Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

Sounds like you are the one with the problem, then.

I'm sure anyone you ever fired was grateful for it, you sound like you are a real douchebag to work for.

BUt that doesn't mean the rest of us should have to put up with your douchebaggery. Strong labor laws and strong unions. If you don't like it, no one is making you stay in business, and there are decent human beings ready to replace you.

I have only fired one person in the past 6 years.
Over 80% of my original staff is still with me. So yeah I must treat people like shit.

You must...

Or you've just found a bunch of people willing to put up with your shit.

Yeah they really hate the benefits I give. You know the vacation and sick time even for part time employees oh and let's not forget the retirement plan with a very good match.

They must really hate those 1000 dollar Xmas bonuses I give out too.
Sounds like you are the one with the problem, then.

I'm sure anyone you ever fired was grateful for it, you sound like you are a real douchebag to work for.

BUt that doesn't mean the rest of us should have to put up with your douchebaggery. Strong labor laws and strong unions. If you don't like it, no one is making you stay in business, and there are decent human beings ready to replace you.

I have only fired one person in the past 6 years.
Over 80% of my original staff is still with me. So yeah I must treat people like shit.

says the internets poster


An employer does not have the right to ask an employee for a blow job.

Sexual harassment was not legal last time I checked.

If I want to let someone go I should be able to any time I want and honestly I shouldn't need any reason.


You said.

A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

Okay. The time he asked her for a blow job was any time, and if he fired her for it, it was one of ANY reasons.

Now, if you want to walk it back a bit, that's fine, just man up and admit that you are walking it back, and there should be cases where an employer SHOULD be held accountable for firing an employee for reasons that are wrong.
skull may be a great employer.

what he needs to comprehend is there are real rat bastages out there.

They will play with people JUST for the fun of it and the power rush.

There has to be laws to protect workers from abuse and anyone who disagrees is either living in a fantasy land or wants to have the abilty to abuse their workers
This cannot be made up....
Ohio woman claims she was fired because she voted for Obama - NYPOST.com
Ohio woman claims she was fired because she voted for Obama
Last Updated: 2:07 PM, February 20, 2013
Posted: 11:04 AM, February 20, 2013
DAYTON, Ohio — A southwest Ohio woman who says she was fired because she voted for President Barack Obama filed a lawsuit against her former employer.

Patricia Kunkle's lawsuit accuses Dayton-based defense contractor Q-Mark Inc. and its president of telling employees that if Obama was re-elected, then his supporters would be the first to be fired, The Dayton Daily News reported.

Brian Wildermuth, an attorney for the company president, said in a statement that Kunkle was laid off for economic reasons — "nothing more."

"I am sure you and your readers are familiar with the ongoing uncertainties regarding defense spending, and thus the economic environment confronting defense contractors," he said. "The allegation that Q-Mark discharged Ms. Kunkle because of her vote is simply false."

Kunkle, of Kettering, has an unlisted phone number and her Dayton attorney didn't immediately respond to a request to speak with her.

The lawsuit, filed in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court on Feb. 14, seeks a minimum of $25,000. It says that Kunkle's vote came up in conversation on Nov. 7, the day after the election, and that she was fired Nov. 9. The suit claims that the company's president and owner, Roberta Gentile, said the firing was in the "best interest of the company."

The lawsuit said that Gentile engaged Q-Mark employees in conversations aimed at discovering their political affiliations and repeatedly disparaged Obama supporters.

Kunkle started as a temporary worker with the small company in April and became full-time in May, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit said that she performed her duties "efficiently and effectively," and never received any disciplinary action or negative performance evaluations.

Defense attorneys have until mid-March to respond to the lawsuit.

If she did get canned for voting for Obama, she is the idiot for publicizing what is supposed to be a private matter. Also, her vote for an anti military spending president is not in the best interests of her employer.
This lawsuit is baseless nonsense. She loses.
The former employer's attorneys are going to bury her in paper and motions until she surrenders.

Is Ohio a right to work state?

If so, then she can be fired for any reason or no reason at all.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

So you're cool with an employer firing someone for who they voted for.


It's a good thing your view is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out on the fringe.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

You're fucking stupid!!

Using your logic once you hire someone you can never fire them.
Workers rights WILL NOT be going away any time soon.

move if you dont like our democracy
we all own this country.

your outnumbered.

dont like it?

find yourself a nice compliant thrid world country to move your business to.

Then rest assured you business opening will be quickly filled by ANOTHER American who actually likes his country

But you don't own my business.

and you dont OWN the infrastructure this country provided with which your business could NOT opperate.

You think you are so special that no one else would fill the gap left by your leaving the country?

Dude your NOT that special

A few post back you said "we all own this country".

So if "we" doesn't include Skull, then who else does it exclude and why?
Oh, goodie. Looks like obamabots have now come up with a job security program that will practically guarantee they will be retained when others are being laid off because of the high cost of labor. Threaten the employers with endless lawsuits claiming you were discharged because of your political affiliation.
Workers rights WILL NOT be going away any time soon.

move if you dont like our democracy

You have no idea what you're talking about.

In most of the United States, employees are generally considered “at will” employees. At-will means that you or your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.

Oh and we are a Constituional Republic, not a Democracy.
People voted in higher costs of doing business then wonder why Business has to cut back ~silly~
Workers rights WILL NOT be going away any time soon.

move if you dont like our democracy

You have no idea what you're talking about.

In most of the United States, employees are generally considered “at will” employees. At-will means that you or your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.

Oh and we are a Constituional Republic, not a Democracy.

You need to freshen up on "at will" employment and the many statuary exceptions to firing "at will" employees that can lead to an employer eating a lawsuit.
Workers rights WILL NOT be going away any time soon.

move if you dont like our democracy

You have no idea what you're talking about.

In most of the United States, employees are generally considered “at will” employees. At-will means that you or your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason, whether good, bad, indifferent or for no reason at all.

Oh and we are a Constituional Republic, not a Democracy.

You need to freshen up on "at will" employment and the many statuary exceptions to firing "at will" employees that can lead to an employer eating a lawsuit.

If she can prove she was descriminated against then she has a case, if not, she doesn't.

Her word and hearsay are not proof.
skull may be a great employer.

what he needs to comprehend is there are real rat bastages out there.

They will play with people JUST for the fun of it and the power rush.

There has to be laws to protect workers from abuse and anyone who disagrees is either living in a fantasy land or wants to have the abilty to abuse their workers

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