Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama

That may work for the media reporting on the lawsuit, but it won't wash in the real world.
As I previously stated, this woman's attorney will be buried in paper and motions for the next 5 years.
An "at will" employer retains absolute discretion as to whom they employ.
This is a fact that your side ignores.

Okay, in the real world. no one is going to pay for Lawyers at $400.00 an hour in billable hours for four years to fight a lawsuit from a woman who probably only wants a year or two in salary.

If this is"just about the money", that is.

I would. On principle. I would instruct my attorney to litigate this thing well into the next decade. If anything to send a message to the next greedy bastard that I am not living in fear of lawsuits.
I would imagine lots f businesses are taking the same path because they are sick of frivolous suits.
This one is crap..Goes nowhere.
BTW, many businesses have attorneys on staff or on retainer.

I'm sure there are..

This guy doesn't sound like one of them. If they had an attorney on staff, they'd have shut this idiot down when he said, "I'm gonna fire that bitch for voting for Obama!"

Of course, the best way to avoid lawsuits is to not do stupid shit. I suspect this guy is going to learn that lesson the hard way.

It's not Republican mismanagement more than an individual's responsibility to SELF manage. People need to learn to plan better and make wiser choices for their lives, after all you are a product of your own environment and you need to stop looking to blame everyone else for your troubles. People need to learn to properly plan during the good times, for the bad ones are certainly to come and take hold of one's life. I wish the public school system would actually spend less time on sex ed and put some time and emphasis into teaching some financial ed, to better equip graduates for the road ahead.

Even funnier than Conservatards are LibaTARDians...

Seriously, instead of voter ID, we need Retard ID.

No amount of planning in the world could have prepared ANYONE for the fuck up that was 2008.

And you reelected him.

2008 was a person?

Oh, wait, your OCD blames Obama for things that happened when Obama wasn't even in the presidency yet.

Obama sank the Titanic. And kidnapped the Lindberg baby. And shot Joseph Smith.
Contrary to what some may belief, I have found that unions aren't what they used to be. Like every other organization that gets too big, they lost sight of their original purpose, as it all "goes to their head". As they have grown they have become more consumed within their own hunger for greed and more power. Where is all the improvements to working conditions over the past 10 years? Where ARE their achievements ..... outside of pushing legislation to assimilate more workers into their organization?

Any big organization, no matter which side of the business table they are on, are going to find cases of "self interest". What I have learned, the only thing that can be counted on is your OWN self interest towards education, achievements, health, retirement, future outlook and opportunities. The ability to be self reliant is the greatest achievement you can obtain. Big government, unions, and bosses simply can't be counted on ... you have to step out, take control, and look after your own path in life.

Yawn.... we don't need no government or no unions, we're a bunch of rugged individualists.

(My god, I hope they don't realize they can do more collectively than individually!)

The scary thing is, you probably believe this horseshit...

There is a big difference in "talking" the big game, and actually living it and speaking from experience. You can settle with government bailing you out of your troubles, or you can actually choose to learn from your circumstances. You see ... anyone can whine and cry about their problems, how they want government to step in as the role of the parent to get them out if every sad "unfair" situation in their life ..... doesn't take very much effort in that. However, life is never fair, we were never GIVEN happiness, only the opportunity to pursue it based on our own efforts and willingness to accept failure as a basis to learn. THAT'S the only thing our Founders promised, and everyone has been given that same opportunity. Unfortunately some would rather whine about what others have, because its an easier road than the alternative. Give them the option, and you begin to see the "talk" from where the rubber meets the road. Everyone has been given that choice, it's all our Founders wanted ..... not to settle for the easy road and watch as they allow Government to do it for them. We have given the Federal Government way too much power and responsibility, a role it was never meant to have since its conception.
So you lasted less than a year, I'd looked for a job and jumped right away, I won't let any business my master. Sorry, you couldn't stand up for yourself, at least I now understand your thinking.

Oh, I was looking for a job... just nothing I liked... and of course, the economy was in a state of collapse.

I just didn't feel like taking a cut in pay right off the bat.

I don't intend to let any business be my master.

I also don't intend to keep voting for fuckwads who keep putting the interests of companies over working people.

There's simply no good reason for it.
Without those companies, there are no working people.
Hey road kill breath. I am on the side of working people. That's why I despise unions.
The reason why there are no brakemen or firemen or conductors on freight trains any longer is BECAUSE of union demands to keep ancient work rules.
Of course modern electronic switching and radio communication have lessened the need for crews larger than two on a fright train.

Oh, you think big companies are on the side of working people? Really?


So let me guess, you tried to get a cushy union job and they wouldn't take you. That's where all this anger comes from.

Keep guessing.
I would not join a union if there were only union jobs left to be had.
It's not anger, genius. It's reality.
Any problems unions face are self inflicted.
Yes, businesses MUST be careful to treat their key people( productive) well.
All others had better pick it up. Otherwise they may be asked to seek other opportunities.
Even funnier than Conservatards are LibaTARDians...

Seriously, instead of voter ID, we need Retard ID.

No amount of planning in the world could have prepared ANYONE for the fuck up that was 2008.

And you reelected him.

2008 was a person?

Oh, wait, your OCD blames Obama for things that happened when Obama wasn't even in the presidency yet.

Obama sank the Titanic. And kidnapped the Lindberg baby. And shot Joseph Smith.

Straw man argument.
Another example of your delusional beliefs.

It's not Republican mismanagement more than an individual's responsibility to SELF manage. People need to learn to plan better and make wiser choices for their lives, after all you are a product of your own environment and you need to stop looking to blame everyone else for your troubles. People need to learn to properly plan during the good times, for the bad ones are certainly to come and take hold of one's life. I wish the public school system would actually spend less time on sex ed and put some time and emphasis into teaching some financial ed, to better equip graduates for the road ahead.

Even funnier than Conservatards are LibaTARDians...

Seriously, instead of voter ID, we need Retard ID.

No amount of planning in the world could have prepared ANYONE for the fuck up that was 2008.

With all this "talk" about how much we need government, and how Obama would be the big government Savior for this economy ... I don't really see this big economic takeoff where everyone is prospering and people are out earning a lot more than they had before. Seems all this spending by this administration hasn't been the "key" to a growing economy as many on the left had boasted. Just look at the facts, they speak for themselves:

NOV 4, 2011 - ABC News
An estimated 46.2 million Americans lived in poverty last year, or 15.1 percent, the highest rate since 1993, new data from the Census Bureau released today showed.

While the poverty rate rose and the median household income declined, the number of people without health insurance coverage rose to 49.9 million, up 900,000 since 2009. But at the same time, the number of insured increased to 256.2 million from 255.3 million

U.S. Poverty Rate Up, Household Income Down - ABC News

US Real Median Household Income Trends since 2007
2012 Census ACS data(including 2012 national household income numbers) will be released in September of 2013.

The real median household income for the peaked in 2007 and is now $4,537 (8.24%) lower.

US Household Income | Department of Numbers

No matter how you measure it, the dollar is losing value over the long-term. Here's why:

1. The U.S. debt is more than $16 trillion. Foreign holders of this debt are concerned that the U.S. will let the dollar value decline so the relative value of its debt is less.

2. The large debt could force the U.S. to raise taxes to pay it off, which would slow economic growth.

3. As more countries join or trade with the European Union, demand for the euro increases.

4. Foreign investors are diversifying their portfolios with more non-dollar denominated assets.

5. As the dollar loses value, investors are less likely to hold assets in dollars as they wait for the decline to stop.

Under Obama, the Dollar Value Compared to Euro:

2012 - The dollar lost value against the euro, as it appeared the eurozone crisis was being managed. By the end of 2012, the euro was worth $1.3186.

2011 - The dollar's value against the euro fell 10%, then regained ground. As of December 30, 2011, the euro was worth $1.2973.

2010 - The Greece debt crisis strengthened the dollar. By year end, the euro was only worth $1.32.

2009 - The dollar fell 20% thanks to debt fears. By December, the euro was worth $1.43.
Guess the words were still too big. Revenge would have been burning the dude's house down and/or taking a hammer to his knees & elbows. I shut a crooked shop down. (He's not the only one I have called on.)

How interesting. You've sought revenge on SEVERAL employers.

I got to give you credit, usually I'm like, "Whatever, dude". Only really did the revenge thing once.

Obviously, you don't have the testicles to burn down the guys house or commit assault, but man, you'll get totally passive aggressive getting teh government you hate to do your dirty work for you.

Just as long as they aren't giving food to poor people or nothin' like that... bunch of socialists.

God and goddess, this is like dealing with a mental patient. I have not sought revenge on ANY employers. I have called police and/or media on crooked shops! Read, pay attention, understand, and think! Are you STUPID, is your reading comprehension THAT BAD, or are you just trolling?
Not sure what your point is here, other than your anger at working people.

Actually, I know a guy who had a job at the railroad, he quit it after a year because it was so dangerous. But you guys would cheat those guys out of a fair wage.

Actually, railroad jobs aren't especially dangerous. Try again!

Actually, my friend's buddy was killed on the job, so , yeah, they are.

That anecdote notwithstanding, they're actually not. Offhand, I am more likely to die on the job than a railroad worker. Railroad workers do not make the list of 10 most dangerous jobs...but I'm #8 on that list.

Stop emoting and think. I promise it won't hurt!

There is a big difference in "talking" the big game, and actually living it and speaking from experience. You can settle with government bailing you out of your troubles, or you can actually choose to learn from your circumstances. You see ... ....

Guy, you're just talking a lot of blah, blah, blah horseshit I stopped believing years ago.

If you want to live on your knees to big corporations, knock yourself out, and then tell everyone what a success you are on the internets...
Guess the words were still too big. Revenge would have been burning the dude's house down and/or taking a hammer to his knees & elbows. I shut a crooked shop down. (He's not the only one I have called on.)

How interesting. You've sought revenge on SEVERAL employers.

I got to give you credit, usually I'm like, "Whatever, dude". Only really did the revenge thing once.

Obviously, you don't have the testicles to burn down the guys house or commit assault, but man, you'll get totally passive aggressive getting teh government you hate to do your dirty work for you.

Just as long as they aren't giving food to poor people or nothin' like that... bunch of socialists.

God and goddess, this is like dealing with a mental patient. I have not sought revenge on ANY employers. I have called police and/or media on crooked shops! Read, pay attention, understand, and think! Are you STUPID, is your reading comprehension THAT BAD, or are you just trolling?

No, I read it loud and clear.

They fired you. You got revenge.

The reason why they fired you is irrelevent.

You got revenge.

Nothing wrong with revenge, I'm all fucking for it.

Just don't try to dress it up as something nice.
Without those companies, there are no working people.

HOrseshit. We could nationalize every industry and there would be plenty of jobs.

Not saying we SHOULD do that. In most cases, we probably shouldn't.

But the Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you he's a vital organ.

Words never spoken in a working class bar...

"My Boss is a Fuckin' Genius."
So you lasted less than a year, I'd looked for a job and jumped right away, I won't let any business my master. Sorry, you couldn't stand up for yourself, at least I now understand your thinking.

Oh, I was looking for a job... just nothing I liked... and of course, the economy was in a state of collapse.

I just didn't feel like taking a cut in pay right off the bat.

I don't intend to let any business be my master.

I also don't intend to keep voting for fuckwads who keep putting the interests of companies over working people.

There's simply no good reason for it.

Neither would I, that's why I won't be fooled by Democrats or Republican lies.

What amazes me is dumb shits that think Democrat put working people's interests over companies.
How interesting. You've sought revenge on SEVERAL employers.

I got to give you credit, usually I'm like, "Whatever, dude". Only really did the revenge thing once.

Obviously, you don't have the testicles to burn down the guys house or commit assault, but man, you'll get totally passive aggressive getting teh government you hate to do your dirty work for you.

Just as long as they aren't giving food to poor people or nothin' like that... bunch of socialists.

God and goddess, this is like dealing with a mental patient. I have not sought revenge on ANY employers. I have called police and/or media on crooked shops! Read, pay attention, understand, and think! Are you STUPID, is your reading comprehension THAT BAD, or are you just trolling?

No, I read it loud and clear.

They fired you. You got revenge.

The reason why they fired you is irrelevent.

You got revenge.

Nothing wrong with revenge, I'm all fucking for it.

Just don't try to dress it up as something nice.

I give up. You are too stupid to bother with.

Neither would I, that's why I won't be fooled by Democrats or Republican lies.

What amazes me is dumb shits that think Democrat put working people's interests over companies.

What amazes me is that you think squealing "They're just both as bad" is really an argument.

Keep in mind, the big whine about Obama is that he DID put working people's interests first. The Auto Bailout, the Bank Overhall, ObamaCare... big companies hated the shit out of that stuff because they can't screw with working people as much.

"Eeeeeek! Socialism!" the trained morons who listen to Hate Radio squeal on command.
God and goddess, this is like dealing with a mental patient. I have not sought revenge on ANY employers. I have called police and/or media on crooked shops! Read, pay attention, understand, and think! Are you STUPID, is your reading comprehension THAT BAD, or are you just trolling?

No, I read it loud and clear.

They fired you. You got revenge.

The reason why they fired you is irrelevent.

You got revenge.

Nothing wrong with revenge, I'm all fucking for it.

Just don't try to dress it up as something nice.

I give up. You are too stupid to bother with.

I've made my point. If you were truly concerned about them ripping off their customers, you'd have reported them long before they fired you.

Neither would I, that's why I won't be fooled by Democrats or Republican lies.

What amazes me is dumb shits that think Democrat put working people's interests over companies.

What amazes me is that you think squealing "They're just both as bad" is really an argument.

Keep in mind, the big whine about Obama is that he DID put working people's interests first. The Auto Bailout, the Bank Overhall, ObamaCare... big companies hated the shit out of that stuff because they can't screw with working people as much.

"Eeeeeek! Socialism!" the trained morons who listen to Hate Radio squeal on command.

Really, Obamacare pays off insurance companies, they will be in fat city. Auto bailout, helped GM and Chyrsler and paid off his union debt. Now lets talk about giving those banks billions to stay a float while the homeowners went bankrupt at record levels.

What the hell are you talking about Socialism for? Is that a knee jerk answer to everything?

Each party gets billions a year from business, that is a fact, and both parties help the businesses that align with them.
No, I read it loud and clear.

They fired you. You got revenge.

The reason why they fired you is irrelevent.

You got revenge.

Nothing wrong with revenge, I'm all fucking for it.

Just don't try to dress it up as something nice.

I give up. You are too stupid to bother with.

I've made my point. If you were truly concerned about them ripping off their customers, you'd have reported them long before they fired you.

God and goddess, it's like talking with a mental patient off his medication: I didn't know it until I was told to do it! I feel like I am trying to explain something to my cats! You have made no point, never have, and likely never will.
Really, Obamacare pays off insurance companies, they will be in fat city. Auto bailout, helped GM and Chyrsler and paid off his union debt. Now lets talk about giving those banks billions to stay a float while the homeowners went bankrupt at record levels.

What the hell are you talking about Socialism for? Is that a knee jerk answer to everything?

Each party gets billions a year from business, that is a fact, and both parties help the businesses that align with them.

No, it's your kneejerk answer for everything, guy.

I realize Obama can't take on the big monied interests directly. At best, he can save them from themselves.

Which is a sad commentary.

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