Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

It's interesting how tariffs with countries in a global economy works ..... do onto others as they have done to you. China has made it harder for an automaker in the states to sell his cars overseas, this could lead to an overproduction of cars stockpiled outside his assembly plant ... with further layoffs in the United States. What's your next brilliant plan?

Guy, whatever.

Free Traders have been spewing this bullshit for 60 years... and it's still bullshit.

I do recall the last time a president called the free traders on their bullshit. It was when Japan was dumping cars. Reagan threatened tariffs unless they made the cars here.

Every other country protects their workers except ours.

There is a huge difference between trade treaties and "free trade"...Treaties are agreements that protect nations from punitive tariffs and other retaliatory actions.
Free trade agreements supposedly would promote trade between nations so that poorer nations would be lifted up. Of course the opposite happens. The wealthier nation is dragged down.

The Japanese were not accused of dumping cars here. And according to you Reagan was anti union. So why would Reagan do anything to protect union jobs in the auto industry?
Actually the Japanese government was accused of allowing Japanese steel companies to "dump" ( term used for selling at below market value) steel on the world market.
I was fired because I refused to sabotage customers' cars. Like you, I moved on.

(And I called the police, two newspapers, and a TV station on the crooked shop.)

So you didn't just lay down and take it. You sought legal recourse against your employer. In fact, you attempted to smear their reputation and legal status. If what you say is true, but honestly, you aren't exactly the picture of mental stability.

So would you have been this keen on "justice" if they hadn't fired you?

(Great C'Thulhu, sometimes they make it too easy!))

No, I sought to get the dude arrested! It made no difference whatsoever in my situation. Nothing to do with their "reputation", the SOB was crooked, no more & no less. (He was shut down about a month later...unfortunately, he didn't get jail time.)
It was funny to listen to how full of themselves they always are, when they run the company off the cliff because they were soooo much smarter than we were.

Except for the part where we all lost our jobs, then.

That's your fault for depending on someone else to provide you a job. You chose to live life on someone else's terms. And from what I have learned of your business acumen I know why you have to depend on other people for a job.

Guy, your sides ability to brag they know what they are doing in business ENDED September, 2008. You never, ever get to claim you know what you are doing again.

Guess what, guy, there are more of us who collect paychecks than collect them.

You put your philosophy on the ballot last November- AND IT LOST!

Seems to me your sides knowledge of what it takes to run a business ended with Solyndra. All this talk about the worker, and "anti-CEO" hasn't done anything to help with the job market. In fact, all that philosophy has done was close the doors of opportunity towards hiring more workers, who then have to turn around and settle with earning a lower household income. There has been a historic moment with this administration alright, however its not the result of the United States re-electing their first black president. Rather its the historic moment of there being more part-time work for Americans than any other moment in history. That fact alone will consume and overshadow what little light of accomplishment Obama may look to gloat about. Talk all you want about your belief about the worker and your "so called" knowledge of how business ought to run, that rhetoric hasn't helped built this economy, in fact (over the last for years) it's helped to destroy it.
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And I wouldn't delay the surgery a day, quit and move on. It's all about moving on from one bad apple and go to someone who appreciates your efforts and respects you as a person. Sorry, you aren't finding them.

Oh, yeah quit the job and not have the MONEY to pay for the insurance. That'd be fucking smart. What kind of fucked up alternative universe do you live in?

Again, it would be better if we simply had a system of strong workers rights, than just tolerate the assholes of the world.

Incidently, I spent most of the next year trying to get the fuck out of that job, but didn't find one that paid as well with the economy imploding thanks to Republican Mismanagement at that time. I did eventually take a job that I had rejected four months earlier because it didn't pay enough. I'm still there today.
I was fired because I refused to sabotage customers' cars. Like you, I moved on.

(And I called the police, two newspapers, and a TV station on the crooked shop.)

So you didn't just lay down and take it. You sought legal recourse against your employer. In fact, you attempted to smear their reputation and legal status. If what you say is true, but honestly, you aren't exactly the picture of mental stability.

So would you have been this keen on "justice" if they hadn't fired you?

(Great C'Thulhu, sometimes they make it too easy!))

No, I sought to get the dude arrested! It made no difference whatsoever in my situation. Nothing to do with their "reputation", the SOB was crooked, no more & no less. (He was shut down about a month later...unfortunately, he didn't get jail time.)

You miss my point, and I don't know if it is because you are being intentionally obtuse or that you might have a slight learning disability.

You got fired. You sought revenge by putting the guy out of business.

I got fired. I got revenge by voting for Obama and forcing a lot of things on ALL employers they don't like much, but fuck them.
Stop ranting. That scenario is impossible. In order to do what you suggest, all similar items from ALL importers must have the same tariffs fixed.
Look, your idea of business falls far outside the boundaries of logic.
For reasons why manufacturing has suffered, why we no longer build furniture here, no textiles, electronics, etc look no further than your precious federal government. With their overbearing regulations and confiscatory taxes combined with these stupid free trade agreements, ran these businesses right out of the country.
The unions are also to blame. They made US labor rates non competitive.
Trade wars are stupid. Nobody wins.

The Germans have unions that are stronger than ours. So do teh Japanese. Japanese and German Unions even have a say in who the CEO's of their companies are. The German economy is still the world's biggest exporter, and Germany gets rich on her exports.

So the horseshit that the CEO's just needed to bust the unions to make us more competitive was bullshit. They did that, and we became LESS competitive.

I'm kind of coming to a conclusion you are some kind of high-functioning retard.
The obligation as you call it, is simple. The Employer compensates the employee at the agreed rate so as long as the employee performs assigned tasks to the satisfaction of the employer. The employee agrees to arrive to work on time every day. Show up for work every day he or she is scheduled to work. Show respect for superiors. Observe all rules set forth by the company. Pretty simple. The employer agrees to observe all state and federal labor laws. Pretty simple.

Okay, guess what... this employee we are discussing did all those things. She got fired because she voted for Obama.

Ancillary rewards benefits not associated with wages are subject to change at the discretion of the employer. Example, the employer elects to move their business to a new insurance carrier for employee health plan. Happens all the time.

Yes, it does. Thank you for pointing out why ending employer provided insurance and going to universal coverage would be a great idea. Oh, wait, I don't think that's what you meant.

The fact that this person may or may not have voted for one person or another is immaterial. The fact that because employment is at will, the person no longer has a job. She is free to work elsewhere. Of course if she is a chronic filer of lawsuits vs former employers, she may have a tough time finding work. Too bad.

Or she might get a big ass settlement and be able to retire for life...

Now...I will tell you for the last time. I do not believe your stories about gays, pregnant women or your excessive medical bills getting you fired.
"I know of"..."I have heard" or other personal anecdotes are just that, anecdotes. Keep them to yourself. I don't care.

of course you don't. You simply don't want to believe these things happen. Denial is a halmark of the Conservatard. Deny global warming, deny evolution, deny that the Europeans have strong worker rights and are better off than we are. Jesus Fucking Christ, you guys spend most of your lives pretending stuff isn't real.. and believing in stuff that isn't real. Like Supply Side Economics.

I will ignore the insult as just another fit of rage on your part.
Look, you view employment as an entitlement. You said so yourself. "Socialized nations guarantee everyone health care and a job"...It's not true but for purposes of responding to your rant, employment is earned. It is an opportunity. Not a birthright.
The only obligation an employer has is to pay the employee at an agreed rate. Other than that, all the business has to do is obey all state and federal labor laws. Everything else is up to the employee to show the employer that he or she is worth keeping their job and justifies any future increases in wage or promotion in rank within the company.
Pretty simple stuff.

I agree. So let's make the laws tougher. You can't fire an employee unless you show cause. If you can't show cause, it's going to cost you a SHITLOAD of m oney.

Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Yeah, and I got fired because the boss's wife didn't like I had to have a necessary surgery and missed over a month of work. Yet, my performance review was exceeding expectations, and I was over 150% of quota. So, guess what I did, I moved on. That is life.

I'll go you one better. My boss decided that even though I was in excrutiating pain, I couldn't take one day off for knee surgury. I had to delay that operation for a month because, hey, they were transitioning to new software and their might be complications, because no one else knew the ins and outs of the system we were transitioning too.

To this very day, I can't stand on that leg for more than a few hours.

So, yeah, I've moved on, with a bit of a limp.

It isn't about moving on, guy. It's about whether I should support an economic and political system that gives bosses the right to abuse employees with such impunity.

And frankly, I can't think of a good reason to. Quite the contrary, a system with strong workers rights would demand smarter bosses.

Contrary to what some may belief, I have found that unions aren't what they used to be. Like every other organization that gets too big, they lost sight of their original purpose, as it all "goes to their head". As they have grown they have become more consumed within their own hunger for greed and more power. Where is all the improvements to working conditions over the past 10 years? Where ARE their achievements ..... outside of pushing legislation to assimilate more workers into their organization?

Any big organization, no matter which side of the business table they are on, are going to find cases of "self interest". What I have learned, the only thing that can be counted on is your OWN self interest towards education, achievements, health, retirement, future outlook and opportunities. The ability to be self reliant is the greatest achievement you can obtain. Big government, unions, and bosses simply can't be counted on ... you have to step out, take control, and look after your own path in life.
Contrary to what some may belief, I have found that unions aren't what they used to be. Like every other organization that gets too big, they lost sight of their original purpose, as it all "goes to their head". As they have grown they have become more consumed within their own hunger for greed and more power. Where is all the improvements to working conditions over the past 10 years? Where ARE their achievements ..... outside of pushing legislation to assimilate more workers into their organization?

Any big organization, no matter which side of the business table they are on, are going to find cases of "self interest". What I have learned, the only thing that can be counted on is your OWN self interest towards education, achievements, health, retirement, future outlook and opportunities. The ability to be self reliant is the greatest achievement you can obtain. Big government, unions, and bosses simply can't be counted on ... you have to step out, take control, and look after your own path in life.

Yawn.... we don't need no government or no unions, we're a bunch of rugged individualists.

(My god, I hope they don't realize they can do more collectively than individually!)

The scary thing is, you probably believe this horseshit...
Ohio woman says she was fired for voting for Obama.
I believe this to be true, back in 2004 I fired some employees at a Casino in Las Vegas that I was part owners in, as soon as they announced that Dubya won, I had all the Dubya supporting shit talker fired the next day.
You should not talk politics at the work place, not just to be sensitive in the new age, it should be considered good advice, because it will save your job.
Ohio woman says she was fired for voting for Obama.
I believe this to be true, back in 2004 I fired some employees at a Casino in Las Vegas that I was part owners in, as soon as they announced that Dubya won, I had all the Dubya supporting shit talker fired the next day.
You should not talk politics at the work place, not just to be sensitive in the new age, it should be considered good advice, because it will save your job.

If you had read the women's story, you'd know that her boss allegedly asked employees how they voted.
And I wouldn't delay the surgery a day, quit and move on. It's all about moving on from one bad apple and go to someone who appreciates your efforts and respects you as a person. Sorry, you aren't finding them.

Oh, yeah quit the job and not have the MONEY to pay for the insurance. That'd be fucking smart. What kind of fucked up alternative universe do you live in?

Again, it would be better if we simply had a system of strong workers rights, than just tolerate the assholes of the world.

Incidently, I spent most of the next year trying to get the fuck out of that job, but didn't find one that paid as well with the economy imploding thanks to Republican Mismanagement at that time. I did eventually take a job that I had rejected four months earlier because it didn't pay enough. I'm still there today.
How do you make the great leap from internal company policy to politics?
We do have worker's rights. In state and federal labor law. What more would you like?
Guarantees to perpetual and unconditional job security with over market rate pay increases irrespective of market conditions or the health of the employer's business?
And the laughable contradiction...You took a job you believed did not pay enough to suit your needs. And you still work there..
Gotta ask, WHO made THAT CHOICE?
You are a seeker of entitlement. That's all.
You do not believe in work. You "put in time".
Stop ranting. That scenario is impossible. In order to do what you suggest, all similar items from ALL importers must have the same tariffs fixed.
Look, your idea of business falls far outside the boundaries of logic.
For reasons why manufacturing has suffered, why we no longer build furniture here, no textiles, electronics, etc look no further than your precious federal government. With their overbearing regulations and confiscatory taxes combined with these stupid free trade agreements, ran these businesses right out of the country.
The unions are also to blame. They made US labor rates non competitive.
Trade wars are stupid. Nobody wins.

The Germans have unions that are stronger than ours. So do teh Japanese. Japanese and German Unions even have a say in who the CEO's of their companies are. The German economy is still the world's biggest exporter, and Germany gets rich on her exports.

So the horseshit that the CEO's just needed to bust the unions to make us more competitive was bullshit. They did that, and we became LESS competitive.

I'm kind of coming to a conclusion you are some kind of high-functioning retard.

Another insult to be ignored based upon your instability.
Japan unions are much different from US labor unions. In Japan, unions do not have the right to strike as they do here in the US. Japan's unions are limited to the employees at one particular firm...
To use this as an example in your argument is false.
Germany also has unions. The fact is Western Europe is much more heavily unionized than other parts of the world. So what?
However nearly all German companies that have facilities here in the US are non union. Even the ones in the union heavy Northeast.
In most of your posts, I see a common refrain. "CEO's"...This is clearly not reason. It's obsession.
The US relative to the sheer size of the nation has the highest standard of living in the world. Our system while imperfect, does the best for the most.
One more time. If you don't think the system works for you, start your own business and set your own rules.
Okay, guess what... this employee we are discussing did all those things. She got fired because she voted for Obama.
Really? So claims the lawsuit. Who is to say she fulfilled her agreement with the employer. Once again, an employee is obligated to act in the best interest of their employer. Lest they be discharged from their duties.
I agree. So let's make the laws tougher. You can't fire an employee unless you show cause. If you can't show cause, it's going to cost you a SHITLOAD of m oney.

Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Right. This will only create an environment where business is perpetually defending lawsuits.
Don't be ridiculous.
"Show cause" is not required. And employment is not an entitlement. Get that through your head.
It is the way it is and it is the way it must be. Period.
Ohio woman says she was fired for voting for Obama.
I believe this to be true, back in 2004 I fired some employees at a Casino in Las Vegas that I was part owners in, as soon as they announced that Dubya won, I had all the Dubya supporting shit talker fired the next day.
You should not talk politics at the work place, not just to be sensitive in the new age, it should be considered good advice, because it will save your job.

If you had read the women's story, you'd know that her boss allegedly asked employees how they voted.

That may work for the media reporting on the lawsuit, but it won't wash in the real world.
As I previously stated, this woman's attorney will be buried in paper and motions for the next 5 years.
An "at will" employer retains absolute discretion as to whom they employ.
This is a fact that your side ignores.
Contrary to what some may belief, I have found that unions aren't what they used to be. Like every other organization that gets too big, they lost sight of their original purpose, as it all "goes to their head". As they have grown they have become more consumed within their own hunger for greed and more power. Where is all the improvements to working conditions over the past 10 years? Where ARE their achievements ..... outside of pushing legislation to assimilate more workers into their organization?

Any big organization, no matter which side of the business table they are on, are going to find cases of "self interest". What I have learned, the only thing that can be counted on is your OWN self interest towards education, achievements, health, retirement, future outlook and opportunities. The ability to be self reliant is the greatest achievement you can obtain. Big government, unions, and bosses simply can't be counted on ... you have to step out, take control, and look after your own path in life.

Yawn.... we don't need no government or no unions, we're a bunch of rugged individualists.

(My god, I hope they don't realize they can do more collectively than individually!)

The scary thing is, you probably believe this horseshit...

Cry me a river, why don't you.
Whatever has befallen the union movement in this country is self inflicted.
I will cite the Railroad Union. This is perhaps the most powerful union in the US. Work rules have changed little over decades.

When is the last time you saw a caboose on the as end of a freight train? Been a while.
Even with a powerful union as the one representing railroad workers, the union's insistence on keeping work rules pay and benefits which have had a direct causal effect in the closing or merger or federal takeover of rail companies has resulted in elimination of certain railroad jobs.
Union bosses will, with the threat of their business being adversely affected, will throw workers under the bus in a heartbeat.
When is the last time a union boss got shit canned?
And I wouldn't delay the surgery a day, quit and move on. It's all about moving on from one bad apple and go to someone who appreciates your efforts and respects you as a person. Sorry, you aren't finding them.

Oh, yeah quit the job and not have the MONEY to pay for the insurance. That'd be fucking smart. What kind of fucked up alternative universe do you live in?

Again, it would be better if we simply had a system of strong workers rights, than just tolerate the assholes of the world.

Incidently, I spent most of the next year trying to get the fuck out of that job, but didn't find one that paid as well with the economy imploding thanks to Republican Mismanagement at that time. I did eventually take a job that I had rejected four months earlier because it didn't pay enough. I'm still there today.

It's not Republican mismanagement more than an individual's responsibility to SELF manage. People need to learn to plan better and make wiser choices for their lives, after all you are a product of your own environment and you need to stop looking to blame everyone else for your troubles. People need to learn to properly plan during the good times, for the bad ones are certainly to come and take hold of one's life. I wish the public school system would actually spend less time on sex ed and put some time and emphasis into teaching some financial ed, to better equip graduates for the road ahead.
And I wouldn't delay the surgery a day, quit and move on. It's all about moving on from one bad apple and go to someone who appreciates your efforts and respects you as a person. Sorry, you aren't finding them.

Oh, yeah quit the job and not have the MONEY to pay for the insurance. That'd be fucking smart. What kind of fucked up alternative universe do you live in?

Again, it would be better if we simply had a system of strong workers rights, than just tolerate the assholes of the world.

Incidently, I spent most of the next year trying to get the fuck out of that job, but didn't find one that paid as well with the economy imploding thanks to Republican Mismanagement at that time. I did eventually take a job that I had rejected four months earlier because it didn't pay enough. I'm still there today.

It's not Republican mismanagement more than an individual's responsibility to SELF manage. People need to learn to plan better and make wiser choices for their lives, after all you are a product of your own environment and you need to stop looking to blame everyone else for your troubles. People need to learn to properly plan during the good times, for the bad ones are certainly to come and take hold of one's life. I wish the public school system would actually spend less time on sex ed and put some time and emphasis into teaching some financial ed, to better equip graduates for the road ahead.

Mentioning responsibility?...HOW DARE YOU!.....You'll be flogged in the town square at Dawn for that!
So you didn't just lay down and take it. You sought legal recourse against your employer. In fact, you attempted to smear their reputation and legal status. If what you say is true, but honestly, you aren't exactly the picture of mental stability.

So would you have been this keen on "justice" if they hadn't fired you?

(Great C'Thulhu, sometimes they make it too easy!))

No, I sought to get the dude arrested! It made no difference whatsoever in my situation. Nothing to do with their "reputation", the SOB was crooked, no more & no less. (He was shut down about a month later...unfortunately, he didn't get jail time.)

You miss my point, and I don't know if it is because you are being intentionally obtuse or that you might have a slight learning disability.

You got fired. You sought revenge by putting the guy out of business.

I got fired. I got revenge by voting for Obama and forcing a lot of things on ALL employers they don't like much, but fuck them.

No...I'll try using smaller words this time. I was told do do something dishonest. I flatly refused. I was fired because of it. Because the owner of the shop was crooked, I did my best to get the place shut down.

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