Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

That last bit has nothing to do with what I said.

I own a business and if I want to hire and fire people it is my right because I am the one providing the job.

If I want to hire only blonds with blue eyes and big tits and then fire them all so I can hire red heads with green eyes and great asses it's no one's business but mine
I'd have to question your business license for putting blondes ahead of redheads.....:eusa_whistle:

Yup, I'm thinkin' you have a point... Not much better than readheads with green eyes and great asses!

Yes, there is:a Latina with dark skin, jet-black hair to her knees, and pale green eyes.

That would be my wife. :D
So it's better if an employer never fires anyone and goes out of business instead.

If he lacks the skills to develop his employees, um, yeah. Probably would be better for all involved if he went out of business.

You do realize that some people just suck at some jobs and aren't worth the time to train don't you? How many hours is an employer supposed to spend training and retraining people only to still have to fix their fuck ups?

Some people just don't mesh with the team and cause more problems than they are worth.

Some employees steal

Some employees break company policy

Some are just fucking lazy.

All of the above need to go.

Frankly, I've never been at a company that went out of business because it failed to fire employees, good or bad. I've seen them go out of business because the management fucked up every decision it made, pretty much, and the employees paid the price.

Says you who have never run a business. I'm sure your bosses kept you in the loop of all company decisions. NOT.
People provide jobs on a voluntary basis. Employees accept jobs offered by an employer. If an employer deems it necessary to fire a person for financial reasons or for personality reasons that's life..

Again, why should it work that way? How about- everyone is promised a job. Period. If a private employer doesn't want you, we'll find a public job that pays just as well according to your abilities.

And just how do we pay for all these public jobs? There is only so much that needs to be done at taxpayer expense. Hell if we had it your way everyone should just work for the government.

A renumerative job for everyone. Along with universal health care, it was one of the things that FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights". and honestly, a lot more practical as a right than "Letting crazy people have military grade weapons."

Socialist utopia. We've seen that succeed before right?

And not that I'm defending Romney but he was talking about finding a service at a better price and firing or not doing business with the more expensive person..

No, he was revealing what a complete privilaged douchebag he was... which he did every time he opened his mouth. Good thing most of your side are racists, or he wouldn't have gotten any votes.

Tell me have you ever switched companies that provide you a service? Have you ever changed cable companies, cell phone companies, landscapers, contractors, plumbers, mechanics, electricians, barbers, etc.

If you did then you effectively fired one person to hire another to do a job for you and you sir are evil.

A job is not a right because if it was the government would have to force people to provide jobs. Even you might have to hire someone then you would be a douche bag employer.

That's kind of convoluted, really.

Look, I have no problem firing an employee for cause. It's regrettable. But this isn't what we were talking about in this thread. We are talking about someone who was fired because she voted for Obama.

And I quote: "Firing someone is always evil"
You do realize that some people just suck at some jobs and aren't worth the time to train don't you? How many hours is an employer supposed to spend training and retraining people only to still have to fix their fuck ups?

Some people just don't mesh with the team and cause more problems than they are worth.

Some employees steal

Some employees break company policy

Some are just fucking lazy.

All of the above need to go.

All of the above shouldn't have been hired to start with. But usually some genious with a BUsiness Adminstration degree decided they would be a good hire... and then we find out they lacked the leadership ability to get them to do the job.

Says you who have never run a business. I'm sure your bosses kept you in the loop of all company decisions. NOT.

if they had, they wouldn't have made the genius decisions they made. Case in point, the last job, the one that cured me of Republican Stupidity on economics forever. The Geniuses decided, "Hey,we are going to have this lucrative contract forever! We need to spend millions building a new facility to manage it instead of just renting it."

And we stupid grunts said, "Ummm... boss, this customer changes vendors once every three years, and we only got a three year contract." And when the contract ran out, they were stuck with a big empty facility they couldn't afford the payments on without firing most of their employees. They ended up closing other plants in other cities just so they could keep this one filled with something.

And just how do we pay for all these public jobs? There is only so much that needs to be done at taxpayer expense. Hell if we had it your way everyone should just work for the government.

Why not? Frankly, if the private sector act like a bunch of douchebags, why should the rest of us put up with it.

Socialist utopia. We've seen that succeed before right?

Uh, yeah, we have. Most of western Europe and Japan. Shhhh... I know you like to pretend those places don't exist.

Tell me have you ever switched companies that provide you a service? Have you ever changed cable companies, cell phone companies, landscapers, contractors, plumbers, mechanics, electricians, barbers, etc.

If you did then you effectively fired one person to hire another to do a job for you and you sir are evil.


I'll go you one better. In my job, I've discontinued about a dozen vendors for various issues, usually their inability to provide me with quality parts in a timely manner. And, yes, it is a necessary evil to let them go, although that's really not the same as firing someone who has a wife and a family, which is what I'm talking about.

And if Mitt had said, "If you aren't providing the level of service I want, I should be able to take my business elsewhere", that would have been fine. Not that most of us have that option with health care. Our employers provide it and if it sucks, no skin off their noses.

(Again, the last job, where I had to fight for a year to get an operation the insurance company considered "elective", and afterwards, lost my job.)

But he blurted out "I likes to fire people", showing him to be an entitled douchebag with no clue of what's going on in the world.
Where I live in Ohio, they'd rather you join the KKK than vote Democrat.

That must teach ignorance in Ohio, the KKK was the creation of the Democratic party.

So what you're basically saying is you'd rather be a Democrat than vote Democrat.


It was the creation of the old Democratic Party, which is now Republican. Do not let the facts get in your way.
You do realize that some people just suck at some jobs and aren't worth the time to train don't you? How many hours is an employer supposed to spend training and retraining people only to still have to fix their fuck ups?

Some people just don't mesh with the team and cause more problems than they are worth.

Some employees steal

Some employees break company policy

Some are just fucking lazy.

All of the above need to go.

All of the above shouldn't have been hired to start with. But usually some genious with a BUsiness Adminstration degree decided they would be a good hire... and then we find out they lacked the leadership ability to get them to do the job.

Says you who have never run a business. I'm sure your bosses kept you in the loop of all company decisions. NOT.

if they had, they wouldn't have made the genius decisions they made. Case in point, the last job, the one that cured me of Republican Stupidity on economics forever. The Geniuses decided, "Hey,we are going to have this lucrative contract forever! We need to spend millions building a new facility to manage it instead of just renting it."

And we stupid grunts said, "Ummm... boss, this customer changes vendors once every three years, and we only got a three year contract." And when the contract ran out, they were stuck with a big empty facility they couldn't afford the payments on without firing most of their employees. They ended up closing other plants in other cities just so they could keep this one filled with something.

Why not? Frankly, if the private sector act like a bunch of douchebags, why should the rest of us put up with it.

Socialist utopia. We've seen that succeed before right?

Uh, yeah, we have. Most of western Europe and Japan. Shhhh... I know you like to pretend those places don't exist.

Tell me have you ever switched companies that provide you a service? Have you ever changed cable companies, cell phone companies, landscapers, contractors, plumbers, mechanics, electricians, barbers, etc.

If you did then you effectively fired one person to hire another to do a job for you and you sir are evil.


I'll go you one better. In my job, I've discontinued about a dozen vendors for various issues, usually their inability to provide me with quality parts in a timely manner. And, yes, it is a necessary evil to let them go, although that's really not the same as firing someone who has a wife and a family, which is what I'm talking about.

Nice dodge. I asked YOU if YOU ever changed a service provider for another? If you go to another barber than the first one you went to you have effectively fired that barber and he has a wife and family you evil douche bag. I suppose you are still using the first carpenter you ever hired to do work on your house right? because if you aren't you fired him and you are evil.

Do you see how ridiculous your position is?

And if Mitt had said, "If you aren't providing the level of service I want, I should be able to take my business elsewhere", that would have been fine. Not that most of us have that option with health care. Our employers provide it and if it sucks, no skin off their noses.

(Again, the last job, where I had to fight for a year to get an operation the insurance company considered "elective", and afterwards, lost my job.)

But he blurted out "I likes to fire people", showing him to be an entitled douchebag with no clue of what's going on in the world.

IDGAF about Romney so get off it already.

If you don't like the fact that you have to work for someone else then work for yourself and stop your fucking whining already.
Nice dodge. I asked YOU if YOU ever changed a service provider for another? If you go to another barber than the first one you went to you have effectively fired that barber and he has a wife and family you evil douche bag. I suppose you are still using the first carpenter you ever hired to do work on your house right? because if you aren't you fired him and you are evil.

Do you see how ridiculous your position is?

And if Mitt had said, "If you aren't providing the level of service I want, I should be able to take my business elsewhere", that would have been fine. Not that most of us have that option with health care. Our employers provide it and if it sucks, no skin off their noses.

(Again, the last job, where I had to fight for a year to get an operation the insurance company considered "elective", and afterwards, lost my job.)

But he blurted out "I likes to fire people", showing him to be an entitled douchebag with no clue of what's going on in the world.

IDGAF about Romney so get off it already.

If you don't like the fact that you have to work for someone else then work for yourself and stop your fucking whining already.

NO barber is going to go broke from not cutting my limited supply of hair, so as usual, your comparison is invalid.

The customer/provider relationship is legally and morally different from the employer/employee relationship, and you know it. The question is, why should the rest of us put up with the capricious behavior of employers just because they have money?

Sorry, we don't let murderers get away with murder because they happen to be rich.

Employers should not have the ability to mess up your life because they can.

Strong labor laws, strong unions, strong workers rights... like most of the rest of the western world has.
Nice dodge. I asked YOU if YOU ever changed a service provider for another? If you go to another barber than the first one you went to you have effectively fired that barber and he has a wife and family you evil douche bag. I suppose you are still using the first carpenter you ever hired to do work on your house right? because if you aren't you fired him and you are evil.

Do you see how ridiculous your position is?

And if Mitt had said, "If you aren't providing the level of service I want, I should be able to take my business elsewhere", that would have been fine. Not that most of us have that option with health care. Our employers provide it and if it sucks, no skin off their noses.

(Again, the last job, where I had to fight for a year to get an operation the insurance company considered "elective", and afterwards, lost my job.)

But he blurted out "I likes to fire people", showing him to be an entitled douchebag with no clue of what's going on in the world.

IDGAF about Romney so get off it already.

If you don't like the fact that you have to work for someone else then work for yourself and stop your fucking whining already.

NO barber is going to go broke from not cutting my limited supply of hair, so as usual, your comparison is invalid.

The customer/provider relationship is legally and morally different from the employer/employee relationship, and you know it. The question is, why should the rest of us put up with the capricious behavior of employers just because they have money?

Sorry, we don't let murderers get away with murder because they happen to be rich.

Employers should not have the ability to mess up your life because they can.

Strong labor laws, strong unions, strong workers rights... like most of the rest of the western world has.
"The customer/provider relationship is legally and morally different from the employer/employee relationship, and you know it."
It is? How so? I think the two have many similarities.
"The question is, why should the rest of us put up with the capricious behavior of employers just because they have money? "....You don't. At will employment works both ways. Furthermore, it is not "money"...The issue is the employer OWNS the business. Therefore he or she makes rules to suit their needs. Also market forces dictate trends, hiring practices and qualifications. The current labor market is advantage business. The reason is simple. Unemployment is high, so it's a buyer's market. Businesses can be selective.
In times of low unemployment, the opposite is true. Prospective employees can negotiate better terms and working conditions.
Those points illustrate that labor is indeed a commodity.
We already DO have strong labor laws in all 50 states as well as federal laws.
For Christ's sake a week does not go by where there isn't a report of some investigation or lawsuit for some real or perceived violation.
Business must be very careful in the current climate.
I can see by your posts on this matter that you would prefer the balance be tipped 100% in favor of labor.
Nice dodge. I asked YOU if YOU ever changed a service provider for another? If you go to another barber than the first one you went to you have effectively fired that barber and he has a wife and family you evil douche bag. I suppose you are still using the first carpenter you ever hired to do work on your house right? because if you aren't you fired him and you are evil.

Do you see how ridiculous your position is?

And if Mitt had said, "If you aren't providing the level of service I want, I should be able to take my business elsewhere", that would have been fine. Not that most of us have that option with health care. Our employers provide it and if it sucks, no skin off their noses.

(Again, the last job, where I had to fight for a year to get an operation the insurance company considered "elective", and afterwards, lost my job.)

But he blurted out "I likes to fire people", showing him to be an entitled douchebag with no clue of what's going on in the world.

IDGAF about Romney so get off it already.

If you don't like the fact that you have to work for someone else then work for yourself and stop your fucking whining already.

NO barber is going to go broke from not cutting my limited supply of hair, so as usual, your comparison is invalid.

Firing someone is always evil. Your words and you don't even live by them.

The customer/provider relationship is legally and morally different from the employer/employee relationship, and you know it. The question is, why should the rest of us put up with the capricious behavior of employers just because they have money?

No not really. You hire someone to work for you so you are their employer even if only for one job. If you refuse to give them work in the future then you fired them. And firing someone is always evil. In fact you shouldn't even hire a carpenter for just one job. That's like employment at will. You should put him on your payroll and pay him forever.

Sorry, we don't let murderers get away with murder because they happen to be rich.

Employers should not have the ability to mess up your life because they can.

Strong labor laws, strong unions, strong workers rights... like most of the rest of the western world has.

So now firing someone is akin to murder?

If I fire someone I am not trying to mess up their life. i fire them because they messed up my business. They messed up their own life.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Funny you'd bring up Lewinsky considering how the left dragged her through the mud. They were bent on destroying a young girl's life and putting all the blame on her while ignoring Clinton's actions. Great example of liberal hypocrisy.

Now we have a woman who is assuming her support of Obama is the reason she got fired.

Truth is that all those who voted for Obama are responsible for many job losses. I guess it sucks when it comes home to roost. The Obamanites seem to think they are immune to the oppressive policies of the Obama administration. Not so, as they will learn the hard way. I know one young Obama supporter in shock because she has to pay $1,000 in taxes this year. Wasn't expecting that. Sucks to trust the wrong people.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Funny you'd bring up Lewinsky considering how the left dragged her through the mud. They were bent on destroying a young girl's life and putting all the blame on her while ignoring Clinton's actions. Great example of liberal hypocrisy.

Now we have a woman who is assuming her support of Obama is the reason she got fired.

Truth is that all those who voted for Obama are responsible for many job losses. I guess it sucks when it comes home to roost. The Obamanites seem to think they are immune to the oppressive policies of the Obama administration. Not so, as they will learn the hard way. I know one young Obama supporter in shock because she has to pay $1,000 in taxes this year. Wasn't expecting that. Sucks to trust the wrong people.
They were counting on it being "the other guy" who would get screwed. Now they're finding out "the other guy" includes THEM.
So Douchebag bosses can blame Obama for their douchebaggery.

This is why you need a CEO tax, or better yet, index the top marginal rate to the unemployment rate.

"Ha, Ha, I just laid off 60 people, I'm giving myself a raise."

"Ha, Ha, Your Tax rate just went up to 75%!"

and Obama gets a pass for his class-warfare douchebaggery...

since libs have their heads planted solidly up their asses whenever basic economic principles are discussed...
Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.

That is your narrow minded opinion. Fortunately, not widely held.
Stop mixing issues. It makes and already weak argument appear weaker.
What is evil is keeping on a bad employee deluding them into the belief they are doing a good job. Even more evil is keeping that person employed and keeping out a candidate that is a much better and more qualified worker.

Actually, in my experience, there are no bad employees.

Just bad hires and bad management.

The real problem is that most managers and bosses shouldn't be managers or bosses,and probably wouldn't be if employees could take a vote on the issue.

AAAAAHHHHHHH Democracy! The Plutocrat's worst fear.

Fortunately we don't live in nor will we ever have true democracy.
And as far as your manager-boss comment is concerned, well unless you own your own business or enter management your job is to do your job. Your opinion does not matter.
You don't get to complain "up". As it always has been, as it always should be, "shit rolls down hill"...
But you are free to start your own business and become the boss. And then accept all of the responsibilities that come with it.
See that is the problem with you whiners. You want the power to make decisions but are incapable of fathoming the responsibilities that are required of owners and managers.
That is your narrow minded opinion. Fortunately, not widely held.
Stop mixing issues. It makes and already weak argument appear weaker.
What is evil is keeping on a bad employee deluding them into the belief they are doing a good job. Even more evil is keeping that person employed and keeping out a candidate that is a much better and more qualified worker.

Actually, in my experience, there are no bad employees.

Just bad hires and bad management.

The real problem is that most managers and bosses shouldn't be managers or bosses,and probably wouldn't be if employees could take a vote on the issue.

AAAAAHHHHHHH Democracy! The Plutocrat's worst fear.

Fortunately we don't live in nor will we ever have true democracy.
And as far as your manager-boss comment is concerned, well unless you own your own business or enter management your job is to do your job. Your opinion does not matter.
You don't get to complain "up". As it always has been, as it always should be, "shit rolls down hill"...
But you are free to start your own business and become the boss. And then accept all of the responsibilities that come with it.
See that is the problem with you whiners. You want the power to make decisions but are incapable of fathoming the responsibilities that are required of owners and managers.

Only an idiot who never owned a business or hired anyone would be stupid enough to say there is no such thing as a bad employee.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


No they don't.

Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Sexual harassment is already illegal.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

Agreed. A boss should be able to fire someone for being Black, Asian, Gay, Democrat, female etc etc.

Righty? What fucking year do you live in? Serious question. The good Ol days are gone and people like you are dying off thank god.
Sorry, we don't let murderers get away with murder because they happen to be rich.

Employers should not have the ability to mess up your life because they can.

Strong labor laws, strong unions, strong workers rights... like most of the rest of the western world has.

So now firing someone is akin to murder?

If I fire someone I am not trying to mess up their life. i fire them because they messed up my business. They messed up their own life.[/QUOTE]

I've known people who've died after they've gotten fired, so, yeah, I put them up there in the same category of fucking evil.

Now, if we were the kind of society that promised all our citizens universal health care and such, maybe firing people wouldn't be as evil.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

Agreed. A boss should be able to fire someone for being Black, Asian, Gay, Democrat, female etc etc.

Righty? What fucking year do you live in? Serious question. The good Ol days are gone and people like you are dying off thank god.

Dear stupid knee jerk reactionary room temperature IQ moron..
The reasons you gave above are all illegal.
Cut the bullshit.
People like "us"....Yeah.
Racist comment. Not tolerated.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

Agreed. A boss should be able to fire someone for being Black, Asian, Gay, Democrat, female etc etc.

Righty? What fucking year do you live in? Serious question. The good Ol days are gone and people like you are dying off thank god.

Dear stupid knee jerk reactionary room temperature IQ moron..
The reasons you gave above are all illegal.
Cut the bullshit.
People like "us"....Yeah.
Racist comment. Not tolerated.

This country started going down the drain when the liberals pushed their civil rights nonsense down our throats in the 1960s. Until then we had a great country.
Sorry, we don't let murderers get away with murder because they happen to be rich.

Employers should not have the ability to mess up your life because they can.

Strong labor laws, strong unions, strong workers rights... like most of the rest of the western world has.

So now firing someone is akin to murder?

If I fire someone I am not trying to mess up their life. i fire them because they messed up my business. They messed up their own life.

I've known people who've died after they've gotten fired, so, yeah, I put them up there in the same category of fucking evil.

Now, if we were the kind of society that promised all our citizens universal health care and such, maybe firing people wouldn't be as evil.[/QUOTE]

Nice fucking try there zero intelligence.
"you've known"...Bullshit.
There are no bad employees?
Like the guy that go into the warehouse ,finds a nice hidden place out sight and goes to sleep while on the clock?....That is not a bad employee.
Or the admin that instead of doing her work, surfs the internet.. That's not a bad employee?
Or the retail sales person who treats a customer with disdain. That's not a bad employee?

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