Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

So Douchebag bosses can blame Obama for their douchebaggery.

This is why you need a CEO tax, or better yet, index the top marginal rate to the unemployment rate.

"Ha, Ha, I just laid off 60 people, I'm giving myself a raise."

"Ha, Ha, Your Tax rate just went up to 75%!"

Ha Ha, they just closed their doors and took their manufacturing overseas, laying off every employee in that state.

"Don't look at me, blame your government who thought they could raise corporate taxes under the flag of 'Hope and Change'. How's that change working now?"
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Well it worked out well for Clinton, as he kept his job. Interesting though, that those who commit adultery while serving the military aren't so lucky. I suppose because he's the President of the United States, Commander in Chief over the armed forces...... and not a CEO, nobody should tell HIM what he is allowed to do with his employees that he has working for him.... or how to run HIS office.
So Douchebag bosses can blame Obama for their douchebaggery.

This is why you need a CEO tax, or better yet, index the top marginal rate to the unemployment rate.

"Ha, Ha, I just laid off 60 people, I'm giving myself a raise."

"Ha, Ha, Your Tax rate just went up to 75%!"

Ha Ha, they just closed their doors and took their manufacturing overseas, laying off every employee in that state.

"Don't look at me, blame your government who thought they could raise corporate taxes under the flag of 'Hope and Change'. How's that change working now?"

It would work out just fine, if we treated it like the offense it was.

I have my great solution. Next time some douchebag moves his factory overseas, we slap a huge tariff on his products when they try to get them back into this country.

We also make them put "Made in CHINA" in a big font.
when you employ someone you have made a contract with someone to supply you labor.

They are not then your slave as the right wing philosophy seems to think

Maybe you should educate yourself on the terms "layoff" and "fired", THEN show me this ... contract ... in your next post.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Well it worked out well for Clinton, as he kept his job. Interesting though, that those who commit adultery while serving the military aren't so lucky. I suppose because he's the President of the United States, Commander in Chief over the armed forces...... and not a CEO, nobody should tell HIM what he is allowed to do with his employees that he has working for him.... or how to run HIS office.

Your logic is, as always, fallacious.

If Monica refused to give him a blow job and she got fired, that might be actual cause. That ain't what happened.

You might have a better case that Paula Jones refused to give him one, but she didn't get fired or suffer any other negative consequences. So that argument fails, too. Also, he didn't hold that job anymore.
So Douchebag bosses can blame Obama for their douchebaggery.

This is why you need a CEO tax, or better yet, index the top marginal rate to the unemployment rate.

"Ha, Ha, I just laid off 60 people, I'm giving myself a raise."

"Ha, Ha, Your Tax rate just went up to 75%!"

Ha Ha, they just closed their doors and took their manufacturing overseas, laying off every employee in that state.

"Don't look at me, blame your government who thought they could raise corporate taxes under the flag of 'Hope and Change'. How's that change working now?"

It would work out just fine, if we treated it like the offense it was.

I have my great solution. Next time some douchebag moves his factory overseas, we slap a huge tariff on his products when they try to get them back into this country.

We also make them put "Made in CHINA" in a big font.

It's interesting how tariffs with countries in a global economy works ..... do onto others as they have done to you. China has made it harder for an automaker in the states to sell his cars overseas, this could lead to an overproduction of cars stockpiled outside his assembly plant ... with further layoffs in the United States. What's your next brilliant plan?
It's interesting how tariffs with countries in a global economy works ..... do onto others as they have done to you. China has made it harder for an automaker in the states to sell his cars overseas, this could lead to an overproduction of cars stockpiled outside his assembly plant ... with further layoffs in the United States. What's your next brilliant plan?

Guy, whatever.

Free Traders have been spewing this bullshit for 60 years... and it's still bullshit.

I do recall the last time a president called the free traders on their bullshit. It was when Japan was dumping cars. Reagan threatened tariffs unless they made the cars here.

Every other country protects their workers except ours.
No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

Well it worked out well for Clinton, as he kept his job. Interesting though, that those who commit adultery while serving the military aren't so lucky. I suppose because he's the President of the United States, Commander in Chief over the armed forces...... and not a CEO, nobody should tell HIM what he is allowed to do with his employees that he has working for him.... or how to run HIS office.

Your logic is, as always, fallacious.

If Monica refused to give him a blow job and she got fired, that might be actual cause. That ain't what happened.

You might have a better case that Paula Jones refused to give him one, but she didn't get fired or suffer any other negative consequences. So that argument fails, too. Also, he didn't hold that job anymore.

My point is that no one from the left saw a problem, or questioned how "morally unethical" it is for a Commander-in-Chief to view or treat [on the job] one of his employees in any manner he saw fit. Yet its somehow immoral for a CEO to have the freedom to look at the best interests of his company, when it comes to making a decision to downsize or the ability to fire an employee? Look how President Clinton views women and tell me which one is being viewed, used, and treated like trash.

My point is that no one from the left saw a problem, or questioned how "morally unethical" it is for a Commander-in-Chief to view or treat [on the job] one of his employees in any manner he saw fit. Yet its somehow immoral for a CEO to have the freedom to look at the best interests of his company, when it comes to making a decision to downsize or the ability to fire an employee? Look how President Clinton views women and tell me which one is being viewed, used, and treated like trash.

Oh, was that your point, because it was kind of convoluted.

Frankly, since his relationship with Monica was consenting, I'm not seeing the problem you are seeing here. Monica wanted a relationship with an older guy and she had several. Clearly, if she felt she was being abused, she had several routes of recourse to follow.

The problem with CEO's having the freedom to look out for the best interests of their companies does not mean it is the best interest of society. Frankly, it might be in the best interest of a company to dump a bunch of carcinogens into my water supply to make a quick profit, but I would want the government to make sure they don't have that "Freedom".

I've seen too many good people fired by managers for capricious or evil reasons to give them the benefit of the doubt to say, "Yup, I was totally doing it for the best interest of the company."
It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No you said in response to my question, "So firing someone is akin to murder now?"

I've known people who've died after they've gotten fired, so, yeah, I put them up there in the same category of fucking evil.

So firing someone is an equivalent evil to murder in your twisted mind.

BTW it's basically saying firing equals murder. After all if they are the same type of evil how are they different?

So you concede I didn't call firing murder, then?

Nice of you to be honest. Now if we can get you to be less of a douche, that'd be something.

You created an equivalency.

The evil of firing someone is equivalent to the evil of murder. So they are equal.

It's not a baseless inference.
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

Agreed. A boss should be able to fire someone for being Black, Asian, Gay, Democrat, female etc etc.

Righty? What fucking year do you live in? Serious question. The good Ol days are gone and people like you are dying off thank god.

Interesting as I have seen a few employees who got fired for not having the ability or the knowledge to do their job, then they turn around and want to try calling the employer racist. Racism seems to have evolved since the days of old, apparently it's more acceptable [politically correct] to be a worthless employee and be hired solely on the basis of color. Tell me how is that in the best interest of the employer and to everyone on the job that gets hired on the basis of their abilities?
This is nice too!!!


Yup. Think you'll see all kinds of this going on in the next four years.
It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No...the person he let go fucked up his own life by doing a poor job.
You see Joe, it works this way. When a person is at fault in their own discharge from employment, the management did not decide to fire that person., The worker made the decision. They did that by nor performing as agreed when they were hired. Remember, on the day of hire the employer and employee enter into an agreement. That is the employee agrees to perform assigned tasks while the employer agrees to compensate the employee for successful completion of said tasks.
If the employee violates the agreement, it is THEY who have decided they no longer wish to be a part of the company.

The problem with that is, then the employer is also obligated to live up to their end of the agreement, is he not?

Now, keep in mind, we aren't talking about a person in this thread who was fired for her performance. We are talking about a person who was fired because her boss didn't like who she voted for.

I've seen an employee of 14 years fired because she was gay.
I've seen women fired because they got pregnant.
I was personally fired (despite six years of glowing performance evaluations) because I ran up too many medical bills one year.

Now, if you are going to insist on making so many things contingent on employment, and not just garuntee every citizen health care and a job like those nasty European Socialists do. (Damn them with their higher standard of living and their longer life expectencies!) then you really should be insisting on holding the employer to his end of the agreement, should you not?

Or to put it a way even a greedy douchebag can understand. If you are a fair employer who only fires people for cause, and you are paying through the nose for unemployment insurance and taxes, the guy who is out there firing his wage slaves because he doesn't like who they are sleeping with or who they voted for is kind of acting badly at your expense, isn't he?

Yeah, and I got fired because the boss's wife didn't like I had to have a necessary surgery and missed over a month of work. Yet, my performance review was exceeding expectations, and I was over 150% of quota. So, guess what I did, I moved on. That is life.
No...the person he let go fucked up his own life by doing a poor job.
You see Joe, it works this way. When a person is at fault in their own discharge from employment, the management did not decide to fire that person., The worker made the decision. They did that by nor performing as agreed when they were hired. Remember, on the day of hire the employer and employee enter into an agreement. That is the employee agrees to perform assigned tasks while the employer agrees to compensate the employee for successful completion of said tasks.
If the employee violates the agreement, it is THEY who have decided they no longer wish to be a part of the company.

The problem with that is, then the employer is also obligated to live up to their end of the agreement, is he not?

Now, keep in mind, we aren't talking about a person in this thread who was fired for her performance. We are talking about a person who was fired because her boss didn't like who she voted for.

I've seen an employee of 14 years fired because she was gay.
I've seen women fired because they got pregnant.
I was personally fired (despite six years of glowing performance evaluations) because I ran up too many medical bills one year.

Now, if you are going to insist on making so many things contingent on employment, and not just garuntee every citizen health care and a job like those nasty European Socialists do. (Damn them with their higher standard of living and their longer life expectencies!) then you really should be insisting on holding the employer to his end of the agreement, should you not?

Or to put it a way even a greedy douchebag can understand. If you are a fair employer who only fires people for cause, and you are paying through the nose for unemployment insurance and taxes, the guy who is out there firing his wage slaves because he doesn't like who they are sleeping with or who they voted for is kind of acting badly at your expense, isn't he?

Yeah, and I got fired because the boss's wife didn't like I had to have a necessary surgery and missed over a month of work. Yet, my performance review was exceeding expectations, and I was over 150% of quota. So, guess what I did, I moved on. That is life.

I was fired because I refused to sabotage customers' cars. Like you, I moved on.

(And I called the police, two newspapers, and a TV station on the crooked shop.)
Yeah, and I got fired because the boss's wife didn't like I had to have a necessary surgery and missed over a month of work. Yet, my performance review was exceeding expectations, and I was over 150% of quota. So, guess what I did, I moved on. That is life.

I'll go you one better. My boss decided that even though I was in excrutiating pain, I couldn't take one day off for knee surgury. I had to delay that operation for a month because, hey, they were transitioning to new software and their might be complications, because no one else knew the ins and outs of the system we were transitioning too.

To this very day, I can't stand on that leg for more than a few hours.

So, yeah, I've moved on, with a bit of a limp.

It isn't about moving on, guy. It's about whether I should support an economic and political system that gives bosses the right to abuse employees with such impunity.

And frankly, I can't think of a good reason to. Quite the contrary, a system with strong workers rights would demand smarter bosses.
I was fired because I refused to sabotage customers' cars. Like you, I moved on.

(And I called the police, two newspapers, and a TV station on the crooked shop.)

So you didn't just lay down and take it. You sought legal recourse against your employer. In fact, you attempted to smear their reputation and legal status. If what you say is true, but honestly, you aren't exactly the picture of mental stability.

So would you have been this keen on "justice" if they hadn't fired you?

(Great C'Thulhu, sometimes they make it too easy!))
Yeah, and I got fired because the boss's wife didn't like I had to have a necessary surgery and missed over a month of work. Yet, my performance review was exceeding expectations, and I was over 150% of quota. So, guess what I did, I moved on. That is life.

I'll go you one better. My boss decided that even though I was in excrutiating pain, I couldn't take one day off for knee surgury. I had to delay that operation for a month because, hey, they were transitioning to new software and their might be complications, because no one else knew the ins and outs of the system we were transitioning too.

To this very day, I can't stand on that leg for more than a few hours.

So, yeah, I've moved on, with a bit of a limp.

It isn't about moving on, guy. It's about whether I should support an economic and political system that gives bosses the right to abuse employees with such impunity.

And frankly, I can't think of a good reason to. Quite the contrary, a system with strong workers rights would demand smarter bosses.

And I wouldn't delay the surgery a day, quit and move on. It's all about moving on from one bad apple and go to someone who appreciates your efforts and respects you as a person. Sorry, you aren't finding them.
It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No...the person he let go fucked up his own life by doing a poor job.
You see Joe, it works this way. When a person is at fault in their own discharge from employment, the management did not decide to fire that person., The worker made the decision. They did that by nor performing as agreed when they were hired. Remember, on the day of hire the employer and employee enter into an agreement. That is the employee agrees to perform assigned tasks while the employer agrees to compensate the employee for successful completion of said tasks.
If the employee violates the agreement, it is THEY who have decided they no longer wish to be a part of the company.

The problem with that is, then the employer is also obligated to live up to their end of the agreement, is he not?

Now, keep in mind, we aren't talking about a person in this thread who was fired for her performance. We are talking about a person who was fired because her boss didn't like who she voted for.

I've seen an employee of 14 years fired because she was gay.
I've seen women fired because they got pregnant.
I was personally fired (despite six years of glowing performance evaluations) because I ran up too many medical bills one year.

Now, if you are going to insist on making so many things contingent on employment, and not just garuntee every citizen health care and a job like those nasty European Socialists do. (Damn them with their higher standard of living and their longer life expectencies!) then you really should be insisting on holding the employer to his end of the agreement, should you not?

Or to put it a way even a greedy douchebag can understand. If you are a fair employer who only fires people for cause, and you are paying through the nose for unemployment insurance and taxes, the guy who is out there firing his wage slaves because he doesn't like who they are sleeping with or who they voted for is kind of acting badly at your expense, isn't he?
The obligation as you call it, is simple. The Employer compensates the employee at the agreed rate so as long as the employee performs assigned tasks to the satisfaction of the employer. The employee agrees to arrive to work on time every day. Show up for work every day he or she is scheduled to work. Show respect for superiors. Observe all rules set forth by the company. Pretty simple. The employer agrees to observe all state and federal labor laws. Pretty simple.
Ancillary rewards benefits not associated with wages are subject to change at the discretion of the employer. Example, the employer elects to move their business to a new insurance carrier for employee health plan. Happens all the time.
The fact that this person may or may not have voted for one person or another is immaterial. The fact that because employment is at will, the person no longer has a job. She is free to work elsewhere. Of course if she is a chronic filer of lawsuits vs former employers, she may have a tough time finding work. Too bad.
I offered an example of how an employee can find themselves in hot water by making decisions that are not in their employer's best interest. In fact I provided several. You are arguing in circles.

Now...I will tell you for the last time. I do not believe your stories about gays, pregnant women or your excessive medical bills getting you fired.
"I know of"..."I have heard" or other personal anecdotes are just that, anecdotes. Keep them to yourself. I don't care.
"Now, if you are going to insist on making so many things contingent on employment, and not just garuntee every citizen health care and a job like those nasty European Socialists do. (Damn them with their higher standard of living and their longer life expectencies!) then you really should be insisting on holding the employer to his end of the agreement, should you not?

SO many things? Yer kidding right? Look if you don't like the employer employee relationship works you always have the option of starting your own business. This way you can make your own rules.
Guarantee a job to everyone? In which universe does this happen? Most EU nations have very high unemployment. Unemployment in Europe: get the figures for every country | News | guardian.co.uk
In fact in the 27 nation chart in this link only 9 of those nations have lower unemployment than that of the US. And once again, the rates are irrespective of socialized medicine.
There is no sustainable empirical evidence that supports the theory of a direct correlation between government run health care and life expectancy.
I will ignore the insult as just another fit of rage on your part.
Look, you view employment as an entitlement. You said so yourself. "Socialized nations guarantee everyone health care and a job"...It's not true but for purposes of responding to your rant, employment is earned. It is an opportunity. Not a birthright.
The only obligation an employer has is to pay the employee at an agreed rate. Other than that, all the business has to do is obey all state and federal labor laws. Everything else is up to the employee to show the employer that he or she is worth keeping their job and justifies any future increases in wage or promotion in rank within the company.
Pretty simple stuff.
So Douchebag bosses can blame Obama for their douchebaggery.

This is why you need a CEO tax, or better yet, index the top marginal rate to the unemployment rate.

"Ha, Ha, I just laid off 60 people, I'm giving myself a raise."

"Ha, Ha, Your Tax rate just went up to 75%!"

Ha Ha, they just closed their doors and took their manufacturing overseas, laying off every employee in that state.

"Don't look at me, blame your government who thought they could raise corporate taxes under the flag of 'Hope and Change'. How's that change working now?"

It would work out just fine, if we treated it like the offense it was.

I have my great solution. Next time some douchebag moves his factory overseas, we slap a huge tariff on his products when they try to get them back into this country.

We also make them put "Made in CHINA" in a big font.
Stop ranting. That scenario is impossible. In order to do what you suggest, all similar items from ALL importers must have the same tariffs fixed.
Look, your idea of business falls far outside the boundaries of logic.
For reasons why manufacturing has suffered, why we no longer build furniture here, no textiles, electronics, etc look no further than your precious federal government. With their overbearing regulations and confiscatory taxes combined with these stupid free trade agreements, ran these businesses right out of the country.
The unions are also to blame. They made US labor rates non competitive.
Trade wars are stupid. Nobody wins.

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