Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

and you dont OWN the infrastructure this country provided with which your business could NOT opperate.

You think you are so special that no one else would fill the gap left by your leaving the country?

Oh m

Dude your NOT that special

Oh my goodness here we go again, tm do you realize there is no goverment without buisness owners?

do you realize peope who start businesses are jsut people and that others can do it to when the market can bare an opening.

Its time for the people who have their own businesses to STOP trying to pretend they are more better than all other human beings.

Luck and good employees is why most businesses make it

You are one brainwashed indoctrinated moron.
Most people can't start or run their own business. Not because they aren't smart or lucky but because they are unwilling to put for the sacrifice and effort to have their own business.

Then they have no reason to whine about a job they take or whether or not they get fired.

Well. Usually they don't put in the effort to do a good job either. A woman who voted for obama has already exhibited poor judgment. She should not be fired, but certainly deserves extra scrutiny because she is undoubtably not putting forth the effort she should.
I have known a few business owners who didnt know what they had.

They didnt recognise who really built their business.

A resturant owner who doesnt know the Cook IS THE REASON they get so much return business

It was the owner who hired the cook based on his or her qualifications.
If the cook does not work out, he or she is out and gets replaced.

Why would someone include something like that when your assertion was that "your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all"?

Hey look I already apologized for failing to recognize your ignorance.

So get over it!!

Can your employer terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all or not?

This is a yes or no question.
Yes. So as long as no state or federal labors laws were violated.
Can your employer terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all or not?

This is a yes or no question.

Yes, as long as no laws are violated.

In that case they can't terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.

As long as no laws are violated, yes.
Stop asking the same question over and over in order to get the answer you want to see.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

I understand that you are a business owner and that you want efficient employees and that your business is not a charity. However, firing an employee anytime for any reason seems to be an extreme position. For example, demanding sexual favors as a quid pro quo for continued employment for a person living payvheck to paycheck. An employer hires an individual to do a job. Part of that job does include how you represent an employee. However, I disagree with firing someone for a reason that does relate to job performance.

It is a good thing that laws have been set in place to protect employees from individual's with your attitude. This is not to say you mistreat your employees, just that your position could lead to such.
What it seems to be to you is immaterial.
The business owner also owns the jobs( positions). That's all that needs to be said.
Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.

That is your narrow minded opinion. Fortunately, not widely held.
Stop mixing issues. It makes and already weak argument appear weaker.
What is evil is keeping on a bad employee deluding them into the belief they are doing a good job. Even more evil is keeping that person employed and keeping out a candidate that is a much better and more qualified worker.
No...."At will" employment means just that. "For cause" only applies to rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefits.
An individual terminated "for cause" in most cases is not eligible to collect.
Basically, "At will" means a worker can be discharged for any reason so as long as no state or federal laws are violated. Period. Done. End of story.

Federal and state laws were violated if what this woman says is true.

Really? How so?...
We have the right to freedom of speech. That right the government may not abridge. It says nothing about one's employer.
If I had a worker in my employ that for example voted on a referendum and the result of that vote was in contrast to the best interest of MY business, you'd be absolutely correct if you you asked if I'd fire them.
And I'd be well within my right to do so.
I'll take it a step further.
Let's say for example the state proposed a highway project that would cause me to lose my property and close my business. If I had a worker or workers who I discovered voted FOR the referendum, I would terminate them immediately.
Now you may believe these people had the right to an opinion which they expressed with their vote. And you'd be correct. But I have the right to find that opinion to be unacceptable. And if that opinion jeopardizes my livelihood in essence threatens the employment of my other people and the food on their and MY table, you're fuckin A right those people would be HISTORY. And there isn't a damned thing anyone could do about it.
BY terminating their employment, I simply expressed MY opinion.

Here's an example of an actual case in "don't fuck with your employer's best interests"...
A registered nurse was terminated from her employment at a hospital. The reason the hospital management gave was that her husband who is a plaintiff's attorney, specialized in malpractice lawsuits. It was discovered by the hospital administration that the hospital in which this nurse worked was a frequent target of this attorney's firm.
So they fired the the nurse due to a perceived conflict of interest. The woman sued...And lost.
Meh, probably not.

Put her in front of a jury of 12 other schlubs who got downsized because the people with jobs will desperately try to get out of jury duty...

I wouldn't want to be her boss.

Attorneys representing both sides have the right to voir dire potential jurors. And in civil cases, most cases never see a jury. Even when the occasional case does go to court, attorneys are permitted to challenge individual jury candidates and have them removed from consideration.
What you suggest would be unlawful jury stacking.
Anyway, this moron's attorneys will be buried in paper and motions for years. And quite possibly be on the business end of a countersuit.

Oh, please, the one thing the whiny plutcrats always call for is "Tort Reform". The last thing they ever want is a fair fight. My guess, this Douchebag employer ends up settling...
What the fuck are you blabbering about....fair fight. Get the fuck outta here.
Do you really think civil actions are about a "fair fight"....? You cannot be that stupid.
Just to indulge you....I will make a concession. You can have your fair fight only if "loser pays" becomes law.
Loser pays balances the interest of the plaintiff and the defendant. The system and common sense. The sublime and the ridiculous.
:lol: This is too funny! No wonder most business owners are conservatives. Liberals are too fucking stupid. What a bunch of idiots! :lol:
I know facts get in the way of a lot of the idiocy on message boards but unless you have a contract drawn up with a employer that specifies the length of your employment and reasons for termination you can be fired anytime for any reason. If you look on a employment application it say's this not a contract for employment and employment can be terminated at any time by the employer or the employee.
I know facts get in the way of a lot of the idiocy on message boards but unless you have a contract drawn up with a employer that specifies the length of your employment and reasons for termination you can be fired anytime for any reason. If you look on a employment application it say's this not a contract for employment and employment can be terminated at any time by the employer or the employee.

Well lefties like Tm and pro union thuggery people like JoeB believe businesses somehow owe people.
I once heard a woman blasting her husband's former employer of 20 years after he was laid off along with others. The guy was a janitor/custodian. The company decided to outsource the custodial work to a contractor at a considerable savings to the company.
The woman said that is wrong and the company has a ( this is funny) "symbiotic relationship" with the community and "owed" her husband another job at the firm.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

That last bit has nothing to do with what I said.

I own a business and if I want to hire and fire people it is my right because I am the one providing the job.

If I want to hire only blonds with blue eyes and big tits and then fire them all so I can hire red heads with green eyes and great asses it's no one's business but mine
I'd have to question your business license for putting blondes ahead of redheads.....:eusa_whistle:
No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

That last bit has nothing to do with what I said.

I own a business and if I want to hire and fire people it is my right because I am the one providing the job.

If I want to hire only blonds with blue eyes and big tits and then fire them all so I can hire red heads with green eyes and great asses it's no one's business but mine
I'd have to question your business license for putting blondes ahead of redheads.....:eusa_whistle:

Yup, I'm thinkin' you have a point... Not much better than readheads with green eyes and great asses!
Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.

So it's better if an employer never fires anyone and goes out of business instead.

People provide jobs on a voluntary basis. Employees accept jobs offered by an employer. If an employer deems it necessary to fire a person for financial reasons or for personality reasons that's life.

And not that I'm defending Romney but he was talking about finding a service at a better price and firing or not doing business with the more expensive person.

A job is not a right because if it was the government would have to force people to provide jobs. Even you might have to hire someone then you would be a douche bag employer.
Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.

That is your narrow minded opinion. Fortunately, not widely held.
Stop mixing issues. It makes and already weak argument appear weaker.
What is evil is keeping on a bad employee deluding them into the belief they are doing a good job. Even more evil is keeping that person employed and keeping out a candidate that is a much better and more qualified worker.

Actually, in my experience, there are no bad employees.

Just bad hires and bad management.

The real problem is that most managers and bosses shouldn't be managers or bosses,and probably wouldn't be if employees could take a vote on the issue.

AAAAAHHHHHHH Democracy! The Plutocrat's worst fear.
So it's better if an employer never fires anyone and goes out of business instead.

If he lacks the skills to develop his employees, um, yeah. Probably would be better for all involved if he went out of business.

Frankly, I've never been at a company that went out of business because it failed to fire employees, good or bad. I've seen them go out of business because the management fucked up every decision it made, pretty much, and the employees paid the price.

People provide jobs on a voluntary basis. Employees accept jobs offered by an employer. If an employer deems it necessary to fire a person for financial reasons or for personality reasons that's life..

Again, why should it work that way? How about- everyone is promised a job. Period. If a private employer doesn't want you, we'll find a public job that pays just as well according to your abilities.

A renumerative job for everyone. Along with universal health care, it was one of the things that FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights". and honestly, a lot more practical as a right than "Letting crazy people have military grade weapons."

And not that I'm defending Romney but he was talking about finding a service at a better price and firing or not doing business with the more expensive person..

No, he was revealing what a complete privilaged douchebag he was... which he did every time he opened his mouth. Good thing most of your side are racists, or he wouldn't have gotten any votes.

A job is not a right because if it was the government would have to force people to provide jobs. Even you might have to hire someone then you would be a douche bag employer.

That's kind of convoluted, really.

Look, I have no problem firing an employee for cause. It's regrettable. But this isn't what we were talking about in this thread. We are talking about someone who was fired because she voted for Obama.
I know facts get in the way of a lot of the idiocy on message boards but unless you have a contract drawn up with a employer that specifies the length of your employment and reasons for termination you can be fired anytime for any reason. If you look on a employment application it say's this not a contract for employment and employment can be terminated at any time by the employer or the employee.

Yes, at will employment is horrible, and the rest of us shouldn't put up with it.

We need strong unions and strong labor laws to prevent EXACTLY this kind of shit from going on.

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