Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

Hey look I already apologized for failing to recognize your ignorance.

So get over it!!

Can your employer terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all or not?

This is a yes or no question.

Yes, as long as no laws are violated.

In that case they can't terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.
do you realize peope who start businesses are jsut people and that others can do it to when the market can bare an opening.

Its time for the people who have their own businesses to STOP trying to pretend they are more better than all other human beings.

Luck and good employees is why most businesses make it

Funny the harder i work the luckier I seem to get.

Saying that it's nothing but luck that determines whether or not a business succeeds shows your contempt of people who strive to do more than the rest of the sheep.

I didnt say it was nothing but luck.

No you said it was luck and employees. You forgot to mention all the monetary risk and all the hours worked by the owner which by the way are usually twice what the average employee works.
See how your brain works.

You did a good thing starting a business.

It took brains and hard work on your part.

You made it and Now you do a good job maintaining that initial success.

Now you reap the rewards.

If you do not know it was partly luck that your business made it then you have a puffed head.

I don't credit anything to luck. We researched the market for 2 years before we pulled the trigger. We risked everything we had and I was not going to bank on luck.

You see this is what happens to some people when they opperate a successful business, they start to think they are really special and are the smartest people who walk the earth because it all worked out so well.

If you fail to admitt the luck in the equation you get a fat head.

I have never said I was special or smart. You're the one who seems to think that most people can't start a business not me. It's you who think others are stupid or incompetent.
Most people can't start or run their own business. Not because they aren't smart or lucky but because they are unwilling to put for the sacrifice and effort to have their own business. I've started many businesses. I've seen dozens and dozens of businesses start, succeed and fail. Very seldom is it because the owner wasn't smart or lucky. They just never understood how much crap they would have to eat.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

I understand that you are a business owner and that you want efficient employees and that your business is not a charity. However, firing an employee anytime for any reason seems to be an extreme position. For example, demanding sexual favors as a quid pro quo for continued employment for a person living payvheck to paycheck. An employer hires an individual to do a job. Part of that job does include how you represent an employee. However, I disagree with firing someone for a reason that does relate to job performance.

It is a good thing that laws have been set in place to protect employees from individual's with your attitude. This is not to say you mistreat your employees, just that your position could lead to such.
Can your employer terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all or not?

This is a yes or no question.

Yes, as long as no laws are violated.

In that case they can't terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.

You must enjoy being wrong.

One of the most common calls I receive in my office are calls involving employment situations. On a weekly basis I'll get a call from someone who was fired regarding their situation. The call invariably ends with the question, "Can they fire me for that?" About nine times out of ten, the answer is "yes." Texas is essentially an "employment at will" state. Basically this means that, unless you have an employment contract, you can be fired or you can quit at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. Say the boss doesn't like your shoes? She can fire you. Say you don't like the tie the boss is wearing? You can quit.

As with everything else in the law, however, there are always exceptions. For instance, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that you cannot be fired for refusing to perform an illegal act. If you refuse to dump that fifty-five gallon barrel of toxic waste into Lake Conroe, your job is still secure!

Also, you cannot be fired for discrimination based on your age. Federal law makes it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of age if they are over 39.

What do we do when laws appear to contradict one another? I recently had a call from someone who was fired for simply stating their opinion about a matter at work. They called me, very upset, and felt that their constitutional right to free speech was violated. I ended up giving them a good news / bad news answer. The good news is that you do have a constitutionally protected right to free speech. The U.S. Government cannot restrict your right to express yourself.

The bad news is that your employer can fire you for expressing yourself at work. The First Amendment to the Constitution protects you from the government's attempt to restrict what you say, but it does not affect your employer's right to fire you for saying it. Besides, the guy ordering his pizza from you probably isn't all that interested in your opinion on the Iraq war anyway!

Employment Law in Texas

Texas is an "at will employment" state and an employer can fire you for no reason, as long as you are not fired for an illegal reason. If your new manager does not like you, she is within her rights to terminate your employment (assuming there are no illegal reasons - race, creed gender, etc.) for your firing.

Lee Keller King
Sugar Land Litigation Lawyer
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

I understand that you are a business owner and that you want efficient employees and that your business is not a charity. However, firing an employee anytime for any reason seems to be an extreme position. For example, demanding sexual favors as a quid pro quo for continued employment for a person living payvheck to paycheck. An employer hires an individual to do a job. Part of that job does include how you represent an employee. However, I disagree with firing someone for a reason that does relate to job performance.

It is a good thing that laws have been set in place to protect employees from individual's with your attitude. This is not to say you mistreat your employees, just that your position could lead to such.

Asking sexual favors from an employee is a thought that has never ever crossed my mind.

And besides that happens to be illegal.

I am of the mind that an employer should not need a reason to let someone go. The employer provides a job on a voluntary basis therefore the employer owns the job not the employee.
Most people can't start or run their own business. Not because they aren't smart or lucky but because they are unwilling to put for the sacrifice and effort to have their own business.

Then they have no reason to whine about a job they take or whether or not they get fired.
and you dont OWN the infrastructure this country provided with which your business could NOT opperate.

You think you are so special that no one else would fill the gap left by your leaving the country?

Oh m

Dude your NOT that special

Oh my goodness here we go again, tm do you realize there is no goverment without buisness owners?

do you realize peope who start businesses are jsut people and that others can do it to when the market can bare an opening.

Its time for the people who have their own businesses to STOP trying to pretend they are more better than all other human beings.

Luck and good employees is why most businesses make it

Since when did you care about business owner...acording to you they are all evil and took advantage of a system for a few, correct?
Or how about this... an employee complains about an unsafe working condition, should the boss be able to fire him even though he was completely in the right?

Yeah, so what? We have OSHA for that. Unsafe working conditions were not the reason the woman in the OP got fired, so what bearing does that have on the OP? None.
I love it when stupid liberals try to engage in conversation about business with people who actually own and run businesses. No wonder half of them are dependent on government.
Most likely she has sued previous employers, claiming she was fired because she was black. She didn't want to press her luck with the justice system, so she changed her strategy and claimed she was fired because she voted for Obama. I would wager to say she is probably a career suer.

Good theory. Quite possible.
One thing..This is the last straw. News such this travels fast. Which could make this person unemployable. Who the hell would hire her? I sure would not.
Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.
No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

You're fucking stupid!!

Using your logic once you hire someone you can never fire them.

No, it means you have to show cause before you fire them.

That you have a good business case for letting them go, you tried everything you could to correct their performance, and they still didn't improve. That's an absolutely good reason to let someone go.

That you didn't like the person they voted for... that's really none of your fucking business. This is where there should be big lawsuits and big settlements.
No...."At will" employment means just that. "For cause" only applies to rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefits.
An individual terminated "for cause" in most cases is not eligible to collect.
Basically, "At will" means a worker can be discharged for any reason so as long as no state or federal laws are violated. Period. Done. End of story.
Wow you know I forgot how fucking stupid you are.

Let me explain something to you. Now I know this is going to be hard for you to comprehend but if you go slowly, follow along with your finger and move your lips as you read you might just understand.

Just because I say a person should be able to do something does not mean I would do that very thing.

Unlike you I am not a control freak. I can say people should be able to smoke, drink, eat and do drugs to excess if that's what they want to do and they accept the consequences. Does that mean that I would smoke, eat, drink and do drugs to excess?

Of course not, you stupid fuck.

No, you just think that really evil behavior should be acceptable, because being held to a standard is the worst thing ever for you...

It amazes me that you use such an utterly retarded analogy. the behaviors you list, while wrong, only really effect you. Being a douchebag boss effects your employees and by extention their families, which is why it shouldn't be allowed.

"At Will Employment" needs to go. It's one of those typically stupid Republican ideas that the poor businessman is only being kept down by big bad government.

At will needs to go..and be replaced with what? A system similar to say what they have in France? Where NO ONE can be fired? Fuck that.
Never gonna happen.
Ya know what..At will would not exist if employees were all capable of policing themselves. That is to say they won't slack off. Arrive to work late. Not perform their tasks to 100% of their ability 100% of the time. Not steal from the employer, etc etc...
Nope. There are just enough bad apples so that government had to step in and protect businesses from these types.
No...."At will" employment means just that. "For cause" only applies to rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefits.
An individual terminated "for cause" in most cases is not eligible to collect.
Basically, "At will" means a worker can be discharged for any reason so as long as no state or federal laws are violated. Period. Done. End of story.

Federal and state laws were violated if what this woman says is true.
Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

Firing people is always evil.

Romney said he liked to fire people, and the people fired his ass. Without even hiring him.

But anyway, why shouldn't a job be a right? I think it's a more practical right than the "right" of a crazy person to own a military grade weapon.

Firing people is always evill?

You wouldn't fire someone who you hired to care for a family member who wasn't, but spent their day watching Pay For Porn on your cable?

You wouldn't fire someone you hired to fix your car and after a week, it was laying in peices on the ground?

You wouldn't fire someone who slept on the job?

BTW, those are the type of people Mitt said he liked to fire.

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me, You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

"I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don't like what they do, you can fire them,"

But you can keep lying if you like.
to be laid off is legal.

To be fired for the reason of voting for obama is illegal.

She claims that she was fired for that, probably fired for other reasons, and wants something to use to get sympathy. She's going to have a rough time proving it.

Meh, probably not.

Put her in front of a jury of 12 other schlubs who got downsized because the people with jobs will desperately try to get out of jury duty...

I wouldn't want to be her boss.

Attorneys representing both sides have the right to voir dire potential jurors. And in civil cases, most cases never see a jury. Even when the occasional case does go to court, attorneys are permitted to challenge individual jury candidates and have them removed from consideration.
What you suggest would be unlawful jury stacking.
Anyway, this moron's attorneys will be buried in paper and motions for years. And quite possibly be on the business end of a countersuit.
She claims that she was fired for that, probably fired for other reasons, and wants something to use to get sympathy. She's going to have a rough time proving it.

Meh, probably not.

Put her in front of a jury of 12 other schlubs who got downsized because the people with jobs will desperately try to get out of jury duty...

I wouldn't want to be her boss.

Attorneys representing both sides have the right to voir dire potential jurors. And in civil cases, most cases never see a jury. Even when the occasional case does go to court, attorneys are permitted to challenge individual jury candidates and have them removed from consideration.
What you suggest would be unlawful jury stacking.
Anyway, this moron's attorneys will be buried in paper and motions for years. And quite possibly be on the business end of a countersuit.

Oh, please, the one thing the whiny plutcrats always call for is "Tort Reform". The last thing they ever want is a fair fight. My guess, this Douchebag employer ends up settling...

Firing people is always evill?

You wouldn't fire someone who you hired to care for a family member who wasn't, but spent their day watching Pay For Porn on your cable?

You wouldn't fire someone you hired to fix your car and after a week, it was laying in peices on the ground?

You wouldn't fire someone who slept on the job?

It was your own damned fault for hiring them to start with, isn't it?

BTW, those are the type of people Mitt said he liked to fire.

"I like being able to fire people who provide services to me, You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say, 'I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.'"

"I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don't like what they do, you can fire them,"

But you can keep lying if you like.

Why, Romney showed us EXACTLY who he was at that moment.

Besides the fact most of us don't have the option of firing out health insurance carrier (because they work for our employers, not us), his choice of words perfectly described him...

"I like to be able to fire people", and he said it like he was getting off a bit in his magic underwear.

Always, best part of the campaign was when Romney was talking to other rich douchebags and not realizng he was being taped.
Where I live in Ohio, they'd rather you join the KKK than vote Democrat.

That must teach ignorance in Ohio, the KKK was the creation of the Democratic party.

So what you're basically saying is you'd rather be a Democrat than vote Democrat.


Yea, Texas, execution capital of the US, is really a leader in education. You guys get a governor yet who can speak in complete sentences?

Non sequitur

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