Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

heres your problem you brain cell wanting masters.

We are a democracy.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote.

How many laborers are there compared to CEOs?

now you know why you lose elections huh

Ok retard. How many times must you be told that the USA is not a democracy. It is a representative republic.
Second, without business leaders such as the CEO or the owner of the mom and pop business, there are NO JOBS.
And no everyone does not get to vote. One must be 18 or older and NOT a convicted felon.
One must be a citizen to vote.
Are you a citizen?
Alot of people have been fired because she voted for Obama. Why should she be immune to the consequences of her vote?

Votes have consequences. The fact that people think they should be immune from the consequence of their actions is messed up.
Ok retard. How many times must you be told that the USA is not a democracy. It is a representative republic.
Second, without business leaders such as the CEO or the owner of the mom and pop business, there are NO JOBS.
And no everyone does not get to vote. One must be 18 or older and NOT a convicted felon.
One must be a citizen to vote.
Are you a citizen?

They also have to be alive.
Or how about this... an employee complains about an unsafe working condition, should the boss be able to fire him even though he was completely in the right?

Depends. If the employee took the proper route through the chain of command, then no.
If the employee takes his complaints public, then yes.
It depends on whether the complaint was lodged in an insubordinate manner.
All employees have some kind of guide or handbook.
Anyway, you are getting off track.
The bottom line is in an "at will" employment situation, the employer has absolute discretion over who he or she employs.
heres your problem you brain cell wanting masters.

We are a democracy.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote.

How many laborers are there compared to CEOs?

now you know why you lose elections huh

You don't get to vote on who I hire or fire.

we all own this country.

your outnumbered.

dont like it?

find yourself a nice compliant thrid world country to move your business to.

Then rest assured you business opening will be quickly filled by ANOTHER American who actually likes his country

You really are a laugh riot.
None of what you posted makes a damned but of sense.
I cannot believe a person so stupid is capable of using a computer.
we all own this country.

your outnumbered.

dont like it?

find yourself a nice compliant thrid world country to move your business to.

Then rest assured you business opening will be quickly filled by ANOTHER American who actually likes his country

But you don't own my business.

and you dont OWN the infrastructure this country provided with which your business could NOT opperate.

You think you are so special that no one else would fill the gap left by your leaving the country?

Dude your NOT that special

Cut the bullshit. Who the fuck do you think funds the government? And who the fuck do you think builds the roads and other infrastructure?

Look moron, states are turning over their toll roads to private entities because it's cheaper for private enterprise to do so.
Did you know that most major highway projects and existing roads were either funded by Bonds in which case the private sector and the taxpayers both built and maintain these facilities? No I guess not.
No you believe as Obama has told you..."You didn't build that".
heres your problem you brain cell wanting masters.

We are a democracy.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote.

How many laborers are there compared to CEOs?

now you know why you lose elections huh

You don't get to vote on who I hire or fire.

Honestly, you sound like you are about one lawsuit away from being put out of business, so keep thinking like that.
Honestly, you are emoting.
He can hire and fire anyone anytime for any reason as long as he violates no laws.
we dont want to vote you out of business.

We want you to treat us decently.

If you dont KNOW how to treat us decently we will MAKE SURE you do it with laws.

be sure to comply with all the duly demmed laws on this democracy which includes NOT having the right to screw your employees over

He just got through stating he's only had to fire one person in 6 years.
And you have to get a job before you can screech about being treated decently.
When brains were handed out, you got screwed over.
Most likely she has sued previous employers, claiming she was fired because she was black. She didn't want to press her luck with the justice system, so she changed her strategy and claimed she was fired because she voted for Obama. I would wager to say she is probably a career suer.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

You're fucking stupid!!

Using your logic once you hire someone you can never fire them.

No, it means you have to show cause before you fire them.

That you have a good business case for letting them go, you tried everything you could to correct their performance, and they still didn't improve. That's an absolutely good reason to let someone go.

That you didn't like the person they voted for... that's really none of your fucking business. This is where there should be big lawsuits and big settlements.
People voted in higher costs of doing business then wonder why Business has to cut back ~silly~

I'd have no problem if they cut back on 8 figure CEO salaries and dividends paid to investor leeches. But they never seem to do that.

Cutting back on employees and making all the ones you have left work harder... that's just crazy talk.

Should a business owner be able to fire Mormons?

Only ones who are still butthurt because they made the wrong decision.

Hey, you going to go on about that forever, Ernie?

You need to man up and admit you screwed up. I did give you fair warning it was a horrible idea.

And you did it anyway.

And you lost.
Wow you know I forgot how fucking stupid you are.

Let me explain something to you. Now I know this is going to be hard for you to comprehend but if you go slowly, follow along with your finger and move your lips as you read you might just understand.

Just because I say a person should be able to do something does not mean I would do that very thing.

Unlike you I am not a control freak. I can say people should be able to smoke, drink, eat and do drugs to excess if that's what they want to do and they accept the consequences. Does that mean that I would smoke, eat, drink and do drugs to excess?

Of course not, you stupid fuck.

No, you just think that really evil behavior should be acceptable, because being held to a standard is the worst thing ever for you...

It amazes me that you use such an utterly retarded analogy. the behaviors you list, while wrong, only really effect you. Being a douchebag boss effects your employees and by extention their families, which is why it shouldn't be allowed.

"At Will Employment" needs to go. It's one of those typically stupid Republican ideas that the poor businessman is only being kept down by big bad government.
Most likely she has sued previous employers, claiming she was fired because she was black. She didn't want to press her luck with the justice system, so she changed her strategy and claimed she was fired because she voted for Obama. I would wager to say she is probably a career suer.

Do you have proof of this, or is it just your racist implication?
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

No...The employer is obligated only to State and Federal labor laws and regulation.
Your example would be a violation of state and federal labor laws.
Let's come back from La La land.
If I am an employer say, a manager of a hotel. I don't need people who won't do any work unless they are told what to do. I want people who think for themselves. I see three people outside who just happened to be on a smoke break when I arrived at work that day should have been working, I can fire their asses if I want. Or If I see people sitting around when there are things that could be done if those sitting around had taken a small bit of initiative, I have the right to shit can them as well.

That would be firing them for cause, which I'd have no problem with.

AFTER the employer documented that he disciplined the employees, that he was applying the policy equally, and that the behavior continued after correction, I'd have no problem firing employees who continued to do that.

But this isn't what your boy ThickSkull said. He said...

A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

Which means that boss who fired someone for not kneeling down would be perfectly okay to fire.

Now, that said, the topic we are discussing here. That this employer fired this woman, who had otherwise gotten okay performance reviews, because she found out she voted for Obama.

That actually is illegal.
to be laid off is legal.

To be fired for the reason of voting for obama is illegal.

She claims that she was fired for that, probably fired for other reasons, and wants something to use to get sympathy. She's going to have a rough time proving it.

Meh, probably not.

Put her in front of a jury of 12 other schlubs who got downsized because the people with jobs will desperately try to get out of jury duty...

I wouldn't want to be her boss.
Or how about this... an employee complains about an unsafe working condition, should the boss be able to fire him even though he was completely in the right?

Depends. If the employee took the proper route through the chain of command, then no.
If the employee takes his complaints public, then yes.
It depends on whether the complaint was lodged in an insubordinate manner.
All employees have some kind of guide or handbook.
Anyway, you are getting off track.
The bottom line is in an "at will" employment situation, the employer has absolute discretion over who he or she employs.

Well, again, that isn't what your boy ThickSkull said...

He said

A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

and you said,

the employer has absolute discretion over who he or she employs

So by your logic, and employer should have the right to fire a worker who refused to work with the "Death Machine 2000".
to be laid off is legal.

To be fired for the reason of voting for obama is illegal.

She claims that she was fired for that, probably fired for other reasons, and wants something to use to get sympathy. She's going to have a rough time proving it.


Does she have any write ups or correctives?
Did her employer explain their reasoning?

To fire out of the blue is illegal.
But I think that she might have misinterprited "laid off" as "fired"
to be laid off is legal.

To be fired for the reason of voting for obama is illegal.

She claims that she was fired for that, probably fired for other reasons, and wants something to use to get sympathy. She's going to have a rough time proving it.


Does she have any write ups or correctives?
Did her employer explain their reasoning?

To fire out of the blue is illegal.
But I think that she might have misinterprited "laid off" as "fired"

The problem is, "Laid Off" is a euphamism.

Now, yeah, back in the oldy days when we had strong unions, Laid Off meant Laid Off. We don't have enough work for you, but the minute we do, we call you back.

Today Laid Off means "we are firing you, when we do hire, we are going to hire someone else for less money, and we hope you never hear about it."

Part of what's wrong with our current labor situation.
Wow you know I forgot how fucking stupid you are.

Let me explain something to you. Now I know this is going to be hard for you to comprehend but if you go slowly, follow along with your finger and move your lips as you read you might just understand.

Just because I say a person should be able to do something does not mean I would do that very thing.

Unlike you I am not a control freak. I can say people should be able to smoke, drink, eat and do drugs to excess if that's what they want to do and they accept the consequences. Does that mean that I would smoke, eat, drink and do drugs to excess?

Of course not, you stupid fuck.

No, you just think that really evil behavior should be acceptable, because being held to a standard is the worst thing ever for you...

It amazes me that you use such an utterly retarded analogy. the behaviors you list, while wrong, only really effect you. Being a douchebag boss effects your employees and by extention their families, which is why it shouldn't be allowed.

"At Will Employment" needs to go. It's one of those typically stupid Republican ideas that the poor businessman is only being kept down by big bad government.

Firing someone is not evil.
And I am not responsible for what happens to my employees when they leave the premises. They are responsible for themselves.

No one has the right to a job. Jobs are provided voluntarily by business owners. If anyone doesn't like that then they are free to work for themselves. I have since I was 20 years old.

So stop your fucking whining already.

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