So I know it can be done.
As far as the 47% quote goes.Romney was right on the mark when he said it didn't make sense from a political campaign strategy to go after the 47% of the people he didn't have a chance of winning over.

The left and the left controlled media twisted that quote 7 ways from Sunday to make sure their guy ( Obama ) won the election.

It's a shame we have people who get sucked into this stuff,believing what they hear from Bill Maher and the other guys over at Comedy Central.

Guy, you can blame everyone in the universe for Romney, but the real problem was Romney.

He was an awful candidate in 2008, and he was a worse one in 2012.

Take the 47% comments. He was probably right in the fact that 47% would vote for Obama no matter what. The Democratic Candidate has gotten at least that number in the last five elections.

It's when he went into disparaging those 47% as "moochers" and "not paying taxes" that he got himself into trouble and made himself look like an asshole.
Isn't that kind of the problem. YOu are happy to mess up someone else's life because YOU want something.

If I fire someone it's their fault not mine. They either were incompetent or they didn't do what I asked them to do. Either way it's their fault not mine. I know you think people are just soooo perfect but again you are dead wrong.

Even though you were the one who made the bad hire to start with.

Says the moron who has never employed anyone.

Again, you're getting awfully defensive here.

Frankly, I don't give you the benefit of the doubt.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.
I've seen people fired because they got pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they ran up medical bills...

on the other hand-

I've seen inept employees kept because they are pals with the boss or a relative.
I saw a guy who was retained on the payroll even though he was mentally ill and was slowely melting down, but the management was afraid to fire him.

So, no, I don't give managers and bosses the benefit of the doubt.

You want to fire someone and make me pick up his unemployment and his medical as a taxpayer, you'd better damned well prove it was justified.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
If I fire someone it's their fault not mine. They either were incompetent or they didn't do what I asked them to do. Either way it's their fault not mine. I know you think people are just soooo perfect but again you are dead wrong.

Says the moron who has never employed anyone.

Again, you're getting awfully defensive here.

Frankly, I don't give you the benefit of the doubt.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.
I've seen people fired because they got pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they ran up medical bills...

on the other hand-

I've seen inept employees kept because they are pals with the boss or a relative.
I saw a guy who was retained on the payroll even though he was mentally ill and was slowely melting down, but the management was afraid to fire him.

So, no, I don't give managers and bosses the benefit of the doubt.

You want to fire someone and make me pick up his unemployment and his medical as a taxpayer, you'd better damned well prove it was justified.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.
Here is what he said, compare it to what you have been told to say:

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said at a Monday breakfast in New Hampshire, when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

I guess YOU and the rest of the liberals don't mind getting the shaff with poor services? If the waitress spits in your food, no problem you'll come back for more. If your roof blows off after being replaced, no problem just do it again.

Obama should have been fired so I guess the left wing really doesn't mind poor service.

Again, most of us don't have the option of firing our crappy insurance carrier. The fact that romney thinks we can shows just how out of touch he is...

And frankly, if you made your fortune putting people at AmPad and GS Steel and KB Toys out of jobs to turn a quick profit, you really shouldn't be talking about "like to be able to fire" anyone. It kind of makes you look like "the guy who lays you off" as Huckabee once famously described Romney.

See how the MSM and the liberals treated this very logical statement by Romney is why we on the right call them the propaganda arm of the DNC. Hard to win elections when 47 percent don't really know what is going on, low information, and only vote for more hand outs. Romney was right about that also.

Here's another one. Yes, the evil MSM made you nominate a Mormon Douchebag who said ridiculous shit.

Actually, there's some merit to that. The MSM thought Romney was great until AFTER he got the nomination, then they sandbagged him. But the fault really is with the GOP for nominating him to start with.
My fellow co workers were able to change our insurance carrier every time the rates when up.
As long as there were enough of us to agree on the carrier.So I know it can be done.
As far as the 47% quote goes.Romney was right on the mark when he said it didn't make sense from a political campaign strategy to go after the 47% of the people he didn't have a chance of winning over.

The left and the left controlled media twisted that quote 7 ways from Sunday to make sure their guy ( Obama ) won the election.

It's a shame we have people who get sucked into this stuff,believing what they hear from Bill Maher and the other guys over at Comedy Central.

Guy, you can blame everyone in the universe for Romney, but the real problem was Romney.

He was an awful candidate in 2008, and he was a worse one in 2012.

Take the 47% comments. He was probably right in the fact that 47% would vote for Obama no matter what. The Democratic Candidate has gotten at least that number in the last five elections.

It's when he went into disparaging those 47% as "moochers" and "not paying taxes" that he got himself into trouble and made himself look like an asshole.

Here is the full quote:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." -Mitt Romney, in leaked comments from a fundraiser in May 2012

Tell me where he was wrong, and this was said in private and secrectly taped. I don't see how this hurt him at all. After all Obama made the "you didn't build that" quote that should have riled up the independent voter even more so. No, if he were hurt, it was because of the MSM's treatment of both remarks.
Again, you're getting awfully defensive here.

Frankly, I don't give you the benefit of the doubt.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.
I've seen people fired because they got pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they ran up medical bills...

on the other hand-

I've seen inept employees kept because they are pals with the boss or a relative.
I saw a guy who was retained on the payroll even though he was mentally ill and was slowely melting down, but the management was afraid to fire him.

So, no, I don't give managers and bosses the benefit of the doubt.

You want to fire someone and make me pick up his unemployment and his medical as a taxpayer, you'd better damned well prove it was justified.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.

That's the government's fault for allowing people to not work for 2 years not the employers fault.

My unemployment taxes go up every year like clockwork so I am footing more of that bill than any of you sheep even though I haven't laid anyone off.
Here is what he said, compare it to what you have been told to say:

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said at a Monday breakfast in New Hampshire, when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

I guess YOU and the rest of the liberals don't mind getting the shaff with poor services? If the waitress spits in your food, no problem you'll come back for more. If your roof blows off after being replaced, no problem just do it again.

Obama should have been fired so I guess the left wing really doesn't mind poor service.

Again, most of us don't have the option of firing our crappy insurance carrier. The fact that romney thinks we can shows just how out of touch he is...

And frankly, if you made your fortune putting people at AmPad and GS Steel and KB Toys out of jobs to turn a quick profit, you really shouldn't be talking about "like to be able to fire" anyone. It kind of makes you look like "the guy who lays you off" as Huckabee once famously described Romney.

See how the MSM and the liberals treated this very logical statement by Romney is why we on the right call them the propaganda arm of the DNC. Hard to win elections when 47 percent don't really know what is going on, low information, and only vote for more hand outs. Romney was right about that also.

Here's another one. Yes, the evil MSM made you nominate a Mormon Douchebag who said ridiculous shit.

Actually, there's some merit to that. The MSM thought Romney was great until AFTER he got the nomination, then they sandbagged him. But the fault really is with the GOP for nominating him to start with.

So I guess your argument is that Obama didn't win on merit, true. He won because Romney was so bad? Obama won because the 6 percent who go one way or the other must have gone brain dead or were on another planet for the last 4 years. Either that or voter fraud.

You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.

What employers pay into unemployment insurance is a fuckin' pittance.

Frankly, I'd have no problem with you firing whoever you want, as long as you pay his unemployment full boat until he finds a job. And if you paid for all the services that benefit your business instead of relying for the rest of us to pay for it while you get all sorts of tax breaks.
So I guess your argument is that Obama didn't win on merit, true. He won because Romney was so bad? Obama won because the 6 percent who go one way or the other must have gone brain dead or were on another planet for the last 4 years. Either that or voter fraud.

Well, no, that isn't my argument.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, but I did vote for him in 2012.

Main reason. I really, really, really hate Mormons. Romney's a Mormon? Discussion was over for me at that point.

But beyond that, the GOP lost because in 2012 for the same reason the Democrats lost in 1984. They became so focused on pleasing people who were going to vote for them no matter what that they alienated people who would have otherwise been persuadable.

Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.
You don't pick up his unemployment. Employers pay unemployment taxes not you.

And all you do is whine about how unfair it all is. Well get off your ineffectual ovine ass and start your own business and then hire people and never ever fire one no matter how bad they perform and we'll see how long you can stay afloat.
apparently, employers did NOT pay enough to cover all of those who were laid off because a good deal of that cost is on the tax payer's back, as of late.

That's the government's fault for allowing people to not work for 2 years not the employers fault.

My unemployment taxes go up every year like clockwork so I am footing more of that bill than any of you sheep even though I haven't laid anyone off.

Nope, that's your fault for not hiring people.

Here's the tragedy of this recession. Employers laid people off when business was down. They made the people who were left work that much harder, didn't give them raises that kept up with inflation, and when things did get better, they didn't hire new people. This is why this recovery has taken so long to take off.

Now, I count myself blessed in that I got laid off before the crash of 2008, was able to get into a company that was in flux (Still sorting out a lot of aquisitions). But my department that employed 8 people doing the work in 2008 only has four people doing about the same volume of work in 2013.

This is the problem when you have a system that considers profits for the owners/investors to be a higher priority than putting people back to work. (Which is what most of the other industrialized nations did.)
Whether it be qualifiying the word "Rape" with adjectives to calling half the country "moochers" because they get some form of help from the government, the GOP comes off as heartless and tools of the wealthy, and that's why they lose elections.

This nonsense that the GOP can't win elections is the stupidest thing I have heard since i joined this site....

Bush a republican won two elections not that long ago.
The republicans have control of the House and they have members in the Senate.
There are a shitload of republicans as Governors and Mayors all across the country.

Where are you guys getting these talking points from that republicans can't win elections?....
Here is what he said, compare it to what you have been told to say:

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," Romney said at a Monday breakfast in New Hampshire, when talking about health care. "You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

I guess YOU and the rest of the liberals don't mind getting the shaff with poor services? If the waitress spits in your food, no problem you'll come back for more. If your roof blows off after being replaced, no problem just do it again.

Obama should have been fired so I guess the left wing really doesn't mind poor service.

Again, most of us don't have the option of firing our crappy insurance carrier. The fact that romney thinks we can shows just how out of touch he is...

And frankly, if you made your fortune putting people at AmPad and GS Steel and KB Toys out of jobs to turn a quick profit, you really shouldn't be talking about "like to be able to fire" anyone. It kind of makes you look like "the guy who lays you off" as Huckabee once famously described Romney.

See how the MSM and the liberals treated this very logical statement by Romney is why we on the right call them the propaganda arm of the DNC. Hard to win elections when 47 percent don't really know what is going on, low information, and only vote for more hand outs. Romney was right about that also.

Here's another one. Yes, the evil MSM made you nominate a Mormon Douchebag who said ridiculous shit.

Actually, there's some merit to that. The MSM thought Romney was great until AFTER he got the nomination, then they sandbagged him. But the fault really is with the GOP for nominating him to start with.

The fact that you keep bring up his religion makes you a bigot not worthy of any more of my time.

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