Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

we all own this country.

your outnumbered.

dont like it?

find yourself a nice compliant thrid world country to move your business to.

Then rest assured you business opening will be quickly filled by ANOTHER American who actually likes his country

But you don't own my business.

and you dont OWN the infrastructure this country provided with which your business could NOT opperate.

You think you are so special that no one else would fill the gap left by your leaving the country?

Oh m

Dude your NOT that special

Oh my goodness here we go again, tm do you realize there is no goverment without buisness owners?
I think the dumbasses who voted for Obama in the healthcare industry, should be the first to go...when the layoffs start being handed out.
I was right and just proved it so yes you are an idiot.

You a few mins ago:



Job applicants and new employees are often perplexed to read--in a job application, employment contract, or employee handbook--that they will be employed [B]"at will." [/B]They are even more troubled when they find out exactly what this language means: An at-will employee can be fired at any time, for any reason (except for a few illegal reasons, spelled out below). If the employer decides to let you go, that's the end of your job--and you have very limited legal rights to fight your termination.

Note the bolded "except for a few illegal reasons, spelled out below".

So, no, you weren't right and you supplied the evidence that proves you wrong.

Well done, Chief.


Forgive me of not remembering that I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots and that I need to be specific in every little detail.

You people won't wipe you own ass until someone tells you too.

Leaving out the exceptions when trying to claim an employer can terminate you for any reason is not a "little" missed detail.
You a few mins ago:



Note the bolded "except for a few illegal reasons, spelled out below".

So, no, you weren't right and you supplied the evidence that proves you wrong.

Well done, Chief.


Forgive me of not remembering that I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots and that I need to be specific in every little detail.

You people won't wipe you own ass until someone tells you too.

Leaving out the exceptions when trying to claim an employer can terminate you for any reason is not a "little" missed detail.

I missed realizing that idiots such as yourself wouldn't have included anti-descrimination laws in my response. After all they've only been around for about 40 fucking years!
Forgive me of not remembering that I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots and that I need to be specific in every little detail.

You people won't wipe you own ass until someone tells you too.

Leaving out the exceptions when trying to claim an employer can terminate you for any reason is not a "little" missed detail.

I missed realizing that idiots such as yourself wouldn't have included anti-descrimination laws in my response. After all they've only been around for about 40 fucking years!


Why would someone include something like that when your assertion was that "your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all"?
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

So you're cool with an employer firing someone for who they voted for.


It's a good thing your view is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out on the fringe.

Should a business owner be able to fire someone because he has a sticker on his car that reads: Heil Hitler!?
Now THAT is what I call Affirmative Action!!!

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — A southwest Ohio woman who says she was fired because she voted for President Barack Obama filed a lawsuit against her former employer.

Patricia Kunkle's lawsuit accuses Dayton-based defense contractor Q-Mark Inc. and its president of telling employees that if Obama was re-elected, then his supporters would be the first to be fired, The Dayton Daily News (Woman claims she was fired for voting for Obama | www.daytondailynews.com) reported.

Brian Wildermuth, an attorney for the company president, said in a statement that Kunkle was laid off for economic reasons — "nothing more."

"I am sure you and your readers are familiar with the ongoing uncertainties regarding defense spending, and thus the economic environment confronting defense contractors," he said. "The allegation that Q-Mark discharged Ms. Kunkle because of her vote is simply false."

Kunkle, of Kettering, has an unlisted phone number and her Dayton attorney didn't immediately respond to a request to speak with her.

The lawsuit, filed in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court on Feb. 14, seeks a minimum of $25,000. It says that Kunkle's vote came up in conversation on Nov. 7, the day after the election, and that she was fired Nov. 9. The suit claims that the company's president and owner, Roberta Gentile, said the firing was in the "best interest of the company."

The lawsuit said that Gentile engaged Q-Mark employees in conversations aimed at discovering their political affiliations and repeatedly disparaged Obama supporters.

Kunkle started as a temporary worker with the small company in April and became full-time in May, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit said that she performed her duties "efficiently and effectively," and never received any disciplinary action or negative performance evaluations.

Defense attorneys have until mid-March to respond to the lawsuit.
Apparently they didnt want stupid people to work there
Now THAT is what I call Affirmative Action!!!

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) — A southwest Ohio woman who says she was fired because she voted for President Barack Obama filed a lawsuit against her former employer.

Patricia Kunkle's lawsuit accuses Dayton-based defense contractor Q-Mark Inc. and its president of telling employees that if Obama was re-elected, then his supporters would be the first to be fired, The Dayton Daily News (Woman claims she was fired for voting for Obama | www.daytondailynews.com) reported.

Brian Wildermuth, an attorney for the company president, said in a statement that Kunkle was laid off for economic reasons — "nothing more."

"I am sure you and your readers are familiar with the ongoing uncertainties regarding defense spending, and thus the economic environment confronting defense contractors," he said. "The allegation that Q-Mark discharged Ms. Kunkle because of her vote is simply false."

Kunkle, of Kettering, has an unlisted phone number and her Dayton attorney didn't immediately respond to a request to speak with her.

The lawsuit, filed in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court on Feb. 14, seeks a minimum of $25,000. It says that Kunkle's vote came up in conversation on Nov. 7, the day after the election, and that she was fired Nov. 9. The suit claims that the company's president and owner, Roberta Gentile, said the firing was in the "best interest of the company."

The lawsuit said that Gentile engaged Q-Mark employees in conversations aimed at discovering their political affiliations and repeatedly disparaged Obama supporters.

Kunkle started as a temporary worker with the small company in April and became full-time in May, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit said that she performed her duties "efficiently and effectively," and never received any disciplinary action or negative performance evaluations.

Defense attorneys have until mid-March to respond to the lawsuit.
Apparently they didnt want stupid people to work there

Yeah, I can't blame them for firing anyone who votes against their own best interest. If my boss came to me and said "If this guy get elected, he intends to raise our corporate tax rate and that is going to cost us 15 jobs and raises for the next 4 years." I would want any moron who voted for the guy to be first on the chop block!

Gimme a break! She has no right to complain about anything! She made her bed, and now she's sleeping in it! Tell her to shut up and go work for a green company until they run out of O-dallars to keep the doors open!
If you don't support the business why should the business support you?

As a business person I can fire anyone I want for any reason I believe is good enough. I may have to allow them to collect unemployment but I do not have to have them work for me.

How would her employer know who she voted for? If she flaunted it at work then she could be dismissed for "bad attitude" or a bad influence on morale or wearing the wrong color of socks!
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Democrats are just a stepping stone to communism. when the communists take power the democrats will be on the list of folks to get rid of too. After all they betrayed their constitution what would prevent them from betraying the communists that they helped get into power?
This is nice too!!!


I have seen that... I found it amusing. If it were real, my reaction would be "serves them right for voting against the best interests of their employer."
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

Yep..It's called "at will" employment.
Unless one has a contract defining the terms of employment and salary for a definite period of time and so as long as the contract must be paid in full even if the employee is discharged before the end of the contract, the agreement lasts only as long as both parties are in agreement. Once one party decides the agreement is void, they are free to end the agreement.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

No...The employer is obligated only to State and Federal labor laws and regulation.
Your example would be a violation of state and federal labor laws.
Let's come back from La La land.
If I am an employer say, a manager of a hotel. I don't need people who won't do any work unless they are told what to do. I want people who think for themselves. I see three people outside who just happened to be on a smoke break when I arrived at work that day should have been working, I can fire their asses if I want. Or If I see people sitting around when there are things that could be done if those sitting around had taken a small bit of initiative, I have the right to shit can them as well.
when you employ someone you have made a contract with someone to supply you labor.

They are not then your slave as the right wing philosophy seems to think

They are not indentured. Which means they are free to work for whom ever will hire them. An employer has no "claim". Nor are they slaves because they are paid for their work.

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